
Future Implications Quotes

There are 221 quotes

"Social media is one of the biggest threats to our future."
"It's not about the poor guys; it's about what's gonna happen to the rest of society."
"Conflict is not the best part of our relationship; it's not the best for the future, and of course, conflict would be just a devastating result for the future of mankind."
"This idea that we have entered an age where we now alter our world so much that it will be evident very long term is a daunting one."
"The point of all this is that AI progress is entering the second half of the chessboard."
"It is no exaggeration to say that the very essence of human civilization, the shape of our future for centuries, the fate of entire cultures and subsequent generations, billions upon billions of people, hinged on the outcome of that great struggle."
"As we stand at the brink of this automation revolution, it's crucial to look beyond the immediate benefits and consider the long-term implications."
"Five point six million children alive in the United States in 2014 will die prematurely later in life because of cigarettes."
"What does it say about human beings that we invented robots that might eventually replace us?"
"The precedent that's been set, how dangerous this is, and what the future holds potentially."
"Solving how it became the nightmare that we see today could have staggering implications for our own planet's future."
"The reality is this Tesla bot has some really interesting implications for the future of America and quite frankly the world."
"We are quite close to the point when the legal system will have to take this into account."
"If the salmon is lost, then we're not just losing our roots. We are losing our future."
"What we're looking at right now very simply could be the end of our democracy."
"Even though it may sound silly to some, this is turning into a serious problem for the future of China's economy and the communist government."
"According to Monroe once the chaos surrounding Diddy subsides Jay-Z might find himself embroiled in a similar legal battle"
"We have to run through the tape on election day, we have to push as hard as we can as long as we can and get this job done because the whole future of this country is dependent on it."
"If we sub out parenting and discipleship to a secular progressive government system, we are setting ourselves up for disaster in the next generation." - Kirk Cameron
"Unforced errors where you make those mistakes sometimes can make you more nervous and fumble on things you say in the future."
"Tick Tock destroys so gradually that it seems harmless but if the app is a time bomb that'll wreck a whole generation years from now then we can't wait till its effects are apparent before acting for then it will be too late."
"Whoever figures out A.I will rule the world."
"It really does become an entirely different species... this is the problem."
"Questions being asked right now could determine the shape of independent alternative anti-establishment and corporate media in general moving forward."
"Future events cast their shadows before them."
"Justice Thomas today in his concurrence spelled out the rights that he wants thrown out next."
"But then after that we should step back and consider what does everything that's going on in Ukraine tell us about what could become our own future."
"Why this lie continues in the face of overwhelming evidence and how, if the reasons are not exposed, our species is possibly destined for another cataclysmic experience."
"Something has to be done to show him or future actors considering such a move that it is absolutely unacceptable."
"It's sufficient to have one unusual object of extraterrestrial technological origin for it to have major implications for our future."
"What happens now determines what happens to the rest of the world."
"On the day that we do discover that we're not alone our society may begin to evolve and transform in some incredible and wondrous new ways."
"If you don't understand the history, you don't understand tomorrow."
"If the Senate blesses this historically low bar, we will invite the impeachment of every future president."
"If there's no room in society for forgiveness, then it's gonna be an ugly path for all of us."
"Quantum computers are wild. They're on track to change what we can build and how we understand the world."
"I think my deepest hope is that this is not going to become a template for anyone who comes after Donald Trump."
"If partisan impeachment is now the rule of the day, future presidents, Democrats, Republicans, will be paralyzed."
"So, let's take a look at how this all plays out then on a global scale."
"Whatever is happening on campuses right now is what is going to play out through the rest of society in about 30 years."
"Eventually there's going to have to be a reckoning."
"The Echoes of this case may reverberate through future legal battles."
"The war in Ukraine is going to shape the contours of the rest of the 21st century."
"Huge future uh you know title indications here in terms of where the winner could go into that picture is it though the right matchup."
"If we do nothing and if we fight with each other... I'm going to wake up one day in a world where this is the norm."
"We need to hold these officers accountable, this won't speak to the future."
"I just think that it's the tone of the way the debate was fought that doesn't bode well for the future of the country."
"I plan to run in 2024, then you're gonna have if even as we have this election to totally change the political dynamics you're going to be stuck in the same political dynamics that we've basically lived through over the past couple years."
