
Informed Decisions Quotes

There are 223 quotes

"We deserve to make decisions on what we're consuming based on accurate information."
"The biggest message here is to do your research, and if you have an inkling of concern and if you see some red flags, then do explore that more."
"It's good to be informed; it's good to know the truth about some of these things because that way you can make your own decision for yourself."
"Just let people make informed decisions about their own bodies."
"The more informed we are, the better decisions that we can make."
"Canadians are really smart. Canadians are really well-informed... by and large I think as a country people are making really smart decisions, and those smart and well-informed decisions are saving lives." - Deputy Prime Minister.
"Our hope was that we could truly show you what caffeine is doing inside the human body, even at the cellular level, so you could make informed decisions about how you want to utilize caffeine in your own life."
"If being informed and changing your opinion makes you a hypocrite, then so be it. Better to learn and adapt than remain willfully ignorant."
"Our job here is to inform you, to show you the stories the mainstream media ignores. And then we hope that you have a well-rounded piece of information that you can then make your own informed decisions about."
"We now have the data. We now can make informed decisions."
"If you truly want to know more, consult good research by legitimate experts."
"Patients want to know that if they ask the physician a question, including a question about Covid treatments, they'll get their doctor's honest opinion."
"One caveat as I would say before you decide to dig in on such a position make sure that you do have it right..."
"Local news is very important for people to make those decisions."
"I want people to make informed joyful choices about sex."
"I think it's about being a knowledgeable consumer. The more you know, the more intelligent questions you can ask."
"There's nothing wrong in choosing a career for its financial advantages; that is called making informed life decisions."
"Once you know what has actually happened, you start to apply that to everything."
"It's really important to just be informed on like what's going on with people and brands and things like that so we can make the most ethical decisions that we can with our money or our views."
"You have an obligation to be informed and to understand what you're talking about."
"This is about wanting people to be informed about the health decisions they are making for themselves."
"It's really up to the consumer to be informed about the choices that they're making and to not fall victim to marketing at the end of the day."
"Give people the information they need and let them make their own decision."
"We should give women all of the information."
"Misinformation takes away our freedom to make informed decisions."
"Consumers should have as much detail as possible to make their purchasing decisions."
"You can expose yourself to every option available when you're making your purchase decisions."
"The more that public opinion, that popular opinion, is informed, the better chance we all have of prevailing."
"It's not about trying to frighten people into supporting us, you know, I'm trying to give you all the information to make you know educated decisions on whether you want to or not."
"Continuing to seek out alternative points of view is super helpful in making sure that we are making truly informed decisions."
"I would like the news to give me all sides of a situation and let me make up my own mind."
"Because with knowledge comes responsibility."
"Most importantly do homework do not be influenced by me him or anybody else do your homework."
"The journey to a secure and prosperous retirement is a mosaic of informed choices and strategic investments."
"Empowering people to understand their own bodies and to make decisions for themselves."
"The reality is this is happening right now, and I would rather know about it than not."
"Invest what you're interested in, invest what you know."
"Research if you don't want to do research you should not purchase a machine because I promise you a little bit of research will guide you."
"We are required to be informed when it comes to making decisions."
"Signing up to such ideologies needs to be a matter of informed consent."
"If we are informed and educated, we're going to make better decisions about what we eat."
"The worst thing for a cult is actually knowing what they sell before you buy it."
"Transparency allows fans to make informed decisions about their favorite bands."
"I think the most effective way to be informed nowadays is to question everything."
"Don't just blindly say, 'Oh, this is great because of this one thing.' Sure, that's a huge piece of it but that is 5% of this dude."
"Vaccine hesitancy is legitimate. You should do your research and gather information from reliable sources before you put anything into your body."
"The more educated we can be as a consumer base, the better for everybody."
"Understanding the economic machine is crucial for making informed decisions."
"Every chance I get, I tell people: get a second, third opinion before making a decision about your health."
"She started spreading awareness in hopes that people would educate themselves before making big decisions."
"Take from what you will or leave it but make sure you look into every single thing you can when it comes to any topic that directly affects your health or your life."
"Stay safe. Making informed decisions is key to moving forward in life."
"It's very important that we have these conversations so that we can make educated decisions about the choices that we make in a mate."
"I'm looking at data, actual data, and I'm also looking at reality."
"To me, it's more about education, give more information and then let people make their own decision."
"The average citizen has a right to say he or she should be given the opportunity to make an informed choice."
"Understanding what's going on helps you make informed investment decisions."
"It's so important to talk to a doctor before getting any treatment."
"People should get informed and then make informed decisions about what they do right rather than just taking high level assurances from whoever it may be about the way things work."
"We need more information to make an informed judgment."
"Make sure that you're making informed decisions."
"Don't settle just because it's convenient. Do your research."
"We believe in educated choices that put your best interest first."
"The reality is doing the right research and going the right path."
"Definitely look into it on your own and figure out what's really going on."
"I think endorsements are condescending. Make informed decisions."
