
Life Opportunities Quotes

There are 170 quotes

"Life will be filled with many opportunities, new beginnings, and chances to rebuild anew."
"English is at the core of what we do because we passionately believe that acquiring English language skills can provide people with life-changing opportunities."
"His start in the world of bodybuilding opened up doors to many opportunities and experiences throughout his entire life."
"There's so many opportunities. You can go any way you want to go with it."
"You really can't beat getting that experience... knowing that's literally once in a lifetime."
"If somebody wants to come here and they want to start a life here, it's much preferable to allow them to do so to the maximum extent possible."
"Your future is filled with marked moments, blessings, increase, promotion. God has already ordained before the foundation of the world the right people, the right opportunity, time and chance are coming together for you."
"The whole world is open for you to go and do what you want."
"A person who is focused on Allah and on the hereafter will naturally find that doors start to open up for them in this life as well."
"You're gonna have such beautiful opportunities."
"I'm at a really exciting position in my life where I have an awful lot of opportunities presented to me."
"This is a year of infinite potential for you."
"Women have just as good a chance as men do uh in succeeding in life."
"I feel extraordinarily fortunate for the opportunities that I've had throughout my entire life."
"You just want a chance in life sometimes, you just want a chance to do something great."
"There's a whole life out there waiting for you outside of your comfort zone."
"The sun can bring about abundance, victory, success, happiness. It also will augment the positive aspects of the cards around it and negate the negative aspects of the cards around it."
"We're willing to make that sacrifice for Neo to give him the best chance at life."
"World is their oyster. They are wealthy. They are young. They are successful."
"Be open to receiving love, abundance, or opportunity that even surpasses your highest expectation."
"Closed mouths don't get fed, so keep yourself open. There is a world of possibilities out there for you."
"Life's not fair, but if you have the opportunity to do well and get somewhere and better yourself, then you take it."
"Try some new stuff. Your life might open up in ways you never expected."
"If you're still here, life won't deny you a new era if you want it."
"Regardless of how this resolves, let's just figure out how to give people an opportunity to live their lives even when they make mistakes."
"We are literally on the cusp of the most amazing opportunity of your life."
"Sometimes we have a golden nugget in front of us, and we don't even realize it until it's too late."
"Education is more Sure Fire guaranteed that you have possibilities open to you."
"You're going to see echoes of your father or your mother, your sister, your brother. You have the opportunity to have with that person the best relationship with anyone you've ever had in your life."
"If you decide to take the opportunities that you're given, you will get more out of life."
"As long as you're alive, you have another chance."
"Each day is just another opportunity...you never really know what could happen."
"Life is this awesome opportunity. I have this power to go and make a change and do things."
"To me, the world says there's a lot of opportunity for you here."
"As soon as I lost control, as soon as the choice was taken away from me... every option opened up."
"You're gonna meet somebody that can change your life. Are you prepared?"
"To be born in America, to live in America, you've already kind of won the lottery."
"Your possibilities from greatness to success to love to everything."
"And that baby boy deserved to have an opportunity to grow up and become something great."
"Getting out of your own way, universe has so much better in store for you."
"Say yes, and that is just going to bring you so much more into your life."
"You've got lots and lots of good things going on."
"Expand, make room for me to bring more into your life."
"You have to be open to change, open to new opportunities in life."
"Some things are destiny; it's gonna happen whether it's an opportunity, a relationship, whatever it is."
"I firmly college I was almost laughter I just every opportunity again and I happen to stuff my house because I genuinely tried to be a nice person."
"Something big-time is being arranged for you."
"If you do believe in a higher power, if you do believe in Jesus, you're definitely going to have something more powerful than you could ever imagine. It just means some doors, some opportunities, if you allow Him to drive."
"The Wheel of Fortune is turning for everybody with this moon."
"Every crisis opens up an opportunity... every crisis it open a danger aspect but also give you an opportunity aspect."
"I've never have to worry about money I could be debt free oh my god there's so many things that I would be able to do with that type of money."
"That person isn't here yet, there is somebody that is, or there is a job that is. Let them into your life because they're part of the preparation."
"The biggest opportunity in the history of humankind to do what you want to do and yet, you will continue to find reasons not to."
