
Spiritual Realm Quotes

There are 68 quotes

"The spirit realm is a real realm, it's not imaginary."
"The spirit realm is more real than the physical realm."
"When you speak the Word of God, the invisible realm must conform to that word."
"I found myself in a very real place of pure, impeccable bright whiteness."
"I think the spirit realm... it could be a physical realm that has the ability to manifest in our limited realm."
"Whoever can access the realm of the spirit already has an advantage over this realm."
"Run to the spirit realm. Hold onto what God said and watch what God does."
"There's coming a time when the veil between the spirit and the natural is growing thinner."
"Enter into the heavenly realm through prayer."
"The kingdom of heaven is within and all around you."
"The spirit realm is real, ladies and gentlemen. It is real, it is a realm bigger than ours with real demonic forces that will do anything to gain access into a person's life."
"When one dies, one does not pass into a world of shadows and ghosts who drift aimlessly."
"The kingdom of heaven is a literal spiritual realm accessible to born-again believers."
"Heaven is a magnificent place created by the greatest creator."
"The invisible things... reflect themselves in the physical realm."
"Kamigawa's primary conflict was a clash between the mortal world called Utsushio and the spirit realm called Kakurio."
"You have great power in the spiritual realm."
"Witchcraft deals with the spiritual world initially."
"Focus on the Unseen, what is this man talking about, the invisible realm and these beings."
"That's the moment when I had died, so that was what was happening in my physical body. I don't remember any of that, but my spirit was clearly in heaven."
"The spiritual realm in which your blessings are is the will of God for your life."
"The Power of Words: you can speak from here and have something happen in heaven."
"Never ever show up to anything again alone. You have that much love from the spirit realm."
"This is where you created. Are you creating heaven or are you creating hell? That was a creation."
"When Dusk and Dawn meet together, that's when the veil is really thin."
"We live in the Devil's Playground, bringing people to Jesus."
"The realm of the kingdom where he rules is the whole of you, and then when it flows out of your body as rivers, then it contains the whole dimension around you."
"All of us have been Ephesians 2:6 raised with Christ and seated with him in the heavenly realms. We actually all have the authority of Christ."
"A lot of prophets miss God because they literally hear something but they don't distinguish whether they're hearing it from the second heaven, they're hearing something or the third heaven, and they get faked out. That's true, Sid."
"Paul gives us the secret to being victorious in the spiritual realm."
"The only way you can talk and they will hear and say you did well is when you talk from a superior realm because the realm you now download from is the realm where the Ancient of Days himself dwells."
"Intercession brings about accelerations in the spirit."
"Moses was already a deliverer. He already beat the demons in the spirit. He has not come into the physical realm, but in the realm of the Spirit, he's already presented."
"It's not talking about light here in the natural, it is a window in the spiritual realm."
"Everything that occurs in the Physical Realm is distorted, transient, sometimes periodic, and grotesque reflection of what really happens in the spiritual realm."
"You have the highest authority in the spirit realm. No demons, no witches, no powers of darkness for you. You have authority over all the powers of the enemy."
"It's about the fact that it's a realm of life. Life and life everlasting."
"And now, even the highest orders from the throne room, those angels that stand in your presence, will come with assignments to do what looks impossible but in the spirit realm activate something that causes things in the natural realm to manifest."
"The kingdom is here, and where the kingdom is, there is power."
"...at the moment of our new birth God placed us in the spirit and when he says in the spirit he's talking about it a whole new realm."
"You are seated with him in Heavenly places far above principalities and powers."
"God wants your spirit man to get into that realm and see what He has got for you."
"In the glory realm, you're plugged into heaven, charging your battery while you're ministering."
"Purgatory is far from being a place of punishment; it is perhaps the most beneficent realm in nature."
"God is about to introduce many people into the realm of angels, the realm of our Lord Jesus Christ, the realm of visions and dreams."
"The spiritual world is superior to the physical, temporal world."
"God's goal at Eden was to bring the Unseen realm, the Heavenly family, and the Human family together."
"The realm of spirit is broad, roomy, all-inclusive, never exclusive or forbidding to those who earnestly seek it."
"The wound in the Spiritual Realm where Ambition, Mercy, and Odium clashed and Ambition was destroyed, the effects on the planet's trinity have been disturbing."
"Kingdom of God come, the will of God be done on earth as it is in heaven."
"The very fact that you're willing to walk through Calvary in the presence of Christ, He will take you into the spiritual realm."
"The spirit man has exclusive contact with the realm of the spirit where realities are stored."
"Whoever continually humbles himself to become like this gentle child is the greatest one in heaven's kingdom realm."
"God has designed humans to operate both in the natural and the spiritual realms."
"Mortals could enter the world beyond and otherworldly beings roamed among the living."
"In the unseen realm, below the surface, in the spiritual realm it is a done deal and it's only a matter of time until what has already taken place in the spiritual realm, manifests itself in the physical realm."
"I think the spiritual realm is very difficult to understand or explain because we can't perceive it."
"It's amazing when you use the name of Jesus; it kind of shows you if there's something going on in the spirit realm."
"Many of the souls find they're lost on this plane because there is nobody praying for them."
"The gift of discernment is a spiritual gift to see what is going on in the spirit realm that you and I would otherwise not be able to see."
"The God of heaven reveals that there is a different world, a spirit realm, that lies, for the most part, beyond our senses."
"There's an unseen realm that God has assigned to make sure that you are successful."
"This is the world where the spiritual and the physical meet together."
"We are completely positionally transferred out of Satan's kingdom into God's kingdom; that's our new identity."
"You don't even look like what you've been through, you are Untouchable in the spiritual Realm."
"Good karma is coming in; you're very respected in the spiritual realm."
"You're receiving a present from the spiritual realm, Aries."
"You're definitely about to be heavily celebrated in the spirit realm for overcoming some type of stronghold in your life."