
Inner Journey Quotes

There are 135 quotes

"We teach believers how to go to Jesus in them and that's the secret."
"We are the path. There's no path external to us. We are the eternal path and it's all within us."
"Your spirit guide is not only out there; it is also in here, part of your third eye, part of your intuition."
"The true spiritual path is about going into your darkness and getting a hold of it day after day after day. And if you get hold of your darkness, then you find your light."
"You've done enough, and what you've been doing at work, with your inner journey, spiritual journey, in your relationship with yourself, it's enough."
"By engaging with these ancient disciplines, seekers can embark on a profound journey of self-discovery, inner alchemy, and divine communion."
"We're all pursuing it outside, yes, instead of pursuing it inside."
"Ayahuasca is a substance that makes you face things about yourself... putting a mirror up to your soul."
"Explore your inner depths with love and self-acceptance, and you're going to find a lot of beauty and fulfillment there."
"The seeking impulse is your lifeline amidst man-made contraptions."
"Facing yourself is part of the process. It's like an initiation, literally going through hell and the underworld."
"Your vision only becomes clear when you look in your heart."
"Kashi is not a physical place that you come through taking a train or a flight. Kashi is a space that you enter inside."
"Look no further than within yourself... it means that you've hit that level of spiritual maturity."
"There is a desire, a hunger, a longing on the inside of you."
"Our job is to go within to become spiritual warriors."
"The start of something big... It always starts on the inside."
"Through journeying within, you will gain energy, insight, and freedom from the constraints of what has been."
"You gotta want to confront the darkness, you gotta want to go to the inmost cave."
"There's an inner attraction which draws us forward and that is the way I identified it was a feeling of homecoming."
"The goal isn't somewhere else... it starts from in here."
"Set your intention to dive down into the inner journey and discover the truth of who you really are inside."
"Set your mind that you don't need to be strong or flexible. Your leg never needs to go behind your head in order for you to really understand the inner journey, and that's really the heart of yoga."
"Mastering our inner world is a continuous journey that requires patience, self-compassion, and practice."
"Journey inwards is you holding your own. It's you being able to remain centered and grounded regardless of the incoming."
"Each person's road to the inner Lord is extraordinary and personal how liberating to listen inside and sense moment to moment what's needed."
"Trust the process, tap into your soul, and you will see the divinity and the movement of all things."
"Your higher self is winking at you... saying 'care to go for a ride?'"
"May you trust into those places inside of you that feel mysterious and unknown."
"The mystery of the universe lays within you. You do not have to go out there to find it; you need to go in here because it is in every single one."
"You shine your light out effortlessly. You may have had to really purge and release a lot of inner work in this lifetime in order for you to become the best version of yourself."
"You're being offered a gift that is beyond your understanding. This gift is from the hand of the divine beloved and offering to you that will lift you beyond what you have known into the next opening of your inner eye of your heart of your soul."
"It's the journey within, conquering the inner defilements, that's important."
"Open the doorway to the infinite within that is available to you now; an enlightened state of being changes the rules of the physical."
"Increasing material wealth or spiritual growth comes from within."
"...you have to understand that the way to your grace is inside not outside..."
"Your spirit guide is like your inner GPS."
"I am aligned, go within and allow everything that is not resonant to be purged."
"Your escape is going within, getting back to that part of yourself that recognizes yourself initially as a spark of light."
"Our outer life then becomes a mirror of a transformational inner journey and alchemy."
"The Mystic must also realize in the course of his growth that he must try to find some nobler way of experiencing or inwardly visualizing the nature of deity."
"Go within. That's going to make all the difference."
"What we most hunger and thirst for is found within the depths of our own being."
"Salvation is driven from the interior and not a gift that is given from God."
"The abundance you seek is within. The infinite zero point holds everything."
"The layers of awareness healing and direction that we get to embody the more we follow our inner journey."
"Breathwork is a mirror and a doorway to our inner world."
"Spiritual path is like a 40 centimeter journey from mind to heart."
"Embrace the silence invite your thoughts to settle and embark on an inner Journey that that will lead you to the boundless Riches of life."
"The inner journey is about love, about bringing our heart back to life. If you haven't brought your heart back to life, it doesn't matter what you have around you."
"The charismatic healer is simply the catalyst. It starts within the person themselves."
"I am so content, I am so blissfully enjoying myself, and in a time period where honestly, rightfully, I should not be. I really shouldn't be, but you know, it's all in here. You have to find a journey within here as much as you can travel outside. It's all in here."
"It's the opening to that. It's like the inside of the inside."
"Very soon you will find deep peace within yourself."
"The purpose of the practice then is to seek inwardly, searching and investigating until you reach the original mind."
"Hey guys, it's Tim again and this week we're traveling inward."
"The whole Cosmic realm is inside you."
"Turn within to your consciousness; that's everything."
