
Busy Quotes

There are 271 quotes

"Finding a place to anchor because I'm amazed by how just busy Greece is."
"I got the literal most insanely busy offseason of my life."
"There is nobody busier than someone who's not interested."
"There is so much going on in these next couple of days."
"It's been a busy couple of days for me but um it's been a good couple of days right."
"Being busy doesn't mean you're doing anything worthwhile."
"Thank you guys for being a part of the Discord I'm so sorry I've been so active on it I've just there's been so many things happening right now."
"The demand is just absolutely huge, the phone doesn't stop ringing."
"I'm a very busy woman, and I'm always working on a different project."
"I'm super excited to be doing all these events today; it's going to be jam-packed."
"I've been so busy today, and I wasn't actually sure I was gonna film a video."
"You've got a lot going on, you're very well-rounded."
"These days I am quite busy, friends."
"I'm a very, very, very busy woman. I'm a business person is what I am. I'm a business woman."
"Sorry for the six month delay in between this upload and the last I've been very very busy with University."
"This pizza store is actually seen in Spider-Man movie so that's why I look so familiar maybe that's why it's so busy."
"There's just so much to do in one day."
"Keep yourself busy, guys. I'm constantly doing this, doing that, I'm working on projects within the house, I'm working on content creation, but I'm staying out of the kitchen."
"Mom was always busy and always working."
"It's a very busy day full of coffee and full of very cool Porsches."
"This is a ton of work, more than kept me busy."
"Both of you are super busy... trying hard to make time for each other... kind of a bit tiring."
"It's kind of hard to keep track of, just say it's been a busy, busy, super busy two weeks."
"James is awfully busy right now, literally running a studio while making a movie about the most important superhero of all time."
"So much is happening right now for me."
"This week was busy and crazy and honestly a little overwhelming."
"I work in sales and this week is Black Friday so the next few weeks for me are just going to be insanely busy."
"We have been literally here so busy the last few days going around Italy."
"Late summer was pretty hectic with lots of short sessions here, there, and everywhere."
"...the park seems to be rampaging with projects and everything..."
"They can totally seem or be ADHD, they've got many things going on, always occupied."
"My kitchen is an absolute mad house this time of year."
"May was probably the busiest month for me in terms of work."
"Namaste. Anyway, I'm busy. That's the lesson."
"I got engaged two weeks ago, and then the next day I was kind of not really on my socials much because I was so busy with the whole engagement."
"That was without a doubt the busiest week of this entire summer but I had so much fun."
"Yeah, if diamonds were like, he's dead busy next week."
"We've just been busy, busy girls. We've done a lot of walking."
"It's been a fabulous day. It's been a busy long day."
"There's so much going on and there's so much that needs to be covered. I feel like this whole season is going to be just like this day."
"People really have, I mean really people have like no excuse, like when people say I'm too busy to diet and eat right you have no excuse."
"I'm just a little more popular than before, still every bit an artist and geeky like it used to be but just a little bit more busy."
"What I really like about this meal is how simple and easy it is to throw together on a busy weeknight."
"They're great practice, I know a lot of us are starting to get busy again."
"I actually have places to go and people to see all day today so I really hope this makeup turns out well."
"I'm looking for somebody and I just don't have the time right now to talk I gotta go"
"There's days where it's like we get nothing and the days where it's absolutely busy, like you can't even catch a break."
"I'm really well, just in the middle of filming something."
"Too much going on for sleep this weekend."
"Oh yeah, it's pretty busy here I have to try out their oxtail soup I've tried it once before and and I remember being very vegetable based which I love."
"I loved the little house, and we weren't quite as busy as we are now, but it was nice, just very homey."
"I know we got to clean the hogs, we got to run, go get ice, we got lots to do."
"Here we look after the day-to-day needs of all our sponsors, the media, our fans, and the schedule for our drivers for all the promotions they're doing. So it's a busy place."
"It's always about, you know, oftentimes we think that busy is the same as productive and it's not. Busy is not productive necessarily."
"There's a lot happening right now, bear with me."
"I've got a jam-pack day which is a good thing."
"Christmas Eve is a very busy night and this Christmas especially."
"The next couple weeks are going to be crazy."
"A very busy fella if you look up his background."
"I feel like everyone has weeks where they're busier than usual."
"I'd be a Roomba just always busy constantly moving constantly breaking down."
"I'm a very busy woman, I'm an independent woman."
"It definitely looks like you will be busy for many, many years to come."
"We actually had a few days off in Mid-South, which was unusual, we were packing all our [__] up, and then we've got to finish Mid-South and start Dallas in the same weekend."
"Parker's been busy and he's he's he's been doing what he needs to do."
