
Social Services Quotes

There are 79 quotes

"I think defunding's necessary. It's necessary to begin to divert funding from police organizations to social services."
"Having VA caseworkers on-site helps provide quicker response, greater attention than a caseworker making a monthly home visit."
"It's really terrific if we can then help them acquire employment, education, skills training, and certainly housing on their way to full recovery."
"Universal programs fill the gaps of massive problems with means testing with no downsides for the people who need these services the most."
"It sounds like you've taken advantage of those services and done some really good things in your life."
"It's amazing how much money you make when you don't have to pay for schools or police."
"We must continue to support funding the specialist services which saves lives."
"Schnurr now works in social services and aids those dealing with traumatic experiences."
"The church invented the idea of hospitals, orphanages, and soup kitchens."
"LAPD has historically been our first contact for people experiencing homelessness."
"It's because of the support workers across the UK that young people have the chance to successfully change their lives."
"We need to redistribute some of the wealth at the very top... and put money back into education and Social Services." - Dave Farina
"If there are over 2,000 women shelters that turn away men and only one shelter for men, obviously the resources don't match the need."
"We need to govern creatively and figure out how to provide the things people need."
"Democrat officials will dial 9-1-1 so social workers can come and put out the fires by politely asking arsonists if they can think of a more constructive way to express their search for equality and justice."
"We need to change the way we respond to mental illness on our streets with real professionals, not asking the police to be mental health experts." - Unknown speaker
"We need to make sure that as folks are leaving Rikers, where more than 50 percent of the people there are suffering from mental illness, that they're directed immediately to the housing and services they need." - Unknown speaker
"We are seeing a tidal wave of need from our community."
"Planned Parenthood does more than just abortions."
"Defund the police in the sense that take some of these responsibilities away from the cops and put it into other areas."
"For my work with kids in foster care, she was showing clear signs of trauma and abuse."
"We spend more money on pregnant people in this country in the state that we do on educating them or feeding them or housing them or clothing them."
"Recruitment is vital to a successful colony. New residents will run shops, give you upgrades, offer essential services."
"Build Back Better delivers transformational investments in child care, climate action, housing, healthcare, and more."
"The whole attitude is weird to me. I don't understand why anybody would anybody on any part of the political spectrum would be opposed to receiving these amenities from the people they work for."
"Pick a lane and commit that if you are the winner in the lane that is picked you are going to support the social services."
"All the babies have been taken away by social services."
"The goal with foster care is always reunification." - Bananas Foster representative
"You know, healthcare is like one of those basic human services that everybody should get. It'd be like the equivalent of, you know, imagine if our society treated firefighting and policing like they do medicine."
"We need to do more than just offering housing."
"The city would offer its citizens equal access to Education Health Care and transportation."
"By saying no state bailouts, isn't Mitch McConnell actually just priming the pump to slash social services?"
"Almost every state allocates their lottery revenue to fund social services such as schools or veteran services."
"I could see from the window that social services lady had pulled the insane granny back to the car."
"Housing, employment opportunities for people that use drugs... management opportunities for people that use drugs."
"She said she would rather see her children dead than in Social Services care."
"What sex workers need is decriminalization and specialized and well-funded Social Services."
"She was buried in the grounds of the prison, her five children were taken into the care of the county council."
"It's actually a really interesting report because what she's talking about, particularly when children can't access local services because local services are so frightened of the toxicity around the debate."
"Systemic corruption deprives the government of funds that could otherwise be invested in essential services like health, education, clean water, and housing."
"We really could end a lot of gang violence by funding schools and mental health services."
"What about a baby? Our social services are looking into that. They'll find out if Candice is a fit mother."
"I went to school when they would give us uniform. I went to school and they'll give us books, free books. If you are sick, you will go to the hospital for free."
"People aren't forced to make these choices if we have adequate welfare services."
"People who have been calling for defunding the police argue that shrinking police budgets could open funds for other social service programs."
"Jane Adams established Hull House and lived among these poor immigrants to provide much-needed social services."
"Hungary stands as a High income economy with universal healthcare and tuition-free secondary education."
"Wow, what a story. His story is more evidence that social services is a child abuse factory."
"When you give to the United Way, you fund the agencies that provide services to people who really need your help."
"Living here, you can... get a viewpoint of a country. It's different to what the native people have of the country, right? And you know... having these services is not a normal thing in many countries."
"This is something we need full-time."
"The parish, the school, the convent, the community center, a place where all of their social as well as their spiritual needs could be met."
"The goal of CPS is to provide services and resources to preserve the family."
"Adults have the right to stay, the child's outcome depends on CPS."
"If we felt that it was an unsafe situation, then we would contact the Department of Child and Family Services."
"Social service institutions and providers cannot merely ask people who have been previously harmed by these systems to trust them, but must prove their trustworthiness through action."
"The Catholic Church does with her money immense amounts of social services and charity."
"The housing first approach is you get people into accommodation and then you give them wraparound support with services to help them stay there."
"You bring them inside, you give them care with dignity and humanity, and then you give them the services they need."
"The police are expected to come to even calls that require social work, and instead, you call 9-1-1 and the cops show up, and that's not how that should work."
"The Freedmen's Bureau offers the first large-scale social service program that I think we have in our country."
"We are DCFS, we are really first responders when families and neighborhoods are failing children."
"We have to look at it from a human service position and not as a way of criminalizing a family."
"Nobody's arguing against public ownership, nobody's arguing against putting more money into public services now."
"Housing is the first of the social services; without it, you can't have education, productivity, or health."
"They also should provide social services such as welfare, education, and health services for the citizens."
"We work very hard and we no longer qualify, but if we ever needed those services, and if you need them, please don't be ashamed to get the assistance that you need."
"Let's hope the social services agencies of Great Britain have rectified their shortcomings so that no more children suffering this kind of abuse will fall through the cracks."
"We have an option: we can either start spending as a country on social services, or it's up to the healthcare system to fill that gap."
"We need to rebuild our social service infrastructure in our poorest communities."
"Democracy is about improvement in people's lives, it is about access to social services, it is about jobs and employment."