
Tragic Event Quotes

There are 201 quotes

"Two little boys dead, ages 8 and 11, while this plastic surgeon's socialite wife is drag racing on the open road."
"Violence is when an agent of the state kneels on a man's neck until all of the life is leeched out of his body."
"I lay at that bank for the whole night, hearing people call out in a foreign language which initially sounded like good healthy calls for help then turn into screams as the fire got more intense."
"The death of George Floyd is absolutely tragic."
"Then when you look at the specific facts surrounding this case... she took her four-year-old innocent and helpless autistic and nonverbal child into this body of water and let her drown."
"Six months later, her completely unclothed body would be discovered..."
"Two missions and 27 airmen all lost in a single day, could this really be a coincidence?"
"Maria's incident marks the first known death by the liminal land anomaly."
"Pokémon GO Murder: Calvin Riley was only 20 years old when he was shot in the torso while playing the popular Pokémon GO game."
"140 may not sound like a lot in the grand scheme of things but it's the equivalent of four or five classrooms of children massacred all at once, horrific."
"Caylee Anthony was never missing. Caylee died on the afternoon of June 16th, 2008, when she drowned in the family swimming pool."
"The Louisville shooter who murdered five people bought his AR-15 legally, police say."
"Why a teenager traveled hundreds of miles to this city, to this block, to this grocery store to allegedly seek out black people to kill."
"Tragedy befalls the Croft family when Amelia dies in a plane crash."
"We don't want to make more victims out of innocent people."
"I saw her sprawled at the bottom of the back staircase in a pool of blood motionless eyes opened stunned as if electrocuted."
"The body of a Memphis heiress, teacher, and mother of two was recovered just days after she was abducted."
"Unfortunately, the loss of someone's life, but at least now it's getting the reaction that I think it deserves."
"The assassination of John F. Kennedy remains one of the most tragic and shocking events in American history."
"It wasn't just Thomas Wayne and his wife that died, it was the good that existed in Gotham."
"Friends and neighbors left lilies and toy rabbits where Jessica Knott's body was found..."
"The tragic shooting in Dayton Ohio served as a catalyst for a national discussion on gun control laws."
"The power of social media led to the discovery of Gabby's van, tragically on their son's birthday."
"It was a shock... it was just confusion... overwhelming grief."
"The coroner revealing that his beautiful daughter was sadly strangled to death."
"The facts of the case and the facts are that the coroner just said in the press conference this afternoon that Gabby Petito at 22 years old died of strangulation."
"This poor young lady died a horrific death. Imagine being slammed like that and not being able to breathe, but yet you're dying and you can't speak or tell anybody. That is horrific."
"My heart hurts so much for the family and the entire team behind this tragic loss of a true legend."
"So quite frankly, I can think of no worse place to meet a grisly end, the horrific irony of being murdered in a graveyard as very few of us will have to endure."
"He killed his brother – one of the most horrifying things imaginable."
"She was stripped away from this world because of some sick human being."
"The appalling murders of such a beloved couple stunned the Davis community."
"So what happened? How did these children die? Who was involved? When did it happen? Where did it happen? Why did it happen?"
"Corruption and to find the killer of an innocent woman."
"The disaster took the lives of 31 people and the resulting radiation is likely to have caused 4,000 more cancer deaths."
"Breaking news now coming into us from Sky sources: the singer Amy Winehouse has been found dead in her north London flat, just 27 years old."
"Charles himself, who was a painter, painted a self-portrait only a few months before the murders happened. In the portrait, he sits bound and gagged with what appear to be gunshot wounds in his head."
"Little quiet Bella had a will to live out of all three bella is the only one that put up a fight."
"I did, she hung herself, my mother hung herself here."
"Dale Earnhardt's death was a devastating shock for millions of fans."
"And that, my friends, is the tragic story about Sarah Stern and her fricking awful friends."
"Missy died after being in the church for less than four minutes."
"After devoting his life to healing others, it appeared the doctor had killed himself. His wife of little more than a year was now a widow."
