
Pentecost Quotes

There are 114 quotes

"The merger will accelerate a new era of Pentecost power and Kingdom authority."
"And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place, and suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting."
"The foundation scripture for this is Acts 2:17 which says, 'And it shall come to pass in the last days, God says, that I will pour out my Spirit on all flesh.' Now, there are those who would hold to the view that this is what happened at Pentecost, while others would see a dual fulfillment involving both Pentecost and the last days leading up to the return of Christ."
"The Church believes because of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit given at Pentecost."
"Rivers of living water, tongues of fire rest upon each of them."
"Divided tongues of fire sat upon each of them."
"Let us be about his business, let us go out like the disciples on the day of Pentecost."
"Pentecost was not the beginning of a Pentecostal Church."
"Pentecost was a slap in the face to the gods of the nations."
"Pentecost is an experience, not a denomination. It established the birthday of the Church of Jesus Christ."
"The Holy Spirit made a dramatic entrance during the day of Pentecost, changing the course of history."
"Pentecost is when God gave the law. After Jesus was resurrected, 50 days later, what was the fulfillment of Pentecost? God gave the Spirit, the law brings forth death, what does the Spirit bring forth? Life."
"The Son has revealed the Father. And now after Pentecost, here comes the Holy Spirit, who also is revealing the Father, but through the Son."
"That's the significance of Pentecost."
"Tradition without pentecost is just superstition."
"In the early days of Pentecost they believed that you would speak into heaven and if God called you to Africa or China or South America or someplace in the world he even give you the language of the people he recalled to supernaturally."
"The Holy Spirit descends as a wind and tongues of fire, transforming the Apostles."
"This is a mega Pentecost because the Holy Spirit spoke to me and said we are now entering into the third literal Pentecost."
"It seems pretty clear to me that the tongues that were spoken on the day of Pentecost were known earthly languages."
"The actual sign of Pentecost is the power of authorized utterance at a higher level where your words pierce the hearts of people and they can't shake the impression of what you created."
"You're about to experience your Pentecost, where your tongues are going to change, your experience and your relationship with the Holy Spirit is going to be another dimension."
"The day of Pentecost becomes to the church the most important day of the church's existence next to the death and resurrection of Christ."
"When the Holy Ghost came at Pentecost, he came to confirm their faith. They were waiting for it in faith. Holy Ghost came for those that prepared for him in spirit and in truth."
"The message of Pentecost is Jesus. You believe that."
"Most Christians today would say, 'Yes, of course, the Spirit came upon the Christians on the day of Pentecost and they spoke in tongues. Of course, it happened. Did they see it? No, they heard about it."
"Pentecost will die if they don't understand the foundation of the work of the spirit relative to Salvation."
"To fully grasp the deeper meaning of Yeshua Jesus resurrection and Ascension as well as the gift of the Holy Spirit we must understand Pentecost throughout time."
"The purpose of Pentecost is Proclamation."
"We need another Pentecost. We need another Azusa Street. We need another outpouring."
"A new apostolic age fired by new Pentecost is now at hand."
"Confirmation is the way that Pentecost is perpetuated in the Catholic Church."
"We teach Pentecost as a Justice movement because the immediate diaspora from the event was a demonstration of Justice."
"The baptism of the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost is the answer to Christ's prayer."
"Pentecost is not, first of all, a Christian holiday in the sense that it's first revealed in the New Testament."
"Pentecost is rooted, once again, in the Torah in the 23rd chapter of Leviticus, verse 16, which I just read."
"God actually reverses the curse of Babylon at Pentecost."
"Count down to Pentecost, make these days count."
"The flames coming down on Pentecost was the Third Temple inauguration. God now lives in people, fulfilling Zechariah."
"It factors in a big way in the book of Acts and specifically at Pentecost."
"We're looking for a painless Pentecost. We want to invest a dime and get a million dollars back."
"There was a heavenly unintelligible language that was there at Pentecost."
"Did Jesus really say that? Because if he really did say that, why are his disciples on the day of Pentecost not doing what he said?"
"Pentecost is a celebration of what we can do with what God has given us."
"The Church Age began on the day of Pentecost and it will end at the Rapture."
"Father I am available, let it fall like it was in the day of Pentecost upon my life, upon my singing ministry, upon the word ministry you have given me, upon my business. Let me become a validator of your resurrection, not just a celebrator of your resurrection."
"Tarrying finished on the day of Pentecost. The Holy Spirit was given, period, that’s it."
