
Legislative Action Quotes

There are 285 quotes

"We need Congress to act to protect our communities and children from gun violence."
"The jury did his job, and hopefully, we here in Congress will do our job and pass criminal justice reform."
"This Congress ought to speak to it, and we shouldn't hide behind a 2001 authorization of the use of military force and not update that authorization."
"It's just the opposite, this keeps coming...when is it going to be the right time for Congress and the president to do what 90% of Americans want them to do?"
"My Democratic colleagues are requesting hearings on the effect of the virus in prison, state, and federal detention centers for immigration purposes, and we will try to work together to have those hearings."
"It is our intention for the Senate to hold a vote on legislation to codify the right to an abortion in law."
"This package is a pivotal step to doing that, and it has assistance for the American people to make that bridge financially."
"The squatter scam ends today with my signature on this piece of legislation, and the State of Florida will be better for it."
"The border is at its breaking point. We need help. We need legislation. We need additional funds."
"That's pretty expansive stuff right there. This is what we were talking about. Democrats and Republicans, liberals and conservatives, people coming together and doing the people's work."
"The best way to take the burden off middle-class and work-class folks is to pass the Build Back Better piece."
"Pass this bill. This software code for voting machines should be publicly available."
"There's no room for faking evidence, and at the very least, the House needs to consider whether to censure that kind of behavior."
"It's not a radical idea, people want it, states have done it, the House of Representatives have done it and now it is our turn to do what the American people want."
"We need Congress to fund and build the wall, give us the resources to deal with this crisis, and terminate the Flores agreement."
"Stories like these underscore why Congress must replenish the paycheck protection program immediately."
"These are things that the American people send their elected leaders to Washington to get done."
"Pass the George Floyd Policing Act. Don't let this tragedy hit your front door before you make a decision."
"This is America we don't pass laws you make a promise to voters and then you don't do it."
"Nothing will change until we get some legislation through that is preventing these things from happening in the first place."
"Common-sense gun laws make sense." Thank You definitionally idiotic human gum.
"My bill will stop at no-knock warrants where they just barge into your house unannounced."
"The right thing to do would be to sign it, get help out to those who need it, and then live to fight another day."
"Congress plans to take steps this week to quickly pass President Biden's coronavirus aid proposals."
"Actions speak louder than words. If you want to begin that long road back to proving you're not a racist, you're not bigoted, support the bipartisan compromise that three Republicans and three Democrats have put on the floor."
"Start by making laws that save innocent lives."
"We need responsible gun ownership, background checks, and red flag laws."
"People who have goodwill need to sit down, develop whatever deal they can, and get it passed."
"But despite this Padmé's efforts are a success, she convinces her friend to call for peace and an end to the war within the separatist Congress which garners just enough support to barely pass a motion."
"State lawmakers in Georgia recently passed a bill to make Georgia run on daylight savings time all year round."
"If you can't validate it, then I think you really need state legislatures in those places prepared themselves to look at what happened."
"This is a moment when Congress needs to do a lot more about corruption."
"My job is to represent, my job is to represent our viewpoints, my job is to make sure that when we're talking about the environment, you know, just yesterday we announced legislation."
"Oregon state senator files Bill to let more than half of the state secede and join Idaho."
"That's what democracy is about. That's what our job is: to vote these things up or down. Let's get that vote."
"How do I feed my kids? How do I not get evicted? So what we have got to do is just demand that McConnell bring forth a clean house bill."
"Congress finally effing did something and I think it's about time."
"There is a precedent here for lawmakers on both sides of the aisle to put aside the deep-seated partisanship in this town so that they can get something done."
"Upon being elected, I will give the United States Congress 100 days to get their act together and have the courage to pass reasonable gun safety laws."
"Relief is needed. So, I am encouraging again everyone to come together. Let's wrap this up. We need to get it done by the end of the year."
"Let's pass the Paycheck Fairness Act and raise the minimum wage to $15."
"Where's congress on this? Congress, do your job!"
"Right now I am working with my Republican counterparts to pass a prevent pandemics act."
"The comprehensive legislative package prioritizes the Safety and Security of its citizens."
"They don't give a anymore. They're just out here telling us their plan, and there are people backing it up. Actively putting it in place. I mean, all you need to do is just look at what the Democrats just passed with this inflation reduction act."
"Congress could stop the SEC from using its regulation by enforcement approach on crypto projects."
