
Unusual Quotes

There are 387 quotes

"Woman charged with felony embezzlement for not returning Sabrina the Teenage Witch VHS 21 years ago."
"On the 5th of May, 1979, calls began pouring into Birmingham, Alabama radio news and the local police department from motorists reporting a car driving around with a hand sticking out of the trunk."
"It's just not numbers you associate with bench pressing."
"The stories from both parties are similar yet different and very unusual."
"Impressive not because it looked like it would change the world but because it was really weird and borderline upsetting in a brand new way."
"Strangest looking fish: a fish that looks like this could be completely undiscovered species."
"This is one of those moments when I knew this was not normal."
"It's just the craziest story. Military police officers Eddie Gropes and Marco Tredese drive down this road on the lookout for something unusual when suddenly it runs right across their path."
"Harsh words a bit of a weird one but I actually like this one."
"Somewhere right now, there's a hermit crab wearing your old Dr. Pepper bottle."
"Among the many experiments carried out, some truly stand out as bizarre."
"I may have some sick lecturers... we were playing with maggots."
"This cutaway is one of the weirdest edits I have ever seen."
"They only have two toes on each foot... that's a cursed foot."
"It did feel a bit weird that the crane was on track reversing."
"They actually did the embalming in the kitchen."
"It's easily the most bizarre thing that you two ever did."
"Could you imagine walking to a fight at 5:00 a.m.?"
"One night the nurse rushed in with emergency supplies and nearly dropped them when she saw the man floating two inches above the bed."
"That's weird but then knowing that the guardians of traffic are those like stone-faced people on the bridge."
"Did anybody see what I saw run across the field? I swear it was small, I don't think it was Chucky."
"I guess I was hoping for something a little more weird."
"Unexpected home situation: 'All the doors and windows opened.'"
"Speaking of two mouths, a woman fishing on Lake Champlain hauled up a pretty special catch..."
"Jet-powered school bus: 367 miles per hour, a ride to remember!"
"It's gonna come in the form of an animal, it's either gonna look at you, it's either gonna fly in a bizarre way, it's either gonna do something unusual or it's either just gonna be unusual in itself."
"Something very specific, very unusual, very strange, and very bizarre is going to be on the other side of the door."
"I thought he was kind of a nerdy guy... but there was something about him that isn't quite right."
"You're not dealing with some normal thing here."
"I know it's strange to have a quasi-stranger kind of walk in and just start kissing your baby, but it's what us politicians do."
"Dog camouflage chain gang assault battalion shirt."
"Weird flex but okay, that means like it's strange that you want to show off that you spent three thousand dollars on socks."
"This January transfer window is not normal, it's like a summer transfer window."
"Why do I have 14 of these? Okay, that's the QQ bank sold, bit weird selling ones I've had for like nearly seven years but whatever."
"The pleasure room itself on the third floor of the chicken house was painted totally pink and contained everything and anything for the practicing deviant, including whips, chains, mattresses, candles, and plenty of other toys."
"There's nothing wrong with me being at a bank at almost midnight, right?"
"I mean, the only thing standing between you and death right now is potentially a fluffy pink pair of earmuffs."
"It feels so weird and so good to be able to drive through the pool in Daisy Cruiser."
"Some skeletons are so bizarre looking that researchers concluded that they might have belonged to aliens."
"When you're out in the middle of nowhere, your hackles go up when you see something out of the ordinary." - Jessica Schultz
"Intruder armed with an AR-15 rifle apologized and left 200 for homeowners after breaking in to eat shrimp and have a bath, police say."
"It's like crazy the things they say, it's not relatable at all but it's so interesting."
"The giant long-legged katydid looks like it crept off the set of a 1950s b-movie."
"Post-mortem fetal extrusion. AKA: coffin birth."
"It just seems wrong seeing a plane take off vertically."
"Some trees truly stand out... these are the most unusual trees in the world."
