
State Management Quotes

There are 307 quotes

"We cannot directly modify or mutate the store because Redux is built on top of functional programming principles."
"This dispatch is like an entry point to our store... we have a central place where we can control what should happen every time the user performs an action."
"To change the state of the store, we have to dispatch an action. With this architecture, we're essentially sending every action through the same entry point."
"Communism...is about the liberation of human potential from the oppressive forces of state management."
"California really is, I mean California is not absolved of its problems, it certainly has its issues, but above all, California is probably one of the best run, if not the best run states in the nation."
"React introduced hooks which allow us to use state in function components."
"The power is slowly coming back on in Texas as the state deals with a historic deep freeze."
"We refused to let our state descend into some type of faucian dystopia."
"It's really just about deciding what to do with that state."
"Bestowing your state an unparalleled amount of statistical advantages."
"For stateful widgets, we have mutable state that can be redrawn on the screen multiple times."
"Actions commit mutations to actually mutate the state."
"ViewX: Bringing simplicity to state management."
"Redux, Vuex, these state managers really help."
"Don't just make clones all over to update state."
"You start with 'Oh my god, this guy has made Florida the best state in the union. Low unemployment, high freedom, looks great.' I'm curious, what is Aaron O'Toole going to do today on his show, on his speech at 5 pm?"
"Crime is at a 50-year low in Florida we know what he's done on the education front but most importantly more people are migrating to Florida than any other state."
"Florida's done a really good job... I honestly think that Florida's done a really good job."
"To understand state better, I'm gonna show you the problems first and then we're gonna take a look at how we can fix it."
"One way to fix this is something called lifting up the state, which sounds super fancy but it's not fancy."
"Rather than adding the state in this movie list, we can separate that logic and information by creating a context component."
"Now all the state from this movie provider is easily accessible in these components."
"We can store state in the constructor and initialize it."
"Usually what we want to do when we pass in properties is make that into a state."
"Handling state is great, but you don't want to have a giant, big, single state class with tons of complex state in there."
"If you have to lift state up, because multiple widgets need it, Provider is a great way of doing it."
"Anytime inside of your state that you're modifying the actual state variable based on the previous state, you should use the function version."
"The big takeaway from this section is really just understanding how state works and react, how you can update state and react, and how the asynchronous nature of setting the state works."
"This is the perfect example of why California's a failed state."
"This is a slick, slippery politician whose state is failing. People are leaving his state, and he's trying to run interference for his failure."
"The hard part is going to be our reducer, which allows us to manage all of our state for us."
"I would remind Georgians that the first part of my plan was keeping our state open for business." - Brian Kemp
"Re-renders are very important to understand. If you change the state, the component re-renders."
"Updating state properly involves lots of destructuring, object methods like map and filter. It takes a little getting used to."
"The Democrats are primarily interested in a one trillion dollar bailout of the poorly run states."
"Mapped state to props allows us to share state throughout our components."
"Redux works better for complex update logic; MobX for reacting to state changes."
"It's as easy as that to bring in data from an outside source and put it into our state."
"This is what makes React super powerful and super fast because if we use state, it knows automatically all the small little changes that changed and it's only gonna re-render that part which makes it super fast."
"Using state, React explicitly knows that it only needs to change this little portion of information when you're using states."
"A state machine is a programming pattern where some structure you create is used to select between individual and finite states."
"Hooks gave that to us for state and life cycles."
"We're going to even use Global State management such as Zustand."
"Now in more complicated applications, we would need something a little bit more robust for state management."
"But for about 90% of applications that have a relatively simple data flow, where you have some forms, you have some data you display, and maybe you have some user interaction, you're not going to need any type of fancy State Management at all."
"UseReducer is a nice way of managing more complex state."
"And so the root state of this store is the type of the output of get state what it just looked at."
"We're going to learn exactly what redux is, what it solves, and then we're going to learn about the theory of redux and some of the data flow."
