
Continuous Growth Quotes

There are 81 quotes

"Adulthood is not some...station that you arrived at. You sit here until you die. Adulthood is interesting."
"The possibility that you can make yourself slightly better on a continual basis is, I think, equivalent to leading a virtuous life."
"It's been a journey and it's going to continue to be a journey."
"As an entrepreneur, you never arrive. You just enter a new club as the smallest member."
"It's okay to be a work in progress. There's this sort of false promise made by stories that there's going to be an end, but you don't stop growing."
"Purification is an ongoing process; it never ceases as evolution never halts."
"You becomes way more powerful and as you stay with it and you continue to do your inner work."
"Continuous unending metamorphosis is the true crown jewel of all gifts that can be bestowed to the soul."
"You're always striving to get better and better and better."
"Growth mindset: always thinking of ways you can improve."
"Always be your best self and kind of always be upgrading and improving."
"It's not about outdoing anyone, it's about how to outdo yourself."
"His influence just grows and grows across so many areas of the club."
"Healing is not a destination, it is a constant journey."
"Consciousness is rising; we are continuously awakening to a higher level."
"Just a reminder like people are allowed to change and I'm just going to keep doing me and constantly evolving."
"Embrace the journey, embrace the process." - Finding joy and growth in every endeavor.
"The plans for Destiny are nowhere close to slowing down."
"Ellen's life has been an evolution beyond just personal growth."
"Be better than you are now a week from now a month from now six months from now."
"Don't give up on this goal don't give up on this Vision continue investing your time your energy into this goal continue learning along this path growing and developing."
"The idea is to always be striving to improve, to bring your actions into greater alignment with those values."
"I feel alive, I feel healthy, and I keep wanting to get better and better."
"You are who you have always been, but you're just getting better. Imagine that, just getting better every single day."
"Continue to expand and explore all the possibilities."
"Always wanting to improve is probably the most important factor in improving."
"You can't stop living, you can't stop growing, you can't stop fighting."
"When you become the right person, you will attract people continuously no matter what."
"Alignment is the only way to have constant purpose because as long as you are alive, you will manifest alignment. And that is purpose."
"You can always get better, you can always improve."
"I think our lives are meant to fall apart over and over and over because that is the invitation to continue to rebuild something more true and more true and more true of who we really are."
"Masterworks is adding new offerings constantly."
"Never stop learning because life never stopped teaching..."
"With determination, resilience, and a commitment to continuous growth, winning can indeed be your only option."
"Deliverance is not an event. It's a discipleship process."
"Great for corporations, we never stop, we only invest, we live to invest."
"The transformations and the ascensions never stop, you just keep getting higher and higher."
"You're always getting better, there is no regression, there's no off cycle."
"There is something always to be learnt from it."
"Every day is a new beginning, for this is the land that has never become but is always in the act of becoming."
"That's just the champion mindset, you're always improving."
"Living a life of purpose and faith is an ongoing journey marked by continual growth, learning, and adjustment."
"No matter how successful you become, always stay hungry."
"You're either getting better in life or you're getting worse; there really is no in-between."
"It will be like a never-ending stream of wealth that keeps growing every day."
"This is just f*** wild man, it keeps on going up."
"Never stop learning; those who stop learning have stopped living."
"The Sanu of Tomorrow is theoretically stronger than the Sanu of today, and this process doesn't seem to have a visible limit."
"There's always somewhere deeper we can go with the Lord. And when we get to the point we think we know it all, we're in a really dangerous spot."
"We must press on to perfection all the time."
"...but all I can do is just get better and better."
"The classics list is constantly expanding, which I think is wonderful."
"You're going to continuously gain peace and a business partner."
"There is no arrival, the journey is the destination."
"It's always a continual growth and it's always a continuous walk that there is no Finish Line to."
"I am still learning; it's a beautiful thing about this hobby, it just doesn't stop."
"We're definitely not fully evolved; we continue to evolve."
"Generosity is not something that you graduate from; there's always another level."
"We never cut back on a hire and we kept hiring people."
"Being better than yesterday, a stoic dedication to continuous improvement, not overnight success."
"The universe is getting bigger and it's continuously getting bigger."
"You always keep learning throughout your life, it's never finished."
"We are to continually grow in those four areas of our being."
"These Dendrobium are considered to be evergreen in the sense that they are not deciduous; they have continuous growth."
"It is just one single commitment: how can I get better in all areas of life on an ongoing basis forever."
"If you make the commitment that I am going to try to get better in all aspects of my life... you will continuously grow and grow and grow until you become the ideal version of yourself."
"There is always room for improvement, always."
"We're all works in progress," Magdalen said, "right up until the day we die."
"I'm so happy and grateful now that money is coming to me in increasing amounts through multiple sources on a continuous basis."
"Greatness means you're always reaching toward your highest version at all times."
"This metamorphosis is never-ending, and that's the beauty of it."
"You never stop awakening to the new level of being, you never stop awakening to your purpose here on Earth."
"We never stop growing, we never stop changing, we never stop evolving."
"Emotional maturity is always an active work in progress."
"This is happiness that keeps on happening because you keep dreaming bigger and bigger."
"I'm still changing, and I want to always continue to change."