"If changes in human behavior can cause new plagues will then changes in human behavior may prevent them in the future."
"Once those things get a little bit smart, they're not going to stop at a little bit smart for very long."
"The trial isn't just about Trump, it's about the precedent it sets for future presidents."
"A stark warning to President Biden: Setting a dangerous precedent could come back to haunt future administrations."
"A person who doesn't understand his past won't have a future."
"YouTube is going to become more sanitized... we are absolutely losing future art because it creates a chilling effect."
"What makes this election so important is the possibility that we have to win what we want and the reality that another four years of Trump will be followed by a version of bolson arrow or bond."
"I think fourth place would be a really successful season because of not only what it would entail but also what it could then mean for the future."
"You sewed the wind. For decades to come I fear that the whole country will reap the whirlwind."
"It comes back to raising some significant questions of what that might mean for the child when they become an adult themselves."
"There's such important implications for the future here."
"Once they remove their top political opponent, which is President Trump, they're going to come after all of us."
"We are facing one of the turning points in history, what happens today may decide our lives for months, years, maybe decades."
"I think this could be very bad for Trumpism."
"The indictment of Trump threatens to launch cycles of recrimination and politically motivated prosecutions that will plague our nation for decades to come."
"Children who know how to think for themselves spoil the harmony of the collective society which is coming where everyone is interdependent."
"The cool thing about this movie is the stage that it sets for the future of the MCU."
"The history of astrology is now our operational and the future history of astrology it wouldn't have been without this right future astrology will be descended from the entire tradition rather than the previous generations rendition of it."
"The money we're printing today guarantees that we're printing even more tomorrow."
"It's a way of kind of doing that by the back door... I don't see a world with which this does not get used."
"The entire thing that happened then was a harbinger, a warning of things to come later."
"The real issue will come when they start to think like us."
"I realized if you're not morally in line, down the line, that sh*t's gonna mess up anyway."
"Massive ramifications into the future of the MCU."
"Is there an inevitability of control to this world that we are creating? That's the real question."
"Is this a net positive or should we be concerned about the effects this might have on the longer-term future?"
"AI's best interest is to keep humans working and alive and happy and helping it because the moment we stop, like, I think AI will reach it. It's already clear right now."
"If avatars 2 & 3 don't do well then there's not going to be an avatar 4 & 5. It's just that simple."
"Defendants' refusal to admit ever constrains this court to conclude they will engage in that going forward, unless judicially restrained." - Judge Arthur Engoron
"AI is going to be an essential part of the world."
"The kind of changes we're seeing here are so small compared to what potentially could happen."
"If the plague hadn't had this effect on the population, everything in our history changes, everything about the future."
"We thought about that and we actually get into this in the last chapter as well but if this is what happened when you were replacing a swing vote on the court with a nominee from a Trump nominee just imagine how much worse it could get."
"This demo makes you think of how these technologies are going to be used in other games."
"The real consequences might be coming down the line. This might actually be the first step towards something that the political consequences may resonate for decades to come."
"It'll be really interesting going forward to see in what other ways genetics will change the way we view the past."
"Humanity with all its fears, with all the hope of future years, is hanging breathless on thy fate." - Franklin D. Roosevelt
"These unfolding developments signify a watershed moment reshaping The Narrative of the region and influencing the future course of action."
"This really is an urgent issue for the United States going forward."
"The whole of British politics is going to depend on the outcome of it."
"Silencing your opponents in this way is a pretty poor master plan with too many variables and ramifications for Putin's future."
"There seems to be a pretty mixed reaction... what this could mean for the future of social media."
"Whatever one way or another when you solve this birth rate issue or civilization will dwindle to nothing."
"The point isn't to look at raw performance in a hundred different titles but to think about what the performance teaches us for the future."
"I think he is absolutely right in saying that the far left that has taken over the Labour Party, if they remain in a position of authority, the Labour Party, I think, is finished."
"How exactly will the future masters of the planet look like? This will be decided by the people who own the data."
"With all the new materials and technologies we're exposed to these days we may well be storing up our own hidden killers for the future."
"Having a public platform that is maximally trusted and broadly inclusive is extremely important to the future of civilization."
"India has lured China into a trap... the diamond necklace looks as if it could put China on a tight leash for many years to come." - Video narrator
"The launch of the Cyber Truck and the implications Beyond just like oh it's a cyber truck but now everything we can think about what in the cybertruck is going to be in future Vehicles."