"Very easy state management and declarative approach."
"Use an abstraction that hides the nuances of State Management."
"Redux is used to manage the state at the top level of the application, allowing components to read and update the state through actions and reducers."
"Fear is one, all of a sudden we hear an explosion. Right now, it's a step function. We're in fear or we're in alertness. A heightened state of alertness. But NSDR is terrific at allowing people to learn to shift their state."
"Maybe it's actually the time to move to a new shiny awesome state management library that is called Zustan."
"Because you are using environments and because you are using workspaces per environment, state files are created for each environment, and you have unique state files. So there is no problem of conflicting infrastructure."
"A lot of you have been asking me about session states or in general handling states on Streamlit."
"For Global State you know if you had a single API key, I would tend to reach there for a constant or for a simple application specific reactive controller that manages that one value."
"An action creator essentially is a function that dispatches an action to the reducer and then the reducer goes ahead interprets that action and then manipulates the store."
"The transactions are back so now we're not storing the transactions in this one component it's in our main app component so we can use these wherever we can pass them to any components we want and they're going to be reactive."
"It turns out it's just a very, very good way to think about managing state."
"Redux is used for state management, but useContext and local storage can also be used."
"Use Context in React allows you to share values between multiple levels of components without passing props through each level."
"The Use Context hook allows us to share values between multiple levels of components without passing props through each level."
"This is a way to avoid that, and well everybody, that is the Use Context hook in React."
"Use Ref, meaning Use Reference, is very similar to Use State..."
"And there you have it. A really nice, clean implementation of using local state but with a global state manager through Zustand."
"So there you have it. Four different ways of maintaining local state in React."
"Svelte.js: Truly reactive, state management built-in."
"We've got to manage our state still and as a reminder as far as that's concerned, changing state means change the meaning."
"That's actually one of the biggest benefits of the use state hook, is that you can have multiple different pieces of state all broken out and it becomes much easier to manage and change."
"Contexts are useful for states that aren't updating consistently... like user information."
"Multiple contexts inside a project... a way to manage complex states without triggering unnecessary renders."
"The Context API: an easy way to organize and manage states throughout your application."
"Context providers: components for better organization, separating logic from UI."
"Overall, Redux is a global state manager that allows you to manage your app state in a single place, which can be very useful."
"If you're using a global state manager just to manage like asynchronous data, yeah, you are basically going to end up writing all of the logic that has gone into React Query on your own."
"So now if I were to refresh the application, our application should be in a state where we have fetched that data."
"...the spring batch database is there to maintain state just for that process... it's perfectly safe within the world of 12 factor apps."
"Now the great part here is we've cleaned up our component, we've put all of that logic and the state inside of that counter context for that feature."
"This is the workflow which I'm going to create today using state machine workflow."
"ngrx provide the state management and isolation of side effects entity collection management router banding code generation and developer tools."
"Angular offers several state management options, including component state, RxJS, services, and ngrx, with local state options like session storage and local storage."
"Composables are places where we can store State as well as different pieces of functionality."
"Physiology is the most powerful leverage we have for managing our states in life."
"Akad dotnet really simplifies state and event management."
"Toasts operate just like any other Svelte store but with the benefit of persisting that data to local storage."
"The power of abstracting state functionality into components."
"Explicit State Management, we've got no mutation."
"Concentrate our state in one place."
"You're gonna notice a reference to both properties and the state."
"The page is changing in response to the state without me needing to go in and actually modify things, because I have pulling from this.state inside of the render function."
"...if you're messing with the user or you're messing with a purchase or stuff like that that needs to go to your database and back...for like client-side State Management I'd use something like Zustand because it's so simple..."
"React Query Library: Not just for fetching data, but also excellent for state management."
"No input state can be modified when we're writing a pure function."
"Use state will return an array with two items in it for us."
"Shared state management with Jotai for reduced coupling and scalability."
