
Personal Triumph Quotes

There are 245 quotes

"The obstacle is the path. The timeless art of turning trials into triumph."
"It's the greatest comeback... His mom is there, his son Charlie, and daughter Sam in the background."
"What a triumphant moment for a guy like that."
"Glenn Close's Mama is the heroine of the story."
"Triumph, success, rising above, cutting through what doesn't serve you."
"That's the greatest revenge: to become successful."
"Tyler Perry: Transforming tragedy into triumph."
"The power of love over fear, the power of love over all kinds of dramas or travails that you might have in your life." - Alfred Molina
"The best revenge is when your life ends up better than the person that hurts you, and you don't have to do anything."
"It takes glory to walk away from dysfunction."
"Every breath is a triumph over that constrictive force in us right, the gravity or whatever that's trying to squish us."
"Three years of drama and torment, let me see. And your boy came out on top. It's very nice. It's like the communities are growing up and they can no longer be manipulated into false narratives."
"Cody rhods finally pins Roman Reigns he defeats the corporate machine trying to hold him back he drains more life out of the bloodline and he proves that he is box office in every way."
"Holy crap, I just fixed the hydraulic system."
"This is the year where you are potentially going to be challenged a little bit more but you're gonna come out on top."
"It's the proof that I survived what happened to me. It's the proof that, you know, my body said I can't survive this, but then I did."
"This one was for you lot, blood! And man say I ain't got trophies!"
"Doctors never predicted that Rebecca would live past the age of two."
"Justin had reclaimed his throne, avenging losses to his demons along the way, and the crowd could not have been happier about it."
"You inspire people just by showing them you've overcome a lot in your lifetime."
"This feels so good when you get all the stars you're like I'm a champion."
"Otto wins because he went to face damon and lived which... paid off."
"After gruesome physical therapy and within a month, I was walking with the normal walker and after 2 months, I was back on the road."
"Here we go, shutting up the haters over there."
"Your comeback will confuse those who doubted you. It's your time to shine."
"You are rising above it and you are never going down below again."
"You walked away from someone or something, but in the end, you're the one who won."
"Triumph over troubles and obstacles, flying over the challenges."
"The satisfaction of being barely alive but still coming out on top."
"You just can't compare the satisfaction of being barely alive but still coming out on top."
"Andre Hall, cancer survivor. I think it's in remission now. So good for him, man."
"This victory is really amazing, it's really exciting, you know it was definitely an uphill battle and one that continues on."
"Thankfully, Joe was able to battle his addiction and he got himself clean."
"Let me tell people, let me tell people hard palpitate oh your hero was about to have disappointed you but he came through in the end."
"You're gonna rise above the situation or you already have risen above it."
"When you've been through the worst and you rise above, nothing can get you down."
"That's the story of the day, the comeback kid."
"Scores a goal that will live with him for the rest of his days."
"I may have lost that match, but I won the battle."
"You literally killed your demon, you killed it."
"Puzzle solving is insanely gratifying. Nothing else compares to thinking through a problem, being stuck for so long and suddenly going, 'I got it, I think I know the answer,' and immediately being rewarded. Ah, I'm a genius!"
"This is your rise, your revenge, your 'haha' moment."
"You know do that and you'll get the last laugh you will get the last laugh."
"Victory coming in for you after a difficult period."
"Seeing Brendan Fraser take home the Oscar for best actor was an incredible sight after reading about everything he's been through in the last two decades."
"The tide of battle has swung back into my favor."
"I never lost hope and I always knew that this day would come."
"Jack was overjoyed... he had finally managed to free himself from the demon's torment."
"Some people are celebrating being trans because they overcame something."
"Eddie Olczyk, stage 3 colon cancer, has grown for 10 years, now he's back in the game. Let's go!"
"Sansa's ending is the perfect conclusion to her impressive tale."
"Didn't nobody do it for me because God blessed."
"Victory after some sort of battle or adversity, coming home and being celebrated by others."
"When you finally beat the guy and you feel like you've just climbed a mountain."
"There are measures and realms of triumph and victory that you were born for."
"He is going to restore them to you in a greater way than you have ever seen them before."
"Doesn't that make you feel kind of triumphant?"
"May you be showered with deliverance, healing, and triumph."
"Your trials are turning into victories; you and your loved ones will experience triumph and growth."
"Finally, you're receiving what's due after a lot of worry and setbacks."
"There are no words right now as a parent, we get to see he get to live out his childhood dream."
"All he needed was one more chance damn that's gotta feel good."
"This is what AEW is about - putting a person that was told you'll never do anything as the champion."
"If you're struggling against something and finally overcome it, that's a great feeling."
"Your greatest deliverance is not that you entered and came out unscathed, but that you escaped and are whole."
"They doubted you, but now they're about to see the truth."
