
Community Protection Quotes

There are 110 quotes

"We need Congress to act to protect our communities and children from gun violence."
"We are here to protect our community and maintain their health life safety."
"If you're scared of the community you're supposed to protect, what is wrong with you?"
"You wear a mask to protect me and I wear a mask to protect you. So we're all in this together."
"We're deploying every tool, resource, and power at our disposal to protect our seniors and Americans of every age and background."
"When we are confronted with a need to close a public facility it will be to protect the safety of all DC residents and it will follow the best science that we have."
"The existence of the night watcher was to protect the people from harm and it was such a noble and cool organization."
"We can face this pandemic head-on. We can do what it takes to protect our families and our communities. Together we can get our economy moving again."
"Tell them yes they need to keep get vaccinated so we protect ourselves protect our communities and protect our kids who can't yet get vaccinated."
"The enemy wants us to burn down our neighborhoods. Don't fall for it. Don't turn down the energy either, transform it, organize and protect the city."
"Economic justice cannot be realized without ensuring that all communities, especially low income and minority communities are protected from the exploitation and abuse that often accompanies concentrated economic power."
"Stay the hell out of Northwest Georgia. You won't burn our churches loot our businesses or destroy our homes."
"Stay safe, stay vigilant, carry a good, and keep your friends, family, and community safe."
"We're here to protect vulnerable members of our neighborhood."
"Protecting our students, our educators, our communities. Getting our schools open safely and effectively, this is a national emergency."
"Black folks we're going to be fighting like hell to protect them."
"Protect your community, protect your people, protect your friends' businesses, and be available."
"When you quarantine, you are protecting your community and fighting alongside all Ohioans to reduce the threat of COVID-19 to our lives and to our livelihoods."
"This only works if we all follow the guidelines and protect one another."
"We're using every resource at our disposal to keep Angelenos safe."
"Universal masking is proven to reduce transmission of the virus and to protect those who are not vaccinated, not just students but of course teachers and staff as well."
"Herd immunity is essential for protecting vulnerable people who can’t be vaccinated, like very young children, older individuals and people with compromised immune systems."
"We must protect the entire football community. Share the concern of fans and the damage it risks causing to the game we love." - Prince William
"Protect your community by any means possible."
"The moment black people put like a gate around one thing, it's like we literally can't have nothing."
"You do not engage in any behavior that risks the safety, security, or survival of our people."
"We will survive the re-appearance of the Daevite Empire. Regardless of what happens on March 20th, normalcy will be protected."
"When you are protecting yourself, you're protecting others."
"It's about time the people start protecting the people."
"Vaccines can do two things: they can protect you from a virus and they can protect other people from a virus."
"Every day, whether it's one life in danger or many, police fight to help the ones in need."
"It's to stop you from defending yourself and your community."
"We're building something that I think not only protect the people of Ecuador but also sort of protect other people as we move forward and take on some other similar issues."
"It's easy to galvanize people into doing the right thing, especially when it involves protecting children and punishing bad guys."
"I'm all in favor of laws that protect communities from being abused and smeared and hatred incited against them."
"He’s excited that he’s going to help other people not get sick by getting them [the vaccine]."
"It's that bond, it's that love of your family and your community that precedes your desire to protect it with your hard skills."
"We will do what it takes to keep people safe."
"We will not advance any law against the Christian Community." - Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
"We will not stand for this and you arm yourself with whatever else you whatever you think you need to do bats you bet don't stand for it cops aren't around suck we're going to have rule of law in my neighborhood."
"That means protecting our workers, protecting our wages, protecting our jobs, protecting our industries, protecting our communities and protecting our great something you don't hear about very much anymore."
"Noble anger is not about getting even with a person, but about protecting one's own good, the good of the community, and even the good of the person who hurt us."
"We gotta protect black people in Black life before we protect black art."
"This is a time where we should definitely take in focus on development of self and being able to find a focus so that we can... guard our family, our communities, and eventually to be able to guard this nation."
"We took necessary steps to remove neighbors in case something like this were to occur."
"All that matters when it comes to that part of it is: are you a danger to others? And if you are, you just cannot be a part of society. That's it."
"Everyone who wishes to protect themselves and their communities should become a responsible gun owner."
"The brave actions of the men on the ground saved a lot of people."