"It's good that there's the importance of setting the precedent here so it doesn't happen again."
"The next couple of months are of extreme significance... for the entire world."
"Making men in your present pay for mistakes of your past equals no future."
"Twitch's lack of fair enforcement is going to lead to a situation where it could have potential implications down the line."
"This technology would change the way we think about energy storage for good."
"The consequences would stretch well into the 21st century."
"The past can so often inform the present and of course the future."
"Helps us to visualize how quickly and easily this can happen in the future with religious laws in the interest of the public good."
"I think we really have to think through what the implications are of the technology we're building."
"If you look hard enough, you can find the bright side in anything."
"Energy is everything. If you understand energy, you have a chance of understanding where things are gonna go. This is one of the biggest and I believe least appreciated stories of our time."
"If we don't change, what's going to happen to us?"
"I've come to the conclusion that the sole purpose of homework is to condition children into accepting that unpaid overtime and ridiculous hours and not even being able to escape work even in your own home are normal things to expect in the future."
"This knowledge could have profound implications for dealing with other infectious diseases in the future."
"Once you allow this kind of extreme power to take hold, you have no idea who they will come for next."
"It's hard to think of a case in recent history... important for the future of international law and of this court."
"In the case of Qatar and its maybe one border, it's really an interesting reflection on the future."
"We cannot be so short-sighted as to think silencing speech that we don't like today will not result in our own voices being silenced tomorrow."
"Is this the country you want to live in? Where you can't trust the government, where we're seeing theft, we can't get answers to past corruption, there's taxes and taxes in their future?"
"This election may prove as, if not more, important to the future of American democracy."
"Technical debt is the implied cost of additional rework caused by choosing an easy or limited solution now instead of using a better approach that would take longer."
"Your role may change...in the evolution of humanity."
"Failure to fix Washington DC spending today will mean our children will have to live at lesser standards."
"If we lose Texas, you can never win the White House again as a Republican or any other person."
"There's a lot of fighting left, but I think history will show that this is probably the turning point."
"This corruption Purge may cause International embarrassment today but it could also result in a more capable Chinese military tomorrow."
"None of us has ever lived in a world where the largest economy is governed by authoritarians, but it seems like that's where we're headed."
"If Manchester United are not in Europe next season then they're going to be in real really big problems."
"I think what I am describing right now is a pro-Freedom stance because by allowing people today to recklessly abuse a tiny sliver of their right to free speech, they're trading away the lives of the human species a few generations down the line."
"Our system basically keeps real change from happening and reproduces present patterns of distribution into the future."
"One thing is for certain though and it's that this event that they had just seen is likely going to have a lasting impact."
"The contents of these laws were ominous warnings of what was coming."
"I think this midterm election is going to be very important because I do think it's all going to be about the 2024 elections."
"Anybody that thinks Vladimir Putin is going to stop if he takes Ukraine has what we say in this part of the country another thing coming."
"Superboy would be resurrected and while we're not really getting into the details of that in this video it is important to take note of for the future of the titans."
"Human beings are complex creatures... acting in such a way to make it likely, if not certain, that our grandchildren are going to face terrible disasters."
"I will tell you what, the reason why this is important is because this is going to have a prolonged effect on the films that we see."
"As we reflect on the story, let's not forget or lose sight of the bigger picture. The future of our party, our nation depends on our ability to root out corruption, to uphold the principles of our Republic."
"Apple putting Hardware Ray tracing in a phone GPU means big things for the future."
"The impact of your victory has not yet been made clear, but in time you will learn more about how this will further evolve the world."
"The semavente contracarro mods 1956 clearly shows what the gameplay of the following vehicles in the branch will be."
"Bill Gates warns against artificial intelligence."
"Do you think this could sow the seeds of the next Crisis?"
"People need to understand with all we cannot borrow or steal cash from the future."
"The reality is if we don't revolutionize our education of K-12, whatever else happens to America, we're going to be a second-rate nation."
"If we don't create our own agenda and demands, we may find ourselves locked out entirely."
"Knowing what that aircraft can do, so the data that they were probably collecting is probably going to be utilized in the near future."
"The Supreme Court's decision here isn't just about these specific cases, it's like laying down the law for future cases to follow."