"This your last damn chance to have happiness, this your last chance to have a biblical covenant and find some people."
"You stay patient and just wait your turn, it's going to come to you, facts."
"Not all of us have the chance in our lives to become the hero we all know is inside of each and every one of us."
"Opportunities and interesting events will unfold; trust your instincts."
"Travel awaits you. Very soon, you're gonna come across an opportunity."
"As your energy is getting prepared for new journeys, new adventures, new opportunities in love and in life, a new romantic cycle begins."
"Sometimes you have to sacrifice things that will make you feel like you're weak, but you have to be vulnerable to accept great things that are coming to you."
"Everyone gets one chance at life at school; everything. Most people get no chance at YouTube."
"As long as I'm alive, I have infinite chances."
"All of a sudden your energy changes and options open up for you on all fronts career and relationship."
"Life is filled with so many unexpected opportunities and things. You don't have to settle with this."
"They said don't worry, that inflation was just transitory. It's gonna go away. That was a lie."
"Gratitude will grow more beauty and more opportunities in your life."
"You have to love yourself enough to give yourself these opportunities."
"It is possible, anything is possible in life."
"It's never too late as long as you're stable and you're alive to begin doing this."
"Be prepared that it's going to lead to something much bigger or greater in your life than you may expect."
"Recognize your calling; there's something for you on the other side."
"He's young enough and he can recover. I believe that he can. The world is his oyster, there's almost nothing he can't do."
"Discipline actually opens up opportunities to be free."
"You're attracting the perfect situations for you."
"Understanding the progression and the big picture gets us ready so that when this door eventually shows up it's not fear of the unknown it's excitement because there's so much more to the story."
"You only get so many opportunities in life, and it's like, you gave me another one, and you're like, 'Here, like, here's the ball, run with it, just be yourself.'"
"You're gonna get what you asked for this month, and you're going to get as much as you can."
"If there was a time where you could have whatever you want, it's now."
"Just take your chances, it doesn't have to work out right but at least you're giving yourself a chance."
"We're just the lucky ones who got a good education."
"Finally getting approached by an opportunity that you've so wanted all of your life, it's kind of unreal."
"I don't think it's ever too late right it's never too late."
"It was all a Happy accident that luckily I had the courage to allow myself to keep walking."
"As long as you know it's temporary, school doesn't last forever. There's a whole big wide world out there waiting for you."
"As long as there is breath in your body, there is a chance."
"Approaching life with a curious mindset, what can life offer me or what can I turn my life into?"
"It's just a big opportunity... a life experience that's not really worth passing up."
"Once you have education, you can be anything in life."
"The universe is orchestrating divine opportunities and people to come into your path."
"He's only 17 years old and he's got the world in front of him."
"Think about the opportunities you get, though. Appreciation is better than money."
"Sometimes the blockages are blessings. Sometimes patience and a change of perspective can open up new opportunities in your life."
"The world is your oyster, stepping into your own power."
"You know that there's something better for you out there."
"Life is giving you some type of sampler platter to try out different opportunities."
"There's so many options in this world to succeed and have the life that you've always dreamed of."
"The world is your oyster. You can literally do anything that you want in this life."
"Every passing minute is another chance to turn things around."
"Opportunities will lead you to your best life."
"You still have an opportunity to move forward in your life. That's more than enough to be happy and be joyful about."
"Open yourself up to whatever possibilities can come your way."
"I only know that something is up ahead for me that I think is going to be a big benefit to me."
"When God said go, I ducked out, and ever since I have, like, doors have been opening, favor has been just phenomenal."
"Something has come in and shielded you, made sure that you don't miss this opportunity."
"Everyone deserves the chance to live their dreams."
"Self-discipline will open doors for you in terms of your financial situation."
"The world is yours for the taking. This is a time of everything as the cycle is completing. You've learned your lessons, you still have your goals, and you are about to become very abundant because of your goals."
"If you're lucky, you get that shot in life, and I think 'Dazed' was my shot."
"I'm tremendously lucky and I get to do all sorts of things that I've got to do."
"Opportunities for me surround my life, Lord Jesus, with every good thing I need to succeed in life."
