
Leadership Responsibility Quotes

There are 119 quotes

"CEOs are not responsible for the results; they're responsible for the people who are responsible for the people who are responsible for the results."
"My responsibility, first and foremost, as Prime Minister of Canada, is to look out for the well-being, the safety, the security of Canadians."
"Shame on those who have the authority or have the rank to say 'No, this is not going to work' but choose to save their job instead of saving the lives of the officers they command."
"I will invest whatever it takes to keep you and everyone else in our country safe because that is the first duty of a prime minister."
"Now you're the one that has to make the final decisions."
"The greatest duty of the leader is securing the future for the next generation."
"We have to start hiring more minorities so we have that opportunity."
"If we want peace and prosperity based on equality and solidarity, then leaders have a particular responsibility to achieve compromise when designing our common future for our common good."
"This more than ever should be a time for the president to address everyone."
"They got rid of people and she doubled down on on wanting to improve the workplace yeah and she's gonna take a more proactive stance on making sure she stays on top of things yep"
"My job is to really look to make the decision that is in the best interest of this overall ecosystem."
"Empowering people means you take an ass chewing... and periodically they're going to make mistakes."
"Joe Biden's victory stopped the spread of the fire but it is still burning and we have to do more."
"I will not repeat the mistakes... of staying and fighting indefinitely in a conflict that is not in the national interest."
"It's your job as a president to make this decision, guess you're right."
"You gotta stop the bleeding now and begin doing the right thing."
"You do not get to determine what is best for the country or the American people."
"We must stop now. I speak as one who loves America to the leaders of our own nation. The great initiative in this war is ours. The initiative to stop it must be ours."
"No, the most important thing going on in the world right now is the state of your country, the one you're supposed to run, the people you're supposed to represent, whose lives you're supposed to care about."
"We're in hard times, and it's our duty to try to address that hardship."
"I expect my leaders to shoulder the responsibility for the actions they take."
"Leaders have to own their decisions and are fair game if they make bad decisions."
"Leadership sets the culture... He said this was a hoax, he didn't take it seriously, he should have said a National Response because it required a national response."
"Common sense leadership is learned and every common sense leader has a duty to pass it on."
"Anyone who's responsible for not taking control, in fact not saying I'm I take no responsibility initially, anyone who's responsible for that many deaths should not remain as president of the United States of America."
"We need to own the responsibility that comes with being great examples for young people."
"A leader is someone who does not point any fingers except for themselves when things go wrong."
"With the death of Elder Cameron and the scattering of most of our senior knights and paladins, I have become the highest ranking brother left."
"It's my responsibility as Speaker of the House to make sure we get to the truth on this."
"Laura, the future success of this restaurant is in your hands. You don't extract out of her everything she knows about cooking, you're mad. It will never ever work if you step backwards to your old ways."
"But at the end of the day, any leader in any position has the responsibility to illuminate a situation when things are going off the rails."
"Are we going to give people the power, or are we going to try and hold onto it as society falls around us?"
"Our campaign is more than just trying to defeat Trump... our country and in fact the world faced enormous issues that we cannot turn our back on."
"It doesn't have to be a personal attack if somebody has power and you're encouraging them to use it responsibly."
"Leading the country means the buck stops with you."
"The penalty of leadership is when the team fails, it's because of the leader. It starts from the top."
"It's time for Prime Minister Scott Morrison to man up and apologize to Christine Holgate and reinstate her as CEO of Australia Post."
"You were up against quite a lot, but I have confidence that if you want to be dedicated to free speech, you can certainly dedicate Twitter to that."
"Leaders accept responsibility for their soldiers."
"Republican leaders have to get a grip on reality."
"I think it's very important to understand that in the end the buck stops with the person in charge."
"We have responsibilities to lead with our values as the other members of NATO."
"I think something needs to be done... come on Susan, do something."
"The ultimate way to end the clogged border is for President Biden to do his job and to secure the border."
"Don't rush into anything this week—look at the bigger picture."
"What you don't do as a leader when something's gone wrong is blame anyone else apart from yourself."
"It's a tremendous dereliction of duty on the part of U.S. leaders."
"Society can't change until the people with power change."
"If you're the leader, the people you lead, if they're in trouble, how can you call yourself a man if you can't help them out, yeah? If you can't if you can't be the man in no situation, how can you say you're alpha?"
"If I could this would be the only thing that I would do but with great power comes great responsibility and I have uh people to guide through this crazy crazy world of war."
"So when you're not reaching that, it's my job to address it."
