
Divine Calling Quotes

There are 531 quotes

"We are all to be servants of the Living God in these last days. Make sure that you are one of them, walk in His ways, and through His power."
"But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light."
"God doesn't need me to be who He is, but I need Him to be who I am and who He called me to be."
"You need to step boldly back into the call and say, 'I am who God says I am, not who people think I am.'"
"If you're ever going to reach the full potential of what God's called you to do, you're gonna have to embrace the process."
"Jesus is coming. Get involved wherever you are and in whatever setting you find yourself right now. God is calling you to be part of His last day message."
"Lord, may we practice in such a way that when you call upon us, we are ready to step into purpose."
"Once the Lord has found you, He sends you inevitably on mission."
"God is far more interested in your calling than in your comfort."
"God have to assign you a work. The reason why we get these results from all around the world was a heaven-given assignment."
"We have to practice being who we are and who God called us to be."
"I've done everything in life that God wanted me to do. I'm just waiting for him to call me home."
"If God has called you to do something, why run to men? If God has called you, He will provide."
"God calls impure, unusual people to go fight for righteous causes."
"Repent. Change your mind to change how you think."
"Be faithful, honor God with your calling and leave the rest to him."
"When God calls someone, he will supernaturally enable them to handle the task at hand."
"It is time to be the set apart nation that Yah has called us out to be."
"You are called by God created by God to be a saint."
"If God's calling you to it, you will be given the grace to be able to do that."
"God called every listener to be a part of this generation for a reason."
"You should do what God has created you to do."
"God wants us to be history makers in this generation."
"God is saying, 'Okay, I want you to take the lead and I want you to go out and share love.'"
"When the Lord calls us home, nothing can stop us."
"You've got to be all in, all in for His call on your life, for His mission for you."
"I don't want to serve man's agenda. I want to serve in a place where I believe God gave a thought to a leader."
"God calls you because you would go just the way you are."
"In essence, we're working for God to find out who did this to these people who can't speak for themselves any longer."
"God equips us for the purpose he has set before us."
"He wasn't calling me with his wrath, he was calling me with his love."
"As long as you're obedient to God's calling on your life, you are successful."
"God looks at you and he doesn't call those that are equipped, he equips those that are called."
"That's not going to stop us from doing the work God has called us to do."
"There's no such thing as a believer who cannot do what God calls them to do if they're willing to be obedient to Him."
"I finally said yes to God, I know that this is you."
"Be faithful in what God is calling you to do."
"God doesn't call the qualified, He qualifies the called."
"Now I describe it as an inside job. I'm ready to do whatever God calls me."
"God is always calling you and I to partner with Him."
"I just felt deep in my heart that God is calling me to go preach the gospel. I somehow had a sense I will go to the nations and I'll check the Word of God to the nations."
"I feel like god put me on this earth for a reason."
"God does not call the qualified, he qualifies the call."
"Whatever it is that God is calling you to do, there's a program for you."
"Run after him, pursue the very thing for which you were pursued."
"As followers of Christ you have been chosen by God, set apart, gifted, enabled, and empowered to fulfill a very unique calling. You are called by God."
"God's call on your life is irrevocable. It cannot be revoked, it cannot be recalled, it cannot be repealed. You are called."
"Don't let the world talk you out of your calling. We're the church of Jesus Christ, and we're called to shine the light right into this world."
"God wants you to hear His voice. Be sensitive to what He's calling us to do."
"Many are called, few are chosen. Everybody gets invited. Those that choose to come become chosen."
"Beloved ones, you are mighty in the earth. God has called you to be mighty."
"We can make a difference. God wants you to be part of what he wants to create in this hour."
"God hadn't called you to be afraid. God has called you to take up arms and to fight."
"Praise God because crises are proof of the great calling upon your life."
"Parr's quick reactions saved Reagan from greater harm, and he saw his calling to become an agent as a sign from god."
"Being a preacher is a divine act of God, and you're not preaching unless you preach the word."
"I think it's an honor for God to choose to use your gifts, whatever they are."
"Your life is purposed by God to carry the weight of His glory into the world."
"I believe God is giving you a burden... a supernatural burden for the lost."
"This is the hour that God wants you to pick up your word, pick up the Bible, get on your knees and say, 'Father, what do you want me to do?'"
"I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus."
"Care what college you've been to, school don't make preachers, no God make preachers, that's right."
"Your calling may be defined as the customized life purpose God has ordained for you."
"True moves of the Holy Spirit will cause people to say, 'Here am I Lord, send me.'"
"We are chosen by God, put on this earth for a purpose, because God thinks that we are the best option to fulfill this calling."
"You've been called by God. By God's foreknowledge, He's predestined you."
"God is looking at you right now and God is saying, 'What are you waiting for?'"
"We are saying yes it's stepping across that line saying God used me to demonstrate what is impossible."
"God is raising up voices right now that are going to last decades."