"Don't just take my word for it, make sure that you are checking several different sources."
"My goal is to help you be educated that way you can make smarter decisions for you, your community, and your family."
"Do your own research, guys, do what you think is best for you."
"Educated consumers know how to buy and sell products."
"I believe people should make medical decisions based on their risk factors and their doctor's advice."
"You can always choose to eat different, you could always choose to research and be aware."
"Nobody's telling you you have to, but if you care about whether or not your friend is believing things for good reasons maybe you could."
"Always be your own Advocate, get second opinions, get third opinions because you never know."
"So if there's information out there that tells me I can probably live a good life evil way I'll just go with one that feels right."
"I just want to encourage you to be educated about any decision you're making."
"Don't take my word for everything. Have your own opinion but also let yourself be informed by other people as well."
"Being driven by fear is never a good thing, but being informed is great. It's actually where all of your power as a human being lies."
"It definitely pays to stay informed these days."
"Reasonable people who are well informed can come to a different conclusion."
"Help them make more informed purchase decisions rather than just kind of blindly going after whatever's hot right now."
"Final advice: 'Having fun and staying informed.'"
"In a world where this is a controversial topic, I'm committed AF to giving you nothing but the truth about periods and hormones so you can make informed decisions about your body."
"Being an informed consumer leads to an overall better experience off the bat."
"People need to know the risks before making an informed decision."
"Facts are really important in today's society, really important for people to make an educated decision and an educated and thoughtful opinion about any situation in life."
"Question the narratives that you hear and make informed decisions."
"I try to always include the research. I don't want you to just blindly accept my opinion. I want you to do your due diligence."
"Do your research and listen to the likes of Derek More Plates More Dates."
"Our goal is to bring you quality content to help you be able to make informed buying decisions."
"As a consumer, we should gather as much information as we can to make informed decisions."
"Instead of just listening to people's hearsay about the breed itself, do your own research."
"Stay informed and go and find information from different sources."
"Do your own research. Please do your own homework."
"Vote based on facts and logical decisions, not everyone else's decision around you."
"If you had done the research on the purchase contract."
"It's important to educate yourself so that you can base your financial decisions on facts, not emotions."
"It's a day like this where the market is going one way and positions are going another way that you need to be informed."
"If you're going to be extreme just be informed when you jump out the window."
"Paint a realistic picture. Don't get into something you don't fully understand."
"We can take those things and we can be educated, we can be informed by that process."
"When you're armed with knowledge, you can go out there and you can make your own decisions and do something good."
"But I really feel that people can't make informed decisions unless they have all the information."
"Every man, every woman should be persuaded in their own mind on this subject."
"Do your own research. That's not necessarily disclaimers, just a life lesson that I've learned."
"Ethical animal parks do exist and it's important to do your research before supporting such places."
"Take time to inform yourself before investing your hard-earned money."
"Do your homework, do your research, do what feels good for you."
"An informed patient is a patient in a stronger position."
"Good critical thinking skills can help us avoid bad personal decisions, make more informed political decisions, and just generally have a better life."
"Dressing for our lifestyle will help us make informed choices when it comes to selecting the right clothing pieces."
"That's the thing, if people were properly informed, nobody would choose it."
"...it's good for everybody even if you're not thinking about becoming a vegan or becoming more plant-based is because I believe in making informed decisions."
"I believe that if you know how stuff works it can help you make informed decisions for the rest of your life."
"I think it would be so cool if more people said actually how things were really and then we could all make informed decisions."
"If you are choosing to wait to have sex until marriage, more power to you. But what we're advocating here is teaching children and adults about sex in a healthy way so they can make an educated decision based on what's best for them."
"That's kind of the point of this video, really know what you're buying before you buy it."
"Understanding the nuances between being a licensed physician, board-certified, and the specific area of expertise is crucial for consumers of social media to make informed decisions."
"All we want is just everyone to fully know the church's history, its true claims, what it is, how it helps people, how it hurts people, and then they can make informed decisions in or out of the church."
"If you can understand the principles of amino acids, you can probably make some really informed decisions."
"Self-awareness leads to informed choices in behavior, driving engagement and productivity."
"...be aware look out for other reviews of less biased sources and try to collect all the information you can before making a purchasing decision."
"You cannot just read headlines and all that you have to read the actual things that's going on with it."
"Knowledge is power, but it truly is."
"Patients should be informed to make decisions about their health."
"Better data equals better decisions."
"If we are able to make conscientious educated decisions on what we should buy to use in our hobby, then we're doing a hundred."
"When you're armed with this information, you can make very informed decisions."
"Make informed and transformed choices."
"Better information actually gives you a great opportunity to be able to address these issues."
"Take it for what it's worth, do your research, look at other people's stuff."
"It's very, very important to do your research."
"Do your due diligence; do your research."
"Healthcare providers can make well-informed recommendations based on these well-conducted studies."
"Invest in things that you understand or are capable of understanding."
