
Endgame Quotes

There are 231 quotes

"An f3 knight is a wonderful piece into the endgame."
"Activate your king. Your king is a very valuable piece at the end of the game."
"The best type of past pawns are connected past pawns."
"Now you are locked away, helpless and alone. Game over!"
"I managed to save an end game a full piece down by activating my king at all costs."
"I think that's why you see the support trailing off for Biden's policy here because people are starting to go all right what when does this end what is how do we get to some kind of a."
"I try to win here with this extra Pawn, but as we know in chess, one extra pawn in a rook and pawn endgame is nothing."
"I feel rewarded, I feel like I've had goals to go for four months now and I'm happy to finally be there at the very end of all things."
"I consider my victory condition simply surviving the endgame crisis and allowing it to eat everyone else."
"You have to win the end game, there's no other way."
"Once you finish the campaign, it's time for end game and this is where, as ARPG and MMO players would say, this is where the real game begins."
"They're playing for that victory royale, they're playing endgame."
"There's also going to be endgame variations of the dungeons through this key system."
"Revealing she knows he can remember other timelines, just as she can, she moves to open the door and end the game herself."
"Using a flashlight during the endgame collapse allows you to glitch the camera."
"Create a character, level them up, reach the end game... that’s where the fun begins."
"It represents the endgame of militarization."
"We are indeed now coming very close to the end game."
"You can checkmate with a knight and a bishop."
"It's finally time, time for us to conquer the endgame of power."
"Power level gives the impression that there will be an end game, but the current setup of the game does not deliver on that impression."
"But don't underestimate the challenge at the end of the game."
"I'm optimistic it will [work], I think a more relaxed and optional end game is certainly helped in this case by the Dragon Isles being an especially beautiful environment."
"Reaching level 50 gives you access to the end-game but it's far from the end of the game."
"We still got this many units left and I think we're done running."
"Is this the end game in the case of the mysterious disappearance of three-year-old Madeleine McCann?"
"Our goal is to reach the end and Nene the ender dragon."
"Lost Ark is damn fun to play, includes engaging systems, and ultimately has an end game that we believe in."
"The true end game is just chatting in Limsa."
"If you're up a queen, trading pieces makes the game much easier to win."
"The main reason lies within the way that players scale up when you get to the endgame."
"It's been fun but I think this wipe is kind of coming to an end."
"Stockfish plans for both attack and endgame advantage."
"the pawn broke free black was never going to be equipped to stop it"
"Diablo 4 to have endgame itemization with choice per slot."
"I liked in vanilla WoW where you were able to prepare and get ready for the endgame."
"We all know that fashion is the true end game of any MMO."
"The game does have a wide variety of end-game content: raids, dungeons, ranked and unranked PvP."
"Safiye jiva is the true endgame goal of monster hunter world ice-born."
"Pass pawns are perhaps the single most important factor of any endgame."
"Remember in the late game you become the shadowy master that you were born to be."
"In a queen end game where it's equal material, it's gonna come down to two things."
"Every game is a lot more jammy towards the end of the year."
"I trust you, and I want to get to the end with you."
"You're up a rook and a knight in an endgame, and you'll win that game easily."
"You have to defend your pawns. You can't lose pawns for free at the end of the game. Pawns are the most important part in an endgame."
"Simply simplify the position, trade off pieces, and win the endgame."
"For those of you that don't play much endgame, you should take note here, watch how these guys position the cue ball and position the seven ball."
"Endgame was the Journey's End of the Marvel Universe."
"Will Secret Wars be bigger than end game? That seems impossible, but when you look at the Secret Wars storyline and all the active MCU Heroes right now, it kinda has to be big, right?"
"I'm tempted to say Endgame because it's so utterly enjoyable, but if you went in cold to Endgame, as you would if you were forgetting every time, would it be the same movie?"
"Have we finally reached the endgame?"
"At the end of the game, definitely want to keep this in mind because if you're able to get a queen first, most likely you're going to win."
"Endgame... So the question is how do I get my king away from his rooks so that I can deliver the checkmate, I guess."
"They're just a fantastic, in my opinion, end game option right now."
"What I've noticed about the fans is that they seem to value the end game a lot more, and Anitra was the best there."
"We're in the end game and it's been a decade long journey."
"In endgames, rooks belong on the seventh rank."
"Sacrificing pawns in King and pawn endings can be counterintuitive but crucial for drawing."
"We’re the Avengers. We can bust arms dealers on a live long day but that up there, that’s the end game."
"It's the true endgame, I guess is what I'm trying to say."
"Governments have gotten more and more tyrannical and I think we're at the end game of that."
"Winning these end game competitions are important, whether it be for personal preservation or for making power moves."
"I'm sorry but I'm done. To be honest, Maya and Zigger endgame, so I don't really care that him and Esme don't work out."
"This is definitely Hulk from endgame through and through, love him or hate him."