"Pray for Pentecost, for the Holy Ghost to break up confusion and bring unity."
"This sequence of events naturally makes us wonder what was occurring and why did these events happen on this particular day the Jewish feast day of Pentecost."
"As I come to the New Testament, there is a watershed moment that we know as Pentecost."
"The day of Pentecost is a monumental, epochal, once-for-all day in the history of redemption."
"The resurrection should never be separated from the gift of the Holy Spirit at the day of Pentecost."
"It really was the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost that transformed these disciples."
"God only had one Church, One Church started on the day of Pentecost at Jerusalem."
"The feast of Pentecost was perfectly fulfilled on its day."
"You and I cannot know the power of the Spirit; remember we're talking about Pentecost today."
"The church is born on the day of Pentecost, and it is given its birth by the baptism with the Holy Spirit."
"The miracle of Pentecost was that the apostles and disciples of Jesus were enabled to speak foreign languages they did not know."
"God had to answer the Tower of Babel himself with his own spiritual tower at Pentecost."
"Pentecost is to the Holy Spirit what Bethlehem was to Jesus."
"On Pentecost, the apostles were given the Holy Spirit and power to spread the good news of faith, forgiveness, baptism, repentance, and a newness of life through Messiah Yahushua."
"The proof is the fruit, and Pentecost Sunday is about you and I coming back to God."
"The prayer of Jesus that they might all be one was answered dramatically in the fiery outpouring at Pentecost."
"Suddenly there came from heaven a noise like a violent rushing wind, and it filled the whole house where they were sitting."
"They were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began speaking with other tongues as the Spirit was giving them utterance."
"On the day of Pentecost, they were in one accord in unity."
"Pentecost is the gift of the spirit and it talks about being the indwelling of the spirit, the progressive sanctification as you grow and learn to become mature in Messiah."
"There was a mighty rushing wind, tongues of fire, everybody started speaking languages which they had not learned before."
"When the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were with one Accord in one place."
"They spoke with tongues as the Spirit gave them the utterance."
"I'm excited about the day of Pentecost, this very occasion."
"They were all together in one place, and suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting."
"What does this remind you of? The day of Pentecost when the Holy Spirit came down and tongues of fire lit on their shoulders."
"He unifies the languages, miraculously, at Pentecost. Why? So the Gospel can be preached."
"The day before Pentecost there was no church; the day after Pentecost there was a church."
"Pentecost is when the fire of the Holy Spirit comes down... and the message is being dispersed out into the periphery."
"God bless you and a joyful Pentecost to all of you."
"The Spirit of God came on the day of Pentecost with a mighty rushing wind."
"Pentecost was a singular event in history, an unrepeatable outpouring of the spirit of God."
"Pentecost is the Christian festival celebrating the descent of the Holy Spirit onto the disciples of Yeshua after his ascension."
"When the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were together in one accord, and suddenly there came a sound."
"We are indwelt from the day of Pentecost by the Holy Spirit, so the Holy Spirit indwells everyone."
"The birthday of the church is the day of Pentecost."
"Praise God for the day of Pentecost."
"When the truth in its simplicity is lived in every place, then God will work through His angels as He worked on the day of Pentecost."
"There will be a full restoration of the apostolic gifts and the full power of Pentecost before the coming of the Lord."
"The Holy Spirit has been poured out two thousand years ago beginning on the day of Pentecost."
"Africa, Africa, Africa, you are going to be the continent of Pentecost."
"Believe that you are a people of Pentecost, then will manifest the power of God to the ends of the earth."
"The Holy Ghost has not gone anywhere else since the time of Pentecost; he is still in the Catholic Church."
"Pentecost is a unique event; it happened once and it will never happen again."
"Pentecost points to the giving of the fullness of the Holy Spirit."
"Pentecost was the beginning of a new Unity, it brought a new family into being."
"Pentecost is about unity, but understand, Pentecost is also about harvest."
"Pentecost is a picture of the resurrection and rapture of the Church of Jesus Christ."
"The day of Pentecost had come, they were all together in one place."
"There appeared to them tongues as of fire... and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit."
"The church is the fruit of Pentecost."
"They saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated and came to rest on each of them."
"Like on the day of Pentecost, when the disciples were together in one accord, I pray this evening, Lord God, that we will be in one accord."
"Pentecost was not just an historical event marking the birth of the church but an existential event to be repeated in the lives of individual Christians."
"...the message is that we had our own Pentecost and are we walking with God closely to him living in obedience to him."
"Pentecost is a monumental event in the calendar of God's master plan."