"Our lives are just as valuable as their lives on the other side of the tracks."
"We're not going to take these cancer-causing agents in our water; we're going to protect our children even if you don't."
"We all ultimately just want to help and protect everybody else around us."
"One rule that keeps us safe instead of endangering our people."
"I have an obligation to love and protect my brothers and sisters... it's about loving and protecting blackness, it's about upholding blackness."
"The best way to beat this piece of news is for everybody to get their booster."
"Let's look at ourselves, our families, and our communities to protect and to become better prepared."
"Their legacy is the destruction of a deadly organization that threatened the neighborhoods they had sworn to protect."
"We continue to be motivated to pursue justice and protect our community, protect our rights, which is what this case is about."
"We had better stop letting people come in and steal."
"Grateful to be vaccinated. Do it to protect yourself and your family and your friends and your neighbors and everyone that you are in contact with."
"I don't take the vaccination only to protect me. I take the vaccination to protect all the people around me."
"You have to guard the people in our community. You have to set a standard as black men to say you're not gonna be just killing our people off like that."
"Why do we need black gun organizations? Because nobody else will help us."
"We've got to put a stop to young kids being at risk by horrendous drug dealers."
"This is such a pro-social behavior to wear a mask because you are protecting the people in your community the people in your workplace."
"Officers immediately began knocking on doors and evacuating residents here not knowing if the bomb was going to detonate immediately or if it was going to go off in the time that it was stated."
"It's a small price to pay to protect a large group of children under the age of 12 who are not eligible to be vaccinated at this time."
"You being vaccinated can help protect other people around you."
"The most persistent and urgent question is: what are you doing for others? - MLK Day 2022 and every day. The FBI remains dedicated to service and committed to protecting our communities." - FBI Tweet
"Congress needs to stop selling black people out to appease those who want to destroy us."
"It's not just a right, but a grave duty to defend our loved ones, ourselves, our churches when it comes to these things."
"We cannot continue to let these people pull this baloney and especially when it comes to possibly destroying the future of this island, the coral reef, the water, the wind, the toxicity."
"You're not just protecting yourself, you're protecting the vulnerable around us." - Dr. John Torres
"We gotta rise above, be informed with information and data, and make the best decisions that you can that's going to protect you and your community."
"It is a group of people who protect their community from crime or violence."
"We need to take big moves to protect ourselves and our communities from climate change."
"I'm in the business of saving you, that's what I'm gonna do. I might keep you all safe, we're gonna make some torches here, we're gonna keep this village protected."
"We have a responsibility to not only protect ourselves from performing sin, but more importantly, we have to protect our society and our community and our environment."
"We need to come together, we need to love each other, we need to protect each other."
"The vast majority of people recognize that if someone is capable of that type of violent crime that they need to be identified and they need to be removed from society."
"The priority should be to save yourself, protect yourself and your family and your loved ones in your neighborhood."
"We will continue delivering ambitious and achievable climate action that protects our communities and builds a healthy future for everyone."
"So when we talk about accountability we need to talk about who's really at fault here and we need to make sure that our communities aren't being unfairly targeted by the failures of others."
"The ATF plays a critical role in protecting communities from gun violence and ensuring the safe dealing of and access to Firearms by law-abiding Americans."
"By keeping your distance, you're protecting your community, Scotland's essential workers, and our NHS."
"Every one of our citizens, no matter who they are or where they live, has the right to be safe in their homes and communities."
"Revitalized mangroves create a buffer between communities and any coastal hazards."
"Community is what protects us. Community is what stops a father from raping an 8-year-old."
"It's really important not to stigmatize... early timely recognition and isolation to prevent it spreading to other communities."
"Hokage means Fire Shadow. In my village, everyone is taught a philosophy called the Will of Fire, the never-ending faith that believes that love is the key to peace."
"People are starting to get the giant picture and they're starting to understand how important it is for us to arm ourselves and protect our communities."
"It's up to all of us to call out these actions and protect Jewish faculty, students, staff at these institutions."
"We got to protect them babies in our community."
"Being vaccinated against a contagious disease protects not only you but the people who visit a salad bar or produce section after you."
"A community's fire safety depends upon the use and enforcement of model building and fire codes that address the specific hazards and fuel loads of different types of spaces."
"Vaccines are the off-ramp, but they don't work if you don't get them."