
APIs Quotes

There are 229 quotes

"Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) are basically points where your program can connect to their program, and they can exchange data."
"JSON is a data format used a lot within full-stack development and using APIs when you're sending data to a server."
"Get in and try it, and APIs are a great way to start."
"There's actually a more reliable source than web scraping and that is APIs."
"We're using Python in order to call an API and get the job postings that we want."
"RESTful endpoints: Creating, reading, updating, and deleting data with ease."
"Public APIs allow those sites to serve up data to you in a more efficient way."
"GraphQL allows you to mutate data on your server, so it allows you to create, update, and delete data just like you could do in a REST API."
"Flexibility is what makes REST APIs really, really good."
"Postman is a fantastic tool for testing APIs."
"Customizing response status codes and messages for better communication."
"API endpoints are the URI or URL that our HTTP requests are sent to."
"APIs: the communication channel between the front end and the back end."
"This is a good way to start, I believe, because hey, you're working with APIs and real-world stuff..."
"You can build anything, there are services that allow you to do incredible things with just a few simple API calls."
"Curl is an awesome way to explore APIs."
"Node.js is very popular for building APIs, microservices, as well as full-stack applications."
"This is the power of building your own APIs and Build Chip and having that decoupled application."
"Status codes are a great way of understanding what's going on underneath the hood of an API."
"This is giving you a really good insight as to how the pros create code to network and contact and communicate with APIs. I hope you guys are enjoying this so far."
"This is key to connecting your app with the world, and APIs are your means of communication."
"JDK 18 (incubator) introduces foreign function and memory APIs, facilitating interaction with C libraries."
"APIs are fundamentally gateways to your application functionality."
"Play with it. But really what I want you to do is just play with this stuff. APIs are meant to be played with."
"...questions comments leave them below would you like to see more of this stuff then I'm going to need a lot of prodding right I don't know how many people watched an API video to this point so if you really want to see me go deeper in apis you can do that."
"The Developer Portal allows developers to discover APIs, group them into products, onboard them, learn how to consume them, and access analytics of their usage."
"Adding products and subscriptions enables developers to consume APIs and access keys securely, with options for tracing API usage."
"So what we'll move on to now is our final point, which is going to be about how to design our own APIs."
"For resilient APIs, we need to use built-in client retries with exponential backoff."
"Always use the REST API for more capabilities."
"The REST API can give you more things than other SDKs."
"APIs are a superpower that allow you to leverage the data or service of other apps for you to use in your own app."
"Postman enables you to quickly test APIs. I just created an account and was able to get the direct link to the picture of the day API."
"Most services that you interact with in your day-to-day provide some kind of API."
"We're going to go ahead and jump in and kind of continue along into our next section of the presentation which is to discuss API libraries."
"It represents an API that abstracts execution in a broader sense."
"Some people will say that if you don't optimize the frame globally then you're not using these new APIs to their full potential."
"Having a common industry format to describe APIs is really important to a lot of people and to the industry as a whole."
"With pytest, testing Django APIs becomes a seamless process."
"Building rest APIs is something that we do fairly often as developers."
"Azure Functions is a great product for building APIs."
"SQL bindings are a great way to quickly create APIs on SQL databases."
"The problem with APIs, especially for someone like me with little programming experience, is that they can seem somewhat cryptic. That's where Postman comes in."
"Express.js allows us to build Node.js RESTful APIs very easily."
"GraphQL is the future of building APIs."
"What I love about APIs is how easy it is to actually get started."
"Looker opens this up in such a powerful way because not only we're in database but we do have a powerful suite of APIs."
"Serializing data into JSON is crucial for APIs."
"If you expose sequential APIs, using them concurrently is very easy, and using them sequentially is obvious."
"At the high level, TensorFlow's object-oriented API provides reusable libraries for model building."
"You can easily mark the APIs and basically use the same URL of your current development application."
"At the start of that project is collecting data, and I outlined and detailed how important it is to work with APIs to collect your data for your data science project."
"What I want to do is talk about how to work with APIs in general so I'll just make sure that all of the libraries we're using and all the techniques we're using can be used for all API services."
"This is the data that we get making an API call; it's really that simple."
"Most of the work with dealing with APIs is actually passing through the correct URL with the right parameters."
"The other hard thing about working with APIs is parsing through the data that you collect and then saving it in the right way."
"So now let's work with the YouTube API."
"The kernel is able to provide you some APIs so you can talk to the hardware from the user space level."
"Using API Gateway, you can build RESTful APIs and WebSocket APIs that enable real-time two-way communication applications."
"APIs are everywhere, and if you're using something, you're using an API whether or not you realize it or not."
"Swagger is a pretty cool way to document your Spring Boot APIs."
"We have the ability to completely automate this using REST APIs."
"An API is not for people to use it. It's for machines."
"You can see how much benefit you can get for free by using minimal APIs."
"What makes a good API in this async world?"
