
Decomposition Quotes

There are 142 quotes

"We use what's here, decay doesn't have to disgust. It brings new life."
"Nobody learned how to break lignin down, there was just a bunch of stuff on the ground."
"Dead bodies can look like they’re covered in soap. This is known as saponification."
"The decomposition tree is an amazing tool for understanding contributing factors to your business performance."
"Clinically known as adipocere, it’s a waxy product caused by decomposition of body fat."
"They will break down and you will see good fertility added to your garden."
"Bones will disintegrate and the flesh will preserve."
"The more I thought about the organisms that decompose the world and the more questions I asked about these organisms, the more I always led to these mysterious fungi that seem to oversee so many of these natural transformations."
"Mother Nature breaks down organic matter all every day of the year, and she doesn't care what your C to N ratio is."
"The fungi, which are also a major part of the process, come in and do their work."
"It's a crucial stage in composting where microorganisms, particularly heat-loving bacteria, dominate the decomposition process."
"Leaf litter is very, very essential to the process."
"What we want to do for a compost pile is move the inside to the outside and the outside to the inside so all the material can break down."
"Let's perform the tedious partial fraction decomposition."
"What becomes of these ashes? They are likely to eventually find their way into the soil, becoming integrated into the structure of plants."
"Everything that's growing is composting, everything that's dead is decomposing, and all the cells and all the structure of all the plants and all the animals all have to decompose and the things that do that is the bacteria and the fungus."
"My parents are actively, it's like a repeating sort of clip of them decomposing like that one guy from that one clip in 'Raider of the Lost Ark' where he kind of melts the wax."
"If it wasn't for saprophytic fungi, this whole forest would be piled deep in wood that never rots away."
"The Tracturn compost mixer accelerates decomposition of various organic waste forms, promoting uniform decomposition yielding nutrient-rich compost suitable for various composting activities."
"It isn't easy to become a fossil; the fate of nearly all living organisms is to compost down to nothingness."
"This bloody piece of tissue had not decomposed after three years, impossible to understand."
"The balancing among all opinions, the toleration of all kinds of behavior moral or religious parallelism are the mark of the society in full decomposition."
"The fish decomposes pretty quick. It incorporates into the soil. So by the time that root system makes it down six inches deep, right about the time we really need a boost of nutrients for our plant, it just explodes."
"The corpses are in various states of Decay ranging from well preserved to skeletal."
"Engines will eventually decompose and turn back into atoms."
"Water does a lot of things to the body, it washes things away, it puts microbes on the body, it accelerates some types of decomposition, and it's a good place to hide something for a period of time."
"Nature is going to naturally decompose back to the Earth, that's just nature."
"All vector fields can be decomposed this way and this is called the Helmholtz decomposition."
"So any vector field can be broken up into an irrotational part and an incompressible part."
"Whale fall. Yeah, when a whale dies it sinks and becomes a feast for creatures at the bottom of the sea."
"Break it down to five things and keep breaking those five things down until there's nothing left to break down."
"Many of these microorganisms will decompose the chemical or synthetic materials that we have put into the soil."
"You start with a hard sounding problem, then you break it into simpler and simpler pieces."
"If you think about a prairie soil in its natural state you would have some organic matter breaking down in there."
"The decomposition process starts the moment you're born... Now we're decomposing, now we're buried. In fact, we are dead."
"It's always helpful to look at dung and how quickly it breaks down. If things are healthy and going well, it'll break down very, very quickly and be incorporated into the soil."
"The material cycle will be closed by decomposers - all life eventually needs to be recycled around those basic building blocks again to be reused, or life won't last long."
"All that decomposition is really, really good for the seed that sits inside of the mango."
"There always exists U and V such that A can be decomposed as U * Sigma * V transpose."
"Soil is the biology in the compost that's gonna continue to break down the organic matter."
"We split it up into its representation and its behavior."
"Akad dotnet makes it really great to break down big problems into small ones."
"Composting is like an alchemical process that degrades pretty well everything actually."
"Composting is not difficult, but you do need to get a lot of material to get a worthwhile decomposition."
"That trunk smelled like a dead body. The trunk of my daughter's car smelled like human decomposition."
"Biodegradability is the ability of a substance to be broken down by biological agents."
"So, what the Markov structure allows us to do, with the fact that the present that the future is independent of the past given the present, is it allows us to decompose the value function."
"We need to be searching for ways of decomposing and recomposing solutions, and category theory is just like this wonderful reservoir of ideas about composing and decomposing things."
"All natural numbers are either prime numbers or they can be expressed as a product of prime numbers."
"If you look at states that are very far away from the vacuum State, the decomposition itself will change."
"When faced with different bases, break it down."
"The world would be smothered in corpses were it not for nature's gravediggers."
"Express 56 as a product of prime factors."
"The first part allows us to decompose any multivariate distribution into margins and copula."
"The breakdown of wood is quite significant and quite unique to fungi, I personally believe that it's fungi that kickstart the breakdown of wood everywhere."
"What does biodegradable mean? It means breaking down a substance using microorganisms."
"Electrolysis is using direct current to break down ionic compounds into the elements they're made from."
"Nature eventually did its thing and got rid of the whale carcass without any casualties."
"When a big whale like a blue whale, the biggest animal to ever exist, just dies... it becomes as it decomposes an entire ecosystem on its own, and it's actually very fascinating."
"All that is composed shall be decomposed; everything returns to its root."
"Nature doesn't till things into the ground; nature drops things onto the surface."
"Microbes decompose organic matter and convert it to plant usable nutrients."
"After a year, the body would have decomposed, and then the bones were collected and then re-interred."
