
Dentistry Quotes

There are 406 quotes

"Being a dentist gives me the opportunity not only to interact with people but also to cure and help them and ease their pain."
"My approach to dentistry begins with sincerely listening to the patient."
"I love the challenge. I love creating an environment where people are surprised at how comfortable they are."
"You can see the dentist less and that's what it's about."
"Well, the patients loved Dr. Rudolph at least because patient reviews painted a picture of a kind genuine dentist who went above and beyond for his patients."
"We wanna see what kind of fun we can have breaking the mold that dentistry has kind of created for itself."
"It is important to go see your dentist on a regular basis."
"What's a dentist's favorite time of day to go home? Tooth-hurty, get it?"
"If you're unhappy with your smile, you do not have to be."
"Gardner Quincy Colton, the same man who organized the event that introduced Wells to Nitrous oxide's efficacy, firmly established the use of Nitrous in dentistry in 1863."
"We're really trying to tailor recommendations to patients now based on oral microbiome testing instead of just saying brush floss and donate candy bars and see me in six months."
"More Progressive dentists are doing oral microbiome testing."
"It's actually really cool to see the process from start to finish and actually really be able to put a lot of emphasis on how much art is actually in dentistry."
"Training places for dentists will increase by 40%."
"Our smile for Life program has already been endorsed by the College of gentle General Dentistry."
"Dentistry oh my God be raking it in dude"
"They look so good. Let me see them. Let me see them. Come on, teeth that I'm gonna have the rest of my life. No, show me. Show me. Ah, they look so good!"
"To become a dentist in the US, you must complete four years of college followed by four years of dental school."
"The dental cost is so much cheaper."
"I want to have great healthcare, I want to have great dentistry for you and for my future fillings."
"It's also the second house of teeth, there might be some teeth work that you're doing that's very important that you are afraid to do till now but now the courage of Scorpio comes and you do it."
"I bet dentists love those things."
"...a dentist that can sleep better at night knowing that you have put everything into that you can..."
"...it takes a hell of a lot of time and investment and self-reflection on getting to a point where you’re happy with your dentistry..."
"Taking care of your teeth is super important."
"Guess what Jimmy, you've got no cavities."
"Dentists don't roam the neighborhood and push people down and pull teeth out, even if it would benefit the patient. You assess and diagnose and say, 'You have a cavity.'"
"Hey, that looks pretty good. I definitely highly recommend 10 out of 10 dentists degree."
"An indispensable resource for dental professionals seeking precision and quality in implantology."
"Reduce, reuse, recycle, right? But I think I'd rather have no teeth than have dentures made of someone else's teeth."
"Orthodontists are critical in developing proper form and function in the oral cavity which can ultimately help patients maintain their teeth for longer."
"I've been in the dentist quite a bit and they love these long conversations."
"I don't think sugar tax is the way forward...advertising is the way forward...on dentistry in particular...there should be supervised toothbrushing."
"I love my smile. Thank you, Dr. Heavenly. I appreciate you giving my mom this beautiful smile."
"So, if you ever have a moment where you're like, I wonder if privatization could work, just look at Dentistry."
"Dentistry has improved immensely and Dentistry actually also affects lifespan."
"Funny enough, you actually have to get the tooth replaced every 10 years. This is my second tooth because I pulled out the first one eating a piece of Taffy."
"Make sure you have a clear reason as to why you're passionate about dentistry."
"Friends we have passed a night in hell, but now the sun is risen, the birds are singing, and the radiant form of the dentist consoles the world."
"A lot of people get the jitters about going to the dentist."
"We offer sedation dentistry so that people aren't too afraid."
"It takes a little getting used to, but I think you will enjoy this toothbrush."
"Dentures were once made using real human teeth, obtained from corpses after battles."
"So this is the cool thing about the dentistry that in the same patient, in the same case, we can choose different solution. And using just the different matrix we can get like the totally different final outcome."
"...when we talk about the accuracy is the good matrix adaptation. And it's difficult to beat that. If you adapt the matrix in a proper way, your technician will have very big problem to be so accurate as you in doing that in a direct way."
"Root canals are a fantastic way to save the teeth."
"Root canals are a way to eliminate your body from infection."