"Rook end games are very, very tricky."
"I reasoned that that pawn on b3 of mine, not only in the middle game but even in the end game, is going to be very, very powerful."
"The ultimate goal is very simple. You want to get the king into the same color corner as your bishop. That's it. There's no other way to mate with animation."
"I have a rule: Rook and pawn endgames are winning."
"Cut the King off. It's slow but it's effective."
"Checkmate is the aim of the game."
"Playing it out straight to checkmate, this is just one of the many ways that it could have finished."
"I think I'm gonna just go ahead and take this to an end game, like I said, because the pawn structure, a lot of times, the more pieces you get off the board, the bigger the pawn structure matters and the easier it is to take advantage of it."
"...you're the one who has all the trumps in the endgame."
"You always want to ensure that the ensuing king and pawn endgame is winning."
"The point is that in order to draw these positions, the defending side should strive to create a pass pawn on the opposite side of the board to deal with the pawn that the stronger side has."
"We're into the end game now. Brooke has converted her final card guard into a wicket."
"For me, this is like such an amazing game. Fischer shows the power of the rook and bishop, but also just like the stages of that endgame is just so well played."
"I'm winning a pawn which, at the end of the game, is very important."
"I have the opportunity for a Checkmate, can you see it? Queen G7 checkmate."
"...black plays A4, what if we play King to D3 here? Well that seems very promising because A3 King C2 and now we are in the box."
"This end game is equal, but it's very difficult for black to play this properly."
"The final stages of a chess game after most of the pieces have been removed from the board."
"Humanity was in this till the end."
"How do you top Endgame? You go Secret Wars."
"Marianne's the one running this end game."
"She is now essentially in a position where she's guaranteed to make it to the end."
"The greatest play in all the football there is the victory formation."
"If he gets to the end of the game, no matter how he gets there, I feel like he has a shot to win."
"Mike was more consistent and his dominance of the end game is more important to me."
"At the end of the game, all that matters are coins for endgame scores."
"I was in theaters opening weekend for Endgame; I have never experienced in my life a theater experience that lit."
"Endgames are pretty good for black because I can play with this structure."
"Queen d8, king h7, queen f6, guys, if they trade, this is a very easy king and pawn ending game to win."
"Technique in chess is about the endgame and there's a technique that you need to follow to achieve something."
"In the endgame, my biggest advice: plan over your next move. Your plan needs to be better than your next move."
"Bishops of opposite color positions do have a tendency to be drawn but not when you're three connected passed pawns ahead."
"It just goes to show that even though you're in an endgame, does not mean that you don't have to calculate, does not mean that there aren't all sorts of tricks that are available."
"King and pawn endings can be very tricky, and it's important to know about opposition."
"Be very careful about the decisions that take the game into pure King and pawn endgame."
"The King and pawn endgame can be evaluated very precisely; if you get it wrong, you lose."
"Getting your pawns' pawn majority fixed in a king and pawn endgame is one of those traps you don't want to fall into."
"A one-point advantage in a King and pawn endgame is huge."
"You should nearly always try to get your rook behind the passed pawn."
"When you've got a passed pawn, you need to push it."
"Very rarely are king and pawn end games as simple as they seem at first glance."
"Triangulation, it's an advanced king and pawn end game technique."
"I'm fairly convinced that the end game... is heading towards the riverlands."
"Endgames are the essence of chess; they contain the purest lessons the game has to offer."
"The king, once a mere bystander, becomes a mighty warrior in the endgame, leading the charge to victory."
"It's not about the pieces you have, it's about the way you use them. That's the beauty of the endgame."
"To master the endgame is to understand the delicate balance between aggression and restraint."
"It's incredibly deep, this endgame in and of itself teaches us a lot about endgame play."
"It's a bit like looking at one of the end stages of a chess game."
"We are in the end game, and I think the most powerful player in the end will be the queen."
"Endgame knowledge builds on top of each other."
"The pawn breakthrough is a super important theme from Pawn endgames."
"The end game should be equal here, but maybe white has a smidge. I think we are just a tiny bit better."
"The bishop and knight mate, which I don't feel like is talked about enough in tactics manuals."
"It's very important to be patient in the endgame, an excellent example of patience."
"Activate the king, this is an endgame."
"In the endgame, a waiting move can be an incredibly powerful weapon."
"King activity is one of the most important things in rook endgames."
"King activity is basically important in all single piece endgames."
"The Berlin Endgame is one of the most interesting and deep positions that you can find in chess."
"It's very drawish in the endgame, but the other thing about opposite color bishops is you can attack the king pretty nicely."
"This was good enough for Ju Wenjun to get a pretty favorable endgame."
"Every endgame scenario that includes the knight and the bishop staying on board is winning or borderline winning for black."
"I think Russell has a lot of control in this end game."
"In the endgame, the king is a tremendous fighting unit."
