
User Engagement Quotes

There are 1058 quotes

"I think it's even more fun when you do something that somebody else then uses, even if they whine about it not working. The fact that they used it is part of the reward mechanism."
"The value of each platform will be based on two simple variables, one: the size and productivity or output of the software applications built on it; and the amount of users, growth of new users, and stickiness of users within the ecosystem."
"The biggest check on the website is users voting with their time and their dollars."
"Every page needs to have sort of an actionable thing that you can do with it."
"A key task for UX designers is to tie a specific emotion to the experience of using the product."
"20% of users will abandon a site if it takes more than three seconds to load."
"After three seconds, 53% of users will abandon a site."
"WP Opt-ins Wheel... this basically captures emails. It's very friendly because it tells you who's converting."
"Let me know your thoughts on it down below in the comments, and also go check the mod out for yourself."
"Debate it in the comment section, but these are my ideas if I were to become the president."
"Anger generates clicks, and clicks generate profit."
"You should always try to write games that pass the pee test...there should always be one person out of your testers, one weirdo, who’s grabbing you by the lapels and going, 'I got to keep playing this game.'"
"Desirability is a subjective factor that relates to taste and aesthetics. When a product or brand is desirable, users are attracted to it. Desirability is important because it keeps users engaged at the beginning, attracting them to interact with the product and find its usefulness and usability features."
"They kind of provide information to you as a user within like blog posts but they also have a really good privacy policy."
"Every gamer sees Steam as the destination for gaming."
"It's fantastic that they've actually responded to the user base in that regard."
"If there's anything you want to see running on the Odin 2, just let me know in the comments below."
"Write engaging content to keep users on our website."
"Turn it back into a platform that people want to be on"
"Thank you to Glass Node for giving us this account."
"Congratulations, this is now your new website."
"User-generated content fosters brand advocacy."
"NFTs allow people to interact with crypto in a hands-on way."
"Include an email opt-in directly on the home page."
"TikTok is a creation engine, providing all the tools, inspiration, and gratification necessary all in the same place."
"User-generated content is essentially having your users generate content for your business."
"Start with defaults, but customize to your heart's content."
"One insane dub that 2K took today is that if you logged in today, you got access to a free glorious pack just by logging in this morning."
"Make sure to use the link in the description for the best access."
"Hope you enjoyed the explanations, have fun with your own games."
"Threads reached 30 million users in just one day, shocking everyone."
"Instagram had gained 1 million active users just two months after its release."
"Kids were not interested in just looking at boxes of data."
"Instagram amassed 10 million users in just 10 months of its launch."
"Some really prominent buttons on each of your pages prompting people to share it naturally there are a lot of other different types of plugins that you can install."
"Think about what the magic moment is for your product, and get people connected to it as fast as possible."
"The most popular video posted nine years ago is called 'Username666.'"
"Set your goals. How can you inspire functional, emotional, and meaningful reactions and relationships with your followers and your users?"
"But that shifts the responsibility back to the game designer to use that bandwidth for something worth paying attention to."
"Great content is content that solves a user's problem."
"You could literally be of incredible service you give them the information you need that gets you to rank on Google that gets you the click when they read they get to the bottom like I'm ready to buy this right now click boom"
"It's just a fun little training sequence and tutorial sequence."
"It's the only platform that doesn't actually provide monetization to its most engaged and highest follower account users."
"Nothing is a waste of life when you guys are here."
"Simply by removing the 'click here' arrow and making the player find the right option themselves is enough to make them feel engaged."
"Aigen X: Simplifying crypto engagement with AI-driven chatbot platform."
"6 million players is huge, absolutely gigantic."
"Seeing something so nefarious attach itself to something so innocent and charming is just disappointing."
"What game would Nintendo put into a mobile game that would get you to actually pick up your phone and engage with it?"
"Maris tells Goku that should he achieve Ultra Instinct again at his current level of strength, the form will be more stable and Moro nor anyone else will be able to defeat him."