"I think if anything it might actually be the final dose of inspiration necessary to bring both sides together and ensure something gets done."
"The entire election frankly in all the swing states should be overturned, and the legislature should make sure that the electors are selected for Trump." - Sydney Powell
"We cannot allow this to happen. Democrats and Republicans came together and we're moving forward."
"This bill gets us almost all the way there... it would make the largest investment anywhere in a transition to a clean energy economy."
"If you want to really help people Democrats, then put forth some real package with real teeth instead of this garbage."
"There is definitely a sense of urgency in our nation's capital to put the people first and actually come together on a deal before January 1."
"It's been decades since Congress passed such a significant stand-alone investment."
"We must pass the For the People Act. It's a national imperative."
"We passed the farm bill for our wonderful farmers, ranchers, and growers."
"When we go back to Washington we will be putting Roe v. Wade codification on the floor of the House to make sure that women everywhere have access to the reproductive health that they need."
"We do need to expand the court which is why we do need to codify Roe v. Wade and ensure access to abortion for all people."
"We just passed a bill called the first step Act which deals with prison reform."
"He is committed to raising it to fifteen dollars and he's going to work with members of congress to find the right path forward."
"Now is the time to pass comprehensive immigration reform."
"This is an example of the largest excess of a legislative undoing in Congressional history."
"The only way this ends is Kevin McCarthy has to put the bill on the floor to allow a clean increase in the debt ceiling period."
"So as you see right now 102 Democrats have voted for you have 97 Republicans who have voted nay right now is 103 to 97 and of course it's 10 minutes 10 more minutes for them to vote they will."
"There's no question at all... it's a political solution that needs to be done and gun owners need to get with it."
"It's amazing: the new legislature proposes to give the U.S Secretary authority to execute bans or exclusions on any 'information and Communications technology products and services Holdings' that pose undue or unacceptable risk."
"Stopping online gun sales both of those will require acts of Congress though not executive order."
"As veterans sit in Washington, D.C. and the sweltering heat, demanding that they pass this legislation that they have been fighting for, for 15 years."
"As legislators, we have a moral obligation to act... to end the epidemic of gun violence in our country."
"Congress must pass legislation that codifies Roe v. Wade as the law of the land in this country now."
"Bishop Baron on same-sex marriage: moral stance versus legislative action."
"You're asking nurses to put on a hazmat suit and take blood. You can ask elected officials to come sit at a desk and vote on a piece of legislation."
"We're not going to want to do it, what can the Democrats do now to prevent what they don't want to happen from happening?"
"How are you gonna pass Medicare for all if you don't have fighters like Nina Turner in the house?"
"In that year, Congress was about to vote on lend-lease, the controversial program to circumvent neutrality laws."
"The signing into law of HB2492 is a giant step toward ensuring elections are easy, convenient, and secure in our state." - Jake Hoffman
"Passing a stimulus is incredibly important... the Republican side really needs to get their act together."
"That's really significant that the speaker will leave the provision on Aid to Ukraine."
"Ignoring them is how you end up with a Republican committee voting against protecting children."
"The Texas House passing a controversial voting bill... setting the stage for restrictive voting laws in the state."
"This bill as a compromise will help us avoid economic disaster."
"The Senate has now passed the most significant bill to fight the climate crisis ever."
"Now I will get behind Rand Paul's initiative to end no-knock raids."
"We need urgent actions, and they need to be big."
"What would it take for lawmakers to actually do something? I think it would take them being personally connected to a tragedy at the hands of guns."
"The system right now is rigged against democracy, and it won't get better unless Joe Biden and all the Democrats in the United States Senate come together to use their power to fix it."
"We're introducing legislation... to apply even more sanctions." - Highlighting efforts to sanction Russia and pressure Putin to end the war.
"And members of Congress, it is time for us to meet our responsibilities."
"We're confident that we can get the party united... and pass the House at the same time."
"I mean, in all the time since Roe went down, have you seen any major effort at the state or the federal level to say, 'Okay, now we live in pro-life America'?"
"These audits have great value to figure out where the problems are so we can fix those legislatively and elsewhere."
"We can no longer just provide love and prayers, it needs to be legislation, it needs to be action. It's not okay, we can no longer allow this to happen, we can no longer be complacent."
"Let us demand that Mitch McConnell have the guts, have the courage to at least put legislation on the floor of the Senate."
"The Senate parliamentarian ruled yesterday that yes, the Democrats can pass two more packages this year."
