
Python Programming Quotes

There are 90 quotes

"Python is definitely the best thing I've ever done."
"The core meaning behind these is something that will last and will guide you towards writing expert level Python code far better than memorizing just a bunch of features ever will."
"To be effective in Python, it requires a certain understanding of a couple of core mental models of the language, understanding of some of the things the language comes with like the built-in data types and the built-in functions, and a little bit of an understanding of what's available in the standard library."
"Python is the preferred language of many developers in many different areas: machine learning and AI, data science, automation, and web development."
"Python can be used in lots of different various fields like machine learning, data science, web development, game development, and lots of other things."
"Len, lower/upper, and str are pretty cool methods you can use in Python."
"Call 'upper' on 'parrot'. It's going to return 'NORWEGIAN BLUE' in all uppercase."
"Django is very scalable, versatile, and runs on Python."
"The main coding language that I would recommend starting out with would be Python. Python is a very basic, easy-to-learn coding language."
"Python APIs are clean and beautiful. They don't have getters and setters everywhere. In fact, if you find yourself dividing, assigning a getter and setter, you're probably doing it wrong."
"Let's program our way out of this problem, and it will be quite easy with Python."
"With that we have created a really basic snake game."
"Buckle your seatbelt, Python gets crazy awesome."
"Building websites, building REST APIs, building back ends, that's what Python is good at."
"Web scraping is a very powerful and useful tool whenever you're building not just web applications but programs in general with Python."
"Django is a very powerful website development framework that can be written in Python language."
"I'm not exactly sure what to make of it as a Python programmer."
"Using map in Python, I can apply a function to each element of a sequence and return a new list containing all those results together in one list. It completely obviates the need for me to do this more manually."
"A list comprehension is the opportunity to create a list dynamically using some logic you've written."
"Python programmers love this capability of being able to define on the fly a list inside of which are a whole bunch of uppercased words."
"Dictionary comprehensions are just tools that you can optionally but perhaps powerfully use to solve future problems down the road."
"Once familiar with list comprehensions and this sort of syntax, it's just another way of solving that same problem."
"A dictionary comprehension is a succinct way to create a dictionary on the fly."
"Can we solve the same problems as we've been solving for weeks but tighten things up using just more of this toolkit?"
"This course is going to be a perfect starting point for you if you want to build graphical user interfaces in Python using Pi side 6."
"Python is hard to beat, like the support for neural networks, et cetera, et cetera."
"...that's exactly what we did...applied it to a pandas data frame and calculated the sentiment analysis using Vader..."
"It warms my heart to think that a thousand people want to tune in each week and learn Python, make data useful, and together grow as a community."
"For most use cases, you can literally write a Python script that will do 95% of the work for you."
"Now add to that the ability to use Python for development, and the Pico becomes a fantastic platform for learning to build your own devices."
"So now that we know a bit more about how to work with text data in Python, in the next lesson we're going to turn our attention to numeric data."
"Create a new Python project with virtual env."
"Jupyter notebooks are used for about anything that you might want to do with data and Python."
"Numpy is without a doubt the single most important library in Python when it comes to data science and machine learning."
"Let's take a look at how we can use Python to interact with either Power BI or SQL Server Analysis Services."
"By building projects, you not only reinforce your Python skills but also gain practical experience solving problems and working on real-world applications."
"If you want to learn how to use Python in Blender, I highly recommend CG Python's channel."
"It is the most popular plotting library for Python."
"If you already know how to write Python but you're not comfortable writing Python projects, this is what we are going to talk about today."
"Return with the elixir, I'm coming back to my village, to my Python community, with some treasure."
"It turns out that taking one of these 3D masks in Python and turning it into an STL file that you can print isn't as easy as you might think."
"File handling in Python performs functions such as creating, reading, updating, and deleting."
"So that is how to just build a simple face detection program using Python."
"Pyomo is a framework, not a solver, for developing optimization models in Python."
"Let's go ahead and write the few lines of code to implement random forests in Python."
"I've been working on an open source Python modeling tool."
"Great place to become a software engineer and learn how to code, specifically in Python."
"In this video, we're going to be learning a complete pipeline for algo trading in Python."
"TensorFlow is a complicated system with many features, but we will focus on the ability to write simple numpy-like Python code."
"Brace yourself for the beauty of Python's lambda functions, concise and powerful tools for functional programming."
"Master iterators and generators, elegant Pythonic solutions for iterating over data structures with ease."
"I hope you know much more about virtual environments and pip for python."
"Hello and welcome to nearly nine hours of Python tutorials and instruction for beginners."
"Let's get started learning Python with chapter one."
"Congratulations again on getting started with Python."
"We've got much more to learn ahead."
"In today's video, we're going to build this AI image generator app with Python."
"It's so easy! Plain Python code, very intuitive to understand."
"Automate the boring stuff; inventing computer games with Python."
"Let's go ahead and create some dummy data in Excel, I'll probably fast forward that bit, and then we'll jump right into the Python."
"In this video, we're going to learn how to encrypt and sign documents with PGP and Python."
"If you have that Python knowledge and you want to continue learning with Python to develop the models in Python and then consume them in .NET, go for it."
"You'll learn how to use one of the most powerful tools available to data professionals: the Python programming language."
"By the end of this course, you'll know how to use Python to explore and analyze data."
"Building good coding habits will enable you to use Python effectively when using data to inform solutions to business problems."
"If you're on a multilingual team or primarily a Python user or want to use the features available in Cordo, then you may consider trying it out."
"The implementation of the algorithm in Houdini is also completely in Python, it's easily readable and it's also commented meaning you can learn from it, you can extend it, you can modify it."
"In this video, I'm going to show you how to use Google Sheets with Python."
"These Python connections to GPUs with QP or Pi CUDA or Rapids are really powering these explosions in machine learning and other computationally intensive tasks."
"With generators and a little bit of knowledge of how they fit into how Python objects work, I have 95 lines of code here for a graph computation framework, not too bad."
"You're going to learn how to do 3D graphics and 3D animations in Python, or you're gonna die trying."
"In Python, we represent variables and cases in data frames."
"Anything that you can do on your calculator, you can also do in Python."
"Matplotlib is a two-dimensional Python library which is used for projects from line graphs, bar charts, histograms, scatter plots, etc."
"If you're new to Python, the world is kind of your oyster; you can play around with a few things."
"Type's dunder call does two-step construction which is a very important idiom in many circumstances."
"So fewer meta classes which can if needed be more powerful."
"The main strategy for cpython garbage collection is reference counting because it frees everything it can as soon as it can."
"I look forward to seeing you in future videos where we look at more Python in Dynamo."
"We're going to build our first product, the Python clock, using the simple GUI framework TKinter."
"It's very explorable so I want to get in here to actually showing you guys this stuff with Python."
"Python can be really useful when it comes to plotting out either sets of data or even functions."
"What's cool about Python about using matplotlib is that it recognizes LaTeX writing."
"I hope you're having a good time at PyCon and in Montreal."
"Be sure to tune in to our next lesson where we will stream this over to Python and then we'll create live graphs of the data."
"We have a test suite and a bunch of exploratory tools all of which we were able to write in Python, which is great."