"APIs lets you connect Salesforce Core, Heroku, MuleSoft and third party systems together."
"We're getting data from a data source, saving it to a database, and then building APIs and front-ends to consume the data and make a nice dashboard available."
"Tapping directly into some of those APIs that are so essential can really unlock different capabilities for your application to expose to your users."
"Restful APIs are not the ones doing CRUD operations; they're simply there to take the HTTP requests and to instruct what type of CRUD operations need to get done."
"This is actually the benefit of APIs; you develop something for the web and then you can make it available for the whole world."
"GraphQL is an open-source query language for APIs."
"We use the magic of APIs, application programming interfaces, to send that information automatically."
"If you don't make mistakes in integrating your APIs, you're either doing it wrong or you're really too good."
"Whatever API you work with, you can use the building blocks of what you learned today to be able to run your flows."
"The Layers API, that's the topic I'm the most excited about on this list."
"Accessing native APIs is one of my favorite features."
"GraphQL is a query language for your API and a runtime to fulfill those queries."
"It lets HTTP library design become about APIs and I/O rather than about boring solved problems."
"The Django REST framework is just a way to build out REST API using Django."
"Minimal APIs... were really released three days ago."
"APIs are kind of the name of the game for how we build technology."
"Software that people are designing today by and large is API driven."
"APIs show up all over the place, many of us are wearing or carrying a device that are talking to APIs all day long."
"The basic technology stack for an API is typically you've got a client, the internet or a network, some sort of API server, some sort of backend."
"We're going to see it in just about every single application."
"The importance of APIs in the industry and how people are building software is still even kind of in the early days."
"You'll find all sorts of getting started stuff for building APIs and managing APIs."
"This is going to be a really useful tool for us to learn a little bit more about APIs."
"This is understanding kind of at a high level how an API works."
"That's the real basics of APIs, that's like the foundation here."
"An API allows us developers to be able to go and fetch data on a remote server that has all the things that we don't even have to know."
"APIs facilitate interactions between other applications, so it's just one more way that connects the world that much more."
"Notice with our API we have more than just GET and POST methods, we also have a PATCH and a DELETE method."
"By the end of next week, you can build your own APIs."
"I'm in love with test-driven development, especially when it comes to APIs."
"If you take anything out of this lecture moving forward, if you're at an incumbent or you're at a start-up, that you sort of think about your API strategy."
"Getting started with a new API can be really, really hard."
"Using APIs, because I got designing in an interface structure, you can easily create fake or mock emulators, which facilitate testing."
"In your driver, you don't care, you just get the information from device tree and use these DT APIs, and you are done."
"You don't over-rationalize; always think about the product offering, what makes sense, where are these use cases, and how do I design my APIs so that they can actually help power my things."
"Horizontal APIs that help power your offering make it better."
"A checkout API that cannot integrate with the search is useless."
"As your puzzle grows, as your requirement grows, that's how you actually scale your API."
"Using Strappy with any front-end is possible because Strappy just gives us a REST API and a GraphQL API."
"If you're looking for weird and wonderful or fully trusted APIs to create cool and unique projects, API layer is a great place to look."
"API is the engine behind today's technology-driven world."
"API is the main superhero between connected services."
"DTOs provide a wrapper between the entity or the database model and what is being exposed from the API."
"When we work with API, we have different status codes that we need to define with all of the endpoints."
"We want to return 'Not Found' if it does not find any villa based on the ID here."
"Flask is commonly used to build RESTful APIs due to its simplicity and flexibility."
"OData isn't always the best fit, but it is a great fit for flexible data-oriented APIs."
"By the end of the course, you will be able to build well-constructed minimal API endpoints."
"It is a new way to build React forms for any APIs in minutes."
"So these forms are not just UI, they are actually also calling the API to creating these records, right?"
"GraphQL is a query language for APIs and a runtime for fulfilling those queries with existing data."
"Your shared C# code just talks to Xamarin Essentials, and it has really friendly APIs for talking to all those device sensors and pieces of functionality that your devices have."
"Hey everyone out there on the internet, looking to build some cool projects, use some weird and wonderful APIs."
"It's said to be the replacement for REST APIs."
"Imagine we have some sort of API that keeps changing, right? The data keeps changing consistently."
"Metaprogramming... it's essential to building APIs that are beautiful and hide complexity."
"Rails makes heavy use of metaprogramming to build simple and beautiful APIs."
"The Graph protocol allows you as a developer to take the contract that you've created, build a more flexible API on top of it."
"It's going to give you like a type-safe APIs without needing these schemas or code generation or documentation."
"JSON is an industry standard format for representing data used a lot with APIs over the internet."
"The growth of web APIs has really skyrocketed."
"An API is basically something that allows two different systems to interact."
"It is a smart investment, period, around APIs in my opinion, and I think it's really underutilized in so many companies."
