
Study Tips Quotes

There are 177 quotes

"Hopefully, you found this helpful and can try and implement this into your own exam revision routine."
"To make your life easier in the exam, I strongly suggest that you get familiar with fractions."
"It is really important that you can use your calculator properly."
"Knowing your square numbers and your cube numbers, you are going to be able to identify your square and cube roots."
"I highly recommend keeping a planner, keeping files, keeping folders to organize your things because honestly, organization will help you get better grades."
"Memorize this detail now, research more if you need to, and smash that exam!"
"Remembering key points is crucial in pharmacology."
"Create a conducive study environment."
"Possibly the best advice that my history teacher at A-level ever gave me was that you can actually plan the first sentence of any essay months before the exam."
"Make your revision notes while the content is fresh."
"It's very important to read the explanations of both the right and the wrong answers when you do these tests."
"And that is it for this video I know it was a lot of nitty gritty information but it's all very high yield so make sure you know this information well."
"Stay focused on time management, especially in reading and listening sections."
"Use spaced repetition to make active recall stick."
"In order to study something, you don't have to get bored... it should be fun."
"So do everything you can to make studying less of a pain and more effective. Elaborate on the content as much as you can, connect new concepts to things you already understand or create."
"So when studying, create some mental imagery if you need to remember who the Axis powers were in World War 2. Maybe you imagine Hitler reading manga and eating spaghetti."
"The best way to keep up is to read it right then and there, keeping everything fresh."
"Take notes, write little interesting vocabulary words you find."
"Prioritize sleep for optimal concentration while studying."
"When dealing with frustration in math, take a break and come back later."
"Do the homework problems. Nobody will test them directly, but we will have quizzes."
"None of you will need a 265 to pass but you can glean some of the best practices of studying to pass with flying colors and look like a rock star on your third year clerkships."
"The most important thing about doing past papers is this: if you don't do this, then there's no point of doing past papers."
"This could actually be more crucial than your revision; this could make more of an impact on your grades than your revision."
"Master your exam technique because this could actually be more crucial than your revision."
"Taking breaks is actually really important when it comes to my study sessions."
"Strategy number eleven: label your diagrams... will limit the amount of errors that you make."
"Strategy number thirteen: cram effectively... do a light amount of practice per day maybe a bit less than what you were doing before."
"Only use flash cards for information that is isolated or very loosely related to other facts and ideas."
"Never underestimate the power of flash cards."
"Put in as much effort as you can into those end of topic tests because it will make it a lot easier when you're actually doing exams."
"Getting good grades can and should be easy."
"Staying organized in your SAT prep is important."
"I hope this video provides you with an insight on how to take notes, how to better prepare for your USMLE examination, and how to optimize your learning style and learning strategies."
"Use the free resources that are out there: the book, YouTube, flashcards, apps, whatever. However you decide to study, actually study distraction-free."
"Stick to the objectives. If you know all of those bullets in the exam objectives, you will pass your exam."
"One of the most important things in getting A stars in your A levels is to establish subject hierarchies."
"Once you've realized the question, revise for that theme."
"Make sure you read through the wrong answers as well, because everything in the book is from exam objectives."
"Take breaks, come up with a hobby, something to take your mind off of school."
"The exam stays very, very close to these objectives. If you know everything listed in these objectives, you're going to pass your exam without a problem."
"Study every single day because if you don't, those skills that you have to practice in order to pass the skills portion of your state exam, you will fail."
"Annotating makes important information stand out and even if you're not an english major i'm going to bet that you're still having to read a lot of books for your classes"
"Study a little bit every day and prepare for your exams in advance."
"Studying without knowing how to study isn't going to do you any good."
"If you can turn this into a poor man's flash card, what you want to do is highlight the right information."
"Make sure you watch this video multiple times to maximize your chance of passing your test with flying colors. Good luck!"
"Basically, the more different types of resources that you use to study, you're going to be covering your base better and better."
"If you didn't study anything else, you just stayed with these objectives and used that as your checklist, you're going to do fine on the exam."
"So make sure you read through these. Those policies are going to be incredibly important on your exam, especially if you're taking the exam at home."
"How you can boost your grades and retention by just using one tip."
"Turn off social media, turn off your email, have a plan on what you're gonna study that day, study it, set a limit also I wouldn't I would say don't stay for more than two hours at a time."
"For the next five days, practice tests, quick facts, and then the day before your test, nothing. Whatever you don't know before your exam, you just won't know. That's it."
"What's very important in Step 2 is that it's not important to memorize the algorithms. The algorithm by itself will not be useful during the exam. You will remember it once and then you'll forget it as soon as you're done with the questions."
