
Societal Consequences Quotes

There are 63 quotes

"A child that is not embraced by the village will burn that village down just to feel its warmth."
"Economic sanctions don't punish leadership; they punish the people."
"Until it's expunged so even if you don't go to prison if you get that felony it's going to be a rap for a lot of people."
"If these kids don't have a decent education, what hope do they have?"
"If you never right those racial wrongs, then of course more people are going to feel the need to express their desires in this way."
"If we lose our Free Speech, freedom dies... we're going to end up as slaves or worse."
"What happens if they bow to the pressure? What would that do to us as a democracy?"
"The impact of this will be felt for decades on all of our lives."
"Do you understand that this isn't just about the news lying? It has a direct impact on you."
"You sewed the wind. For decades to come I fear that the whole country will reap the whirlwind."
"I hope that more people get held accountable for just spreading lies with no Foundation whatsoever."
"Americans right now are getting the politics that they deserve good and hard"
"Light is the example of what can happen when we, humans, aren’t checked by our society, by consequences, by anything."
"Destroy the middle class and you eventually destroy the economic engine of the United States."
"A shutdown will destroy the lives and dreams of tens of millions of Americans."
"There's no such thing as the ideal policy, there are only trade-offs, and you have to figure out which trade-offs make sense."
"Non-enforcement of our laws does lead to inhumane actions."
"Group think leads us into war, group think produces genocide, group think can put us on the threshold of a nuclear war." - Dennis Kucinich
"If there is no legal remedy for your grievances, what do you think happens next?"
"Every day that goes by that those children are not learning they're falling behind and every day that they fall behind we fall behind."
"Once you dehumanize people, horrible things can happen."
"We're either going to learn from data, facts, knowledge, wisdom... or I think we'll probably have some kind of civil war."
"Freedom of speech protects you from the government, not from getting fired." - Aneesa Jama
"Unless we manage to have a viable plan to exit from lockdown and reopen our world, the consequences will be far worse than coronavirus."
"Tolerance for the Intolerable is the path to certain destruction. It has to end."
"Our inability to be self-critical will have terrible consequences for us and much of the rest of the globe." - Andrew Bacevich
"If you have a country that fails to teach its people legal literacy like this one then you have the result of Dorelli Brooks's of the world."
"Again, tell people that they don't have agents in their own lives, and the consequences get really ugly really, really quickly."
"We have swept these things under the rug for far too long, for decades, for convenience, for short term profit. We're paying the piper now."
"We are living in the age of consequences, at the crossroads of massive technological innovation."
"Freedom and liberty unmoored from a moral center lead to chaos."
"People reap what they sow. If you refuse to stand up for law and order, you deserve what happens."
"The crisis we face is a direct consequence of overlooking our true nature."
"If our own narrow-mindedness ended up causing a cataclysm more serious than anything we have ever experienced in our past, let's hope that open-mindedness prevails."
"The choices we each make in the coming days will have a material effect on the road ahead."
"Once a democracy gets fully detached from the practiced value of truthfulness, it's our open space."
"People are corrupt, and governments are corrupt, and that's going to end up where it shouldn't."
"You're gonna let capitalism be the hill that your children die on... that's the hill that your children die on."
"School closures hurt students who have fewer resources the most."
"If you're committed to the proposition 'black lives matter', demonizing the cops will end up with more black lives being lost."
"Every time when they try to confiscate or there's a ban or they're just trying to get guns all right out of the hands of the public, it never turns out well."
"Freedom is everything, so it's like Greg, you're living in the freest country in the world and this is part of the consequences of your freedoms."
"Knowledge is power, my people perish from a lack of knowledge."
"This is how you paint one side as people unworthy of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness." - Jason Whitlock
"If justice becomes equality, we're finished."
"You surrender your liberty and pursuit of safety, you get neither. That's what happened in Michigan."
"Anything where you're listing people to snitch on their neighbors is not going to play out how you think."
"The moment you start letting people into professions, someone will suffer."
"Those who burn books today will be burning bodies tomorrow."
"50% taxes on the ultra-wealthy. It wouldn't kill them. It would kill you. It would kill me. It would kill all of us, just not the 1%. So you got to be prepared for that."
"Individualism without any sort of teaching in your moral debt owed to others ends with hedonism and it ends with narcissism and it ends with societal collapse and anarchy."
"Default would crash the stock market and hurt the retirement security for millions of older Americans."
"Wherever they burn books, in the end they will also burn human beings."
"In times of war, the first victim is the truth."
"The refusal of God inside human minds and hearts, if it goes on like it's going on today, is going to result in just a brutal tyranny."
"How far does that go? Can we be marketed manipulated tricked into consuming ourselves to a state of the world that we cannot come back from?"
"Individuals have rights that limit our pursuit of consequences because individuals can't be sacrificed for the sake of some total amount of consequences for society."