"That's somebody that no matter what type of player you are, you don't want a person with that big of a resume going anywhere into the end of the game."
"An exchange in the endgame is incredibly dangerous."
"It's all fun and games till you get down near the end of the race, pushing yourself into a position to win."
"This end game is one of the most amazing that I've ever analyzed."
"This is the most incredible part of the endgame."
"The very instructive endgame magic of Mikhail Tal."
"The position transfers to the end game, and do not forget that in the end game, the king's position changes."
"The superiority of past pawns over the knight is demonstrated when you've got connected passers supported by a king."
"The first end game I'm going to be showing is one of the most important rook endings for a chess player to know."
"Activating the king at the end of the game is important."
"An outside pass pawn is a very valuable asset in an ending."
"That's how to solve mate in one in Checkers, in case you ever get to those difficult Checkers endgames."
"All the pieces go back in the same box when the game is done."
"Generally, as we know, when you're up in material, it's in your interest to trade further pieces to get closer to an endgame."
"Rule number one in a rook ending is the activity of your rooks."
"Mistakes were made, but here we are in the end game."
"The people that make the moves at the end are the people that everybody really just seems to root for and love."
"Knights are very bad at stopping past pawns, remember that principle."
"...if they had a worse position in endgame, did they defend well? If they had a better position, did they convert it into a win?"
"Remember, active King in the endgame wins."
"Rook end games are considered to be the most complicated part of the end games."
"I'm pretty sure the game is over after G5."
"I will trade Queens because I'm ahead, so I think that's a good way to go to the endgame."
"You shouldn't automatically rule out an endgame even when you're down a bunch of pawns, because there are certain endgames where the piece activity disparity is so vast."
"Gathering and crafting is very much a major part of the endgame experience."
"Here we come with the bishop, and it looks like we have checkmate."
"The whole movie of Endgame just sets it up like this is so wrong, what he's doing."
"If North and South came together, everybody and their grandmother knows it's over."
"Making moves, it's the end of the game, always."
"We're in an endgame situation here; you don't want to start losing your pawns."
"If I ship three coffee at the end of the game, I'll get nine points."
"If you ever get into an ending in the Sicilian, your extra central pawn should give you a better ending."
"Endgame play is a particularly important, probably the most important aspect of our game."
"Bishops get stronger as the game goes on and more pawns get traded off."
"This phase of the game where you're essentially a couple of moves away from Checkmate, you're totally winning and you're trying to hunt the king down."
"You just have to set yourself up in the best position that you can be at the end of the game."
"If she gets to the end of the game, she's winning."
"It's extremely important that black had the H pawn."
"Using your king at the end of the game is a good strategy."
"I do think that we've done a good job keeping up, especially now that we're heading towards the end game."
"We may be approaching the endgame rapidly, but there's still the sheer pleasure of the sound and movement to enjoy on the way."
"For me, the MCU was concluded with Endgame."
"This end game is the most fascinating in game I have seen in a long time."
"It's all about knowing certain positions in the end game and certain tools how to win or how to draw."
"We're working with the correct colored bishop, we have a bishop that can control the corner square, the promotion square."
"What is the ultimate end game when you say what works? Are you being conscientious and careful about the project itself, not just what works but what is good and works?"
"This is worth two points at the end of the game."
"I'm starting to think about the endgame, start to think about holding objectives at the end of the game."
"I really enjoyed Endgame and I am not surprised that it's breaking records."
"And at long last, I think we're going to see the conversion."
"Can I use my king as a weapon? It's the endgame, seems like a reasonable plan."
"When Cat picks up Thor's hammer in Endgame, that gave me the chills."
"We're completely winning in the end game."
"To defend this position is really tough, but the fact that Nakamura succeeded in steering it through into an endgame was an extraordinary feat."
"The Queen has to go to h3, but unfortunately, the end is near."
"The game we're about to see has a nice middle game combination that produces a small material plus for the first player, and from there we get to see one of the very best endgame players show his clean technique."
"In the games where she gets to these positions, end game stuff like this, she's got to capitalize. These are her chances."
"Magnus has this amazing ability to recognize equal but difficult to defend end games."
"Interesting end game in this one, exchange sacrifice."
"We go from this middle game position to a very simplified endgame which is unbalanced."
"Once the Queen's come off the board, the King actually needs to start getting involved into the game."
"Bobby Fischer rose to the occasion, played an extremely good endgame, so it turned out for the best."
"This is endgame genius of a higher level."
"Capablanca, as many regard, is one of the best players of all time, especially in the endgame."
"Your pieces to work together very, very important, especially as you get involved into the end game."
"Endgame wrapped up the Saga perfectly, which left the MCU in an interesting place."
"Bobby Fischer in the endgame played some of the best in-game chess I have ever seen."
"Rocket Raccoon and the Hulk have technically crossed paths before and worked together in Endgame."