"If you say to the universe I want to finally be free, they're giving you an opportunity to be free."
"There is luck involved in being fortunate enough to have that happen and I I think that is important to acknowledge."
"The universe is actually giving you an opportunity that you will embrace."
"I'm 22 I'm so young and I'm in such a unique position that I recognize how blessed I am."
"And I think it's a combination of hard work and opportunity and the universe just working its magic."
"If you don't have the possibility to change, if you don't have the possibility to grow and become the best human being that you can possibly be, I don't have a chance either."
"If you ever get the opportunity to move abroad please please take it because you won't regret it you really won't."
"This is a blessing, this is an opportunity for forgiveness for some of y'all."
"Knowing stuff can be very useful for opening up new options."
"Be open to all possibilities and opportunities."
"Persevere. There's something awesome on the other side, but if you quit, you'll never know."
"On the other side of midlife, there's an opportunity that is quite beautiful."
"You only get one shot at this life, so if you have the chance to make it happen, you better."
"Meeting your match doesn't necessarily have to be a person; it can be... the ideal job position, a friend, or a location."
"It's amazing though just the fury like every split second is a it's a living work of art and you get one chance and if you but if you blow it you get another chance."
"You are in your most powerful creative magical time."
"Make a choice and move on with your life. It's all waiting for you out there."
"Keep an open mind to new possibilities."
"You never know if you're gonna get a chance to meet your childhood heroes."
"You know how it feels when you get an offer you just can't refuse?"
"Just think, 61 again, a whole life to live ahead of me."
"Often a gateway to some of the best moments of your life."
"Congratulations on this wonderful opportunity; hope you and your daughter have the adventure of a lifetime."
"Everything is happening for you right now, every great thing that you want."
"But actually, if we can just let go and trust that whatever's supposed to unfold will do so naturally, that's part of your opportunity."
"The idea of only being able to achieve things, get a job where you live, doing things where you live, where you were born, only meeting girls to date within 20 kilometers of where you live, that's crazy to me."
"It's such an opportunity, and I'm so grateful that I got the opportunity to do it."
"Your chances of life shouldn't depend upon your parents, they should depend upon you."
"Stuff is not so bad, and if you want to do certain things with your life, you can definitely do them."
"Life has so much to offer and I am all about absorbing it and just taking the opportunities as they come."
"Everything is timing, and God knows when to put certain people, certain things, certain opportunities in your life."
"Within us, there are many great lives to be lived and many great plans to be executed."
"University is not just some kind of instrumental enterprise; it's much more than that, it's the great opportunity that anybody has in their life to try just about everything."
"If you're born five miles below the border versus five miles above the border, your life chances are incredibly different."
"It's very liberating to know that the world is your oyster and you have every opportunity to go in whatever direction you want."
"I think for you to attract the opportunities you want in your life and for you to attract optimal respect and love and positive experiences, you have to respect and love yourself."
"Let's stop being afraid of taking opportunities that can further you in life."
"It's quite possible that I may have had opportunities in my life to do things that are huge, things that are bigger than what I've done."
"I'm just thankful for the opportunities of life."
"Everyone deserves the opportunity to live your lives."
"I don't know how long this will last, it could be a day, it could be the rest of our lives, but you'll never know unless you take this chance."
"I'm receptive and open to all the wealth life offers me."
"Does this guy deserve to have a second chance at life?"
"Although the lands of Sahara remain for the most part desolate, their ever-shifting sands offer a chance of life."
"It's allowed me to do things that I never thought I could do."
"The thing about life, when you have opportunities like this, you can't turn them down."
"I live a life of gratitude. I'm very grateful for all the things that I've been given and opportunities that I've had."
"You're only gonna live it once and there's so many opportunities that you can actually grab onto to make it like the best 4 to 5 years of your life."
"It's given me so many opportunities to travel, to do cool things, to just do like the most unthinkable things I could have ever done."
"These are experiences that won't exist otherwise, and I think they're worth it."
"When you learn the trick to become fearless, the world is your oyster."
"You never want to take for granted that you get to do something really, really special with your life."
"You got to take chances in life. That's someone with self-worth."
"It's just going to show you unlimited possibilities, especially when it comes to these bright prospects in your life."