"After everything he's been through, wouldn't it be great to see Eriksen back in professional football?"
"No matter how many people celebrate my downfall, I'll keep streaming and laughing."
"Fenn beat the odds, and with his new stake at life, we arrive at Fenn's treasure hunt."
"My whole life, people have told me I was dumb, I wasn't gonna amount to anything. Proving them wrong felt great, you know?"
"This is the moment that you've all been waiting for. Welcome to the time where Duds is Victorious."
"I'm done, I beat torches. I'm a god, let's go!"
"I'm a very happy man right now because after like two years of constant legal battles... I'm finally after all this time a free man from legal troubles."
"So when you can get past these things and you can win it's like yeah."
"The best form in the situation of revenge is your success."
"When you're battling depression or battle like bad anxiety or battle like a trial or something in your life and you overcome it then it's good to talk about it because then you can maybe help somebody else who's going through it."
"And still the Undisputed champion of the world!"
"I feel elated, my confidence is one of the biggest because it was gone, yes, my identity."
"You're going to be the one that has the last laugh in this situation."
"Ain't nobody wanna ever see your brother succeed, but he succeeded this time, I'll tell you that much."
"You've been through so much... but you're on your throne now."
"If everybody that messes with me goes to the chip without me, then that tells you something. That's my win."
"This is Shana Baszler's night absolutely, Baszler's night."
"There is not a soul in all of creation who has the ability to triumph over me."
"After seven years of addiction, I finally recovered."
"My dad finally got out of the hospital recovering from COVID, hell yes."
"He's a genius... he fought the fight, the toughest fight you could fight... and he wanted."
"It's more than a moral Victory; it is a true Victory."
"You're going to come out of this victorious."
"You did something scary and look, you're sitting here right now, alive, thriving to tell the tale."
"I've suffered so much we beat the number one trainer to number ones in one night more picot number one in the world I'm free I'm free."
"I finally killed the warden one on one in hardcore. That is insane!"
"Some of y'all been through hell in high water, but let me tell you, the way you gonna come out of this thing, they gonna write about it."
"Roman coming back from cancer... should win."
"Winning the Heisman was a very surreal moment but I wasn't surprised, but I was like damn that really just happened."
"She surprised Everyone by happily running around on her new legs."
"It's been a good three days. It's your time."
"Wow, he was defeated by the strength of my love."
"This is why you never give up, yeah I did it, look at that, I am so happy about that guys."
"I have been vindicated and it feels so good."
"I actually scored it first try, you know? One might even say it's too easy."
"Wellesley would maintain that Assaye was his greatest victory."
"I had a very rough, murderous time in this place, and thank god that I'm such a hit."
"A victory, the truth, and some sort of victory coming in for you."
"I felt confident, I was there, endured it, and it was a great feeling."
"Nothing is going to get in the way of that and you will be triumphant."
"Yay got me back this week, yes. Let's go, talk about it."
"It only took the hardest fight of my rust career, I'll take that, that's actual profit."
"Against the odds you make the impossible possible."
"Understand that base level of life [ __ ] blows and so if you can walk out at the end of the day with a good group of people you could say you love yourself, you're winning."
"One man has risen above the Discord and skepticism."
"I won life, yeah. You won the big one, you won the big award."
"I finally took him out, you guys, oh my gosh, oh man!"
"Riku, one of the most self-conscious characters in this universe, would end up conquering his darkness and coming out of it all a keyblade master."
"She's finally able to defeat the monster in her closet."
"And that's it. Nice. My aunt is in control of Andalusia. We actually did it."
"This is your winning season, it's your time."
"I went from living in a bathroom with my dad for almost a year to generating over a billion dollars with my brands and my companies."
"I'm very happy to see Dave come across that finish line."
"Daniel Bryan had overcome all of the odds both in real life and in storyline."
"I love falling in love with proving people wrong."
"Just stayin alive... is the biggest victory."
"After losing Jeffrey, the rest of the fight was a blur, but I became the hero of the village."
"I've got him! Roon contract trophy earned. Oh, I'm so good at this game!"
"I am the Forge and Fire champion, and I feel elated."
"I freaking finished it! I finished it, guys!"
"The coins was great and I was correct on that one I'm taking that W alright yeah I'm taking that W for sure."
"That's your moment of triumph that's going to set the pace for the rest of the day."
"I grossly outplayed this dude... so that was good."
"This is glorious, this is a major completion for you, this big change, this big truth."
"I'm very proud that I was able to overcome that mental state that I was in."
"Let's beat cancer and what an incredible run to honor your friend."
"It's like my therapy, being in games like this and winning."
"Many of you are celebrating out of the [expletive] that you've gone through, you're celebrating and saying farewell."
"He's destroyed his chronic pain syndrome... he's completely pain-free."