"The games you guys mentioned are also some of my favorites and I think if anybody starts digging into one of those they'll find that it'll keep them busy for quite a while there's a lot a lot of good fun there to be had."
"I think it's a game, but it also feels like a platform in a way."
"You've got two hours to grab and hold someone's attention, then remain consistently high quality."
"If you guys have any questions about anything that maybe I did not talk about in this video please be sure to leave me a comment."
"Set your home page to display your latest posts."
"Crypto gaming is going to be the narrative that gets the most users into crypto."
"And last one, I've had a million warriors in my DMs and I'll be remiss to ask this, will Gladiator Stance come back? They keep asking me."
"The game is now simply a life support system for as many of these systems as you can design into it."
"The fact of the matter is, it wouldn't be successful if it wasn't a good game. It wasn't keeping people on board."
"You should see the button to donate next to the video, and it will be nice if you use it."
"The answer is the community because users are often the best teachers for other users."
"I'm vigilant on how user interaction is going to go throughout the video and I'm really cognizant of like are people going to continue watching."
"To me, OnePlus is a brand that represents the power user."
"The experience was made much better by giving everyone the option to make a silly cartoon avatar of themselves."
"The best way you're gonna experience these guys is just create a free account even if you don't use them and just explore this yourself."
"Honestly, the coupon code feature is such a cool feature."
"These requests submitted on the site were truly disturbing, except for the one dude who wanted to know the price for changing his grades."
"Literally, the game will never run out of content if I don't play the game."
"Miiverse was the True Heart and Soul of the Wii U."
"What I really like about this game is that it doesn't dumb down the kind of technology that you come across."
"It's going to be an interesting month guys, a real interesting month. Let me know what you guys think in the comments section below because this is getting weird."
"Understanding how many people have visited your site, how long they have spent on each page, will give you invaluable insights on your overall website performance."
"Improving it will increase engagement on your site and consequently your traffic."
"One great thing about running a business page is that you can interact with your audience even when you are not online."
"You may have used them all, you may have used some, you may have never even heard of them and used none but don't worry, in this video we're going to cover every single one."
"I really loved hearing all of these different perspectives from you guys."
"There's been no incentive for Netflix to try to figure out I mean they're trying to keep you on the platform because they want you not to churn."
"Go check that out first thousand people to click it get a free trial and I highly recommend it I know you guys are gonna love it."
"What good is a product if no one knows it exists and knows how to use it?"
"Only a million monthly active users, that means way more people watch our show in a month than are active on Truth social."
"All that matters is if you can look at a thumbnail without looking any text or anything even on a cell phone screen and you can identify that you know exactly whose video that is you are more likely to click it."
"Just like all the cult stuff, muddy which says why would I hit the like button before watching the video, very good point."
"Obviously, likes, subscribing are very much appreciated, and if you don't agree with any of the ratings, feel free to let me know in that comment section below as well."
"Last Chadwick skin daily create for logging in on your mobile device. It's pretty cool looking."
"If you have any questions about what we've talked about today or pbn insiders in general please feel free to contact klaus at plantation used org and I'd love to connect."
"750 million people who are on the platform, they're not being flooded with such an insane amount of content."
"Infinifactory keeps everything moving quickly and doesn't enforce breaks in gameplay."
"It's like fuck it, I'm just gonna have fun and sell some weird shit for a dollar."
"TikTok Challenges are a great way to encourage user-generated content and to build brand awareness on TikTok."
"I love how super chats look, they look so [ __ ] nice. I can't get over YouTube's chat, it looks prettier."
"I'm a huge fan of getting the most I can out of one of these incredible pieces of technology."
"Nearly a hundred and fifty million snapchatters are engaging with these integrations every month."
"YouTube is one of the rare places in social media that has defended and maintained the true dislike and ratio bar."
"It actually feels like it was written by a human being."
"When it comes to Tick Tock, there are a lot of dark corners on that app. Tick Tock isn't the only website where crazy things happen, but it is the most popular app that people use nowadays."