"Atomic state management extends shared surface area without tight coupling."
"We're not actually going to be using useState; we're going to be using useReducer."
"We're using the selector that we imported and you can see we've got the state and we're just getting all the posts that are in our state."
"This is exactly a use case where something like Redux Toolkit is needed because we want to persist our state values throughout components without passing them around as props."
"Redux store and Redux are kind of used interchangeably, both stand for a container for JavaScript apps and it stores the whole state of the app in an immutable object tree."
"View is smart. It's like, you know what, I'm only going to re-render the HTML whenever some sort of state within our application is updated."
"Managing states is really important in your projects and apps."
"Redux does state management using functional principles where all the application's state is stored in the store."
"Whenever you have data that's dynamically changing and that data has to update the UI in some way, you want to probably use state."
"This component lives its own life; it doesn't have access to Pages properties because it's kind of like a separate page, but it does have access to App State variables."
"There's a lot of dynamic content coming from the back end and we also have front-end state that we're going to use Alpine.js to manage."
"Whenever anything changes over time in React, we need to use React state."
"So now when I change things, different HTML or text or whatever, I can even change this to whatever and you can see this button change but we keep the state, so that's really cool."
"Auto merge uses an immutable state object that is never modified in place."
"The username is state.user.identity.name."
"NgRx is a useful tool for people who are learning Angular, not just for its intended purpose managing state in your applications, but also to help you learn important concepts for building professional quality applications with Angular."
"Dapr itself allows you to use things like service-to-service communication, state management, publish-subscribe functionalities."
"Stores hold our application state and it's our single source of truth."
"Now the way this is going to work is that when we enter the value, we want this value to be stored in local state."
"All of our state is local inside this counter component."
"Each state will have its own class so that I can give each state a different entry method to set the player up when it enters that particular state."
"Redux toolkit is a state management solution for React, and it's very common."
"We're going to create a function that will get the array and create an empty object to represent our initial state of our cart items."
"Cookies allow HTTP requests to have state, indicating some information about the user."
"The logic behind building something like this can really teach a beginner all the basics of states in React."
"We need state, of course. We need somewhere to store some data."
"Solid.js is basically a reboot of React that addresses two primary issues: the VDOM and state management."
"We're using the context API to manage state here."
"This one stories page is going to be able to render a bunch of different states."
"If you would like to be able to access the state of these dynamically generated components, you must provide a unique key for each one."
"Vuex is the state management system for Vue.js."
"We're threading state through our computations, and in fact, this is nothing more than the state monad."
"Variables enable learning by preserving state across different executions of the graph."
"The React state is made the single source of truth."
"We have kept New South Wales strong, free, and fair."
"The database doesn't hold the current state, rather it holds the sequence of events that led us to this state."
"We use another use state hook to control how many results the type-ahead shows."
"Having a framework such as NgRx gives you a very powerful ability to manipulate that state."
"Using NgRx and state management, we're going to update our authentication state within the Angular app."
"Leverage effects and actions and reducers to make state management work for us and keep our components cleaner and shorter."
"Functional concepts are very useful for helping you manage your data and your state."
"I hope that this gave you a way that you can update individual pieces of your state."
"This is how you use the Context API to actually grow and manage the state of your application without needing something like Redux."
"Because we have access to these two widget states, we can manage the state of this total very easily."
"We want letters to have kind of their own functionality and maintain their own state."
"React isn't going to do anything until the state of a component changes."
"Whenever the state of a component changes, React is going to execute this entire function once again."
"State holds volatile data and can be changed over time."
"If you want to keep the state of the object across request for the lifetime of an application, you use singleton."
"When someone wins the game, we can go ahead and set the appropriate state."
"But what if our functions can hold on to live data they call 'state'?"
"We really need to think about where is this state within this environment, which components are stateful and which are stateless."
"The module pattern preserves state for the life of an application without polluting the global namespace."
