
Change Anticipation Quotes

There are 56 quotes

"We are at the doorstep of a great change; it is like the calm before a storm."
"That's why it felt very important to me to go to Star Wars land soon after it opened and catch all those strange and interesting things which might be changed or abandoned later."
"Whatever you're hoping for, you're about to receive—all those butterflies represent change and they're all golden."
"People need to at least prepare for if things change drastically."
"Our journey may be long, our work will be great, but we know in our hearts we are ready for change."
"The days of the visits will soon be over. Yes, a new world is coming."
"We are on the cusp of major change. The only thing that makes sense is expecting change; ignoring it is definitely not the answer."
"I believe a lot of things will radically change over the next three to five years."
"I think things are gonna change a little bit."
"Hold your vision. The answers you need are coming. Expect powerful change."
"The next 40 years will look very different than the last 40 years."
"The next 20 years are very critical that I think that's when the change will happen there we go I'm hoping even tomorrow."
"I think we're going to see more change in the next year in market structure than we've seen since 1975."
"We are on the brink of a dramatic change... we're about to abandon the traditional system of money and accounting."
"Change will come when the ratings are at impact levels, and when that day comes, I'll still be laughing."
"There are some big changes coming around the corner."
"Things are gonna be a little bit different from here on out."
"Looking forward to seeing what else will change."
"Change is coming because for some reason 2020 you got something to deliver to the world."
"It's about the change so that's what keeps me going."
"We're about to see a bit of a shake-up in the status quo."
"Things are going to change once you get into your company, but that doesn't mean it's not worth it."
"Just remember guys, slowly and then suddenly."
"Everything is going to shift, it is a very, very auspicious time."
"We're coming to some event in the very near future, and it's going to be a 24-hour event that, once the event happens, you know, the world will change forever."
"It's going to shift. I think we might see people leaving their covenants and moving to the ones that they're starting to see more widespread notoriety of."
"There's a lot of stuff that will be changing and a lot of stuff that will be staying the same but it's nice to at least stay on top of the things that are changing."
"It'll change history forever, and there have been so many along the way, prophesying it would never happen."
"Expecting the fact that the way that it's going to be is the way that it'll always be. Things are changing right now, and if you play your cards right, they are going to change for the better."
"Accept your present situation for what it is, but with expectation and intention for change."
"It's not going to be long before there will be so many cracks in the system."
"Once the change happens, that's when you're going to see it."
"Are you ready for what's coming? Because I see a lot, I definitely see new people, new connections, and for some of you possibly a change of job."
"Time's up... we're getting ready to enter into what I've heard described as the worst of times and the best of times."
"Everything you're seeing now is gonna get turned 180 degrees."
"There will be a before drift and an after drift."
"We'll wake up and then there it is, changes the whole world."
"This is monumental and all of the astrological events that are piling up right now are going to create the biggest change we have seen thus so far."
"We have the power to dream, to keep our eye out for any changes on the way through adventure."
"There's no reason to expect anything to change at United unless we see change."
"There is now a very big opening in British politics."
"If April has been topsy-turvy, know that the end is near."
"The year 2023 is going to be completely different."
"This summer has to be the one that is different."
"This time it will be different. Trust it. The outcome will be different this time with whatever's coming in for you."
"We are in for some huge changes in the days ahead... be prepared for those."
"Pennywise is an abstraction of a larger concept in the dream of the movie penny wise is real he's scary he has real depth to his character in a story all his own but he is both real and unreal."
"It's never really about the destination, it's about how this impending change is making us feel."
"Expect powerful change; April is going to be a big month for us all."
"Dubai confidently declared that everything would be different from that point onward."
"The clouds had much to say about the Winds of Change, gentlemen. Dangers and opportunities."
"When that time comes, the world will change! That's what the legend says."
"I am very hopeful of real change in America."
"Expect powerful change coming in."
"This is the life change that you need, that you're waiting for."