"98 percent of root canals are fine. You're going to be fine."
"This oral systemic connection has been around all along, but now Dentistry is waking up to this, so is medicine, so is Functional Health."
"More people are now being harmed by modern dentistry in other ways that are causing chronic diseases."
"Let's say a word of gratitude to Dr. Britt Baker DMD, who looks to offset the teeth lost in pro wrestling one cavity at a time."
"Tom is fearless. Tom can go to the dentist, no problem because he is fearless."
"The only thing I would possibly like to get actually done on my teeth is this tuff here."
"Your veneers are so great because you went to one of the most expensive doctors in Beverly Hills but my second theory is because you didn't shave down your teeth they were popovers"
"The dentist began giggling and making the role of blood, gums, and teeth talk like a puppet."
"Hopefully, I still see myself in dentistry because this is something that I'm very passionate about."
"Remember this is Kaizen Dental, our aim here is to help dentists succeed."
"If your basics are good, if your basic knowledge of dentistry is good, you are sorted."
"Invisalign is an amazing product and we do a lot of Invisalign in our office."
"Perhaps dentistry is the safest profession you can be in."
"If you want to be successful in dentistry, you need to do what you enjoy."
"The best part about being a general dentist is no two general docs are the same."
"Dentistry is great, it's a great profession. I'm enjoying it so far, a lot of ups and downs."
"Hopefully this video gives you a little better idea of what it's like to be a dentist."
"I'm so excited that in today's vlog, I get to show you guys what the day in the life of an actual dentist looks like."
"We're going to look at both the good and the bad and figure out, is dentistry still a worthwhile career to pursue today?"
"Dentistry isn't what it used to be."
"Ultimately, that other generation of dentists is going to say dentistry isn't what it used to be, and that is objectively true."
"Creating a whiter than white celebrity smile has become an industry worth millions."
"With more and more celebrities showing their sparkling rows of pearly whites, it's no surprise that demand for teeth whitening products and services is shooting up."
"Teeth whitening is a serious procedure. I would consider it a medical procedure because the product actually gets into the pores of your teeth."
"Teeth whitening isn't just a cosmetic procedure; it's dentistry and should only be carried out by regulated dental professionals."
"Something that really draws me to endodontics is that it is a specialty that really focuses on allowing people to save their teeth."
"Ever since getting my teeth done, my confidence has heightened."
"I wanted my teeth to look the same but 2.0."
"Adequate vitamin D levels could decrease the incidence of enamel defects by 50%."
"I've known him since my late teens to early twenties as my dentist, and he's always been very affable and approachable."
"I'm a third year dental student currently studying in London."
"Every single one of these universities is absolutely fantastic when it comes to teaching dentistry."
"There's not a single university in the UK that teaches dentistry that I'd say isn't up to standards."
"She works as a lab designer for an oral surgery practice where she Custom Designs teeth."
"I never knew that dentistry could not only influence oral health but also mental health as well."
"I want to make patients feel that good about themselves."
"Compassion is really important quality as a dentist as it makes you provide the better impossible for your patient."
"I'm here today to share some great news: I got into my number one dental school, University of Maryland School of Dentistry, class of 2026."
"No one enjoys going to the dentist, but such a homey-looking dentist office as this could likely offer a calming effect, especially for a child."
"You're essentially rebuilding people's smiles."
"Almost every single dentist I shadowed was like, this is a great career. I highly recommended it."
"It's rewarding to see that I can change smiles, change lives."
"I am not afraid, my friend, of the dentist."
"At just 20 years old, Holiday became a doctor of dental surgery."
"Going to the dentist is so much fun."
"The best dentistry is no dentistry, so if we can leave the healthy stuff there, let's do that."
"The best dentistry is no dentistry."
"I'm a content creator for the same reason I want to become a dentist: to bring people confidence through their smile."
"You can see here that inside the jaw bones... there are a large number of teeth that haven't yet come through."
"A beautiful root canal can last for 10, 20, sometimes a lifetime."
"The goal of my videos is to teach you insider information so you can come as reasonably close as possible to diagnosing like a board-certified periodontist."
"Dentists are the experts in oral health; they diagnose and treat problems of the teeth, gums, and other tissues in the mouth."