"We're building this with you, not just for you."
"If anybody else has any other experiences they want to share, leave them down in the comments below."
"If you guys didn't check out my first two commentaries on A New Hope and The Empire Strikes Back, make sure you guys do that."
"I don't know if this is the update you hoped for or if you are all rooting for boyfriend to get dumped hard, but please know I'm genuinely happy with my outcome."
"If all that sounds interesting, you can make an account for free and try it out."
"Instagram rewards users that use their new features."
"If you found it useful, please give it a thumbs up so others can find it."
"I actually saw a comment in the chat that was like, 'How is this community so lovely already?'"
"Immersion really is the number one thing that takes you in or out of your gaming experience."
"The metaverse can only thrive if there is a healthy user base that is constantly engaging with the platform."
"I hope you enjoyed this, hope you found it interesting or found it useful in some way."
"If I could create a use case for this, it's going to have millions of users and a use case, then you create a proper network."
"If it's boring and static, people are not going to like it."
"You could theoretically add yourself or your own club into the game."
"Wordle drove tens of millions of new users, record growth."
"Retail users are at an all-time high now for Bitcoin, 52.5 million retail users in the space."
"Hey, we've made this amazing thing, let's get everybody in the door to go play it."
"Definitely install that one in your game. It catches me off guard every single time."
"I would love to see more mods in the future adding more of the raw humans."
"Why the f*ck is Twitter programmed currently to show you the least popular opinions?"
"The reward is a delicious digital Feast, made with all the love I'm legally allowed to give."
"Users vote with their feet to decide the social orientation of communities. Only action across large numbers of people matters."
"Well everyone, I hope you enjoyed the in-depth look on the 2018 Chevrolet Tahoe RS T."
"We want to make it as interactive as possible."
"There's simply a lot to love once your hands are on the controller."
"38% of daily active users were 17 and older."
"It's not super intense but it's hundred percent there."
"Rocket money has over 5 million users and has helped its members save on average of $720 a year."
"You can really customize a lot with this band."
"Waiting isn't fun. Any mechanic that makes a player play less of your game is a bad mechanic."
"I found this game immensely fun, and very tough to put down."
"Marking your post not safe for work will probably make more people read it."
"We in some ways have already made quite an impact on our users' lives in a way that I don't think we would have imagined when we were first building Apple Watch."
"No need to worry, miss. So can I get your username?"
"I hope you guys enjoyed today's Foundation Friday."
"If you told me anybody was going to care about any game for 15 years I would have said you were nuts. I get emails from people all the time that say they are still playing it."
"I'll link in description go over and make sure you rate this map 5 stars."
"You can't build a company with hundreds of millions of users, and billions in shareholder value, without appealing directly to a core instinct organ."
"We've had close to six million smart delivery upgrades since launch and that's just really exciting to see."
"I'm really glad I played this gem. I'm feeling completely overwhelmed by the amount of absolutely awesome looking games you've sent my way."
"Best of all is they added the ability to change the color of armor lights- like holy shit. That's cool!"
"I always feel like I've seen so many incredible websites that nothing is going to impress me but I keep getting impressed by the creativity of certain people."
"If you guys want me to do a summer one definitely let me know I can do it seasonally because I just feel like I'm constantly changing the way I edit my pictures."
"YouTube has said its recommendations drive over 70% of the more than 1 billion hours people spend watching videos each day."
"That's really cool for social media links, things like that, where you want the user to always see it."
"And while there's nothing wrong with mentioning your products, if you want to create content that's better than your competitors', then you're going to have to keep the user's best interests at the forefront of your content creation efforts."
"If you're happy and you know it, type what the hails."
"I just have this like really like immersive experience."
"The game is gonna keep dying without something major."
"Interaction design really implies that what we design as a man-made object is only complete when there are people who are using it."
"It's much more like you are setting a stage really for other people to perform but you can never tell them what to do."
"This is a game I will continue to explore and play around with for years to come and I imagine that will be the case for many new and returning players of this franchise."