"I've been super busy trying to make a baby."
"The ability for me to slow down is not normal. I really do enjoy being busy."
"That's what I was doing this day because it was such a long day of busy traveling."
"This week is a loaded week... it's just like waa there's so much happening."
"Thankfully, everybody's been busy and everyone's doing bits and pieces."
"It has been a blur like you talk about flights I feel like I've been in the air more than I have been on the ground."
"Look at this, we're getting our first Uber Eats order come through. Obviously, we're already on an order so we can't take it, but that means it is starting to get busy."
"The cool truth about you is that you're very unbothered. Like you don't care about the drama because you got better important things to do. You're very busy."
"And like that, it's just packed to the gills, to the gills last night. Wow, packed to the gills."
"I'm just so thankful that I am booked and busy."
"My book is about how you all can do it when you're busy because that's my life."
"We couldn't find no time for nothing."
"I'm really excited that you're here. I know you're really busy, really busy right now with your masterclass promotion and writing your book."
"Singles peaceful exactly singles peaceful I don't even get on my phone and talk to people I mean you know hey text here and there or people reach out to me but it's like small talk you know what I'm saying like I stay busy and [__]."
"No rest for the wicked, busy busy guy."
"Honestly, my days are so busy that there's no difference between days and nights."
"We're just waiting for the fuel dock, busy as ever."
"I'm so busy getting ready and stuff today I can't do it."
"I'm really going to be booked and busy."
"It's a really hectic week this week, so much to get organized."
"I've been so, so busy, and I'm so grateful to have been so busy."
"What's new in my world? Ain't nothing new in my world. I work 89 hours a day, man, and I'm a giant success."
"What a weekend! Three matches, one autograph signing in three days, I am the busiest man in wrestling."
"I like this location the best. Usually they're so busy and there's like no parking, but today there is for some weird reason."
"We love that better busy than bored."
"We've made it inside and it is busy busy busy it is a Saturday it's noon it's Prime shopping time."
"This road is closed, but super busy highway over here."
"I'm just... I'm in the middle of something."
"We're gonna be pretty busy after that."
"Great experience. Don't get me wrong. There was just a lot going on."
"We've had dog's decks, boys, yep, yep, busy year."
"Things are so busy at the moment and everything is so good and I'm loving it."
"It's been literally nonstop traveling for the past four, five months, going from Italy to Japan to then Seattle, coming back here, all the Nintendo stuff that's been happening. It's been wild."
"When I'm busy, I'm my most productive."
"It's all good because when I'm busy, I'm my most productive."
"I've been very, very busy with work and working two jobs and everything but I'm back, I'm in full effect."
"Why do you have time to do that my goodness Joker's got a lot going on he really does."
"It's been busy it's been very atmospheric and I've loved it it's been probably the best day I've ever had in that part today and yeah I do like the new system very much."
"I'm too busy or I don't have time, I've got to run off and you know be a teacher, be a dad."
"Fashion Week feels like a hustle, and it's all busy busy busy."
"October is always such a hectic month for us but it's finally like the culmination of what we've been working on for this whole year pretty much."
"I just feel like I've been so busy recently that I haven't been able to catch my breath."
"This is one of the busiest racetracks."
"I don't have time. I don't care where they went to college, what their favorite food is. I don't have time. Like, I don't care."
"We'll forgive them for not doing so because they've got their hands full."
"I don't have time for this. Yeah, that's true. I'll just head out. I don't mind doing things by myself."
"Know that I'm just crazy busy and it is in my mind and I do plan to make good on my word."
"The interpreter is an extremely busy system."
"What a day it was, we were busy and we loved every second of it."
"I don't have time for an existential crisis"
"There's not really an off season at Magic Kingdom anymore, it's just always busy."
"I've been a busy little bee lately."
"It's always hard around our birthdays because they fall right by Thanksgiving, Christmas is next month."
"It's pretty busy here and as you can see, the first thing you see ahead is Mickey and Minnie's Runaway Railway."
"I have too much to do before I leave, let's meet on Tuesday evening."
"I'm constantly on the go, either driving or in the workshop, don't stop, don't have time for lunch, breakfast, or dinner really."
"I've been so busy with the launch, which is super exciting."
"I've got so much work on and I've just booked to go and see my grandparents in Spain which I'm really excited about."
"It was a jam-packed trip, let me tell you."
"I'm going to be crazy busy for the next three weeks; my schedule is redonkulous."
"I have approximately 30,000 tabs open in my brain at all times."
"I'm gonna be up all night y'all because it's eight o'clock, I'm probably not gonna finish till 12 and I gotta wake up at 6:30."
"I'm running around this morning; I have a wedding to go to this afternoon."