"The dinosaurs' teeth represent five tissue types... suggesting that these tissues first evolved in a common ancestor and have been kept ever since."
"We might be the only thing standing between serious dental disease and a clean mouth that allows them to communicate well."
"Dentistry is not just teeth... It's about managing patients."
"Zirconia is not a metal, it's a ceramic."
"I think if you place a couple and you see the results... the soft tissue around these things is incredible."
"What do you call a bear that's also a dentist? A molar bear."
"Our Dentistry recovery plan will make Dental Services simpler and fairer for patients."
"The face bow record transfers the relationship between the maxilla and the rest of the skull from the patient to the articulator."
"Condylar guidance... has to do with the slope of the articular eminence."
"...all posterior teeth are ideally immediately discluded as contact occurs solely between the upper and lower canine on the working side."
"...it's really this concept of mutual protection where the front teeth protect the back teeth and the back teeth protect the front teeth."
"My plan was to do dentistry, really, to do general and then specialize in endo and ortho."
"Our aim here is to help dentists succeed."
"Dentistry is like a lovely field, but the kind of stress it comes with, you know, there's a high incidence of stress and anxiety that comes with this job."
"You have got a lovely smile, so I want to look after it."
"Prosthodontics is the branch of Dentistry concerned with the design, manufacture, and fitting of artificial replacements for teeth and other parts of the mouth."
"Dentists cannot officially diagnose obstructive sleep apnea, but we can screen for it and then refer to a physician or sleep specialist for an official diagnosis."
"I want everyone to have a nice life, especially the dentists from India because you know the scenario in India."
"It will absolutely destroy you, just completely transforming people's smiles."
"I genuinely enjoy and love being a dental hygienist."
"We all should go to the dentist from time to time."
"A dental hygienist is the person who's helping out the dentist."
"I was given some anesthesia when I had a root canal."
"Can the dentist fill enough cavities to earn a coveted five barf bag rating? Let's get to the gore and find out."
"Hey, did I ever tell you what a dentist's favorite animal is? It's a molar bear. Get it?"
"Talk is cheap; it's easy for the principal dentist to say you're going to be really busy."
"The more you can show the missions that you're invested into dentistry, the stronger your application will be."
"Dentistry really does afford you the ability to relatively quickly have an impact on the well-being of your patients."
"So have you ever wondered why dentistry is a five-year course when all we learn about is teeth?"
"I loved dental school. I made so many amazing friendships."
"I do hope to own my own dental practice one day."
"The beautiful thing about dentistry is there are many ways to do it."
"The way your enamel stays healthy is that nutrients from the living pulp cavity of the tooth get transmitted through the dentin tubules and then deposited on the outside of the tooth."
"I practice both in America and in the dental clinic at Dr. Schweitzer's Hospital in Africa."
"I've been in practice for about 40 years, and I primarily do removable and maxillofacial prosthetics."
"The technique that I'm going to show you today is something that I developed early in 2000 to reduce the time required to make a denture."
"It's a working model that, very much like a try-in, will allow you to modify and customize at the second appointment rather than the traditional fourth or fifth appointment technique."
"I'm going to show you how to make a denture in three 30-minute appointments."
"The more widespread your teeth are, the more anchor points you're gonna get, thus the more stability."
"Everyone wants a beautiful smile, and Dr. Beverly Vine will give you a smile for a lifetime."
"In aesthetic dentistry, you want to take a step back and look at your cases very in-depth."
"Real aesthetic dentistry should be all about being conservative."
"This is super super important because this sets the lips into the dental mound, the arch into the mound of the mouth."
"I'm actually looking after the person, not their teeth."
"You've got to be a leader; you've got to be part of a team."
"Our goal, if we're ethical and trying to educate you and do the right thing, is to extend that cycle so you keep your teeth for the rest of your life."
"Did you know no two people have identical sets of teeth? Your teeth are as unique as your fingerprint."
"The infinite bevel makes this line, this transition between the composite and the tooth interface, disappear completely."
"We restore the patient's mouth back to the original state before they lost their teeth."
"It's critically important the materials, the type of implant, the type of prosthetics."
