
Challenging Norms Quotes

There are 90 quotes

"Now, Gamerkin isn't your average scholar; he's a bit of a maverick, a trailblazer who isn't afraid to challenge the status quo."
"We are seeing people challenging all norms such as patriarchy, extreme religious nationalism, racism, and discrimination."
"The best way to challenge that kind of stupidity and insanity is to spread some logic and reason."
"You challenge people to think outside the box."
"Chris Rock's special, heterodox, challenging priors, anti-left, anti-right."
"I want to be remembered as somebody that challenged the status quo and legitimately tried to empower humanity."
"How many of you would feel comfortable tonight looking me in the eye and telling me that you can call yourself beautiful or handsome once I'm not masturbating in front of a mirror?"
"If I'm not upsetting a big proportion of my fanbase with each record, I'm probably not doing the right thing."
"Conservative viewpoint that dares to question the status quo."
"It's nice to see a celebrity challenge the status quo."
"I'm challenging that. I'm telling you to love your enemies. Let them bring out the best in you."
"This whole situation proves to me how delicate and fragile having a piece of content tied to an online authentication system actually is."
"Responsible heterodoxy challenges the mainstream narrative."
"2022 will hopefully be a year filled with new ideas and the potential for some exciting new things. I want to take that risk and challenge the stupid algorithm with something that makes me happy."
"Oliver Stone's fascination with Putin was to challenge America's sense of exceptionalism."
"Prepare to be red pilled my dudes." - Professor Jordan Peterson.
"Many would argue Bioshock never shied away from challenging the status quo all while raising the bar."
"Rejecting knowledge, challenging the sacred."
"Comedians like Dave Chappelle and Chris Rock aren't afraid to hit those uncomfortable talking points and get us to laugh at our own ignorance."
"Creativity and innovation arise when people question the status quo."
"The reality is that if you're going to do anything that's worthwhile, you're likely going to have to be somebody who is controversial, who challenges the orthodoxy."
"Jesus came not to embrace the status quo but to challenge theology, exposing religiosity."
"Invader Zim challenged the platform, knowing its value and its message."
"This is what survivors do. They challenge the norms and rise against all the bad cards that life has dealt them with."
"I dare you to go back looking at situations differently than you were looking when you got into that room."
"I want to push the drama of her pose, I want to push her butt up in the air because she's standing on the side of a mountain."
"It's changing you for the better... I like that rebel."
"What if impossible is in fact what if it's opinion and what if I don't buy it?"
"People don't like to think of the first woman to ever be created like they don't like to think of Jesus as being black, so I'm gonna just go there with it."
"Competing with bright essence challenges others to live on the same level."
"Comfort The Afflicted, afflict the comfortable."
"You will grow. Ask your questions, offend us, don't worry about it."
"The work that we're doing would be meaningless if you guys didn't have the bravery and courage to challenge dearly held beliefs."
"Are you offended or are you afraid to hear something that maybe needs to be said?"
"As long as my intentions are pure, it's okay to question the norm."
"Sometimes going against our own status quo, our own self-limiting beliefs, and our own narrative is also necessary."
"They think you're stupid, they think I'm stupid, they think we're all stupid."
"They have gone to such stratospheric heights of power levels and enemies, and yeah, it's pretty hard to top each other, but it does. And it does that here."
"Controversy in physics: Bose's proposal challenged conventions."
"Question everything, challenge the common beliefs, and disrupt the status quo."
"We're tearing down a system of belief that this is how we make it and this is how we got to make it."
"Pushing back against conformity often leads to desirable outcomes."
"There were individuals who challenged and supported the social order... you get these whole groups of thinkers."
"How you gonna risk it all and do it 180? How you gonna catch the Hail Mary?"
"Challenging our perception of what's normal."
"You have to overcome that sort of human ideal of 'thou shalt not kill' cuz you're gonna kill."
"Most artistic breakthroughs and social breakthroughs happen when people do challenge the status quo, when they do something taboo which forces individuals to reconsider the taboo."
"Throw caution to the wind and ask yourself what rules."
"The New Testament inherently disrupts and challenges the way we domesticate the gospel."
"I challenge you to consider the primary problem of cancer is dysfunctional glucose metabolism."
"Learning is key and... challenge conventional thinking."
"Dispelling this binary myth... binary thinking is one of those things, but it's not an easy sell."
"It's commendable to go against the grain and do something challenging and uncomfortable."
"Regular balance, balance that breaks things even to a certain extent, just keep shaking the beehive."
"Courage means you have to call into question what is conventional."
"You should be a monster because everyone says, 'Well, you should be harmless.' No, you should be a monster."
"We need a lot more people to be empowered with this information and to push back against the dominant status quo narrative."
"Fundamentally, the feminist character is a skeptic, who bravely questions established social conventions that others take for granted."
"Some people see the impossible and view it as a challenge."
"Be prepared to think outside the box. Don't assume which fixtures that you think to be fixtures are in fact fixtures."
"If there are people avoiding an area, that's probably a good sign that there's a reason for that. Those are the areas where you probably can still successfully actually try to subvert people's ideas."
"If it's real art, it throws you outside of your preconceptions."
"You're challenging the status quo, making waves."
"We must always be challenging every preconceived notion we have because that is the only way we move forward as artists as consumers as people and make life exciting."
"It's important to have art that challenges people."
"Progressivism isn't just about being pro-gay or whatever else, it's about a fundamental, unconditional willingness to challenge social norms."
"Challenging popular thinking requires a willingness to be unpopular and go outside of the norm."
"The Homemaker: Challenging stereotypes with a poignant message."
"Some of the greatest advances in science have come from people challenging the status quo."
"We can definitely question assumptions and break conventions."
"They'd have been challenges to beliefs that had been accepted for centuries."
"Challenging what we are seeing online will shift the societal norm."
"Respect yourself enough to challenge limiting beliefs and narratives."
"Science fiction can be a kind of self-questioning, a way of telling and spreading stories about difference that often functions to challenge self-replicating information."
"I love pushing up against those preconceptions but also showing the depth and breadth of information that is present in something that's seemingly as simple as fly fishing or just fishing."
"I think it's a writer's job to ask the difficult questions."
"Safe spaces are something where you should actually be able to say what's on your mind and challenge the norms."
"In order to progress as a species and reach a more absolute truth, we must challenge the current ideas, traditions, and beliefs."
"She's willing to buck orthodoxies, she's not just gonna fall in line, she's gonna stand up when she thinks the people are wrong about something."
"If you challenge the conventions of your instrument or of the kind of music that your band makes, it opens up the idea that conventions can be challenged."
"The books that make the most impact are the ones that challenge our expectations, that make us think about things a different way."
"Challenge the narrative; we're all members of our community."
"Bacon is not an easy artist; he's not trying to do pretty things with a sunset."
"It is time to strip away preconditioned attitudes and centuries-old myths."
"Bell hooks calls for a loving ethic, and it's work. This book challenges you; this book will drag your edges."
"We have to challenge conventional thinking in management."