
Frontline Workers Quotes

There are 77 quotes

"The path of recovery has been a difficult one and a good place to begin is by thanking those on the front line fighting the pandemic, the essential workers who kept the economy going, those who have cared for others in need, and those in medical research, business, and government who came together to discover, produce, and widely distribute effective vaccines in record time."
"We need to protect the healthcare workers on the front lines."
"Because those people, by the time we get through this, won't just be the frontline that we respect; they will be seen for the heroes that they are."
"God bless them for being out there every day and doing it."
"This Order is the least we can do to support people on the front lines."
"Skills to support our communities, especially the frontline workers who provide resources and care for those most in need."
"These are our warriors: the bravery of our doctors, nurses, truck drivers, and food suppliers."
"We owe it to the doctors and the nurses and other front line workers."
"We need to have sufficient doses of those vaccines so that all of the front line health care workers who put their lives at risk, who are interacting with patients on a daily basis can have the vaccine if they're willing to receive it."
"This mission is dedicated to frontline workers."
"Deaths will lag and so we really need to continue to unite and really, really, really support our health care providers who are still on the front lines."
"Thank you so much for joining me for this... I just want to thank you and all of all the folks on your team and all of the medical workers and health workers on the front lines who are fighting this. You are all doing heroic work..."
"Teachers need to be thought of as frontline workers."
"Thank you to all our health care providers out on the front lines to all Americans."
"I continue to be mesmerized by the extraordinary heroism of not just our frontline employees and those in law enforcement and those in our health care system, but our teachers and our parents."
"Everyday heroic actions of those who are on the frontlines in our communities."
"Frontline workers, healthcare workers, nurses, the 911 firefighters who went into tower two... they're the ultimate heroes of all time."
"The frontline workers showed up and went to work and put their lives in danger so everyone else could stay home." - Emphasizing the courage and sacrifice of frontline workers.
"Minnesota, 750 payments for frontline workers, eligible workers must have worked at least 120 hours in Minnesota between March 15, 2020, and June 30, 2021."
"To all the doctors, nurses, or mail carriers, all the truck drivers, the police, the maintenance workers, the doctors and nurses out there fighting the good fight."
"And thank you to the medical workers, first responders, and their families for being on the front line."
"America loves to shout out first responders but guess what ain't no America if you ain't got frontline workers." - Roland Martin
"This pandemic has been hard for all of us, but it's been particularly difficult for frontline workers."
"This is exactly the kind of courage and compassion we're seeing right now in medical professionals, grocery workers, and so many others risking their lives on our behalf."
"Navy's Blue Angels and Air Force's Thunderbirds salute frontline workers."
"Thank you for being on the front lines for us. Your work is very, very important."
"Stay safe, stay healthy, a big thank you is owed to those of you guys that are watching that are taking this as the opportunity to have some downtime because you're on the front lines saving people's lives."
"We're the frontline, but we're really the last one."
"Shout out to all the nurses, shout out to all the healthcare workers."
"Emergency room doctors are in critical condition with coronavirus, reinforcing concerns."
"Whether you believe or not if you're out there putting yourself in the front lines... thank you."
"God bless our teachers, God bless our nurses, God bless the people who are on the front lines of a crisis every day risking their lives."
"Last year around this time, I was ordering Uber Eats every day to support my frontline workers."
"Doctors, those essential frontline workers that heal people in numerous ways."
"They are there at the front edge. They are putting themselves in danger every single day, and they're doing it stoically. I mean, it's very, very impressive."
"...and pick up things knocked over by the members of the public. I just want to take this moment to say thank you to all the frontline workers and all the effort they're putting to help the rest of us."
"We pray for the safety of our service members, for our First Responders, all in the hospitals on the front lines."
"We honor those and we salute those who are working on the frontlines to keep our nation safe."
"To every front-line worker, I offer the salute of a nation that is forever in your debt."
"Thank you to everyone on the front line of this... people who are just trying to make sure that we get the things that we need in life delivered and they're ready for us."
"Make sure that we are not only kind to each other but appreciative of the people who are out there on the front line."
"I really, really admire what you and all frontline workers are doing at the moment."
"Lastly, I want to say thank you to all of our frontline workers, whether you are working in a grocery store, at a post office, or you are a healthcare worker."
"It's been a hard year and a half, and I was only a student. Kudos to everyone who was on the front lines working."
"God bless her and all our front liners."
"Thank you to all the people out there who are putting their lives at risk potentially."
"Thank you to Direct Relief, but more importantly, thank you to all the people who are risking their lives and making such a sacrifice out there on the frontlines."
"We're actually gonna get input from the frontline healthcare workers."
"Shout out to everyone that's fighting for us on the front lines and back lines."
"Thank you and a shout out to all of the folks that are on the front lines."
"The heroes we cheer today are on the front lines. Their efforts are not going unnoticed."
"I'm praying for everyone who is working in the front lines, all the nurses, all the doctors, all the healthcare workers."
"This is our little thank you to all those frontline workers who are helping the rest of us stay home and stay safe."
"The goal is to build beautiful applications for your Frontline workers."
"Thanks to frontline workers, by the way."
"I hope you're getting hazard pay and I'd like to thank you for your service."
"On behalf of the entire Miele team, we want to thank and send a special thank you to all the frontline and essential workers out there."
"Thank you so much to everybody working on the front line right now."
"Thank you to the millions on the front lines... day after day, you've put yourself in harm's way for others."
"It's good business to recognize that the lower ranks matter; they're your frontline."
"Thank you so much to all the people that are out working right now, risking their lives and their health during this super scary situation."