
Nuclear Technology Quotes

There are 68 quotes

"Chernobyl is a lesson in how our hubris makes us forget to treat nuclear technology with the respect it deserves."
"Nuclear technologies can decarbonize whole power sectors."
"The first successful atom bomb test was conducted."
"In that era nuclear weapons technology improved drastically, more powerful bombs were invented, and more advanced delivery systems were developed as well."
"Thorium reactors might be the answer to our problems"
"We accept all technology as inevitable... except nuclear bombs."
"Nuclear Power: The Key to Interplanetary Travel."
"There's a lot of promise around utilizing waste for future reactor fuel."
"Nuclear-powered spaceships one step closer to reality."
"Certain countries are already on the path of developing thorium based reactors."
"Nuclear power isn’t just useful for electricity generation though."
"Johnny Depp's team played their positions without ego, and they compared it to each witness."
"It's important to point out that Deb Holland is... a strident advocate for Leonard Peltier's release... there's no reason other than vindictive revenge for him to be in prison." - Nick Estes
"Fusion by itself isn't a proliferation concern."
"That’s nearly 10 Trillion joules per kilogram of total nuclear device, a hundred thousand times better than our rocket fuels."
"Zero carbon dioxide is produced with the thorium reactor."
"The Russians say that they've now bringing their Poseidon nuclear-powered torpedo into production."
"After decades of waiting and dangerous indecision, these nuclear sub reactors have reached their final destination, but they cannot be fully broken down for another 70 years, when their potent radioactivity has diminished."
"Spent waste could actually be reused as a nuclear fuel, reducing halflives to hundreds of years."
"Nuclear energy, especially in this small modular reactor form, looks really good."
"I actually am a believer in nuclear fission."
"France recycles about 96% of its nuclear waste."
"The promise of nuclear power would never shine as brightly again."
"Molten salt reactors have been theorized to achieve efficiencies between 40 to 45 percent."
"Traveling wave reactors are definitely the way to go if you can get them there."
"It's very troubling that you've got Vladimir Putin now not only marching into Ukraine and smashing up a democracy there and destabilizing elections around the world but actually putting nuclear technology into space."
"Thorium-fueled reactors offer a potentially safer, cleaner, and more abundant alternative."
"Nuclear technology isn't all that cutting edge... it's fairly primitive technology."
"We could have, we could knock a lot of the problem out with this. If France decided to in the next 10, 15 years to transform all of its 40 reactors into thorium, it would be a great dent in the problem."
"It turns out what this requires is thorium plus HALEU."
"Imagine like you buy a brand new car with just like a thumbnail size a bit of nuclear in there and the thing runs for 10 years and never needs fuel again."
"The Atomic Age was born there is no denying that since that moment the shadow of the atom bomb has been across all our lives."
"With an atom bomb there is a practical upper limit where you can only put in so much fuel before it would just self-destruct from pre-detonation there's no theoretical upper limit on how big a hydrogen bomb can be."
"Nuclear energy should be in the same category as nuclear medicine, not as nuclear war."
"Project Plowshare and nuclear explosions for the national economy were two of the most audacious projects to come out of the Cold War."
"Despite its similarities to the American project, nuclear explosions for the national economy holds the distinction of carrying out the only truly practical peaceful nuclear explosions in history."
"If we were to set off a nuclear explosion and we had our RV in a little magnetic bubble... it would be propelled by the magnetism in that explosion."
"Nuclear Pulse Propulsion: utilizing nukes to shove ships forward."
"So Metals chemicals minerals they all they signed these 14 total agreements including nuclear energy with a shared cooperation of building faster Neutron reactors."
"We just made a nuclear reactor, guys. How insane is that?"
"So that's what would enable a liquid fluoride thorium reactor to have many hundreds of times the fuel efficiency of today's water-cooled reactors."
"SMRs aim to improve safety, quality, and price point."
"It's always a good idea to check in on these guys every once in a while just see if they've met any steps towards acquiring nuclear technology that they can hold the world hostage with."
"In 1942, Enrico Fermi created the first self-sustaining nuclear chain reaction in a lab hidden beneath the football field at the University of Chicago... and in doing so launched the atomic age."
"Most of the operations at reprocessing plants must be carried out by remote control because of the high levels of radioactivity."
"Man had speculated on the peaceful potentials of nuclear explosives even before using them in time of war."
"Whoever possessed this nuclear technology would rule the world."
"Nuclear isn't in and of itself a fantastic technology; it's just been underleveraged."
"The word RBMK stands for Reactor Bolshoe Moshchnosty Kanalnyy, which basically translates to High Power Channel Reactor."
"The fact that there is an accumulation of uranium enriched at very very high levels does not automatically mean that you have a nuclear weapon."
"Molten salt designs have inherent safety features that favor overall cost, waste reduction, low cost, and rapid deployment."
"The future of space exploration looks bright, with the development of the nuclear thermal rocket engine and the demonstration rocket for Agile CIS Lunar Operations."
"Breeding capability in fast reactors would give us virtually an unlimited source of nuclear fuel."
"Our friend the atom was a small educational segment of a Disney documentary series discussing nuclear technology."
"It's interesting, making nuclear technology better."
"Foresaw the problems of the coming age and is prepared for the solution of the theoretical and practical problems connected with manufacturing and applications of nuclear rockets."
"If they were to design some sort of regulatory framework that just looked at say safety criteria for where these things could deploy, then the reactor would be approved for deploying anywhere as long as it met this criteria."
"The meltdown experience provided valuable information on certain safety aspects of fast reactors."
"The United States will continue major efforts to advance nuclear technology to help meet the needs of the United States and the other nations of the world."
"The great and violent power of nuclear explosions can be used for peaceful purposes."
"A breeder reactor produces more fuel than it consumes."