
Work Conditions Quotes

There are 51 quotes

"People are, in many cases in this country, working longer hours for low wages."
"Americans are held captive by corporations, forced to work absurd hours for basic benefits."
"In America, if you work 40 hours a week you should not be living in poverty."
"This was a sweatshop, this was a horrible experience, and what they ended up creating was one of the most original things on TV."
"97% of involved workers responded in favor of continuing the 4-day workweek."
"We've seen what it's like in supermarkets and I can only imagine how it feels if you've come off a long shift in the NHS."
"No one who works full-time should have to live in poverty."
"Why the hell is the guy or girl that's not in the truck making more money than the guy or girl that's in the truck? So you gotta be smarter."
"But the thing that folks keep emphasizing is that this ultimately isn't really about money, it's about the working conditions, it's about the quality of life for people working on the railroads given everything that we're talking about here."
"To call what someone is doing in these situations a side hustle is just sugar-coating a shitty situation."
"It felt like a lot of weight on your feet because you've been standing literally eight hours all day."
"The labor market looks absolutely terrific, but yet look at the other side, ours worked in average weekly hours have plummeted down to nearly the pandemic lows."
"I cannot say thank you enough. It's hot, it's dusty, the whole shooting match, you know?"
"If you work 40 hours a week, you should not be living in poverty."
"This last year and a half crunching in Andromeda was the worst they'd ever experienced."
"It's probably the best job for a whole lot of people."
"Modern-day working conditions are terrible, work should not be a necessity but a choice."
"We have a choice... there is a path where we see increasing inequality... or we can go down a path where we make sure that people have decent secure well-paid work."
"Terrible working conditions, unlawful hours, and shockingly low pay were the realities."
"I just really hope that things get better for the animators who are working on Jiu-Jitsu Kaizen."
"They prefer to work either in twilight or the dark or in shady environments like forest canopies."
"If you make a hundred and ten thousand dollars in your salary position, you don't need overtime. But if you make 36 or 37,000, the idea that you can work a 12-hour day and not get paid any OT for it makes absolutely no sense whatsoever."
"Playing most AAA games and knowing behind the scenes some of the people who work on them and the sort of things that are demanded of them, it’s hard for me to want to work in that industry."
"Hope you guys are staying healthy and safe, inside your house, unless you're being forced to work, which is inhumane."
"It was the best job I ever had because of the conditions."
"Is it a job with privilege and like a lot of leeway and things like that yes but is it still a job?"
"We should remember that many are struggling working under extraordinary pressure, and this will have long-term effects."
"You don't see a lot of kids working the coal mines anymore."
"Summer, you got your mail delivery people working in minus 20."
"Crunch is one of the worst parts of this industry."
"Living under the conditions of divisions of labour within the factory for ten hours a day... it's very difficult to have the courage of your mind."
"Imagine how frustrating it would be if you went to work and some days I know you have an eight-hour shift, but today you're gonna work 19 hours. She would not like that because it's not as advertised."
"We know that these job conditions these kinds of stressors pose a danger to people to human beings."
"We're making drivers' lives a hell of a lot better."
"It's the terms and conditions of the job that determine whether or not people want to do it."
"It's become like the most vicious of circles; people are leaving the profession because the working conditions are so unbearable."
"Jim's a nice guy; he'll give you decent hours, a decent wage, and plenty of breaks."
"Even though your specific decibel measurements have gotten slightly better, you still have the same problems under the ordinary conditions of life and work that your current rating should still be maintained."
"He speaks well of the Owens who he says are righteous men who do not beat me nor calls me bad names nor subjects me to hunger, nakedness, or hard work."
"You should pay for porn. Not only will this keep it out of the hands of children, but it'll improve the working conditions of porn actors."
"They told me you were coming, even though it should be illegal to work in this temperature, I made muffins, take them, you deserve it."
"Born into utter poverty... if they're going to work 24 hours a day for 22,000 pesos a month or 40 bucks, of course, they get free housing and food."
"Working in such conditions greatly expedites one's skill growth."
"We believe in a living wage, we believe in safe working conditions, we believe in reasonable hours, we believe in pro-union."
"It's amazing they are working back in these conditions."
"It's actual people who want to work and are working in safe conditions and are doing good."
"To oblige men to work for 37 hours continuously without sleep, besides being cruel, is also uneconomical."
"Workers should not be exploited and be forced to give extraordinary effort in order to save money or in order to hire fewer workers or in order to get things quicker."