"As a mayor of the city, I accept full and total responsibility for decisions made to evacuate the Osage Avenue house. I stand behind those persons who made those decisions."
"Being a leader and owning a company takes more time than I've recently been giving it."
"I'm in it to do what is best for my community."
"When you have a community's concern in front of you, their well-being immediately takes precedence."
"I'm not surprised that he's making sure that, listen, if I've got full say in power, I know that I'll take responsibility if things don't work out."
"As leaders and as Citizens, it is incumbent upon us all to watch the words that we say."
"Make no mistake, Putin is responsible for Naval's death." - President Biden
"Fear is spreading: 'Sunday Igboho should control something.'"
"Assume responsibility, you have been anointed to solve problems."
"If I don't put the best people available on the covet team, what am I doing with them?"
"This is the actual real-world damage that comes when we elect these unserious, dangerous people."
"I'd rather not be known as the captain who gets all my crew members killed for sport."
"Why didn't Robin prepare the boys for how to deal with Dayton?"
"It's my responsibility to put everything in place and it's my responsibility to keep people safe."
"You cannot be called a captain and shift blame on the first mate period period."
"Leaders need to ignore the anger and frustration because they need to save lives."
"It's my job to wake up and worry about how do you run a nation on cardano."
"Well, listen, uh, at the end of the day, whoever sits down in this chair has the right to say whatever they want."
"Thank you for that incredible mandate... the reason I have fought so hard... was... my job, my duty, my obligation to you."
"You have to deliver on governance; people's expectations are high all the time."
"You have to guard the people in our community. You have to set a standard as black men to say you're not gonna be just killing our people off like that."
"Don't let them take that away from you. Take credit because we saved tens of millions of lives."
"I recognize and understand that with power comes responsibility."
"The fate of a nation rests on our shoulders, yours and mine. Let's show Washington that our backbones are made of steel and titanium. It's time to fight."
"You led us here, Kal, and now it's within your power to save what remains of your race."
"Whoever is on top has to be the protector of the lower guys. With great power comes great responsibility."
"If someone's not pulling the weight or is letting the team down... it's my job to let them know."
"As leaders and as parents, we have a responsibility to protect our young people."
"With huge pressure comes huge responsibility."
"Everyone says they want to be a leader, but they don't understand the weight that comes with it."
"But it's really pretty sad that we're leading the charge on this."
"We should be the ones to resolve the situation."
"This is so much more important that Abu Dhabi starts stepping up."
"As long as I'm the leader, I won't let anyone become a victim."
"Leaders are responsible for the environment, not just the results."
"Every leader should prioritize changing the system for Africa's future."
"All I cared was that these people, that are now my responsibility, might just make it out of here."
"Ultimately, we know the responsibility for last season falls squarely on the shoulders of the board."
"This will be the epicenter of the new global jihadi movement and that lies on the desk of Joe Biden."
"One thing at a time though, gotta take care of the needs of the many before the needs of the few."
"I'll take my chance, Zeus. Leon, I'll need you to hold down the fort here. I've gotta go warn Pergos."
"We're not out of the woods we have to go forward we need help on testing and we need funding it's up to the governors it's up to the states will then provide the funding."
"A good leader has to make tough decisions, that's why he or she is a leader."
"She was now responsible for, among other things, finding her replacement."
"I genuinely believe that it's my responsibility to make sure the people that I bring on are successful, right?"
"Know your people, literally know your people."
"You have to actually take care of your men and if you don't take care of your men while you're trying to accomplish your mission, you're gonna end up in a situation where you don't have any men left or you don't have any loyalty."
"Leadership is required from leaders and you cannot get away from it."
"You work 24 hours of the day, you don't have to if you put great people in their places, but you have to look after those people."
"No mother should outlive her children, and no captain should outlive his ship."
"The rightness of the decision taken by the leader is irrelevant. What matters is that the decision should be taken and that the leader should shoulder the responsibility for that decision."
"I'm the Hokage, so I'm going to save the life of my people."
"It is vital that soldiers be able to convince themselves that their leader is honorable, for only then can they place their sins upon him."
"It's the responsibility of every leader to know his players and to strengthen the bench of players on the team."
"As a ruler, my task is to keep order and protect my country, but I don't deprive you of your freedom."
"The responsibility of a leader is not to follow public opinion but to change it."
"...leadership is a privilege. You're not born with that privilege, you earn it."
"The responsibilities of the office of president of the junior Grange are manifold."
"It's a different dynamic when the decision becomes your responsibility."
"Heavy is the head that's going to wear the San Francisco crown."
"The moral duty of our leaders is to the citizens of this nation, not any other one."