"Elderly Aunt May pointed a gun at Spider-Man begging him not to hurt Dr. Octopus. Certainly has to be one of the strangest moments in Spider-Man history."
"Every single person is like, 'What the [ __ ] is this thing walking down the sidewalk right now?'"
"Henry Fonda's childhood was downright bizarre."
"Polar bear purrs when cuddling with her human dad."
"I have accumulated a [ __ ] ton of weird financial advice."
"Let someone live in your backyard if you can't find a roommate."
"There sure are some crazy court cases in the world of media."
"That's weird, but at the same time, it makes me think a little differently about this."
"She served a purple cow: milk mixed with grape juice for breakfast."
"It's one of the strangest train wrecks I think I've seen."
"If one of your guild leadership needs to periodically go and curl up on the floor with a gallon of milk, that's a red flag."
"He luckily had an alibi he was passed out drunk in the hospital an alibi that he had forgotten because he was drunk."
"Thanks to this awesome sea lion, Kevin is one of the few people to have survived the fall from the Golden Gate Bridge!"
"If you love to watch clouds, then you may have spotted these extremely unusual clouds before."
"This is one of the weirdest tests I've ever provided commentary for in Boca Chica."
"It's a weird situation, and I think that's going to continue to happen."
"Fair warning: This is gonna be weirder than usual."
"Hey, today was really weird, but it was fun hanging out with you all."
"Usually the first moon you getting in Night Metro, so kind of interesting seeing it in daytime. It's not something that happens very often in speedruns."
"Suspect wearing superhero branded mask uses sword to steal Magic the Gathering cards."
"I love it what what the [ __ ] was that that was actually really cool."
"Who would have thought shark fetuses with two heads are becoming more common around the world?"
"This was a goat that was found in India and when it was discovered it was looking back at people with a face that was very much like their own in a lot of aspects."
"It was actually the opposite since the fact of not seeing a single demon was weird."
"Every single day we've been dealing with some strange."
"The weirdest thing about it is that a lot of people... come out with these stories."
"First thing I'm nervous about is the color, it looks like something I have a Suez Canal."
"Tardigrades look like microscopic eight-legged hairless bears and they are indestructible literally."
"Training fungi to fight each other? That's a very unexpected mode of entertainment."
"Death row inmate eats an entire Bible as his last meal."
"The fly then goes into his mouth... now it goes down in history."
"Seeing two cockroaches fighting is a pretty amazing sight."
"An alligator gar larger than a person was pulled from a Mississippi lake."
"The more that they believe that they're clowns somehow they kind of like tap into new powers."
"Pepperoni on a burger. This is weird, but still very good."
"Hot lava is a little-used Christmas decoration. I don't know why more people don't use it, because it's awesome!"
"The methods don't have to be amazing gp an hour just weird and unusual that's what this series is all about."
"He's pink, he's indestructible, see mean, he just... yeah, it's weird."
"In this video we'll take a look at some of the most astonishing finds in Europe from Britain's Pompeii to a crude oil bath here are 15 of the strangest things recently discovered in Europe."
"Your inspiration is it's a bear, but it also has three hand grenades taped to its hands."
"It's so personal, so over the top, and shockingly weird."
"The ice cream truck's tune sounds nothing short of creepy."
"Raising a hedgehog as a pet is one of the more unusual pursuits you can have."
"Imagine your garden smelling like you hid a dead body in there."
"One of the strangest data sets I've come across for NYC open data is the squirrel census."
"Some coincidences are so bizarre we can't just dismiss them as business as usual."
"Have you ever hanged upside down from the ceiling like a bat?"
"All those months he'd been coughing and wheezing, he'd been walking around with a pea plant growing in his left lung."
"One of the most unusual rocks I've ever seen."
"Just so surreal, I'm completely normal, I'm sure for you, but this is definitely not a typical evening."
"Something pretty unusual happened."