"Prioritize your study time, but still dedicate time to the multi-state performance test."
"You cannot be all over the place when you study content. You must start with one subject at a time."
"Don't be afraid to highlight your textbooks and take notes as you go, and when you take notes, take lots of them. Notes will help you gather and organize your thoughts on the topic at hand."
"Study smarter not harder. Strategize, be organized, and just get to know what works for you."
"My biggest secret tip I guess really is just start early start fast get that information down do it as many different ways as you have to so that you really retain it."
"Just take your time, cross off, eliminate, look for keywords, write things down if you need to."
"Every single time you sit down to do practice problems, you should be timing yourself."
"So I know that can sound a little bit daunting especially because you have up to 90 questions and the exam itself is only 90 minutes long however another thing to note is that there are multiple choice questions as well as Performance Based questions."
"Read the question properly, underline the command words, and make sure you're answering what you've been asked to do."
"Rewrite the notes. Everything I write down, you write it down. Write it out. It's gonna stick much faster than just reading it."
"Stay consistent with your studies, doing at least those two practice questions a day helps keep the exam anxiety at bay."
"Another one of my favorite study tips that when I'm feeling really unmotivated actually helps me to like do the thing, it's just set a timer."
"One of the best parts is that if you made flashcards for the whole of chemistry, then you don't really need a study timetable of deciding when to come back to certain topics because the flashcard app decides it for you."
"Flashcards are just useful for helping you remember the information which you can then apply in those tests and you can retrieve the information from your brain much more easily and complete the test faster."
"Having visual aids and using them as much as possible throughout your studying sessions."
"If you've done all of these the next best way to revise is doing past papers."
"I felt like a lot of EnvMs have these super random questions that are out of the blue and the actual exam didn't have quite that bad of the blue stuff."
"Know this material before taking the test."
"Saying things out loud and forcing yourself to not look at the notes and almost like teach it from memory shows that you not only are able to remember things but you kind of like understand them better when you say things out loud."
"Before you even start studying the substantive material you need to mentally and physically prepare yourself to study and keep up with that mental health and self-care routine throughout the entire prep period."
"Find time every single day to study... Literally, for me, like, last semester, after I would finish getting ready in the morning, I might take out my notebook and study."
"Try to make your study as frictionless as possible. Use USMLE resources as a primary learning tool for your medical curriculum."
"Get familiarized with USMLE style questions from very early on. Start seeing the specific details you should focus on."
"As you go, ask yourself questions that integrate across different chapters."
"For each question you get wrong, think about where exactly was the content for that question in any of your textbooks."
"Study smarter not harder in these last couple of days."
"Y'all, fundamentals is critical for passing NCLEX."
"So many students come to me like, 'Mike, I failed another exam.' I'm like, 'Dude, just follow the study guide formula that we give you.'"
"Practice on a whiteboard because I think that's what they give you everywhere."
"Studying isn't just about strategies and the brain. It's a more holistic approach. You have to include your body's overall health to be a good student."
"Test yourself regularly and repeat information. Those things are proven to help you succeed."
"Make sure you're not beating yourself up because you didn't study for three hours. 20 minutes a night, 30 minutes a night, a little bit here, a little bit there."
"I always recommend having at least three questions based on the reading or the assignments that you've been given for the class."
"Take whatever tips are useful to you and leave the ones that aren't useful for your own studies."
"The number one skill that you need to work on when preparing for your TOEFL test is actually note-taking."
"Focus and work smart in a time crunch."
"Knowing that trick is gonna help you a lot."
"It's always a good strategy to skip the hard stuff and come back."
"Know how your notes relate to each other and how to weave them coherently."
"So, percents is not a lot of effort... it's not a lot of effort for something that has 80% results."
"Essential tips to help you pass your RAF aptitude test at the very first attempt."
"The best way to prepare for the MCAT is to do well in your classes."
"Taking those practice exams, that's like my number one tip."
"Untimed accuracy is one of the best ways to build speed in exams."
"When you're trying to study for an exam like this, you want to make sure that you try to keep things organized so that you do not get overwhelmed."
"Space repetition and active recall are the best way to learn anything."
"Maximize your maths in minimum time."
"Time is of the essence for you in an exam; bold scanning will help you out."
"Get into V2, study your Quick Facts, make it livable, no more than three hours a day, 30 days or less, get your license."
"As long as you have this little table memorized, you have this problem in the bag; it's going to be really easy for you."
"The sarcomere makes up a significant number of physiology questions, and it's a very simple topic to learn if you just take a little bit of time and simplify."
"Questions are your best friend in this, so it has to be front and center in your study plan."
"Welcome to Sam's Study Secrets, Part 1."