"When you have a fear of snakes in real life and you take out the big jumble of snakes in the game, it is this feeling of conquering this bigger thing that you didn't think you could take on before."
"When you come out the other side there's like that pleasure pain balance uh is now tilted because the pain has stopped it I'm sure feels like whoa that was amazing but amazing in the way that a hard workout is amazing."
"With all the obstacles and fears I've overcome, this is a moment I will cherish for a very long time."
"Cody walking out with his hand held high, shaking off the demons of Stardust on the grandest stage of them all."
"A true inspiration... surviving and thriving after so many hardships."
"Regardless, you're gonna walk through the gates of triumph and this new moon."
"When we do stare resistance in the eyes and kick it in the nuts, the payoff is usually really, really huge."
"I never went on dialysis, I never got a transplant. It's been a whole lot more than 45 days, I'm alive and healthier than ever."
"Britney's free from the conservative [ __ ] 13 years."
"I get a sense that you're gonna be on top of that mountain and you're conquering any obstacle that you've had been experiencing in your life."
"He finally did it! Axe jumps out of his seat in a display of sheer happiness, knowing that this was a long time coming."
"It's a tale of Triumph through uh humiliation in a way"
"Josie barnes on the bench has won josie barnes her first major championship the 2021 u.s women's open winner and a record 100 000 josie has done it husband kyle and the [Applause] [Music] [Applause]."
"This feels like a huge victory to me because anxiety is such a tough thing to work through with some dogs."
"You will overcome this, I feel there will be a triumph; you will understand how to deal with this situation and move forward."
"You will be rising above this situation 100%."
"I made it! I can't believe I just did that, pure adrenaline!"
"You're unbreakable, they finally met that unbreakable somebody."
"Instead, I have once again canceled my cancellers, which is always a fun thing to do."
"There's nothing more inspiring than seeing the people that you look up to the most beat the crap out of their demons."
"I did it! I beat a legendary ship and I feel good about it."
"A great victory destined for you... you will overcome obstacles, difficulties, challenges."
"Triumphant return of the Sun King, victory after a battle right here."
"It's like you're jumping over any obstacles, you're flying high."
"Your aura just in itself alone is what triggered people."
"Feeling on top of the world after a finish like that."
"Your person sees you as victorious, shining, glowing up."
"What a night and what an achievement for danger."
"This is your crowning moment... it's absolutely glorious."
"What a glorious victory, oh look at him the wonderful the legendary Sparkle Fritz wins."
"I am crowned the winner of the biggest Pokemon Tournament of all time."
"If I were to beat this night, I would feel like the day has changed, like a miracle and shine down upon us."
"This year was not easy, but in the end, it's a happy ending."
"God breathes on it literally... the heaviness is a prerequisite for God to do what he's going to do."
"Because I survived that, because I did better than that."
"Well done! You've conquered the three trials of power, wisdom, and courage."
"A victory over this, liberation, willpower, determination to move forward."
"I can't stand bullies, and to read that OP got revenge on someone who tormented him and picked on him throughout his school years is a win, a pretty crazy win but a win nonetheless."
"I immediately knew what I had done which was to win the US Open and I was thrilled."
"Success is the best revenge, prove your worth without having to butt heads."
"I have seen a real image of hell but I have escaped from the devil sent to pursue me."
"Celebrate your progress, every step forward is a triumph."
"I did it. I actually did it. I did 35k. Oh my goodness."
"I'm feeling a little triumphant right now."
"I am Canada's newest Master Chef, I did it right, I did it!"
"The story for the underdog in all of us."
"It was like a fairy story. I'd beaten osteomyelitis, I'd beaten all my teachers, and I'd actually done it."
"Despite the pain, I found myself relishing in my own personal victories."
"I feel wonderful, tremendous. The fact that that feeling of the inflatable life tube around your waist is gone is a great, great feeling."
"Four times champ, finally got the finals MVP that y'all care about so much."
"It's a wonderful personal triumph for Andrew Wiles."
"Celebrating my birthday and that I beat cancer last year."
"The bravest thing we do in our life is usually known only to ourselves."
"Winning the World Championships was one of the greatest moments of my competitive life."
"Hey there, I'm Liz, a family nurse practitioner, and I have by some miracle survived patho in both nursing and NP school."
"Against all odds, he has overcome a tough childhood to be an All-American."
"We had a product that was already proven by a guy who had some physical issues that he fixed."
"It was just the best feeling of accomplishment of just crossing that finish line."
"They have overcome anxiety, depression, smoking; they live the sober life."
"It's like a celebration of my life and turning tragedy into victory."
"That was a fight that proved so many people wrong, and it felt great."
"I feel like it was my version of what I imagined having a triumph feels like."
"I finally got my moment, how did that feel? Fabulous."
"He had this deficit but it pushed him in this other direction and he became a kickboxing champion."
"She's amazing - she lost her hearing when she was 18."