"I would like to put the wisdom teeth in a dice mold and make D&D dice out of them for wisdom saving rolls."
"Congratulations to everyone who has gotten a place at dental school, it's a fantastic achievement."
"I've been a dentist for over 50 years. I have become fascinated and passionate about helping people to avoid dental disease."
"Gum disease and cavities are bacterial infections; they're transmissible infections."
"For five dentists recommend seeing a dentist. I'm not sure what the fifth guy's thinking."
"Baby teeth provide function for chewing and speaking, but also one of their most important purposes is maintaining space for the permanent dentition."
"I found it, the perfect case to show you how we tip teeth with clear liners."
"Every object has a center of resistance, and when we talk about teeth, the center of resistance is located in the root."
"If a tooth is saved in your chair or mine, believe me, I celebrate right along with you."
"Orthodontics is really just a series of push and pull force systems applied to the teeth."
"Every orthodontist is a dentist, but not every dentist is an orthodontist."
"In our endodontic office, the doctors use microscopes for visibility, a really great tool for the kind of very small detailed work we are doing."
"Kids when they come in here kind of get a little bit of an experience that makes them feel like they're not at a dental practice, which is good."
"He's the first known dentist that we know of by name in the history of the world."
"Dental radiographs are a critical component of comprehensive care."
"I really and trust myself and my dental work and my smile with Dr. Heavenly because she has over 25 years of experience."
"I'm not so much a dentist as a dental artist."
"No one in this country should ever spend their days in pain because they cannot afford to see a dentist; oral health is health."
"What's the dentist doing in boat racing? Well, I enjoy the sport; it's exciting and it's something to do on a weekend."
"In the world of composite resin layering, the true artistry comes from recognizing the natural color gradient of teeth."
"You'll be on your path to that straight Hollywood smile."
"Dentistry is a communication-based job."
"Dentistry is actually the world's oldest profession."
"Teeth are meant to last a lifetime."
"Memes recommended by nine out of ten dentists."
"Nothing beats a pristine tooth for strength, for beauty, for lasting, for causing you no more problems."
"Six out of seven dentists have no idea where that 7th one disappeared to, honest."
"Good rapport with the dentist, smile, laugh, interested in what's going on, and just generally enjoying being there."
"Early dental visits make a difference for children with disease and at high risk for dental disease."
"A dentigerous cyst is a developmental cyst around the crown of an impacted tooth."
"With all the latest advancements in technology and artificial intelligence, taking digital impressioning has never been so fast, easy, and accurate."
"Not only are you going to save time, effort, and money by delivering the best fitted dental appliances and beautiful restorations every single time, but the communication between you and your dental lab is completely seamless."
"Shade matching a tooth can sometimes be challenging."
"Sometimes the patient is less critical than I am, and despite my opinion of the restoration, the patient is happy."
"With the Vita 3D Master, you now have up to 26 shade samples and this can cover more of the tooth color space."
"Out of the oven comes a crystallized 70% lithium disilicate."
"Taking impressions today with Prime Scan DI is extremely easy, it's fast, and it's accurate."
"Always tip your dentist; a standard gratuity is 10% of your remaining teeth."
"Advantages of glass ionomer include self adhesion to enamel and dentin, fluoride storage and release, and less overall shrinkage."
"Oral and maxillofacial surgery is an incredible specialty."
"Permanent teeth are meant to last a lifetime."
"Modern dentistry principle is to preserve and save all the natural teeth that we can."
"Extraction is reasonable and sometimes even necessary treatment option."
"Questionable teeth should be extracted before radiation therapy to avoid the risk of osteoradionecrosis."
"Contrary to popular belief, we don't torture people; we create smiles."
"By being very thoughtful and intentional and deliberate with what you're doing, you can make sure that you're doing procedures that you love, that you enjoy, that are good outcomes for the patient."
"Blue Sky Plan is the backbone for what we do in our digital dentistry in our practice and in our courses as well."
"We have a lot going on with Blue Sky Bio with Blue Sky Plan."
"We need to start with the creation of a proper denture to show us the ideal restorative endpoint."
"The software converted the denture into a surgical guide."
"The holy grail of in-office clear aligners is going to be printing directly the clear aligner to avoid having to print all those models."