"We're all about informing you and teaching you about windows so you can make a good decision."
"Just be an advocate for yourself and follow your gut and intuition and be well informed."
"Ask every question you need to ask and be comfortable, be convinced fully before you take action because once you take the action, it is you."
"If people just make informed decisions and educate themselves before they do things, I don't think there will be any problems."
"With animal nutrition calculators, you have the power to make informed decisions about your animal's diet and ensure their well-being."
"We always come out more informed than we were when we went in."
"Know your numbers... you're coming to the table of your health informed and now you can make informed decisions."
"I'm really looking to give you the information so that you can make the right decision based on how your environment is, what your household circumstances are, and so that we can set up realistic expectations."
"Research your options, be wise, research, talk to people, maybe you've done direct, maybe been through a recruitment company, but do your research."
"My goal is to empower women to make informed decisions on their health."
"It's important for you to have all the information you can."
"If you have the information, it's just a matter of making all these little micro choices throughout the day."
"You have to stay up to date on what's happening in the top finance and business news, that way you can make smart decisions with your money."
"It's always gonna be a personal choice, but using the idea of being informed and educated on those topics is a good starting way of deciding when to lean into those issues."
"Let them find out what's going on, and you also should find out what's going on, and then decisions can be made based on that data."
"Staying up to date on what's happening in the finance and business world helps you make the smartest decisions with your money."
"Do your own research and form your own opinions."
"The more information you have, the better choice you can make."
"This channel is all about saving you money, getting you the best information so you can make the best buying decision."
"It shines a light on the problem so you can actually start to make informed decisions."
"People interested in these products deserve information, absolutely, but they deserve and should demand that information in context."
"It's always going to be about being sensible and having an informed approach."
"None of us walk through this world without leaving tracks, but the people when you're doing risk mitigation just need to understand what those facts are so they can make an informed decision."
"Before we speak about something, we want to make sure we're properly informed and not just jump out the window and say something based on what we feel."
"Data analysis can help us make more informed decisions."
"Becoming well informed in the disease process and treatment options will allow you to make good decisions in conjunction with your pediatric neurosurgeon."
"It's about making informed choices to support your health comprehensively."
"Arm you with the information to make sound informed decisions when you're spending your money and getting yourself prepared."
"It pays to be educated about what's happening instead of making emotional decisions."
"I'd rather know than not, that way I can make my most empowered choices from that point forward."
"First things first, do your research. Don't sign up to anything you're not willing to commit to."
"Seek knowledge, don't just take things blindly."
"The consumer needs to ask more questions."
"Your willingness to try to listen and therefore make informed decisions for yourself shows your own willingness to progress, evolve."
"Every decision that you make as not only a parent but just a person should be an educated decision."
"You want to go into that kind of decision with eyes wide open."
"When decision makers see this information on their table, they can make informed decisions based on what you fed them."
"History is what informs you and then you make your decisions from there."
"There's no reason you need to make a decision in a vacuum."
"It helps you make better informed judgments."
"On time the scientists gather more and more evidence, predictions will get more specific and more accurate, and then we can all make more informed decisions in situations like this. So go, volcanologists, go!"
"It's really important that you have all the information you need before going out and purchasing."
"You have to be your own patient advocate with any illness... read what's available there so that you can make the best decision."
"Ignorance is bliss, but education is power."
"Do some research, because you can be qualified for these benefits that you might not even been aware they exist."
"Most millennials are more well informed in their choices and decisions."
"Knowledge of skin histology, skin analysis, and skin care products is essential for an esthetician to make informed decisions."
"Understanding the impact of different carbs is crucial for making informed choices."
"The knowledge you gain from the output of this data analysis process can be used to make informed decisions about the operation of the grid."
"Statistics is really going to allow us to interpret that data and make some informed decisions and some predictions regarding the data and the implications for future decision making."
"Recommendations are realistic and informed by the findings."
"If you don't understand the new system, reach out to an advocate or seek representation for it so that you can make sure you making the best decision for your case."
"Design intention is better understood, decisions educated and documented, leading to fewer prototypes fabricated."
"It is so important for me that you guys have truthful and accurate information so you can make an informed purchase."
"You want to do a little bit of research."
"It's very important for me that you guys have truthful and accurate information so you can make an informed purchase."
"A better-educated population makes more informed voting decisions."
"Anytime you work on your car, you should have knowledge of the system so you can make better decisions in the process."
"Don't just go off of hearsay... try to be as educated as you can."
"The more we can make information transparent and the more we can help people interpret that information such that they can make good choices, the more likely they are to make those good choices."
"Once you understand why your patient has a certain situation, then you are empowered to make better decisions."
"When you know more and more properties of the data, you can make a better decision."
"You should always feel like you're able to make informed decisions about your hair."
"You can be the change you want to see in the world. Make sure that you're making an informed decision on the kind of change you want to see in your world."
"Do your research on what you're purchasing, do your research on the blood, do your research on the traits and tendencies of that blood."