"The state of all that being gone, wow, that's just really out of the ordinary."
"Some of the deaths were a little unusual."
"I can only describe the entire episode and its circumstances as bizarre."
"That's pretty unusual, and I think it's happening now too."
"I actually feel like this is weird and something is happening, and that's not usual for me."
"We're cooking dinner together in this really unusual environment, and it's just..."
"This violent race is famous throughout the Galaxy for their ferocity. However, this story doesn't begin with a tale of war, but something unusual for the members of the Saiyan race: friendship."
"We originally bought the ambulance from the fire department."
"We've not had no major explosions."
"It's been weird, this has been an unusual one."
"For a summer, I worked at a funeral directors that offered themed funerals."
"This is not a normal Christmas morning."
"A man who had been missing for nearly 3 days was discovered alive clinging to a McDonald's biscuit."
"I've just never seen anything that slippery in my life."
"The Witch's Cap is an unusual space where your voice echoes around you."
"He was playing everything and doing all that was, that as far as I knew, that was unusual."
"In the four years I had that position, I received my fair share of odd calls... but what I'm about to tell you is pale in comparison to anything else I've experienced."
"This is a spot where interesting calls, something out of the ordinary, just one of those, you get back to the station, you just go, 'What was that?'"
"2020 has been a very strange year for me."
"It's unusual, and it's still got secrets, that's the lovely thing."
"He would send Megan like a message like once every like six months or so on the weirdest things."
"Not every day you come across a pink limo on the side of the road."
"Weird things on Amazon I actually like."
"It's super steamy and this is weird but I like the egg in a soup."
"This is the largest amount of sexual tension I've ever seen emanating from a pair of twin brothers."
"We're actually meeting with them face to face and they're bringing their doll."
"The most strange circumstances to get this one. By far the most bizarre."
"It looks like a hot tub, but stateside it's not just the coffins that have super-sized."
"Only this took place inside of the freaking four-lane highway."
"This is an official Radiohead and Coldplay collaboration... Which is just bizarre."
"...suggesting of course that something un usual is going on in the universe after all."
"They're literally living underground, it's crazy."
"The one thing I hate, oh, what? Putting a penny in your eyeball? I think it's a talent, it's whatever it is."
"...the synopsis is Bonkers and it's unlike anything probably you've really read before."
"I see these two guys in purge masks at a college parking lot at 2 in the morning. This isn't normal."
"Over the last few days, it has been a beautiful winter like unprecedented to be honest with you like it has been so warm."
"Everything about the Sedona Method is unusual."
"He had one request before he was hanged. Dr. Holmes asked if he could be buried and encased in thick concrete."
"Its eyes reflected an unnatural color of light that I haven't seen in the animal kingdom."
"You want to be unusual in a very usual world."
"In an unusual turn of events, both the prosecution and the defense demanded they be acquitted."
"This is the news that an orchestra in New Zealand has performed a concert for a flock of chickens."
"It's like an orange on a toothpaste."
"When asked about dangerous wild animals, creatures like lions and snakes often come to mind. However, the residents of a town in Tomsk, Russia, faced a different kind of terror: an aquatic monster known as the wolfish."
"These are the 20 weirdest ships in the world."
"It's very unusual to find this sort of remains from that period."
"...it's unusual and cool and well it's full of quirks and features."
"This strange reassurance, it was completely out of the ordinary."
"But what makes this case particularly unusual is the fact that I'm investigating not just one death but two."
"Is this a dessert? It's marshmallow and sweet potato, that's mentally wrong."
"It's very unusual for me and Glenn on our own to get taps like that when we ask for it."
"It has definitely been an unusual winter here in Michigan."
"This is the most cursed thing any of us have ever done."
"Some feelings may also be a little bit unusual."
"There's no correct way to say what happened to Poof without it being weird."
"But it was nice, because that's not usual. We got to watch Django, we had to watch it twice."