"The president supports the Women's Health Protection Act which did not pass in the Senate, and of course that would codify Roe but it would also go beyond that."
"It seems to me that either there are laws on the books that could have applied or there have to be we've got to enact some."
"Our 81-year-old Catholic President used the first five minutes of his State of the Union to call for passing a law to restore Roe."
"This bill is about the ability to fix your own stuff."
"Legislative responses to state-level voting restrictions."
"We're taking action to bring legislation to secure our border."
"This might be one of the few bipartisan areas in modern history where we might actually be able to get something done."
"They have the ultimate chance to be the heroes and prove that they will push legislation for the people, but they aren't."
"It really was just a mess and and and if we find ourselves in this scenario again hopefully congress can you know put in some guard rails to make sure that money goes where it needs to go."
"It always matters whether or not you can trust your government."
"This package is on track to represent the most fundamental shift in supporting hard-working families over the wealthy in modern American history."
"The number one thing we got to do this Congress is not reauthorize FISA in its current form."
"We're calling for Governor Greg Abbott to schedule a special legislative session to address the state's lax gun laws."
"Yeah, let's talk about some of the good things like Congress pass the chip sack and then Biden also did made his executive order that's very limited."
"Lawmakers want to implement a national guaranteed basic income program."
"We had Republicans say, 'Hey, he needs to do something about gas prices,' and then we did something about gas prices, and they're like, 'Well, don't do that.'"
"Even with all these measures making their way through various legislatures, Americans remain crunched between what they need and what they can afford."
"Nancy Pelosi and the House Democrats are determined to fight for the $15 an hour minimum wage." - House Speaker Nancy Pelosi
"The French take their produce maintenance very seriously and became the first country in the world to ban supermarkets from throwing away or destroying unsold food since February of 2016."
"The DCMS committee recommended the Parliament legislate to formally classify loot boxes as a means of gambling."
"Twenty days ago I don't think anyone could have imagined Congress pulling together so quickly and so forcefully behind what the president identified we needed for this country."
"History was made in Bristol as Bristol passed a motion to create slavery reparations."
"Massachusetts may become the first state to pass Right to Repair laws."
"The Senate Republicans introduced their HEALS Act on Monday." - Josh
"2024 doesn't look very good for the Democrats unless they're able to pull off these bills."
"I just hope Congress resolves this because it's you know yes super important."
"The good news is that there's over 80 different lawmakers... that want a fourth stimulus check."
"It's time to punish people who abuse animals, not take away tools that can help them."
"Let's hope that Congress can act quickly to get this next stimulus package passed."
"I capped out-of-pocket costs for insulin at $35 a month."
"Let's make history together, let's fight for children, and let's win this whole thing."
"This should be bipartisan, this should be a hundred percent vote."
"Here's what Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell had to say about this overnight."
"Congress working on two-day funding extension hours before government shutdown."
"I want to get in there tomorrow so that we can start advancing this conservative agenda, this America First conservative agenda that we so desperately need."
"The Women's Protection Act would codify Roe v. Wade into law."
"It's time to act and pass bill c234 to make food more affordable."
"Deal done, signed, and sealed, a 3.5 trillion recon is coming to the American people."
"Nothing so epitomizes President Obama's contempt for American values and traditions as ramming two bills, the stimulus package and the health care bill, through Congress in his first year."
"This is occurring as Congress is moving aggressively to pursue some of these issues."
"I think as a community we would have accepted George Floyd Justice and Policing Act, but it's now two years later. The George Floyd Justice and Policing Act is the floor, it is not the ceiling."
"California has blazed the trail by becoming the first state to pass a bill banning animal testing in cosmetics."
"Scotland just became the first country to make period products free in public facilities."
"Election fraud is unacceptable, and that's exactly why I made it an emergency out in this session."
"The For the People Act will address gerrymandering."
"We should honor him by revitalizing the law that he was willing to die for." - President Barack Obama
"We should not have millions and millions of children living in poverty and what this bill does is provides for universal pre-k." - Bernie Sanders
"Personal freedoms are going to have to be taken away on a legislated level."
"The United States House of Representatives condemns China."
"We need to have a real serious conversation about gun reform which includes the passage of red flag laws and includes gun safety storage laws."
"We owe that to the people. These are matters worthy of the Congress and entrusted to us to defend. We do not take this action lightly."
"We're not doing enough and if the president won't act then congress should reconvene and congress should act to protect the american people."