"Let your asking for higher consciousness swallow up all your other desires."
"What you need to do is go down to the core of who you are and ask exactly what is it that gives me peace."
"To gift is the capacity to go into such secret place within oneself to be able to bring that very thing that is going to shower the other with goodness for the journey."
"Everything's within you; it's already with us to experience."
"Yet it is in this journey that you find the greatest treasure of all: the realization that everything you've been seeking outside yourself has been within you all along."
"I now feel God's River of peace flowing through me, permeating every atom of my being."
"Follow your longing to the source in the heart."
"The goal of psychic development is the self, there's only a circumambulation of the self."
"You are the final destination from which you have never left."
"Sadhguru is the truth that is already inside you."
"You're starting the process of transformation, the personal transformation, and the answer is in you."
"For everyone, it is as much an interior journey as it is an exterior one."
"What's important is just to explore, stay honest with yourself, dive in, allow your inner self to sort through this concept."
"The journey has been within you all along."
"Spiritual Growth: Being Your Higher Self."
"And what if I already AM this, then it's just allowing it to come from the inside out."
"The outer search involves a tremendous amount of effort and will not succeed. The inner search is a relaxation, a tuning into, a clarity of focus, a final seeing and understanding, a recontextualization, a softening and inclusion, and allowing and letting it be as it is."
"Let yourself be a little creative here, just exploring your own inner landscape."
"Embrace the journey of inner alchemy and liberation as you shift into fifth dimension new Earth consciousness."
"Self-realization is not going to happen in a temple or in a religious environment; it's going to happen inside you."
"My destiny is in my own heart, and you guide me deeper within myself, beloved orchid priestess."
"Go to the Sniffles volcano... go down that crater and you will journey to the center of the Earth."
"We can journey to the center of the Earth."
"You have to go beyond your mind if you're gonna get true peace in life."
"I've been on an inner journey of self-discovery and awakening."
"Once you find it within, and you get it within, it all then comes to you without."
"As one dives into the sea with a heavy stone and takes out pearls, so one should dive with non-attachment into the heart and gain the self."
"The true Guru... pushes the disciple's mind inside from without and pulls it in from within."
"The journey within is a solitary voyage where the only applause that matters echoes in the chambers of our own heart."
"I encourage you all to go within so that you never go without."
"Our true soulmate, our true twin flame, is within us."
"Your path to freedom begins within."
"This isn't about connecting to your divine feminine that's out there; this is about your own inner divine feminine."
"...if you're really in a hurry to try to find me, come inside of yourself."
"When this self is revealed through deliberation, it is realized by the intellect, the ruler of the mind that resides in the heart."
"Therefore, everyone diving deep within himself with desirelessness (vairagya) can attain the pearl of Self."
"What matters is that there should be present in the soul the impulse toward spiritual knowledge, spiritual understanding."
"Your spiritual enlightenment has to come take first priority."
"This is the beginning of inner peace."
"The Kingdom of Heaven is within, so we're diving into the within."
"Desiring immortality, desiring freedom from death, this person turned inwards and realized the inner self."
"What you are searching for is already within you."
"Move past these layers of life's tangles and knots, and enter that wild and sacred center of yourself."
"You don't have to go outside, you go within."
"The hardest work ever is to go from here to here, and that's what we're being called to, to live here in the heart."
"The path of yoga is to let go of the external and to go internal, to go within yourself."
"Discover the divine, the supreme within you."
"You're on an inner journey to happiness."
"Let go of everything and turn your light within."
"When Ichigo is sent into his inner world, he is introduced to his supposed Zanpakuto spirit, Zangetsu."
"I'm not going to conquer any of this if I don't start from within."
"The journey within is distanceless and vaster than any journey."
"The journey of a Chela is not just about acquiring knowledge; it's about a deep inner transformation that aligns the disciple with the greater mysteries of existence."
"Realize that nothing is external, everything you are seeking is already within."
"You're forging ahead, conquering your own inner world which is conquering your outer reality."
"We're turning ourselves to a deeper place within us."
"Do as my brother did and discover the depth of God in you."
"This transformation that you're going through, it's an inner transformation."
"Spiritual awakening is an inner shift."
"Your person is accessing their inner wisdom."
"What you're looking for is not out there, it's in you."
"You're chasing energy that's outside of yourself, and by doing that, you're running further and further away from what's inside of yourself."
"The idea of the philosopher's stone was never to... turn metal into gold; it was always to have an internal process within yourself to achieve... the process of magnum opus."
"There's a lot of introspection here, a lot of you going within."
"Much of this is the journey within self to union of self between your own masculine and feminine energies."
"Follow your inner quest and all will be well, you will find peace of mind."
"Everything comes back to spirituality and the inner life and journey."
"You've done your dark night of the soul energy, you're really reflecting on self."