"In February of 1957, something very strange was discovered across the street from a home for Wayward girls." - Aiden Mattis
"Tragically, she took her own life shortly after she disappeared."
"What kaboo did was take away a child's innocence, taking away her life and her freedom from her parents for two years."
"Jasmine Cole was only 21 years old when she died and like any other young person of that age she had hopes and dreams for an independent and promising future."
"Now police want to find a motive, why had this 21-year-old man seemingly suddenly turned into a child killer?"
"All five were the victims of cyanide poisoning."
"The Sodder Children Disappearance: their house caught fire and the bodies of the children were never found."
"This person who killed this ten-year-old innocent little girl was a 14-year-old boy."
"The case against Robert Farquharson charged with murdering his three children in September 2005 was building. Police alleged he had deliberately driven his car into a dam and his sons had drowned."
"In the forest outside Paris, a monument now stands honoring those who were killed on Flight 981... a permanent reminder of one of the most disturbing crashes in the history of aviation."
"He lost it and goes in, stabs, and kills Mr. Park for no reason."
"A boy as young as four years old, with 18 stab wounds."
"Point no, what happened to Joaquin? He died. Oh God."
"As many of our listeners know, we lost our son on his fourth day of college to an accidental overdose of fentanyl-laced heroin."
"Misfortune and despair, your parents have perished in a terrible fire. Perished means killed."
"I was surrounded by bodies, students stacked high and formed into a tightly packed maze."
"James Dean infamously died in his Porsche Spyder, which he’d nicknamed the 'Little Bastard.'"
"She admitted the baby was hers and admitted to killing him after he was born."
"Can you imagine the thoughts going through Sheila's mind as her daughter is holding her down, holding her mouth, and Tommy's killing her? I mean, horrific."
"At that moment in time, bear in mind her dad has been very seriously injured, so their assumption was, you know, this was a girl who was the sole survivor possibly of a robbery gone really horribly wrong."
"A single vehicle crash that killed a father of three."
"The breakthrough in the case came with the identification of Forest Clyde Williams III as the perpetrator."
"Carol Sue Clayber, a 16-year-old with dreams as wide as the Kentucky skies, was brutally murdered."
"This calculated attack on a civilian airliner... has shocked the world."
"Any child dying of COVID-19 is a deep, deep tragedy."
"Gabby's remains were located just in front of this clearing about a five-minute walk from where the van would have been parked on that road."
"They discover the horrifying truth behind the two teens' murders."
"The overwhelming response was that Sean was murdered."
"Members of Jolane's family strongly believe that the man who was with her is responsible for her death."
"She poured gasoline all over him and lit him into a bonfire in the backyard."
"I do believe he was the one who killed the kids."
"The brutal murder of Dale Claxton is beyond tragic."
"11 Palestinian children slaughtered after an Israeli drone fired a missile into a group of children in a playground."
"It's sad to think that this science experiment's failure and the devastating loss of seven people was all caused by two o-ring seals."
"A woman and her unborn child are now dead and that is heartbreaking and disgusting and tragic."
"The repercussions of the Benoit murder-suicide went far beyond the victims."
"It just stings a little bit more when you see a person who has gunned down three people and murdered two of them walk away."
"That's sad. It's very sad anytime somebody vanishes, but being 16 years old is, it's just tough."
"That was an absolute unmitigated catastrophe. The loss of life was the unmitigated catastrophe and disaster and tragedy. Those five people should be alive today."
"Essentially what happened is a man was kidnapped and buried alive, and he suffocated and passed away. But who's to blame for that? Well, we're gonna get into it."
"There was absolutely no reason you needed to shoot him and kill him."
"That's one of the main things I don't necessarily say bring me closure that is but it's still missing from that terrible day."
"The unspeakable horrors the boy named Jonathan underwent were cruel, inhumane, and undeniably tragic."
"In the meantime, we will remember Tara, not for the morning of September 20th, 1988, but in all the moments leading up to that fateful day."
"The murders of Riley Powell and Breeland Addison are the most violent, the most selfish, the most senseless, the most disturbing."
"In the meantime, we will remember Tara not for the controversial Polaroid found in a parking lot 2,000 miles away from her home but for the light she shined over her community."