"You know when you have so many things to do that you don't know where to start?"
"We're busier than fruit merchants."
"It's going to be a festive, busy, hectic week."
"It means she's in love with life; she's got lots going on."
"Actually, Matara, it seems I'm going to need to reschedule our little playdate for another day. I've got to go, you know how it is, places to go, people to see."
"On a busy Sunday, we'll probably get over 3,000 customers."
"This is probably the busiest model year that Mazda has had in many, many years."
"Central is Sydney's busiest station."
"I am booked and busy, so I'm swamped, and that's where Factor comes in and really helps me out."
"It's been a hectic day but a great day."
"We have about like eight videos to film today, so we've got a lot to do."
"We've got tons to do today, we have a fully packed itinerary."
"I'm very much looking forward to going to sleep; I've got a busy weekend ahead."
"I've had the busiest but most productive week ever."
"Keeping the balls in the air, someone's very busy with something."
"I'm a little too busy for relationships at the moment."
"Although I am busy, I would never be busy enough to forget to water my beautiful rose"
"Eurotunnel runs the busiest railway system in the world."
"This weekend's gonna be jam-packed."
"It's been a really crazy week doing press and promo."
"The coolest hours of the day are slipping away from us and there's so much to do."
"It's pretty much a well-known fact that it is super busy Christmas week at Walt Disney World."
"We have a hell of a lot of things to do, but that's key."
"I've never been so busy; every day I'm up to something." - Anonymous
"It's been a busy beginning of our summer."
"We have been engaged now for five years, we still haven't gotten married, we're very busy, but we'll get to it eventually."
"It's been a few weeks, hasn't it? Because I've been quite busy preparing and also filming adventures."
"It was such a jam-packed week; I hope you enjoyed it, and I will see you guys next week for more moving vlogs."
"We've got a very very busy day planned tomorrow with an early start to do something really cool."
"Thomas is a busy and cheery engine."
"It's been a busy month, lots of hikes and adventures that I've been embarking on."
"That was the busiest day I've ever had in my life."
"I cannot explain to you how the last week I have been so busy."
"It's going to be a pretty busy week, and it should be a fun week."
"I'm overwhelmed with everything I have going on but in the best way."
"It's been an incredibly busy time with lots of new products across all of our markets."
"It's actually the busiest we've been all year."
"You're filming for this video, you're doing here, you're going on tour, you get back, and you're skating this place; it was non-stop."
"So much to do, so little time to do it."
"Holy mackerel, well we're back, it is indeed Monday, a long weekend, very busy."
"It's crazy when months just fill up so quickly with sponsorships and stuff, being booked out, which is such a weird thing to say, but it's kind of cool, like booked and busy, baby."
"I'm so booked and busy, I can't even read the comments anymore."
"It's gonna be an insanely busy day today, but I'm gonna love it."
"I'm super busy now, but I'll make it up to you."
"No time to entertain my fiance, you must get back to another heaping of mashed potato."
"Having your anniversary on July 2nd, it ends up always being like the busiest week because July 4th is our Independence Day."
"Don't worry guys, I didn't forget, I'm just busy as hell."
"It's always super busy and really difficult to film, so how perfect is this, oh my goodness, so come with me."
"Day two is slammed, baby, slammed."
"I'm so blessed, I'm so glad that, and very grateful to be booked and busy."
"Tomorrow will be one of the heaviest days in our itinerary for the year."
"We have a really busy week coming up but it's a really fun week actually."
"It's one of the busiest markets in Somalia, not the biggest, but one of the busiest."
"I'm a mom, a full-time college professor, and a PhD student, and frankly, I just don't have that kind of hands-on time."
"I actually have such a busy weekend because I have a wedding this weekend."
"Excuse me, I have no time for this conversation, I've got things to do today."
"I'm a father and stepfather of five children, big family, lots of stuff going on."
"It's just been a really busy full day of relaxation."
"It's got really busy now, what a wonderful atmosphere."
"This month is gonna be absolutely insane for me on both a work level and a YouTube level."
"There's a lot that gets missed because there's so much. We all need like ten assistants."
"It's gonna be a really busy year for us here at Theme Park Worldwide."
"The last two weeks have been very busy, but it's all good, not complaining."
"This year has been the most amazing and busy year of my life."
"Welcome to Atlanta, the world's busiest airport."
"It's hectic, but then again, it's also a lot of fun."
"This last week has been just completely insane."
"I haven't even had time to have my breakfast."
"I've been really, really busy; this has been a great year."
"It was the busiest shopping day of the year."
"The days were just flying by right now, so much to do and all of it rather exciting stuff."
"It's been a rather hectic day; I've managed to get on top of a lot of stuff."