
Celebrity Challenges Quotes

There are 79 quotes

"It feels like as a public person, if you ever have a bad moment, that's gonna be remembered ten times more than any good moment that you have."
"You've got to be brave now because when we arrive there, they're gonna be probably 120 photographers. And that's what you're gonna probably get now for the rest of your life."
"It's different when you're famous and broke. That's a weird feeling."
"Just because my dad is who he is doesn't mean I don't get sad."
"If you make a huge ass out of yourself publicly and get a hate train against you in the public eye, you're probably going to get dipped. That's how it works when you're an actor or an actress."
"It's how far someone can fall when they get into the public spotlight."
"Jaclyn Hill might actually really honestly and truly get her ass sued This Time by someone that's not going to play around."
"After years of scandals and court cases, Michael Jackson reemerged on the music stage."
"Not only does the song highlight the stressful situation celebrities experience with the paparazzi, it also points out how frequent these incidents were at the time."
"Faye said that that death had a big impact on the family and that it especially took a big toll on Britney's father Jamie Spears."
"Being a sex symbol is a heavy load to carry."
"It's harder for them just because the attention is so ubiquitous."
"Gina Carano has essentially been completely blacklisted now."
"Everyone, from an A-list celeb even, deals with these issues."
"Your fans can never get enough until they kill you."
"Although having such private moments...the scandal followed him wherever he went."
"With Chef P's slowly declining fame and the massive goal she had set for a fundraiser, it's safe to say that she isn't hitting that goal anytime soon."
"Not a lot of people are lucky enough to be held accountable for their past [ __ ] in front of the entire world."
"If Elon was spending money for a private rotating address to avoid being doxed and it wasn't working he was still getting doxed I'm not surprised that he would eventually say enough."
"It's a scary world being famous, okay? Do you think John Morant has ever carried a gun during a game?"
"But it's been quite a few things, but that's just what people do when you become a public figure."
"Show as much love as possible to Ridge and just wait for Scientology to try to send Ridge a bunch of hate mail."
"A lot of times, having wealth and/or notoriety became a prison."
"Elon in the next 30, 60, 90 days is gonna get hit up from every different angle."
"Lisa herself has also gone as far to say that she understood Michael Jackson's life under Paparazzi scrutiny."
"It's quite obvious that we're witnessing a man going through something very severe."
"Chris Rock's demeanor changes when he talks about the slap."
"Love you guys peace support Melly listen to his music man and I hope you know he can get out of this somehow but from what I'm seeing it man it sucks as a fan me speaking as a fan it sucks peace."
"The media reports on PewDiePie and scrutinizes PewDiePie weigh more heavily than anything else, so it could easily give the impression that he is worse of a person than he is."
"If your fame gets so out ahead of where your skill is that can start to work against you."
"I think it's clear when there's something called the Nicki hate train that I'm not just pulling something out of the sky here."
"We can't walk out, we can't walk down the street, we can't take a picture, we can't be with our families, we can't celebrate, we can't have me-time, we can't do anything without someone being very judgmental about our bodies."
"Many have gone on to describe fame as a prison."
"Being an idol comes with its own trials and tribulations, but imagine being at the peak of your career and subtly losing your ability to perform overnight."
"Jay-Z did not have to compete within a world of social media."
"I receive hundreds of death threats regularly, if not daily."
"Seeing other people constantly go after him, it was like you saw it over time slowly wear him down."
"Kevin Hart is slowly losing that star power, and I feel like it's really bothering him."
"Money and fame doesn't mean that you don't have day-to-day problems that cause you stress or worry or make you sad or angry."
"Fame is a magnifying glass for any issues that you have with yourself."
"Child stars are a vulnerable group, with their stories often not ending well."
"Vivian Lee: admired for her intense acting talent and beauty, her path to success and tumultuous marriage to Sir Lawrence Olivier were marked by difficulties and questionable ethics."
"Stone Cold Steve Austin was a ticking time bomb waiting to explode: health problems, professional problems, personal problems."
"My role is to survive and thrive in the public eye."
"There's nothing more chilling than waking up to like uh somebody from your management or something going have you been on twitter today."
"Social media is the worst thing that ever happened to you celebrities like real talk."
"If you are in the public eye, and you are not able to consider and respond to every ounce of criticism that is thrown your way, valid or not then you don't deserve to be there."
"There's a decrease in happiness that occurs when the fame level exceeds that which is useful."
"If God loves you, he makes you a star. If he hates you, he makes your child a star."
"Few people know that the 'Cherish the Day' singer was once detained and banned from an entire country for over four years."
"Fame and more importantly the things people don't often talk about when it comes to fame like how fleeting it is."
"Yes, perhaps you were chased a bit, but was it any worse than anything else a celebrity has seen? Probably not."
"Surely Quantum TV wouldn't be trying to go after me and The Ant-Man... for 'copyright infringement.'"
"Tabloids are always your enemy. They will always turn on you."
"Why would I sacrifice my family for a few fans? That's not worth it to me. It really isn't."
"People say well he paid off one of the accusers but that was what he was advised to do because they thought it would make it go away and then it ended up making it worse." - On Michael Jackson's controversies
"Nobody's stable as they're a teenager if you find fame when you're a teenager you're definitely not going to be stable."
"When failure does appear in front of a reputed and experienced star like Amir Khan, one internalizes and processes it in their own way."
"The dangers of success for a young actor could be that you're just looking for fans."
"Drake started getting into his legal trouble."
"I want Tati to clear the air because until she does, her career's gonna be on a decline."
"This isn't the first time BTS has been shunned, put down, or bullied."
"Jones' journey reflects the challenges of navigating Fame at a young age and the subsequent pursuit of a more private and spiritual life."
"How can I have all these fans and perspire like lifespans? I'm on fire."
"Celebrities are regular real human beings... caught in a very messy situation just like with Rihanna and Chris Brown."
"Nicolas Cage, who is not good at fighting but is driving a car, wins the celebrity super fight round one."
"He wanted to be taken as a serious artist and instead people became obsessed with his real life."
"They still are there, you know? Tons of people, it's amazing. Like, I get constantly reminded when I'm out in public, because, you know, I get death threats."
"Stores sell lists everywhere, uh, well, a lot of times you'll find like, I say so-called fans on the internet which is, uh, kind of a problem sometimes."
"I think it's the society that we live in versus Mo'Nique."
"It's sad that we don't have a support system that helps us develop as men as we develop as stars."
"There's no turning that off, you know. There's no escaping once your face is out there, once people know who you are."
"It's difficult being the most famous person there."