"Emphasize thinking in React, thinking about how it is that we take an application that we're going for, decompose it into pieces, and then try and put it back together."
"Cracking is essentially a decomposition reaction."
"I have a chemistry background, so I knew that any compound can be broken down."
"This is technically what we call partial fraction decomposition."
"You can call the autotrophic bacteria the decomposers of the bio world."
"Having a large diverse group of creatures small and large... is going to more completely and quickly break down dead decaying matter."
"They provide a very essential role in the environment of breaking stuff down."
"The Fourier transform at its heart is just a mathematical tool that decomposes a signal, any signal, into a sinusoidal component."
"I saw the shadow standing at my doorway; his face was decomposing, and he still had that horrific smile."
"If I've done my job well, then in about four days this will be up at least over 100 degrees, hopefully up closer to 140 degrees and well on its way to breaking down."
"Their decomposition sustains the ground below, insects feed and reproduce, and grass grows from the fertilized plot of land."
"The most important thing in all of computer science problem decomposition."
"It can take up to a thousand years for plastics to completely decompose."
"Without fungus, the world would be piled high with the dead plant of past centuries."
"We will see how we can decompose uncertainty into epistemic and aleatory components."
"Every positive whole number can be decomposed, can be expressed in a unique way as products of prime numbers."
"Maple Leaves are the best, my favorite leaf, nice and thin, they break down quick and they're loaded with nutrients."
"The big one I always like to get at is decomposition, the idea of taking a big problem and cutting it into pieces."
"Any periodic function can be decomposed into a series of sine waves."
"Fungi are decomposing organisms... vital in cycling nutrients back around ecosystems."
"Fungi are these bridges between life and death... they are just like we consume dead animal and plant matter and are essentially decomposers or perhaps recomposers of the natural world."
"About 50% of the nitrogen deposits in a forest actually come from decomposing lichens."
"The mycelium has this potent ability to demineralize rock and digest organic material."
"It's always nice to give a little bit back to nature where some logs can just rot down naturally and the bugs love it."
"Nutrition in Rhizopus is important for the environment because it helps in the decomposition of organic matter and the recycling of nutrients."
"Decomposition breaks down a complex problem into smaller parts which can be divided into even smaller parts that can be solved easily."
"Decomposition is where you break down a complex problem into smaller problems and solve them individually."
"Decomposition is a technique to simplify problems by breaking them down into smaller sub-problems."
"Decomposition is breaking down a problem into sub-problems that each represent a specific task."
"Something susceptible to decomposition is said to be biodegradable."
"We're taking a very complex organic molecule and breaking it down to very simple constituents that are benign and chemically inert."
"Decomposition is such an important one that as students start computing these facts, I want them to start thinking of other ways they can decompose numbers."
"No matter how many vectors you have... all you have to do is break every vector you have into X components and Y components."
"The score model decomposes the 10 level 1 performance metrics to include level 2 and level 3 performance metrics."
"Fungi help the dead organic matter to decay and help to recycle the nutrients."
"Most fungi are saprobes, microbes that feed on dead or decaying matter."
"It kills weed seeds and it breaks down inorganic materials like pesticides and herbicides."
"Anything organic that is going to rot, decompose, and eventually release nutrients into the soil can be called an organic fertilizer."
"It's incredible how efficient our cleanup crews in the bush are."
"Group two carbonates and nitrates can decompose upon heating."
"We're averaging out all of this noise with the singular value decomposition."
"The idea behind the fast Fourier transform algorithm is to decompose the computation of the discrete Fourier transform into a set of subsequences."
"We can write the nth order DFT as a sum over even indices and odd indices."
"We're decomposing the set permutation into cyclic set permutations on the subsets of this set of eight elements."
"In terrestrial environments, fungi are the dominant decomposer in the world."
"The proximal operator decomposes over every individual coordinate."
"This is called decomposition, and this decomposition of that original relation I showed you before is better."
"Biodegradable means that something can break down naturally by microorganisms."
"As logs decay, they provide habitat for a succession of many organisms that add, conserve, or convert nutrients within the ecosystem."
"Whale carcasses take decades to fully decompose and can provide food for an entire ecosystem on the dark depths of the ocean floor."
"We study human decomposition to better understand the process, to help police determine more accurate times of death in a variety of settings."
"We can divide a big machine into sub-machines; any program can be broken down into different functions."
"To create complicated 3D objects, you will have to divide them into simple formats."
"The more terms in the decomposition, the greater the efficiency that can be obtained in implementing the transform."
"They digest and clean up the corpses of monsters."
"We are going to break that complex distribution into many small parts."
"Worms love leaves; they crawl through it, they chew them, they digest them, they excrete worm castings."
"The 3D printed pot is beginning to decompose; it's just made of PLA plastic, which is a biodegradable plastic."
"They break down and eat dead and decaying organic material."
"Decomposition is far more variable in reality than it's depicted in television movies."
"Singular value decomposition is very important in many areas of science."
"Any periodic function can be decomposed into a sum of exponentials \( e^{j k \omega_0 t} \), allowing us to analyze the response of a linear time-invariant system to any arbitrary periodic function."
"The body will just decompose and eventually break down and completely nourish the soil."
"The organisms that decompose the world are fundamental to everything we know and everything we can do."
"They're your workers, they're going to basically break down the organic matter that's still left in the compost as well as break down the organic matter that's in your soil, in your garden and turn it into nutrients for your plants."
"We are going to have the termites come here and break down everything and build the nutrients for the seed germination of the grasses and other plant species."
"Natural fibers decompose like 50 times faster than synthetic fibers."