
National History Quotes

There are 89 quotes

"No country was built without the pounding of dead bodies. This country just happens to be ours."
"My country, the Dominion of Canada, is 155 years old, and she was Queen for 70 of those years, which is virtually half the entire history of the country."
"So, national history is like that. You can't just say, oh, there's just me, me, me, me, me, right? If you just say Ukraine, Ukraine, Ukraine, Ukraine, Ukraine, Ukraine, Ukraine, Ukraine, you can't make sense of yourself without other people."
"Since Rome, and then leading up to the State of Israel became a thing in 1948, the Jews have been in pretty much a perpetual worldwide exile."
"We were founded on enlightenment principles."
"There are events in a nation's history that transformed it forever."
"Thailand never has been controlled or colonized by a foreign power."
"Our country will have the opportunity to see a more complete version of our history."
"The founding of this country with God and the founders is just remarkable that we have these freedoms now."
"Finland had lost two major Wars since 1939 yet had miraculously kept its independence."
"Germany's rise to power would dramatically change French history."
"It's important that our money reflects the history and diversity of our country."
"Revolution is what this country was founded on."
"America was built on the backs of people who sacrificed everything. If we don't continue, we're going to lose it..."
"Just because something is hard doesn't mean that it can't be done. If that had been the case, the United States of America would never have come into being."
"Brazil has a fascinating history, in large part because its success looked unlikely from the very start."
"We can't cancel our whole history. We can't forget that the North and the South fought. We have to remember that, otherwise we'll end up fighting again."
"China was the wealthiest most technologically advanced nation on earth for most of this period."
"It was an unparalleled loss to the cultural heritage of our nation."
"The history of Britain being told as a bad one, weakening any idea of national pride."
"It was only great Nations who were those who had learned from their history."
"They had capable men, strong families, and resilient communities that our nation was born from."
"Mustafa Kemal, who helped to save his nation on the fields of Gallipoli, becomes the first president of the Turkish Republic."
"No one here wants the history of our country not to be taught."
"Optimism America has done the right thing before we can do it again."
"Scientifically, this changes everything about the history of our country."
"What's important is that they're all part of the same story. The story of America."
"It's a miracle how the Lord worked it out with Israel becoming a nation."
"The best evidence to believe there is a God? Look at the nation of Israel."
"Our history built this country, but it's also going to shape this country's future."
"It's a watershed moment in United States history."
"Israel is the only country in the history of mankind that has had a second birth."
"My ancestors been here for hundreds of years. This is the country that we built, a country of universal principles."
"This is the most important election in this nation's history."
"This is the most important election in the modern history of this country."
"A better comparative question to ask would be therefore not how Argentina declined from rich to poor but rather how it did so much better than most other Latin American nations."
"Stand up for your nation's history. It really is time to make hidden history great again."
"There's not a single country that has had freedom that did not have to fight for it."
"The 1960s were a turbulent time in South Korea's history."
"Atatürk, this guy is basically the father of modern Turkey who fought against partition forces and wanted to salvage the Anatolian peninsula as a new Turkish republic."
"For many people here in the United Kingdom, she's the only monarch they've ever known."
"Independence, you know, a lot of people do look at that day as the kind of inceptional moment for the United States- it's the signing of the divorce papers."
"Borders are a great way to dive into the deep history of a country and how these things kind of formed over time and how a nation was built."
"There's never gonna be a history of any country that is free of genocide or kidnappings or general bad things that aren't good."
"We're doing this on Independence Day. We know the story of the revolution."
"Stand up and be a man. This country was not built by Beta males. It was built by guys with a vision, willing to use Firearms to protect themselves against criminals."
"This is fundamentally about our history as a country, and the destiny of the country because history is watching and listening."
"We were not here first, but we built the country and were intentionally oppressed."
"July 15 has an important place in Turkey's struggle for freedom and democracy against the coup attempt."
"You become a part of it you feel like you're part of History."
"When you think about America's whole history is less than 300 years old and the monarchy alone in the UK is 1200 years old."
"We are reminded here of our past, of the continuity of our national story, and the virtues of resilience, ingenuity, and tolerance which created it"
"We are standing at a pivotal moment in American history."
"It's not as if this is a country with an awful history. We also did some of the greatest things any nation has ever done in the history of the world."
"Because of the Christians throughout the history of America, God has remembered America."
"Harriet Tubman was one of the most interesting people in the history of this country."
"We start with a deficit of bureaucracy, a lack of cash, and the potential to bring back Grand Colombia."
"The whole country suffers from our history."
"We wanted to share what we had here and let everybody in Australia know all about the Holden and the history of Holden. Our kids deserve to know it and our grandchildren, and so on."
"I suggest that we need to go to our roots as a nation to have a more honest analysis of where we've come from."
"It's just an absolutely amazing period that really defined the nation."
"It's not united until Garibaldi... technically as a unified nation it's younger than the United States."
"So our nation began with an act of obedience to the written word of the Living God."
"The nation's history is far more a record of industrial victory than a saga of wars waged and battles won."
"When the children were stolen, the saddest chapter in the history of our country began."
"We have to embrace our history, making Lithuania more just, more daring, and of course richer in many ways."
"We're all growing for the better. We are learning more about our history as a country."
"America's history contains both good and evil, but on the whole, it has been a good history."
"Racism has been around for a very long time... it's a huge part of our country's history."
"Our country was born with a big bailout."
"Don't ever be ashamed even because of our history, our past as a country, of how it's created all the bad things that we've done, but look at all the good things we've done."
"This is not a Chinese or a Chinese American issue, this is history of this country."
"We've returned to the promised land, revived our language, gathered our exiles, and built a modern, thriving democracy."
"Many Zambians now look back to the Kaunda years with vivid nostalgia for independence."
"Spain is a nation of a rich history, and with an empire that claimed a huge amount of land."
"The treasures of the nation should return home and become the foundation of our new history. Without myths and lies. History about Ukraine."
"The heart of one person can return the history of an entire nation."
"We cannot understand the country unless we understand a case like this."
"You've got the first championship in your country's history when it comes to professional basketball, so be super happy about it."
"America is a great nation, however, let's not forget that her strength is built on hope, faith, and all honesty through free labor of slaves."
"A nation that has a past has a future."
"This country is 250 years old, ladies and gentlemen. It's an experiment."
"A brilliant history that has significant stretch across the entire nation."
"This country won its victory through the efforts of pirates, warriors, and its citizens."