"So much of its active install base will have been playing on Battle.net."
"YouTube Rewind 2018 is the most disliked video on the entire platform."
"Have you guys considered giving one or two additional free tabs?"
"Make sure to give it a thumbs up if it helped you and added some value to your life."
"All you're going to do here is just pop in your email, or just hit one of these sign up with Google or GitHub. Again, it's a 100 special, so that means when you're building this app, you get to build it with me for free."
"Another question is, is this something you guys and gals would use in your game?"
"The real goal of this project is to give people something that they'd be excited to try and texture."
"Was there anything that you think we missed? Feel free to let us know in the comments down below."
"You download free apps, try them out for a couple of minutes, then you can delete them."
"Users spent an average of 60 Minutes on Amino every single day."
"You can use the crosshair tool to inspect the chart with more precision."
"I definitely recommend this mod for you guys."
"What people want right now is that sort of turn the lights off and play it like it's a movie kind of deal."
"You'll get a free $10 to spend on anything within Whatnot."
"Most people don't care about the app's origin; they just want to enjoy the content."
"Every social media network or internet company, they all have the same goal: it's to keep you as engaged and on that platform as long as possible."
"I love the community that we have on here. You guys are amazing."
"If you enjoy, subscribe. You can always unsubscribe later."
"Feature-wise, I don't think any anime platform is working quite as hard as high dive to give weebs what we really want, all for the low price of five bucks a month."
"I love Miiverse and genuinely want them to bring it back for the Switch."
"But it's also not so much something you play as it is something you experience."
"The DS kind of felt like there was more life, the games you would buy for it were games you would come back to."
"Firebase overall is very inexpensive and it will take a decent number of monthly active users before you even break out of the free tier."
"You can also use the same data to send push notifications to your users."
"Let me know what you think about the 2021 TLX."
"I do also concede that if you don't find yourself engaged in the experience it will probably come off as repetitive."
"And while that curiosity lives on in us, I think our job here in Search is never done."
"Don't like it? Come back in a month, and it's evolved quite a bit."
"I hope very much this video has been of some help to you."
"Personally, I would like to see Blizzard talk about it more."
"Feel free to let us know in the comments down below which games you think look the most cool or that you'd really like to play this month."
"Eighty percent of Neum users finish the program over sixty percent have stuck with their goals for at least a year."
"You're turning your back on a number of people that are trying to use your service for its intent..."
"ChatGPT reached almost 600 million visitors, making it the fastest growing user application ever."
"Browser games are definitely better than what most people expect."
"130 million hours of human attention on Twitter daily."
"I've had so much fun doing what you guys suggest, so thank you to everyone who left suggestions."
"Oh, hey, in a quick note before I forget if you are finding this video interesting or useful or something like that simply whack that like button the bottom there it really helps out this video and the channel quite a bit."
"We've now seen the door open a crack to this."
"Bitcoin's fundamental addresses all-time high at nearly 45 million."
"Feel free to abuse me, feel free to abuse the program, but do leave a comment."
"I feel like the shaving adds realism into the game. You used to have to download a mod to be able to do that, so I feel like that's pretty fun. I like that feature."
"Alternative media is replacing mainstream media and yeah I I can't say enough thank you so much for coming here and participating with us."
"Asset appreciation attracts more users which usually creates more asset appreciation."
"Chat, you're kind of epic in Angry whiskers's opinion."
"Another way to just type in a function on your own."
"That wraps up our app, guys. I hope you enjoyed this."
"I really am constantly surprised and thrilled by the way that this game is designed."
"Wastelanders was exactly what the game needed at this point."
"I heard the same two voice lines from these people more times than I've ever heard anything in my entire life."
"Look, we heard you 100,000 people," - response to user feedback
"It's up to you to decide let me know in the comments and chat what you think is behind the story let me know how using this analysis you can look at forthcoming conflicts and the advancing narrative towards them."
"It helps out tremendously and I thank every single one of you for doing exactly that."