
Chernobyl Quotes

There are 116 quotes

"The real scar of Chernobyl was the collapse in faith in the system."
"Chernobyl is a lesson in how our hubris makes us forget to treat nuclear technology with the respect it deserves."
"The azure swimming pool in the heart of the Chernobyl nuclear disaster zone serves as a chilling reminder of the past."
"The researchers discovered that Chernobyl wolves are exposed to upwards of 11.28 mm of radiation every day for their entire lives."
"Chernobyl: one of the largest nuclear disasters in history."
"But one of Misha's friends is actually a liquidator and he's going to take us where he used to live in Pripyat. So let's go meet him right now and hear stories from him personally."
"It’s unclear what the future of Chernobyl will look like once the war is over."
"Meet the 'babushkas of Chernobyl,' the last remaining survivors in the exclusion zone."
"A forest that refuses to decay: the story of radiation-eating fungus in Chernobyl."
"Explore the ghost town of Pripyat, frozen in time since the nuclear disaster."
"Pripyat: an abandoned ghost town, evacuated forever 36 hours after the explosion."
"The silhouettes of missing townspeople in Pripyat represent the tragedy of the disaster."
"An abandoned carnival in one of the most lethal places on Earth, a truly haunting place."
"Chernobyl: from a negative part of Ukraine's brand to an official tourist attraction."
"Wildlife in the exclusion zone seems to be thriving, forming its own ecosystem."
"Prypyat in Ukraine... as haunting as it is the landscape has some magnetic force."
"Chernobyl didn't just affect people; it changed the environment as well."
"The area around the former nuclear plant won't actually be habitable for humans for about 20,000 years."
"Chernobyl: the equivalent of 9/11 for the USSR."
"Our story today might be over, but the tale of Chernobyl is only just getting started."
"Chernobyl as a power station was created to fuel and energize this location."
"What scientists discovered in Chernobyl shocked the whole world."
"The red forest is one of the most contaminated areas on the entire planet."
"Pripyat was abandoned exactly 36 hours after the explosion."
"Despite the horrific events at Chernobyl and Pripyat in 1986, numerous tourists visit the region every year."
"It's crazy, even Chernobyl, it's another one we gotta do is Chernobyl definitely."
"Chernobyl was a story of average heroes, people who just did what needed to be done."
"Chernobyl drone footage reveals an abandoned city."
"Chernobyl...to this day that zone is a no-go...will stay highly radioactive for another 20,000 Years."
"In 1986 there was a massive nuclear incident at the Chernobyl plant in Ukraine."
"There's a kind of imperceptible nature to the tragic catastrophes that Chernobyl has for Russians."
"Chernobyl is the poster child for the dangers of nuclear power."
"Chernobyl disaster: flaws in the design of a reactor, personnel who had been inadequately trained, cold war isolation, and a lack of safety culture."
"Pripyat, once a thriving city, now a ghost city."
"Chernobyl: the worst nuclear disaster in human history."
"This isn't where the Chernobyl video games story ends."
"Chernobyl and Fukushima are the only two level seven disasters."
"This became very painfully clear in April of 1986 when the world's worst nuclear catastrophe at Chernobyl demonstrated the depth of the Soviet Union's problems."
"Scientists exploring Chernobyl alone in 1986."
"The disaster of Chernobyl has left a lasting memory and sparked in many a fear of the consequences of radiation."
"You can't convey the reality of Chernobyl without trying to convey the fact that it played out like Cosmic horror."
"The scope and scale of the disaster that was Chernobyl was something the world had never seen."
"The initial cleanup at Chernobyl was a monumental and costly effort."
"Nothing like what happened in 1986 is ever likely to happen there again."
"Spiders in Chernobyl are literally making radioactive webs which is the stuff straight out of a comic book."
"This little legend that comes from within the exclusion Zone claims that after the Chernobyl disaster we of course know that unfortunately people lost their lives but what happened if those who did then became the undead."