"Common Sense gun legislation needs to be not only considered but voted in favor of."
"A bipartisan action on something substantial... major prison reform."
"The music modernization act... legalizing landmark copyright reform for songwriters."
"We have to protect our women and children with grassroots activism and with laws."
"I'm introducing the Pink Tax Repeal Act. We have got to get the federal government to protect women from this gross discrimination."
"There needs to be legislation in these two areas against gambling addiction, gambling, and games for kids and [__] DMCA. We need those."
"SEC has no plans to ban crypto, but it would be up to Congress."
"Wyoming is an interesting state... they've passed over 24 bills related to blockchain technology."
"I have signed the pledge and co-sponsored the bill."
"Another key step for a Republican Congress will be to restore free speech in America."
"With your help we will elect a Republican Congress to create a safe modern fair and very lawful system of immigration."
"Our reaction to knife crime epidemic now is the same as our reaction to gun crime: we can't allow this to continue, let's bring in laws to change it."
"Acting now on Build Back Better... that's why we should act on Build Back Better now."
"We've got to pass a Voting Rights Act that will attack voters and not have these insurrectionists that are taking over governments all over, doing things unnecessary that will result in nullifying people's vote."
"Congress can change the rules that Facebook plays by... we still have time to act." - Frances Haugen
"House approves debt limit increase that will last through part of December."
"Congress is giving effect to the anger of an average voter that's why he's speaking like this."
"President Joe Biden will sign the Chips in Science Act of 2022 on August 9th in a Rose Garden ceremony."
"If a commercial airline pilot sees something they can't explain under this bill, they can report it to the FAA."
"Senator Brady and I have introduced legislation to do exactly that to put guardrails around what the IRS can and cannot do."
"The fastest way to restore Roe is to pass a national law codifying Roe."
"The U.S. House of Representatives passed sweeping legislation... to subsidize the domestic semiconductor industry..."
"Americans support legislation to lower the price of prescription drugs by overwhelming margins."
"It's all about priorities. The Democrats would rather score political points than actually do what's right."
"U.S. lawmakers introduced bill to clarify crypto regulations."
"This legislation would in effect treat the Supreme Court Justices almost the same way one might approach a potential jury."
"Thank you so much for watching. Hope you enjoyed it. It was pretty fun to go through and just play some random goofy levels."
"The deal will include support for state crisis intervention orders, funding for school safety resources, an enhanced review process for buyers of guns under the age of 21, and penalties for straw purchases."
"Tonight, the battle over raising the debt limit finally moving to Congress but it's far from over."
"Congress must act big time to do what the European Union has done to do what Australia has done to do what New Zealand has done to do what Canada has done this is needed right now."
"Proposals will be brought forward to promote and protect the welfare of animals, including banning imports from trophy hunting."
"When in doubt, throw out the gun control law."
"Pass significant meaningful infrastructure legislation now."
"I think people will hold them accountable if they do not vote to get these things done."
"The Emmett Till anti-lynching act: finally addressing one of the most shameful elements of this nation's past."
"Tonight, Texas lawmakers are expected to pass one of the nation's strictest and most controversial voting bills."
"Where's the legislation? Where's the movement from Republicans and Democrats to create legislation around these issues inside of school buildings?"
"Imagine if a strong progressive did that on your behalf to actually pass legislation."
"We can pass a new civil rights act to advance criminal justice reform."
"The vast majority of American people really care about it, then Congress gets it done."
"It's time for Democrats in Congress to start working across the aisle and put the American people first."
"The most significant piece of anti-gun violence legislation Congress has passed in three decades."
"There is a sense of hope in this country that this United States Congress will rise to the occasion and present meaningful solutions to this crisis."
"Any support needs to be passed by Congress, both Republicans and Democrats."
"Common sense legislation that is long overdue."
"I am announcing the House of Representatives moving forward with an official impeachment inquiry."
"This is a common sense Bill and this is a bill about safety."
"Perhaps Congress should be the one to determine how that should be handled."
"We banned the masks in Florida with the legislature, with the Parents Bill of Rights and other actions."
"To regulate the digital marketplaces and prevent monopolies, the group introduced these five bills." - Melina Weiskap, NTD News
"If we get 45 in, we could put a stop to some of it."
"I urge all of my colleagues to vote Yes on the Lake and Riley Act."
"Congress is on it, the administration's on it, and Huawei's going to find it a lot more difficult to compete."