"You killed a 15 year old he didn't even know him, that's why."
"His tragic death helped bring public attention to the ravages of the disease."
"Larry went on to say that his father seemingly died in the crash leaving this young boy alone and stranded."
"Mark Bridger is a perverted killer who selfishly snatched and killed an innocent five-year-old for his own gratification."
"We should forget his name and instead remember the smiling face of April Jones, the girl whose life he cruelly took away at such a young age."
"Detective Stacy Reese has truly made it her life's mission to solve Denise's case."
"Her unmistakable laugh and deeply woven care for children were cut short by an unexplainable, unsolved disappearance."
"Few things are more heartbreaking than knowing Gwen's last words were of love to her killer."
"Astroworld is literally the reason why [she] is no longer alive... so obviously Travis is responsible in some way."
"In 2020, there was a terrible situation here when a black woman named Breonna Taylor was shot and killed by Louisville police officers."
"Mistakes definitely happened. It's a very sad story though it seems like Andrew just had such a horrible short little life and I feel really sorry for him in this situation."
"Number 4: Kosciuszko National Park. Prob Deepsran, a 25-year-old Canadian Army reservist, tragically disappeared without a trace from Kosciuszko National Park in the southern state of New South Wales, Australia..."
"But we'll always be reminded of the gruesome death that day on SC Island."
"As a father who have lost his beloved son I have investigated every aspect of the car crash which killed my son body they are a basis of Wales and the driver Henry poor the evidence is clear."
"Imagine being that little girl... to pretend she was dead in order to stay alive."
"There should be somebody held accountable for Jennifer's death."
"Wow fam, what a sad and tragic story. May Imani Moss continue to rest peacefully."
"My belief is that when Trudy got in the van and backed it out, the people that murdered them were waiting in the bush."
"The only truth we have of that night is the terrifying reality that Kelly went to work that night not suspecting a thing and ended up encountering someone that caused her to vanish from the face of the earth."
"Hide's death is the most tragic and monumental event in the entirety of X Japan's history."
"This is the weapon that impaled my wife's skull."
"The disappearance of Walter Collins... Experts found the dismembered bone fragments of little boys at the alleged crime scene..."
"The loss of Shanann and her children was something that so many of us felt and grieved."
"We grieve for the loss of life and those injured."
"My heart goes out to Kobe Bryant's family, and most importantly, the city of [__] Los Angeles."
"Claire Tillman had been stabbed nine times and died at 7:00 p.m."
"The heartbreaking case of the Hart family massacre."
"Marcy was found in her home dead. She hung herself. She left her only family alone, her seven-year-old son, Mark."
"Jet Set socialite Nancy Pfister was murdered just days after returning to Aspen from a three-month getaway to sunny Australia."
"Paul ends Kristen's life the same way he ended Leslie's."
"The Downing of flight 255 was caused by Pilot error."
"101 people died that day, including newlywed Farah Infantino and a garment manufacturer from New York named Rosario Messina."
"Paulette's death became the center of a media storm, the entire country went absolutely crazy over what happened."
"One can only sincerely hope that we get an answer finally as to what happened in this tragic event."
"Loss of life is tragic, but the hate that motivated the shooter's Killing Spree adds an additional layer of heartbreak." - Sheriff of Jacksonville
"That second plane confirmed that there was something more nefarious going on."
"The tragic implosion of the Titan submersible during its expedition to the Titanic is a heart-wrenching incident that has left the world in shock."
"It's hard to imagine a worse outcome for a relationship than a murder-suicide."
"The attack kills two people and wounds nine."
"Missy Bevers gave up the ghost, dying with the truth of whatever happened that morning."
"Investigators believe this is when Heather's life was taken."
"I think justice Yip is being kind at this moment in time. Just my personal opinion, but we're talking about a dead child."
"That was my nine-year-old son and my wife too, and two people who died protecting my two and a half year old daughter, my one and a half month old son."
"Can you imagine having a beautiful 15 year old daughter and she just doesn't wake up?"
"The crash has killed all 46 people on board."