"Rolling up our sleeves, looking at how we can leverage their SDKs and APIs to work with not only Azure Digital Twins but at IoT Hub, has been a really powerful experience."
"Fight for it; it's important that they provide you the right APIs for your application."
"We really hope that this gave you a bit of a deep dive into using camera two and the multi-camera APIs."
"If I want to get information from an API, I might use the get method."
"If I want to send information, I want to create a new resource, I might use the post HTTP method."
"Patch is generally used if I want to update a field of a resource."
"Put is generally used for replacing an entire resource."
"Every API is a little bit different, but looking at the API documentation will usually tell you how it works."
"OData is an open protocol used to create RESTful APIs."
"That's how you can use the OpenAI APIs."
"Django is a great back end and it also does really well for building out APIs."
"It's all about ensuring that you have massive adoption of the APIs as you start on a digital journey."
"There are lots and lots of ways to monetize APIs."
"Examples are really important to document your API."
"We never stop innovating, so the APIs that you were using, we just keep that updated through time."
"Keras provides a number of model building APIs such as sequential, functional, and subclassing."
"APIs are in fact user interfaces, they're just built for a different type of user than you or me."
"Machines have a very different need and therefore they have their own user interface we call that the API."
"The APIs are really neat because you can do quite a bit with the APIs."
"The web browser API exposes functionality to JavaScript so that JavaScript can pass off these long tasks to the browser."
"Postman was my best friend when I needed to go through and learn APIs."
"APIs are really common and extremely powerful way of communicating with different devices and services."
"It's a great testimony to the excitement about Google Technologies and APIs that you're all here."
"We have been steadily increasing the number of APIs that we have included."
"Obviously, today's world of digital business is built on APIs."
"It's not really a surprise to us today that APIs are being used in a way that enables all kinds of interesting businesses."
"Most developers spend about 80% of their time dealing with authorization, and then the other 20% of the time dealing with the actual APIs that they were using, and that's kind of sad."
"APIs are becoming a more and more popular trend; more companies are API-centric or trending towards that."
"APIs are going to enable the next major advancement of humanity."
"APIs are really a user interface designed for a different user: a machine running software."
"APIs allow businesses to discover new revenue models and streams."
"The modern API... using existing components to build something larger really makes it easy to do."
"The API is really a first-class citizen for your business."
"So for API designers, do not violate the principle of least astonishment, that is always make your APIs do the least astonishing thing."
"You want to treat APIs as a product, they are a first-class citizen in your organization."
"Create a data API, a data access layer... that have subprograms that do the work for you."
"JSON is ideal for web APIs and actually most of the web APIs nowadays are using JSON."
"JSON is easier to read, and when you're doing API requests and you're getting those API responses, more than likely there's always a JSON option."
"APIs are very important because they extend the capabilities of our application."
"We can use all the same cool APIs that the native developers are using, but we can use them through web standards."
"We've got platform accessibility APIs, we've got the accessibility tree, and the browser assistive technologies that can make use of them."
"APIs give us flexibility... without the entire structure of what you expect the workflow to be."
"Once you've got an API in place, you've got access to all those basic functions."
"An API made it possible for him to create an otherwise non-existent feature."
"Any point data graph allows you to unify multiple APIs into a single data service."
"I have worked on the various API that we have to offer including the REST API, the JavaScript API, and the extensions API."
"These APIs are simple to use and are built on the HTTP protocol and the API surface resources that can be manipulated with HTTP verbs."
"I think you're going to see this kind of world where you have two sets of APIs where you see people basically publishing gRPC APIs side-by-side with REST."
"Machine readable API contracts are a really great idea."
"The fact that we could build APIs using the way that the web already works was just great."
"We're really here to talk about APIs, and when I say APIs, I mean something that a developer can consume to leverage particular behavior outside of their system."
"REST APIs work in a very specific way, basically the same way that your browser works."
"The real beauty of the web is that many of your websites expose their services through APIs or application programming interfaces."
"With custom JavaScript and APIs, you can achieve it."
"You have access to all the native APIs and access to native user interfaces."
"An API allows one piece of software to talk to another piece of software."
"We tend to fail gracefully in Cocoa across all of the APIs."
"One of the main use cases is building REST APIs for React, Angular, D3 visualization libraries or any other libraries that are sitting in web browser just expecting some JSON data."
"Every OS API is just a C++ class; you just instantiate it and call members on it just like you would any other C++ class."
"API management is a place where you can manage your APIs."
"Developers can easily discover your APIs, learn how to use your APIs by reading documentation."
"This is Hacker News and we'll discover countless APIs."
"There is a really distinctive change in focus in terms of what we're doing for the usage model and for newly introduced configuration APIs."
"Rest APIs are essentially a way to expose a set of resources over HTTP."
"I want us to have great APIs for writing high-performance Python in Python."
"Who cares what the API looks like, we agree that we're basically sending parameters as a data structure."
"Stream is a robust platform that provides APIs to build scalable real-time chats and feeds."