
Data Recovery Quotes

There are 78 quotes

"Snapshots are like system restores so if an update goes wrong, you can revert to a previous state."
"Page versions and recycle bin...get you out of a jam if you inadvertently got rid of old things."
"Our business exists to fulfill the niche of repairing liquid damage MacBooks, physically damaged products, out of warranty products, and to provide data recovery services, which are services that Apple does not provide."
"Restoring my virtual machine right where I freaking left off, that's amazing."
"Deleted files aren't gone: special programs can retrieve them."
"My entire model can be brought back to any point in time in the history of the system."
"We now have the power to reclaim our past data once thought lost forever."
"So if something happens and you want to revert to an old save, you can do that."
"Don't panic, there are tons and tons of options out there to actually recover your data."
"You should have seen his face when I told him I had been able to save his files."
"Massive thanks to Lee for giving me the opportunity, for trusting me enough to at least try to get the data back."
"Data recovery really is an important and legitimate service that people need to be aware of."
"It can be a lifesaver to know that when our NAS gives us trouble, we have a way to restore any corrupted or lost footage."
"so you can see not only can we recover previous versions of files but also those that we've deleted as well"
"If you have a drive that has data on it that you absolutely have to have you definitely want to trust a an experienced data recovery technician."
"Btrfs can survive one bit of air per section of dis so that means that it can essentially automatically fix any files that are corrupted."
"You would be surprised the amount of data they can recover from an old hard drive even if you've deleted it and formatted it and overwritten it."
"As you can see, this is a complete 100% successful data recovery."
"I highly recommend recover it by wondershare. They are sponsoring this video and I have personally downloaded their program and now I don't have that fear anymore because if I come home and one of my files is corrupt I just throw it through the recover it program."
"It's worth fixing, of course, but mostly people do it for data."
"I dropped my phone next to a pool and it cracked on the top right of the phone and then bounced into the pool. Went to Apple to recover the data and they told me it's gone forever. Saw your YouTube video on recovering data and I have hope now."
"Do not install recuva on a drive that you're trying to recover data from."
"The least amount of activity on the drive as possible will increase the likelihood of getting that data back."
"Relentless forensic data recovery. Relentless."
"Imaging... when you hook a hard drive... up to a write blocker... you're getting every bit of data... and that's the full physical image."
"If you do end up performing a hard reset, you can make sure that you get your data restored the way it was."
"Disk forensics is the process of extracting forensic information from Storage mediums like hard drives USB devices firmware Etc."
"You get a flash drive that's got all your files on it and if you ever have a fire tornado theft why throws them off the balcony whatever we can we can make you an exact replica anytime."
"The sad truth is while Chris Fenton's awesome data recovery managed to save a copy of cost, the actual compilers and utilities for it have been lost to time."
"How do we make sure that the changes we write to disk are recoverable or durable?"
"This was a really straightforward successful data recovery and totally awesome."
"Backup is not the problem, recovery is the problem."
"So by cloning a drive, we have the disadvantage of not being able to use that backup drive for multiple purposes, but we have the huge advantage of being able to immediately get back up and running after a drive failure."
"Network security experts use firewalls, physical protective hardware, and security awareness to prevent breaches and retain lost data."
"You want the ability to roll back in case of bad writes, which can be extremely problematic."
"It is possible to revert back to a deleted file or recover a deleted file from a volume Shadow copy."
"Basically, what it boils down to for me, is they got my data back."
"Files are recoverable in the full versions, the full raw versions of those files."
"We can recover much more complex cluster shapes with density based clustering."
"If you do make mistakes or want to change a file back to a previous version, it will be a great deal easier on a NAS."
"Your off-site NAS is really focused on what's called Disaster Recovery."
"This is the real capability of the tail of the log; you can fully recover a database state as it was before the crash."
"If you've backed up your project to Dropbox and your computer crashes or is stolen, any of your backed up files can be retrieved via another computer."
"Ceph is intelligent, and if you give it enough room, it will just start rebuilding its data over one of the other ones."
"Your data must be recoverable; you must get your data off-site and if it's going off-site it must be encrypted."
"Our forensics lab here is probably one of the only ones that I'm aware of, at least in Canada, with a class 100 data recovery lab as part of our structure."
"If you need to restore that backup, you've got everything there that you need to run the program."
"I'm going to show you how to backup your server, simulate that server failing, and then we'll show you how to restore from your backup to a fully working installation again."
"I've managed to save all the JPEGs."
"What's the point of the backup if we don't restore it? So let's try that."
"With the YAFFS2 file system, you could essentially come back in, rip up all of the object header files and recreate every single time that a file was accessed, modified or changed on the entire file system."
"It's so expensive, like you can spend a couple hundred bucks now to back everything up and to save it, or you can spend like tens of thousands of dollars down the road to recover."
"VMware Ransomware Recovery is purpose-built to deliver confident recovery from modern ransomware."
"Hopefully that's taken all the fear out of first of all losing your data and secondly recovering it on your own."
"Object storage is built for storing and recovering information from anywhere over the internet."
"It's definitely very doable to retrieve your seed phrase if you've got it mostly right."
"If you realize that you deleted something that you shouldn't have, you have a copy available that you can retrieve."
"Recovery Point Objective: Exactly to what point in time can I restore this data."
"If one of your drives dies, there's a blueprint and full data on all the other disks to rebuild your data."
"The inter-symbol interference challenge is, at the receiver, you need to be able to try to recover the x's which are the input data symbols."
"So we've got our full snapshot here, and what we're going to do is just click on it."
"If this primary database becomes unavailable, then Indosoft starts saving history data into the secondary database, and when the primary database becomes available again, Indosoft automatically moves the data from the secondary database to the primary database."
"It is critical to backup your data on a regular basis to ensure that you can recover from any unforeseen events like data corruption, hardware failure, or accidental data deletion."
"Having an off-site backup ensured that they were able to recover their critical data."
"I'm going to show you everything you need to know in every situation how to rescue your data."
"Data is recoverable. When you delete a file, the computer doesn't actually overwrite the space on the drive that the file takes up; it simply eliminates the record within the file association table that points to the data on the drive."
"It would be nice if it would go into read-only mode because I think that greatly increases the chances that you'll be able to recover."