"We're not worshiping those images brothers and sisters we must show truth it's our calling the Lord called us he said I will bring give you passes according to my heart which will teach you knowledge and understand it right."
"God never called us into the realm of assumption. Many people have called themselves what they are not called into."
"If God has called you, no human could stop you."
"Step into your destiny that God gave you, called you, appointed you, and anointed you for this time."
"God called me to prepare the way, raise up the prophets and apostles."
"I've delivered my soul, I'm free now. I can sleep. I'm thankful to God for his calling on my life."
"There's something amazing He's called you to do and it will blow your mind if you surrender your heart, your life to Him."
"God spoke to me one day and Jesus said that he was about his Father's business."
"God wants you to be great, this is an hour for greatness."
"I realized I can't do that in order to do what God has called me to do I need to make sure that I'm not running on empty."
"We're all called to do this and God will use what we have to give."
"When God calls your name, respond: 'Here I am.'"
"This story is about following your divine calling, and not shrinking in fear."
"Don't be a victim when God has called you to be a victor."
"The calling of God upon your life will not match your passion. Passions connected to personality, but listen, He will put the love of it in you so that in your obedience to the call, you will have joy, power, passion."
"Often in Scripture... when you see God calling someone's name... they, in the natural realm, didn't seem to be very important."
"Can you be trusted with what God has called you to do?"
"God spoke to me at the age of 13 and said there's more that I require of you."
"God doesn't change our calling just because a component of it makes us uncomfortable."
"What would you do if you heard from God, you're a doctor, a dermatologist, highly successful."
"Child of God, daughters of God, you are a female, a woman, and a wife who is called by God."
"That is my true north: I'm called and chosen by God regardless of what I feel."
"If Jesus wants anything of you, he'll fit you for the task."
"Convergence: doing what God created you to do."
"Why me? Why not you? You are doing what God told you to do."
"God said I made you a creative. I made you someone who's passionate about race education and arts for a reason."
"Fasting empowers us to fulfill God's calling in our life."
"The Holy Spirit empowers us to do what God's calling us to do."
"It couldn't have been anyone else. And when I raised my hands, God spoke to me and let me know that I was called to the nations."
"You have the supernatural power... to succeed at whatever God has called you to do."
"You're not a man/woman of the world, you're a prophet of God."
"If God called you, you're gonna know what you're gonna do."
"If God wants you to do it, no one can stop you."
"This is what God has called us unto, if you understand this, you walk differently."
"We declare that God is going to bring you into the fulfillment of your ministry. You are loved by God."
"God has anointed you. God has called you. You're not too old. God is not done with you. This is just the beginning."
"We're doing this because this is what we feel God's calling us to do with our life."
"God's calling you to an assignment that only you can do."
"God told me to tell every person watching today is the day that you accept your kingdom calling."
"We're going to be everything that you've called us to be."
"Don't let anyone minimize what God called you to do."
"Those that God calls he qualifies, hallelujah, he qualifies you, he equips you for what he's going to do in your life. It's going to be awesome."
"Help us to stay as surrendered as you've called us to be."
"For olives to become oil, there's a crushing process. Just because the process is taking longer, it doesn't change the fact that God called you, anointed you, and you are marked by God."
"An intersection can't stop me from doing what God called me to do"
"God calls all of us according to his purpose and the question is are you guys today going to hear his voice and harden your heart or are you going to go according to his purpose."
"I'm the woman for the job. I'm going to do flat footed what God has called me to do because I'm the woman. I'm the woman for the job."
"The power is in the calling, and the one who called you is faithful to perform what God has called you to."
"You have no idea what God is able to do until you say, 'Here am I, Lord, send me.'"
"God didn't just call us to be someone who watched on the sidelines."
"If the Lord is calling you to do something, it is because you have the set of qualifications to do it."
"When God has something for you, you have to go for it fully."
"For such a time as this, you were born. Open your mouth, call on God, exact and execute the plan."
"God is like no, somebody has a very, very high calling, a mission on their life."
"There's certain moments that you hit in life that kind of confirm that you're aligning your purpose and doing what God has called you to do."
"God tonight I believe that you're calling a mighty Army to its feet."
"God is transferring you to the realm of power."
"God has woven eternity in our hearts. That void could truly only be filled if you are doing the thing God's called you to do."
"The God who called then can still call now, dare we hope?"
"Nothing can separate the love that God has for me and the calling that he has over my life."
"God called Elijah because he knew that Elijah could go back without being sidetracked."
"You can't get preaching from a university. It takes God to make a preacher."
"You keep preaching because this is what God wants you to do."
"God asking us to step out and make this."
"Yes, God talking to you. Yes, you are called. Yes, you are significant."
"Remember that whom the Lord calls, the Lord qualifies."
"Call all my daughters, call all my sons who are called by my name, and let them know that I am the only savior."