"There was no one else there at the time, which even then was unusual."
"We would have had the Guinness world records for most flies in one space."
"Maybe even more unusual than the letter though, was the $32,000 in cash they'd stuffed under the driver's seat."
"The couch and chair cushions had been flipped upright like they were standing vertically."
"That is definitely something you do not see every day."
"Vera agrees to the unusual proposal."
"Most people do it after, I've never seen anyone do it before."
"Modern science can't really explain why but if you go outside at night, stand on your head and stare at the full moon you will notice something unusual, what?"
"It's just got this great [ __ ] energy to it, just constantly wanting to do this [ __ ]. Just, it just... it kind of, it's weird, like, I want to call it motivating, but that's such a bizarre word to associate with, you know, something like this."
"Unusual places usually bring unusual items or at least different pieces."
"Button's entering into Formula One was a bit unusual."
"Hi, now this is something that you don't see every day."
"It's unusual for it to happen at this late stage."
"A 45-year-old woman was admitted to the hospital suffering from gastrointestinal issues, and the problem was determined to be a balloon stuck in her stomach."
"It's just something you don't see every day."
"This is something that has not happened to me before, but it was freaky."
"This is the doors are like the craziest thing of the whole thing and there's a lot of crazy happening here."
"Check out Jess's channel, yes, I've got a YouTube channel where, you know, I just sort of address repairs that are interesting or like a little bit something unusual."
"In the middle of the Australian countryside, a phenomenon has been taking place that is often described as 'Spider rain'."
"I've got something a little bit unusual to show you today."
"This 15 pound 12 ounce mirror carp is so unusual."
"This is a very unusual place to be."
"Now what was really unusual is in this entire series, there's only ever been 13 humans shown, no adults or other kids."
"I'd love to play with a baby hippo... If I died by a baby hippo I deserve a death"
"I like it it's different unusual it's strange and it's odd for the context."
"I've just never seen anything like this, but I was wondering if anyone else had similar sightings."
"I've always had weird experiences and that's how I categorize them too but we it known abruptly paranormal but just strange."
"I was definitely a little scared but I mean it was all in trash bags so I guess it doesn't look that bad. But yeah, it was definitely like one of the craziest experiences just like I've never done anything like that just dropping it off in bags."
"Recently, I had a pretty strange experience with someone or something in the Walmart parking lots."
"What struck me the most was the absence of a visible neck, its head emerged directly from its broad shoulders."
"I saw what appeared to be a man with the strangest gait I've ever seen."
"I completely forgot I was drinking horse milk for a second."
"Now imagine you're strolling along a serene riverbank, perhaps in the Amazon basin or a river in Papua New Guinea. The water is clear, and you see a variety of fish swimming, but then something unusual catches your eye: a fish with teeth that look eerily similar to human teeth."
"It's eerie, it's surreal, it's goofy."
"Never have I ever sat down in the shower."
"There are several troubling aspects to it. First and foremost, the time it took Davy to call 911 is unusual."
"It's just kind of weird to see it out in the day. I thought, you know, about this thing must be desperate."
"It's like eating candy bacon with fruit."
"Any miss is unusual for Thorsten."
"There was a tortoise in the Seychelles that was filmed preying on a hummingbird. Have you guys seen this at all?"
"I had a weird dream last night. It wasn't like your normal everyday dream."
"Oh my God, there is an octopus in the dumpster!"
"And this is the story behind one of the strangest Playoff scenarios you're ever going to see."
"I did something very unusual for me. I say unusual because in general, I'm a pretty happy-go-lucky, easy-go-with-the-flow kind of guy. When I was working on my book, my house was never as organized as it was then."
"That's what's so fun about mineral collecting and interesting. You think you've seen it all, but there's so many unusual minerals."
"Indeed, the land of rabbits, a strange origin for a country name."
"...okay I get weird looks when I break out the hula hoop especially this hula hoop because it lights up."