
Historic Moment Quotes

There are 126 quotes

"Combining fashion and financial literacy and business, that's a moment in history."
"For that Turkish club, what a moment it is for them to beat Manchester United, historical, iconic."
"This is a historic moment of change, we have to respect that."
"A sense that this is time has stopped, that there's a sense of history pausing and something very, very significant is going to be happening."
"This is a historic and transformative moment for us as academic workers within UC."
"All Elite Wembley, over 80,000 tickets sold. This is a moment in time and a moment in history, and we don't want anyone to miss it."
"Step on the moon by astronaut Neil Armstrong was said to be one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind."
"Trump just made history. I think this is historic."
"It's a historic moment because today we are endeavoring to open access to space for all."
"We're witnessing a historic moment where regular people challenge the financial elite."
"A historic election with turnout at record highs."
"You guys, we are about to make history right now."
"It was a blast tonight, really a historic night in banana land."
"Hello everyone, we are about to make history."
"This is an incredible time to be alive, history is being made and this is just the beginning."
"Gentlemen, I present to you a day in chess history."
"The Wrestlemania kickoff press conference may just go down as one of the single greatest moments in professional wrestling history."
"She gave a certain pageantry to that moment that could have been one of the rawest, most chaotic moments in American history."
"This is just history right there in the making."
"The Canadian national anthem is about to play for the first time at the NBA Finals."
"Daigo pulled off one of the greatest comebacks ever and made his mark in history."
"We are at a historic turning point, bold entrepreneurs gathered here today are reinventing how our economy works."
"It was Borough time and he did his job starting at his own 45-yard line he advanced his team close enough from Evan McPherson to nail a 31-yard game winner the Cincinnati Bengals were headed to the Super Bowl for the first time since 1988."
"India's presidency would be a watershed moment in her history."
"We stand at a point in time akin to the crossing of the Rubicon."
"As I step off at the surface, I'd like to dedicate the first step of Apollo 17 to all those who made it possible."
"I can't stand Ted Cruz, so that historic moment where he is greeted with unprecedented disdain was delicious."
"If he beats Dustin Poirier, if he is able to reinvent himself with all the luxuries that he's got... it'll be one of the greatest stories in the history of sports, period."
"We are at a flashpoint in history financially monetarily politically socially."
"It'll be one of the biggest moments in league history."
"He couldn't survive it, a devastating left hand to the body has history made at MSG."
"That has got to be one of the best turnarounds in NFL history."
"History is being made here in the classic review show."
"What a moment, man on the way to the Moon."
"At the end of the day, it's an honor to be a part of this historic moment."
"Seth becoming the first guy to cash in the Money in the Bank contract at WrestleMania and win the main event of mania as well."
"Currently, for the first time, three games against gods are happening simultaneously, marking a historic moment where people from all over the world stop to watch."
"For things to fall into place like that, that'll go down in history. It's one of the biggest moments that we've done."
"July 17th, 2011 will be the most historic day, not only in the career of CM Punk, it's gonna be a historic day for the WWE as a whole."
"It's an absolutely historic moment."
"Look at that. You know, y'all, as I stand here, this is history."
"Folks, you just witnessed history."
"This will go down in history, this fight, this is unlike a lot of things I've seen."
"Nothing will be off limits Saturday night in the first-ever ladder match for a Women's Championship in WWE history."
"This is history in the making and I mean I don't know how else to put it, everything changes after tonight, legitimately everything."
"A game-winning rainbow that dropped from the sky and into history."
"First ever pass penalty in the Super League, shakes."
"History was just made. I mean, that was crazy!"
"I am so excited to participate in history being made here."
"Get ready because history is in the making."
"...the first ever one-on-one match to be fought under TLC rules."
"Brought tears to my eyes and most of the people in the control center…to think okay, here’s it’s Christmas Eve, and we have Americans circling the Moon, and they’re reading about the creation of Earth in the Universe, by God, and it’s just overwhelming."
"This crowd on hand here at the Impact Zone for Genesis, they realize what they've witnessed, a very special moment here in TNA."
"And I want you guys too. So I appreciate it. I'm so glad that we can come back for Elimination Chamber because this is going to be a historic moment for Australia and we are putting Australia on the map with WWE and sports entertainment in general."
"Soak it up, it's one of the biggest moments ever in the history of golf."
"Now get ready because for the first time in history on national TV, we're going to download a sandwich."
"The justified person is at the same time, simultaneously just and sinner... we are just by virtue of the work of Christ while yet in and of ourselves we have not yet been sanctified."
"Everyone at home watching, I know my daughters are glued to the TV, knowing we're gonna witness history any second now."
"Historic moment, the first winner of the first ever mega park competition at the x games."
"222, what a moment. That is absolutely historic. Lasha is back."
"It was truly one of the best moments in WrestleMania history."
"...we are absolutely making history right now."