"He shot her and the baby and committed a brutal killing spree that would ultimately claim 13 lives."
"There is no iota of doubt that this madman and his horrific beliefs led to South Carolina's deadliest shooting."
"The intense water pressure at extreme depths led to the collapse of the Titan's hull, causing everyone on board to lose their lives instantly."
"Dexter and the whole family have been killed... the only Survivor is the mom."
"The Polytechnic Massacre remains one of the deadliest mass shootings in Canadian history."
"Yes, he should not have resisted, but all Americans, every one of us, should pity Mr. Garner and his family. He did not deserve what happened to him."
"Good evening it's great to have you with us here as we come on the air in the west and we begin tonight with the horrific scene playing out late today in boulder colorado."
"The vast majority of the Jedi Order was wiped out in a single day by Order 66."
"We know that Jennifer Hart drove her entire family willingly off a cliff into the Pacific Ocean."
"Scott purchasing a semiautomatic handgun showed that he had only one goal here, and that was to kill his wife."
"The search for a little girl missing in California is now a hunt for a killer."
"The Canton Police found a broken drinking glass in multiple red splatters in the snow near Jon's body."
"These haunting images were presumed to be of the final recorded moments of Agnese Klavina out in the world."
"It's particularly terrifying to think that there was no apparent motive for these tragic deaths."
"Ultimately, his unsolved death served as a tragic climax to a new era of hip-hop."
"Her death... Her screams... The terror... It's incomprehensible."
"The worst way to die is the way Tom and Jackie Hawks died."
"Finally, Justice for a former soul singer who was brutally murdered on New Year's Day and silenced forever."
"Let's not forget about what this case is about... a beautiful young kid lost his life."
"The family and their attendants were woken up at 1:30 am on July 17th and led into a small room in the basement."
"Sadly, the young woman's body was found in the crawl space of Rasmussen's home."
"It was the first time in the United States that a passenger killed a pilot and co-pilot in a murder-suicide."
"Christine's family demanded justice for her daughter's death."
"Stacy had died of asphyxia and or suffocation."
"Thousands of American families lost loved ones in the September 11th attacks but the tragedy prompted one family to launch a business to give back to those who helped them."
"It wasn't just one, it was two babies in the fourth and fifth layer of this freezer."
"All your prayers go out to the family members and those who are suffering right now."
"Heartbreakingly, Robin Williams died by suicide on August 11, 2014, after a long struggle with a number of physical and mental health issues. He was 63."
"This is awesomely heartbreaking for Daniel's family."
"I don't believe anyone should deserve to die in the way George Floyd did, begging for help. It's heartbreaking."
"Even if the entire world hated her, she would still go to her baby's funeral."
"He had been blindfolded and rope burns marked his wrists. He was just 31 years old."
"Nowhere among them is justice because the only justice would be for Shan'ann Celeste Bella and this unborn child to be back in this world."
"I want justice for my daughter. She was just starting her life. I don’t want this to happen to any other girl."
"The only person who has been murdered in this country as a consequence of Islamic blasphemy was an Amadi Muslim in Glasgow in 2016."
"They had finally found the body of Molly Tibbetts."
"The crash of the passenger jet was a crime nobody nobody thought that such an evil plot of blowing two aircraft simultaneously would occur."
"He killed a worker who had been sent to his apartment. The worker laid dead in his bed for two days."
"a girl no one suspected was pregnant gave birth one weekend her father was a police officer and before he could break down the bathroom door she suffocated the child"
"The more you know... Former NHL player Adam Johnson dies after a skate slashed his neck live during a game."
"She was moved after she found the marriage registration in his bag that they had signed a few days before the accident."
"We know that the FBI had many informants in the Audubon Ballroom on that tragic day."
"Olivia's death has shocked not only the city of Liverpool but the nation."
"Paul Walker's life came to an abrupt end at the age of only 40 in a car accident in California."
"The house was occupied by a family of four; the father of the household took the lives of his two children and his wife."
"His wife died of a paranormal occurrence."
"...authorities recover kettle's body from a shallow Lake about 5 miles from where they expected his path would take him..."