"It's a class where I will be teaching you how to answer exam questions and give you some tips and tricks on the best ways to make sure that you don't lose any marks."
"Pro tip: watch your lecture videos in two times speed."
"Make sure you're taking notes because everything that I will be sharing with you will drastically help you prepare for the NCLEX."
"You need to be making loads and loads of notes to really understand this."
"Even if you struggled with math before, as long as you're willing to work hard and follow these four tips, you're almost guaranteed to get an A."
"You will feel so much more prepared by having multiple exposures to the material."
"If you're going to focus and you're cramped on time, I would focus on the first half of this lecture."
"It's so easy to get an A in mathematics if you know the common mistakes to avoid."
"That's exactly right, there's extra information you don't need, it can make your head spin."
"These are seven hot diagrams, fire diagrams, power diagrams, give them extra weight in your revision."
"Maintain an exam folder... with the passage of time, you will be able to revise it through that single page."
"When it comes to these harder ones here, grab a piece of paper, grab a pen, make some notes."
"Here are my evidence-based tips and tricks which should hopefully help you to get an amazing grade in any language that you do."
"Prioritize listening and reading as this will really help you with the other parts of the course."
"Highlight the complex phrases and keywords, and you can make these into flashcards."
"Make sure you watch it till the end because all ten of these tips are going to be crucial to you achieving your best."
"You are going to have to consolidate as you go along."
"We're going to go through all the important formulas, topics, tips, all that stuff."
"Everything in this video is something that people found difficult; they're all good things to refresh your memory about right before the exam."
"Don't remember both, just remember any one."
"The white line of Frankel is what you need to remember."
"If you are studying, use a very good light source like a tube light or sit next to a window; it will change the entire game."
"Whether it's homework or an exam. Focus on the -- take a yellow marking pen, mark them out, keywords."
"Take long breaks; that was the key, I think, that made the difference in my second exam attempt."
"Practice in school, practice at home, watch this video, make flash cards, memorize the steps, whatever you need to do to feel better about this exam."
"Anatomy is a little easier to study... the biggest tool that you guys can utilize are your own two eyes."
"The main key to exam success in Accountant in Business is simply to put the study hours required in."
"You can take notes today if you wish, but I think if you simply follow along, answer my questions in the chat box, and even take screenshots of the slides that you find particularly useful, that will be more than enough for today to help you study."
"The best way to pass the HiSET writing test is to take a practice test."
"Note-taking helps create kind of a new pathway in the brain and helps you kind of encode that information in a way that stores it up here into your long-term memory."
"Always read the question first, then read the document because that's how you know where you can highlight the relevant information that you need."
"Do your best to revise, take every opportunity you can to use resources, do past paper questions, fine tune that revision, learn from your mistakes."
"These are some general overall tips and tricks for CELPIP that should really help you with your exam."
"Revise your older topics; from the day you start learning content in class, there's a very good chance of that being in your exam."
"Remove distractions like your mobile phones, make sure that you've got the time to actually dedicate it to it."
"You just memorize this, you just write down DDX mu of x y every single time."
"So hello everyone, this is my lecture on how to study for quiz well."
"Writing questions is very helpful."
"Believe me, if you know how to solve questions like these, you'll be very comfortable solving the exam questions."
"This is by far the easiest method, so anybody here last minute cramming, this is where you want to be."
"Study hacks every student must know."
"If you spend more or less 18 minutes per section, you're at a good place."
"If you can print this off and keep this on your desk, you could just look at the format of these example references and add them into your own work."
"Feed the brain with some healthy foods."
"Exercising is a good way to get that blood flowing to the brain."
"Try to make it an active learning process so that it's easier for you to memorize things."
"Turning off your phone and hiding it from you helps a lot."
"A great way to comprehend the information is to underline the key words."
"One of the secrets to being successful in math is having great math notes."
"Scribble things down, make it easy for your brain to digest key information."
"Stick to SL topics; don't complicate it. Write it simple but powerful."
"We're going to really improve that AP Calculus score."
"And if you have time to study, you better stretch because it'll actually help brain function, circulation, keeping you nice and alert."
"If you're studying for tests... it's better to eat healthy food like fruits, vegetables, home-cooked meals."
"Take notes... it's for the sake of lodging things in your long-term memory."
"My biggest tip is underlining or highlighting the question because you sometimes read what you think is there, not what is actually there."
"Color code all your notes when you are reading a book... Green is for money issues, red is for red flags and warnings, blue is for emotional issues... and black is for hardcore truths."
"Using colour in your notes is a really good way to make connections in your brain."
"If you can follow my tips and tricks, I am sure that you can score more than eight bands in the IELTS reading module especially."
"The best way to remember this information is to reread the manga."