"Now let's look at our useState hooks where we set up the default state for count and name."
"And with a little bit of workaround, and having to change a little bit of our state, we have been able to successfully build our form."
"The way we're going to do that is by creating a state which is what we learned in the previous video."
"We're going to need a sort of simple State Management solution."
"Observable object is a game changer for state management."
"I've been the chief executive officer of the second biggest state in the union."
"Managing global state, I would recommend using React's built-in features like React context to manage global state."
"Programming is reducing input to output in the presence of state."
"Shared mutable state is a very, very difficult thing because it means that anywhere in your program could be fiddling with that."
"We'll start out by defining a value and a set value with useState."
"You define state, you have different things that change state, and every time we change the state, our UI just updates accordingly."
"The state had no debt and no pensions to pay; it had the highest credit rating the agencies could give."
"First, let's add a state that will store the X and Y coordinates of the logo once it's being dragged."
"We created the game state manager with the menu state and started working on level 1."
"What we're going to do is use the set tasks function to update the state of tasks."
"Whenever we have a reference value like an array or an object, you need to actually start by passing in the previous state."
"We're going to return our value and a setValue."
"It became the second most popular state management library in Angular."
"That's the flow because we're selecting, we are reacting to state, right? All things reactive."
"The store is basically where you're going to store all of your states and all of your variables."
"That looks pretty good, our component is now using state to manage its own data."
"It ensures all of our application state lives in one central store and can be retrieved and mutated in a predictable fashion."
"This is prop drilling; this is how you pass in state from the top component."
"For state management, we'll use Redux Toolkit, facilitating the management of global states."
"For state management, I went with React Hook Form. It completely changed my mind about all the form libraries and I completely fell in love with this one."
"So those are some of the kinds of things that you can do with the state store that become a little bit more interesting when you think about like data that changes a lot or you need to keep in synchronization."
"Redux tracks all the states that your application has been through and the way that it's transitioned between each of these states."
"The idea of Redux is that it tracks all the states that your application has been through."
"It's a way of building your business logic using finite state machines that makes it almost impossible for your app to get into a bad state."
"The really cool part is this reducer function here, so it takes the original value of the state and then it takes an object with the updated fields and it just returns a new object that has the original state with the new update overriding it."
"We have some big announcements coming up just for State Management."
"For clarity, I think the state I find is a much cleaner solution."
"Create slice is a function that accepts an initial state, an object full of reducer functions, and a slice name, and automatically generates action creators and action types that correspond to the reducers and state."
"It's a very powerful tool and will make writing or updating our state patterns easier and much more legible."
"This is a very powerful tool and will make writing or updating our state patterns easier and much more legible."
"Your primary state management solution should be the URL."
"We're not keeping the same object of game world state for each action that happens in the world; we're actually taking the previous state of the game world, manipulating it, and then returning a new state."
"We have one central place, one central source of truth for the state of every room in the game world."
"We create a signal with the overarching list of todos. So this is basically where our state is going to be contained."
"Redux is an implementation of Flux."
"Redux is basically having this global store and you can manipulate it however you want."
"The best thing that React did for the frontend community was to popularize the idea of state driven user interface."
"What exactly is a store? It's just a place where you're going to group all of your different global states inside of your application."
"You should never access state.data directly, always use state.source.get."
"We're going to use MobX for state management because it's a great, small, lightweight library that'll allow us to maintain state in our application in a very flexible way."
"State essentially is pieces of data that reside within our Vue app."
"State management solutions are really simple; it's just a centralized place where you can store data about your application."
"With most state management solutions, there are great ancillary benefits such as transaction support, normalization, and memoization."
"Any smart contract is basically its own little state machine in itself."
"You can now have state within a functional base component with the useState hook."
"This is where our store is, where we can access our state at any given moment of the application."
"What I am interested in is having options. I want there to be a way to consistently manage state in Elixir."