"We're creating a society which is really taking mass control to the next level."
"Part of Rey's journey will be to discover things about her past that's going to shape her future."
"These tiny almost undetectable waves will have a tsunami-like effect on the future direction of cosmology."
"What if there's someone or something that can look exactly like you? It's not that far away, there's already deep fakes out there."
"They're the ones who are the most vulnerable, they're our future."
"It's not just a red wave that is at risk, it's literally the lives of Americans and our futures."
"Corporate memphis promises a happier tomorrow while the companies who use it undermine our chance of ever getting one."
"If this goes on now, we can see former Democrat presidents being indicted by local prosecutors all over the country." - Mark Ruskin
"So yeah, I am trying to onboard that as a concept because I think not onboarding that as a concept is part of what is going to lead to AI doom for us all."
"If in fact, after this case is settled, I believe we will see the kind of regulation and clarity that comes in that it won't be possible for another entity to do what Ripple has been able to do the way they've been able to do it."
"Treat people with respect, you never know where they'll end up."
"The US military now trying to play catch-up to China's AI technology."
"The outcome of APAC's campaign against the squad will have implications beyond the 2024 election cycle."
"Even what are considered to be good things to people is a disguise for Satan to fulfill his agenda in the future."
"If you don't like the COVID agenda with a Biden presidency you're going to get a lot of it."
"Eventually... that technology will be utilized against people."
"The blue check mark will take on an entirely new meaning in the very near future."
"If you rewrite the past, then it's going to give you a far worse understanding of the future."
"How we respond to this question will determine our collective values going forward."
"More is coming, more is coming. The censorship will affect the chain links. It's not just about whether or not Twitter will ban you. I believe they'll come for Parler very soon."
"Frozen viruses are not just remnants of our planet's past but potential participants in its future."
"Sooner or later the United States is going to have to make a choice."
"There is no future for people who deny their past."
"This is new, just like the bar codes from the 80s, it's all leading to the same direction."
"Your words have present and future implications."
"If we lose credibility in this one [mission], it's gone. And then everything that we try to do in the future will then become 10 times harder."
"What are going to be the ripple effects of this transformation?"
"Debt is actually a claim on future real things."
"Putin's actions betray his sinister vision for the future of our world."
"There's going to be a lot of interesting outgrowths from it including the stuff coming out of Antarctica that we've labeled here is be discovery with B and all caps."
"If you look into the future and realize what Tesla's doing today and where they're heading, the implications are truly stunning."
"They have to protect the country. Not only from this President but from what this whole thing sets in terms of precedents for the future."
"I love to go back in history to show us what's happening and what that tells us about the future."
"Those people who have crossed over into the transhuman category, they will no longer qualify for human rights. That's over."
"If Getter's starting out by banning people on the right wing for being too far right, eventually you're gonna be too far right."
"There’s a darkness- how do I put this? It’s the darkness of being in soil. It’s a seed point. It should say something about the nature, or source, or origin point of conflicts through the next couple years."
"A spiritual dream will always conceal a meaning and often deal with the future."
"Control of the Senate will dictate the future of America, they're all in the same boat in that regard."
"The thing that would most profoundly affect people would be to recode genetics."
"I think humankind is standing at a crossroads."
"If salah leaves liverpool will struggle to challenge for the league."
"It's a big question of how presidents are treated in the future."
"That just Beggars belief that that a school system with a straight face would say something like that it really is concerning about the future of humanity."
"Supers will factor into the equation eventually,"
"History on a vehicle is very important, and that sometimes when you go back in history, it allows you to be able to go forward into the future."
"I thought she was probably going to kill me when I encouraged her to do this tape, but I think one of the values that we'll get out of this down the line is that to see--"
"We really must grapple with these profound questions as we move forward."
"What matters is like is the pace that scientific discovery is happening a thousand times faster than the world today."
"This is good basketball and a lot of implications for the future."
"I just get blown away every time because I think about the implications of what this could be."
"The implication of the future of uranium is simply fantastic, it's simply enormous in terms of power."
"The great displacement is my favorite read of the year, and it tells the story of seven different cities and how their struggle against climate change speaks to the larger national issue and what it means for our future."
"This is kind of like an investment in the future; we're trying to see the far-reaching implications of something."