
Character Return Quotes

There are 95 quotes

"Balloon Boy is back in Five Nights at Freddy's Security Breach. There is no escaping Balloon Boy."
"The good news is Remus is back, not quite the Remus that we knew and loved."
"Georgina comes back because she wants to be Gossip Girl again for no real reason."
"Katrina is definitely a fan favorite, and I do think that since she has appeared in the app very recently, she could return to the game at some point."
"This movie sees the return of Chomper, the best character in the franchise."
"He may have just been missing from Avengers Infinity War, but Jeremy Renner is back as Clint Barton in the new Hawkeye series."
"Frank Grillo is returning for Election Year reprising his role as Sergeant Leo Barnes..."
"Zelda coming back to Hyrule Castle is really a return home for her."
"Superman has been off the earth for five years he returns and finds that Lois Lane has moved on."
"This is for right now just a small little piece of DLC content, but it's just surprising to see this character finally come back from a franchise that's been left dormant for quite a few years."
"Star Trek: Chris Pine's Kirk returns with Chris Hemsworth as his father? Sounds epic!"
"Human Smoke should return. This character should definitely return let's put him in front of everybody because fans want this guy like mad."
"The return of Fisher's daughter was a big moment, and it was handled well."
"He's going to be coming back, this is going to be a real blast."
"I think it's time for Red Skull to come back."
"Vivi rejoining the crew at this point sounds the most likely and it makes the most sense, like let's just go with it and all long-term fans of One Piece, we know Vivi, we love Vivi so let's just have more Vivi, there you go."
"LR Super Saiyan 4 Gogeta will return in December."
"Foggy Nelson and Karen Page are returning to Daredevil, it's canon again."
"Reaper is actually in Blackout! My boy is back. I'm gonna need to rock this dude when I play Blackout."
"Having Lonnie, Tommy, the original Lindsay, and Nurse Marion come back is kind of a nice way of engaging the core fan base."
"Now that the construct of Vision created by Wanda has given White Vision his memories back, we have basically seen the return of the Vision we know and love."
"We've got nothing to worry about now that Twilight's back."
"Night Runner, it's time. Welcome back!"
"To celebrate the anime's 20th anniversary, we got the return of Brock and Misty in Sun and Moon."
"The lion has returned, Lionel Johnson Primark of the Dark Angels he's returned to The Fray at a critical time let's be thankful it just wasn't Dawn."
"Cherry bomb's back yay, I love seeing you Cherry."
"Spider-man is back, he will never leave us again."
"Jason Todd would return to DC Comics under the continuity or under the story of a six-part limited series called Batman under the Red Hood..."
"One of my favorite characters of all time, Yellon, is making a return."
"Barry Allen coming back basically retaking his mantle as the Flash, clearing the air and throwing it all back out there in a more concise, cohesive way."
"Well-designed vaccine requirements are effective in decreasing deaths, decreasing infections, decreasing variants, and keeping Americans safe."
"There's a very good chance [Pauline] will make a return."
"The devious but not altogether evil adopted brother of Thor will be returning for Endgame."
"Tell whoever sent you that they've just regained the services of Dr. Madison Lee."
"The culmination of every tease and instance of foreshadowing: the return of Zanza."
"Individuals will declare themselves to be the primar returned."
"Would I enjoy seeing Josh Brolin back as Cable? Yes."
"Qui-Gon originally returned for the sequels."
"I'm just happy Mario's coming back to Animal Crossing."
"Fan hate will be channeled, fueled, and resurrected... Ben Solo's coming back."
"Tom Hiddleston will return as Loki once again during Phase Five, presumably facing off with Kang the Conqueror in Loki Season 2."
"During the mid credit scene it's revealed that J jonah Jameson played by JK Simmons is back from the Tobey Maguire era spider-man films."
"Wild prediction: Bo-Katan. I don't think that's a wild prediction because they've already said Katie Sackhoff's gonna be there."
"Gohan is back, he is going to be fighting hard."
"Boba Fett came back and we got to see all the stormtroopers and all of them fight together, really, really cool."
"Honestly, just seeing Levi return with such desire and hatred to completely obliterate Zeke would be phenomenal." - Ryan
"If any character is coming back of the third parties... it's Bayonetta."
"The Huntress is back in town and it honestly feels really, really good."
"The real news here is that actor James Tsai, the original voice actor of cabbage man is back."
"I think we'll see the Fiend back at some point in some form."
"Karen's back because we had did a four-part mini-series."
"Now buckle up, here's the big promo with the reveal that Steve Burton is back as Jason Morgan."
"He returns and opens his mansion door apologizing to them for making them worry."
"The biggest return to take place in season 3 is Elizabeth Chu reprising her character of Ali Mills."
"Hopefully if Missy returns, whoever is running the show will be able to do this seismic development justice."
"Rick Grimes is back, Michonne is back, amazing."
"We think that season 2 will show us the return of he who remains."
"The return of Spock was tastefully handled, very creative stuff here."
"The Beyonder's back, ladies and gentlemen."
"...if the audience likes you, you got a twin brother you don't know about or a clone or a prequel you're coming back whether you like it or not."
"It served its purpose which was to set up the inevitable return of the Fiend."
"At least the warlocks come back and Xaro comes back."
"The greatest Bleach characters are back, already."
"I just want a good return of He-Man. Like, what's Duke doing? It'd be terrific."
"Thrawn's return... something very subtle and eerie, creepy but at the same time very exciting and makes you really root for him to get back and to actually win something."
"I do hope to see Pierce coming back."
"One day I shall come back. Yes, I shall come back."
"Gojo's Revival... I do think there is a greater than 0% chance that Gojo comes back."
"Good to see them, Daenerys is back and you know I love seeing her dragons getting bigger."
"I think we're gonna see Luke Skywalker again."
"I love the return of David Brent."
"So this chapter is actually pretty good because we're seeing a character return that we haven't seen for like over three years."
"It makes sense if you're going to bring back anybody, this is the guy that you would bring back."
"Spike is back, that's really exciting."
"The return of Boba Fett is one of my favorite things about the second season of The Mandalorian."
"I'm more so than anything happy to have Carolina back, I'm super happy to have Epsilon back."
"The Joker is alive in Batman Beyond, and this is amazing. It's the return of the Joker."
"Itachi coming back was admittedly pretty great."
"Ganon's back, baby, and it's Ocarina of Time."
"The return of Darth Maul could have only happened in Clone Wars, in my opinion."
"Rick and Michonne's return and just the story it told there was really, really incredible."
"It's supposed to take place sometime in between the first and second movie and that's how they're bringing Tobin Bell back."
"Bruce would return to Earth accompanied by one of the latest of many young character additions to the MCU, the son of Hulk, Skaar."
"The Penguin is back, possibly one of the most satisfying moments in all of TV."