"The firefighters of Chernobyl, heroes who faced the lethal embrace of radiation to contain the inferno."
"The accident did not outstrip Chernobyl but it was the worst nuclear power plant disaster of the 21st century."
"The only way to stop this baby from going Chernobyl is to prune all those branching timelines."
"At last is the gift of Chernobyl where I once would fear the cost of Truth now I only ask, what is the cost of Lies?"
"The day that Chernobyl happened was scheduled for a safety test."
"Apparently Chernobyl is one of the most impressive places for urban exploration even though it is not encouraged."
"It's a beautiful post-apocalypse, like modern Chernobyl, yeah."
"The Liquidators played a very vital role in preventing further harm from the Chernobyl disaster."
"Around 12,000 tourists visit the exclusion Zone every single year."
"Ever since the Chernobyl incident, RBMK reactors received a bad reputation for having major safety issues."
"We're in Chernobyl, exploring this abandoned city. This is a photograph of what it used to be like, and this is what it looks like now."
"April 26 1986: This is the date that the Chernobyl nuclear disaster occurred."
"The new safe confinement: This large metal structure... has been designed to cover the destroyed remains of unit 4 for the next 100 years."
"The sarcophagus... was designed to temporarily contain unit 4 and prevent the release of more radioactive particles while allowing the other three reactors at Chernobyl to restart again."
"Pripyat: The Satellite City to the Chernobyl nuclear power plant... the city was evacuated on April 27 1986 and eventually abandoned as it was impossible to safely return due to high radiation levels."
"Liquidators fly the flag on vt2: Some iconic footage showing Liquidators making the challenging climb to the highest point of the building the vents stack overlooking unit 4 and flying a red flag as a sign of victory."
"Chernobyl 1986: A Russian-made movie about the Chernobyl disaster... the story is almost entirely fictional but I assume people enjoy it."
"Reactor 5 and 6: Two new reactors were under construction at Chernobyl during the 1986 disaster... it was never finished and the site of both reactors now lay abandoned and free to explore by those daring."
"After retiring he has since created a YouTube channel where he interviews people involved in the 1986 disaster."
"The nuclear power plant has served as a standing for Chernobyl in many films."
"It is believed he is still alive and lives in Israel."
"Numerous vehicle grave sites exist where contaminated cars and trucks were buried underground."
"The metal he's wearing was actually given to people who cleaned up at Chernobyl."
"I'm the first person to dive under the Chernobyl nuclear power plant."
"37 years ago, the Chernobyl accident left a huge scar on the whole world."
"The events at Chernobyl were honestly absolutely horrible."
"When Chernobyl popped its top in a violent steam explosion, the radiation levels climbed to before unseen levels."
"These men are firefighters, and they are speeding down this road alongside Chernobyl's nuclear reactors."
"See, the just world is a sane world. There was nothing sane about Chernobyl."
"We will be venturing below the iceberg and common knowledge of Chernobyl to some much more interesting stories and history forgotten to time."
"The Chernobyl exclusion Zone has an official flag created in 2021."
"Sounds of Chernobyl is a 2021 album expressing different aspects of the Chernobyl disaster."
"I think my work with the Chernobyl affected areas is really close to my heart."
"The Chernobyl accident... dominates the energy accident subcategory of disastrous nuclear power plant accidents in history."
"The Elephant's Foot is the nickname given to a large mass of corium formed during the Chernobyl disaster."
"The Stalker games are a series of first-person shooter survival horror games set in and around the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone."
"The Chernobyl disaster occurred on Saturday 26 April 1986."
"I've always just been really, really fascinated by Chernobyl in particular."
"I'm going to stop rambling soon and watch 'Chernobyl,' which I feel like could leave you with some mental scarring from watching it."
"Chernobyl is a great series, I could not recommend this enough."
"Chernobyl has become a great place for endangered European megafauna due to humans not being in the area."