
Reaction Time Quotes

There are 83 quotes

"Taking a moment between receiving and reacting can be your lifesaver in so many areas."
"I'm not instantly kind of in that moment which is why I sometimes also find social media hard because I don't want to react in the moment and social media warrants an instant reaction."
"You cannot react. If you've reacted, then you've kind of lost the battle, so to speak."
"Keep in mind not every ability has a cast bar so if it's an instant ability you may just need to pay attention to the attacks that you're actually taking."
"Don't respond to any comments that anyone makes about you for 48 hours. If after 48 hours you still want to respond, then you know it's a valid response."
"He's got the most insane reaction time I've ever seen in my entire life."
"How does Vice actually get the kill before the rocket comes off? That's game sense right there."
"I probably have the best reaction time out of any fortnite player in the world."
"Could just swing a leg out. Salah hasn't got time to react."
"Putting time between stimulus and response is critical for emotional self-management."
"Using the AWP is as simple as reacting a bit before the other guy."
"Your body is stronger, it's fitter, it reacts quicker and that's where it all makes running feel easier."
"Crosshair placement is key, keeping it at headshot level gives you faster reaction time."
"We have no idea how your brain can make your body do exactly what you want in only tenths of a second."
"The lizard brain is lightning fast, the upper brain is slow."
"Good aim meant not just hitting your shots, But having the reaction time to line them up quickly."
"Your reaction time, that is actually Dynamic, meaning you can change it. It is a learned response that you can improve upon over time."
"Time starts when the screen goes fully white."
"Counter-Strike problem-solving on the fly. Timing, oh he adjusts, pulls the trigger first."
"Reaction time can be one of your biggest strengths or your worst weaknesses."
"Managing files effectively throughout a hunt is a combination of lower twitch reaction skill and more so your ability in planning your next few moves ahead which takes intelligence and quick decision-making skill."
"The limit for humans reacting to a visual stimulus is about 200 to 250 milliseconds."
"Press a the instant you see the words stomp em appear on the screen."
"He decided to make decisions in a tenth of a second, in a hundredth of a second."
"He teleports before the true seeking orb couldn't even put a scratch on his jacket his reaction times are possibly like six pads a p8 dial up which pay maybe that's consistent going with the godlike unparalleled out there but no seriously"
"I want to do a tournament with this. I want to do a based on reaction time."
"When a hazard is seen ahead, reaction distance is how far a vehicle will continue to travel in ideal conditions before the driver hits the brakes."
"Insane Elven reaction time and hand-eye coordination."
"The time between intention and muscle motion is closer to 200 milliseconds, not 550 milliseconds."
"If I want to be as safe as possible...I can react better and stop shorter than those around me...maximizing my chances of avoiding a crash."
"But she only had fifteen seconds to react to the door being shut and wedged, some accelerant being sprayed into the room, and the room being set alight."
"The horse has the fastest reaction time of any domestic animal."
"Most importantly, your reaction time to something halves."
"It gives everyone else time to react as well."
"He wasn't the most athletic player but he had great instincts and reaction time."
"When those fish eat it, the stick bait gives you just a little split-second before you hit it or feel it."
"Blue light exposure positively affected cognitive performance and reaction time in young people."
"Car reaction time is vitally important."
"Proof again Juan's reaction time was really good."
"Yuji's reaction time would be vaguely above Mach 1."
"Sometimes it's your awareness of your surroundings that gives you that split second, that head start."
"The speed of the mud I strike is so fast it leaves the prey no time to react."
"The faster the delivery, less time the batsman has to make a decision."
"As reaction time is so quick, it's very difficult to measure with a stopwatch."
"If we could all have no reaction time... maybe we could have tiny following distances and drive really quickly."
"But for us humans, that reaction time is what causes crashes."
"The IAT is able to assess relatively subtle biases by measuring reaction time responses."
"He could close a significant distance before his opponent could even react."
"Less sleep, you have the same reaction time as a drunk person."
"Good quality sleep has also been shown to improve reaction times, speed, accuracy, and overall athletics performance."
"I significantly noticed her reaction time has increased... there is a breathing space, as she was taking that space."
"Cortana resides in the interface between your mind and the suit, Master Chief. You will find your reaction time greatly improved."
"Between 150 and 180 milliseconds, your visual brain knows already that there's an animal out there."
"Every once in a while, I'm going to pull a hold out of my pocket, and what I'm looking to do is to hope that you at home have the opportunity to test your reaction time."
"Improved reaction time in another study conducted on 18 healthy University student volunteers, 200 milligrams of L-theanine improved attention performance and reaction time response."
"Increase your reaction time... don't react, stop, and go somewhere else."
"Reaction time isn't about having natural ability and naturally super fast reflexes; it's mainly just about having a good ready position."
"One of the best ways to increase speed is to increase your reaction time."
"Reaction time is one of the most important, if not the most important aspect of our sport."
"These robot cars have split-second reaction times, never get tired or distracted by text messages, and they can share all those kilometers of driving experience."
"You get a quicker response from a relaxed body than you will a tense body."
"This results in improved reaction times, better coordination, and especially enhances and optimizes cognitive function."
"The car has to analyze and react quickly."
"I'm a gamer, chat. My reaction time will be wicked."
"The first thing the driver sees is a flash of yellow, that's when you react. You do not wait for the green, you'll be late."
"More than 80 percent of all crashes can be avoided if drivers have one additional second of time to react."
"This is a really, really good drill for reaction time."
"On average, males had a faster reaction time."