"Neil said, 'Houston, tranquility base here, the Eagle has landed.' And I responded, 'Roger, Twang, Tranquility. We copy you on the ground. You got a bunch of guys about to turn blue. We're breathing again.'"
"Let me pause the music, this is historic man."
"This is really a chance to be part of history. You can look back and say, you know what, I was one of the people that helped bring these vaccines to the public, I was one of the people that helped end the pandemic."
"The goal that rodri scored is right up there as the most important goal that anybody in a Manchester City shirt has ever scored."
"There's Tess handing out the hardware oh no we got it caught no no did you get it caught up on the helmet there you go than and again that feat that we talked about men's or women's no one's ever done it twice until now."
"It was a historic moment. Whether you're a Sting fan or not, it was a historic moment, and it was a big deal. It really was something that you gave the audience to make them feel like they had witnessed something special."
"Women made sports history this month, thanks to women on the Yukon and Iowa basketball teams who drew 17 million viewers, the most ever in ESPN history for the past 30 years. And that includes NBA and men's college basketball."
"It's a historic moment for Tottenham."
"Wow, what a historic moment that turned out to be."
"This is it man, it's freaking history in the making."
"It was only week 11, dude was about to do something historic."
"An historic moment for v8 super boats with its first tied championship in 24 years of fitting in perhaps to what had been an epic battle between an established champion and a new contender."
"a classic moment in pro wrestling history"
"CM Punk's debut in AEW was satisfying and will go down as one of the greatest moments in wrestling history."
"That's gotta go down in history as one of the best wins surely for you."
"...this will go down as one of the best nights of WrestleMania this company has ever produced."
"...this will be an Old Timer as far as WrestleMania goes."
"...that moment in itself will forever live in the annals of WWE history."
"Ladies and gentlemen, you just witnessed history."
"We are witnessing history tonight with two amazing players, coaches, and women."
"Arizona, by 10. We are witnessing history tonight with two amazing players, coaches, and women."
"Imagine if Neil Armstrong had popped out of his Apollo spacecraft, walked round the crater, and discovered the Russians. This was that kind of moment."
"This day will go down in history, Mr. Lenny."
"Black woman sitting in the office of vice president. The second highest position there is in this country. It's just like, madam vice president ain't never been uttered before. It's not, that's what I was thinking. This is not a TV show. I was just gonna say that."
"And it's a grand slam home run, the first by a pitcher in 67 years of World Series happenings."
"Obviously, I'm rooting for good golf, but I mean, I was kind of, you know, had to pull for Phil a little bit there just because it was, you know, obviously made history."
"This is a big moment for Liz Johnson, trying to make history."
"The Timeout on the fake punt in the fourth quarter is being described by a lot of people as maybe the greatest timeout in the history of college football."
"He beat two of the most famous individuals in the history of pro wrestling, in the same ring, on the same night."
"This is history in the making right here."
"History in the making, if you are here or you are sitting in front of a TV, you're in the right spot."
"This day right here symbolizes this is history in the making."
"I think we are about to witness history, Ireland, he's playing for Ireland, username playing for Ireland, history will be made folks, welcome to the 2021 Olympics in Tokyo."
"It was this Olympic final that would prove to be one of the greatest record-breaking moments in sprinting history."
"The Marlins were about to make history."
"Remember this day and never forget it, because this day is the day of our beginnings; this is the day we understood, and this is the day we made contact."
"This moment was so historic because not only was it the very first time Princess Diana spoke Welsh in public, it was also the very first time she spoke in public as the Princess of Wales."
"We could do this, boys. This is the biggest game in our history."
"It's kind of rare that something feels like history."
"It was week six of the America's Got Talent auditions and Howie Mandel hit a historic golden buzzer."
"It will go down in history after that sensational lap by Peter Hickman."
"It's a historic time to be alive and to be conscious."
"It was time to make history, for history to decide what our role would be."
"We are here at a historic time when a historic decision has been taken for our whole country."
"Well, you may not have noticed that in fact it seems certain that you did not notice it, but over the weekend, a truly historic moment occurred."
"In the 1936 Olympics, two Japanese pole vaulters tied for second, declined to compete against each other, and had the medals cut in two and joined together to make two friendship medals out of silver and bronze."
"He's stolen home and is the first player postseason history to hit a home run and steal home in the same game."
"One small step for man, one huge step for mankind."
"Ray Allen in the corner, bang! He recreates history."
"It's like history in the making, like today is a historic day."
"This game is full of jeopardy, full of twitch, and now a moment that can live in history."
"History is made, kickoff coming up next."
"There is quiet expectancy in this corner of historic countryside."
"I'm just gonna focus on the game and enjoy it because this is history."
"Cameras begin snapping away at racing history in the making."
"We're making history here on Route 66."
"It's a monumental and history-making time."
"We're watching history right in front of us."
"This is a moment that's going to go down in K-pop red carpet history for me."
"It's the day where history is made, history is literally in the making right now."
"From an instant classic, USC defeats UCLA 48-45 here in the historic Rose Bowl."