"Every single believer has been ordained to carry out a particular function as we are all members of the same body, the body of Christ."
"You are created to serve God's kingdom. You need to see the vision that God has for you."
"God is seeking out His daughters who will choose to come up higher into the heights of the house of God."
"God never calls you to go out and represent him without telling you to heal the sick."
"God takes people, and then he qualifies the called."
"God didn't call you because you're so great, God called you because you were His."
"What is God calling you to do? What is the call of God in your life right now?"
"The time came and went, but the prophet soon announced that God had called the society to establish a mission in Africa before the end."
"I bear you my testimony that these things are true," the speaker said, "I've given you only a fraction of the things that we're now learning about the ancient world that sustain and support the divine calling of the Prophet Joseph Smith."
"God's glory is in calling a nation he knows not, and people that know not him shall run to him."
"God is going to call this church to sacrifice, because it's that sacrifice that's going to bring the fire."
"You have confidence, God wants you to know more than you want to know what He's called you to do."
"God does not call qualified people. He simply qualifies those whom he calls."
"Your assignment is not only to help people but God is also raising you up."
"...if a generation merits it and the time is right then God will call on that person."
"This is not just another offer, it's a divine calling to embrace what's rightfully yours in Christ."
"God spoke to me and said Mike is to be a pastor."
"Every person in heaven wants us to recklessly abandon ourselves and be ignited, display God's glory on this earth."
"Your sacrifice of your time, your resources, your talent will help prepare you for what God has called you to do."
"I am a witness that she was called of God by a living Prophet, President Russell M. Nelson."
"God will not let your infirmity stop you, what God hasn't called you to do, He's empowered you to do."
"Joseph, you have seen an angel. You have been called of God to do this work. You will do this work."
"...every time it runs across my mind, how God set me apart for his own service."
"There are restrictions. Things you cannot do because you are anointed."
"Anything that God calls us to, he enables us to do."
"It is the Lord's strategy for effective ministry launched in fulfillment of His own divine calling."
"God calls people who didn't ask to be called."
"God may call people who don't want to be called."
"One of the best assurances of a ministry in which you've really been sent from God, it's not it’s success but it's difficulties."
"Philip was just an ordinary guy that God could get a hold of."
"God has been preparing messengers in the wilderness."
"The seraphim become instruments of God's sanctifying power, demonstrating that when God calls, He also equips and refines us."
"You are my beloved child I have chosen you and I am calling you by name."
"I heard the voice of the Lord say to me, 'Who shall I send?'"
"It is God. He is calling us to the mountain."
"David's life teaches us that if the truth be told many of us that God uses and calls do not come from perfect, pristine places."
"He's not famous but he's faithful. God wants you to just be you. Your success is not determined by your role or your impact but your faithfulness to his calling."
"All they had to do was accept him for what God called him to be."
"He's preparing them for Glory, us whom he called not only from the Jews but also from the Gentiles."
"I felt this urging to do social media, almost like God saying, 'You need to do social media, you need to go online, you need to post videos, you need to do live streams, you need to reach people online.'"
"Our dreams don't matter. We're here for God's work."
"You have not chosen me but I have chosen you and ordained you that you should go and bring forth fruit."
"I have saved us and called us within holy calling. If you got the highest calling on Earth, something happened in the meantime. Let's pray until something happened."
"God is offering you into a life that you've only dreamed of, and he said, 'No, I was serious,' and you need to hear me say that."
"I am your Lord, I have called you, I will take you back"
"Before I form you in the womb, I knew you and before you were born I consecrated you. I have appointed you as a prophet to the Nations."
"God's releasing an Evangelistic anointing over Bethel Church to begin to draw the Lost."
"You're called to His purposes, not your purpose, but His purpose."
"God doesn't use people that are qualified, he qualifies you."
"Imagine that you hear a voice, and it says, 'Fear not, for I am the Lord, and I am calling you.'"
"Nothing could stop God's calling for you. If you're called by God, nothing's going to stop that."
"Show up and do what it is that God has called you to do in that moment."
"There's no greater joy than doing the work that God has called us to do for such a time as this."
"God has called us to a holy calling."
"You didn't do anything to earn this calling."
"Our lives that we're called to live by Peter don't make sense. They are unintelligible in the categories of the world. This life that you're called to live in First Peter makes no sense without something beyond called hope."
"If your vision is better than the vision that God gave to me, He would have made you the pastor."
"Use us, Lord, to call Your own to Yourself."
"My God bro, that's a call in your life. God has called you bro and he wants to use you as a leader."
"Profits are men that God produces. They don't roll off the assembly lines of Bible schools. They're made in God's university, and that's the university of silence."
"He did not let that rejection of him stop him from doing what God called him to do."
"God's looking for the pure of heart in this hour."
"If you are seeing numbers 11 11, it is a Divine call to your mission in going to tell persons about Jesus."
"He just wants you to know he calls the unqualified."