
Canadian Politics Quotes

There are 52 quotes

"Canadians just want to be left alone." - Mr. Roman Babber
"I feel like I am starting to reach my limit for how much I can talk about Canadian politics."
"Bringing Mega politics into Canada isn't something that's actually happening. What is happening is Canadians and people around the world are saying, 'I think you're ruining Canada and something needs to be done.'"
"All signs are leading to Pierre Poilievre being the next Prime Minister of Canada."
"I want to be a prime minister for all of Canada including Alberta."
"I know the value of democracy, and I see Canada's democracy being eroded."
"Be a subscriber to hear more about Canadian politics."
"Dr. Ann bacana of your course description I would be more surprised for the course to include content unrelated to Canadian politics and popular culture don't you think."
"I want women in Canada to know that we will always stand up for your right to choose."
"It's so important that Justin Trudeau be thanked for his service and then removed from office."
"Separating is not a good thing for the idea of Canada as a whole but if we look at what's best for individual Canadian citizens I do think this would benefit Alberta."
"Canadians expect opposition to hold the feet of a minority or majority government to the fire, not to work together for the benefit of government just for the sake of it."
"We will always stand up for Canadians' Charter rights, we will always stand up for freedom of peaceful assembly, freedom of expression. That is extremely important."
"Quebec has threatened independence multiple times getting remarkably close."
"What we really want is to restore what Canada always was and always promised to be."
"The Tyranny he Unleashed during the covid pandemic, why so many patriotic Canadians are fed up."
"They're excited and that's true even in the Canadian Parliament."
"It's a little ridiculous that the entire Canadian government is forcing the hand of law-abiding citizens to return their guns when they're not the problem."
"Every single public official dropped what they were doing in Canada to handle this."
"I really do believe that Canadian politics are important internationally, not just domestically."
"Justin Trudeau wants us to talk about anything other than the scandals."
"Canadians are going to judge these by the federal government on the Emergencies Act on two grounds. One, it is a means to an end and is it an effective means to an end in terms of bringing this protest movement to a close."
"I'm glad you're in high spirits. I'm glad you've got big plans and I hope that some of your ideas will find purchase in the Canadian political culture because we sure need it."
"Some people are very scared; this is putting a chill in the hearts of Canadians. They don't want to be treated like terrorists."
"We have to be known as the party that has answers to every question facing Canadians."
"This is a moment of real political consequence in Canada."
"Canada needs a total overhaul of our immigration system."
"Canada's debt is growing massively, spending is out of control, and Canadians are feeling the pinch right now."
"It was a very bold change to the Canadian political system."
"I'm becoming more and more convinced that Canada is not interested in being a serious country."
"Our government is focused on getting things done for Canadians."
"You want people to be able to focus on delivering good things for Canadians."
"Conservatives care about the everyday Canadian, seeing the bill as an existential threat."
"Canada's best recourse for a troubled future is to simply act as the best support available."
"Canada works best when governments work collaboratively in the interests of Canadians."
"The reality is Canadians just can't trust conservatives and their attacks and their talking points."
"Mr. Speaker the Prime Minister broke his promise to Canadians in 2017 he launched his National Housing strategy calling it among other things a life-changing plan to get Canadians into homes and to keep them there."
"The real story is about what this guy and the rest of his politician friends are doing to the freedom convoy in Canada."
"We are fighting against these draconian and authoritarian measures that are imposed on Canadians right now."
"You actually ask him a question, so, all Mr. Trudeau, you seem to be oddly obsessed with provincial politics."
"Canadians are pissed off with our current government."
"Trudeau controlling speeches, it's nuts what's going on in Canada."
"We're gonna move into something Canadian which is... for all of those out there who may not know, I ran for federal office for the People's Party of Canada."
"As hard as it is for the Prime Minister, you know what's harder? The unification of Canada."
"If we do not solve the problems facing the middle-class and low-income earners, Canadians will eventually withdraw their support for a growth agenda."
"We did sit down with the premiers 8 years ago and established the pan-Canadian framework on climate change that both puts a price on pollution and puts more money back in the pockets of 8 out of 10 Canadian families."
"Tonight, Canadians have turned the page on 10 long years and have rejected the politics of fear and division."
"Canadians have already decided and they want change."