
User Needs Quotes

There are 73 quotes

"Need finding has been a huge part of our mission going forward."
"C++ succeeded because it addressed real needs to real users."
"One thing that I found kind of weird on the packaging, it says it could cook up to seven eggs at a time. Who would ever cook seven eggs?"
"It's how you understand okay the specs do what in the laptop and which specs should I get and what does the performance I need for the exact use case that I for you the user are going to be getting."
"Desire paths denote where they want to go, and planners don't always provide that best path."
"8 gigabytes is enough for what most people will use a $600 laptop for."
"One of those things we wish more phone makers would put on their devices."
"Start making your own project by validating the user needs. Anything you develop, don't dump it on any site instead plan, develop, and deploy."
"What matters isn't the ancestor relations between things but what they can do for you."
"User stories describe what a user wants the software to do."
"The biggest thing they want is to improve their communication."
"Competing solutions on the market don't have a dedicated row for numbers."
"16 gig is going to give you more longevity and flexibility than 8 gig of ram over the years."
"Accessibility in video games needs more attention."
"If you're super super hardcore and you're adamant you're going to install every game on the store and you want to install all your movies to watch on the go then yeah, go for the 256 gigabyte model."
"It's capable enough that casual runners will get everything they need out of this."
"This is amazing, this is exactly what we needed in the game and what EA keeps not delivering. This is just what I need."
"If a product can't fulfill the needs of the early majority of users, it will likely fail."
"By focusing on the needs of the users, the team can deliver value to the customers."
"Opportunities lie where there's high importance of user needs and low satisfaction with current alternatives."
"UX research can help bridge the gap between what a business thinks the user needs and what the user actually needs."
"A lot of people think that getting feedback for a shitty initial product doesn't matter, but actually it's way better to find out that what you're building, what the fantasy you have in mind is actually not what people want."
"Move with urgency and focus. We really believe that even though we're building infrastructure that will persist for decades it is important that we solve the needs our users have right now relatively rapidly."
"Let's design the best bike we can to fit the needs of this specific user group."
"In Web 3, it's important to focus on building projects that people actually want, like the utility of buying my course."
"Instead of aiming for a hundred percent reliability, you really need to pick a reliability target that's going to meet the needs of your users."
"Cool isn't necessarily bad in and of itself. It's whether or not it fits what the user needs."
"Fundamental and the most important thing is that it's usable and that it solves the user's need."
"...really what it does is it serves the end user need and in doing so allows the products to be adopted and used and earn the company revenue."
"An insight is an observation about people that helps you understand the user or their needs from a new perspective."
"That's super cool we saw the controller inside and by the way I really like that because that's what you need."
"You have to be able to understand and articulate what the end user values and what the end user needs."
"A story is a very powerful way to present the needs of your user."
"The A1 includes a wide variety of AF areas to suit just about any need."
"At least Apple did increase the storage size of the iPad Airs because 64 gigs in 2024 was nowhere near enough anymore."
"Validation is really focused on the idea that the device meets the needs of the end user."
"The M1 chip is very powerful, it's more capable than what most people are going to need."
"If your product, if your problem you're solving is severe enough, there should be some people who are willing to use a really bad product to help solve it."
"Content is not just to fill a page, it's to really fulfill users' requirements."
"They are descriptions of what users want, what their beliefs are, what their expectations are, what their goals are."
"Good design usually incorporates two things: it's the needs of a user or a customer along with the imagination of the designer."
"Thanks to this flexibility, all users can easily configure the AMV to fulfill their specific needs or operational requirements."
"You can explore what's in those reference applications and customize them for your particular needs."
"We focused on what we thought people would want and what they would need."
"If you have people who are deeply in tune with user needs, who are really strategic, and are able to understand technical requirements but also dive into the design details, that's a very powerful role to have on the team."
"If you really understand what users need, you will actually be a faster developer."
"It has all the features that you can possibly need for a real estate website."
"Computer architecture, like other architecture, is the art of determining the needs of the user of a structure and then designing to meet those needs as effectively as possible within economic and technological constraints."
"This bike will do pretty much anything you want it to do."
"There might be some feature enhancements that would be beneficial that you're looking for."
"We're trying to uncover what are the things that are going to give them the most value."
"I'd rather hear the story of what people are trying to get done, and not have them tell me what features they want."
"The MacBook Air... it's gonna be perfect for your needs."
"This range bag or backpack specifically addresses a lot of the pain points that I've had with other range bags I've used in the past."
"It's clear that Sony conducted loads of research to build a camera that could meet so many different end users' demands."
"It's very important to our team to make sure that we're building things that people that want to use AWS need right now."
"Do you know what problems you're solving? What are your users' top five problems?"
"The job of a designer is to serve the physical and emotional needs of the user."
"Everything that I'm going to mention in this video are things that genuinely feel like they were made with what people actually need in mind."
"Ask what is the problem that the users want to solve."
"A lot of this is going to showcase a lot of functionality that users consistently ask for."
"All users have the same core needs because they're all trying to meet the same goal."
"We want to cater to your needs that you will have one, two years in the future."
"So like let's say it's coffee, if the user is looking for coffee, they have to be able to type in coffee and they have to get directions."
"You want to actually show some value, give the user what they're looking for."
"This is not for someone who does a whole lot of work in Photoshop, who needs to edit HD or full HD videos; this is not a gaming machine."