
Spiritual Rewards Quotes

There are 56 quotes

"Every subhanAllah becomes a tree, every Allahu Akbar becomes a tree."
"The more you lower your gaze, the more Allah will give you the inner sight to see things as they are."
"God says sometimes I demand of people a physical act of obedience before I release spiritual reward."
"Your Eternal rewards are based on what you do with the time you have."
"The rewards will be shocking, amazing, beautiful, exciting that he gives in heaven."
"A tenth of the Salah, a quarter of the reward - what is the defining Factor? The presence of heart."
"Understanding that in doing so we are not only impacting lives in the present but also storing up Treasures in Heaven for eternity."
"The full moon is gonna bring healing and rewards."
"Follow the instructions to get the promises attached to those instructions."
"The reward for humility and fear of the Lord is riches and honor and life."
"You want to build your paradise? Learn to give and give so much."
"They fed their wealth out of love for Allah and desire for Jenna."
"Anything we give up for God comes back in a way that we actually needed."
"No matter what your circumstances are, some people will enter into Jannah and enter into the highest level of paradise because they were generous with their wealth. Allah bestowed much wealth upon them and they were generous with it."
"Be a blessing, help someone, God will bless you."
"The actions of the heart are definitely rewarded by Allah. The essence of the greatest of the Amal are those of the heart."
"Your acts of kindness and your commitment to God's work will not go unnoticed or unrewarded."
"Blessed are those whose faith exceeds their desires, for they shall see miracles."
"Sadaqa is a beautiful one because in the Quran Allah subhanaw taala welcomes it."
"When you are a giver God will put you on the right people's mind."
"In the kingdom we all may receive eternal life, the penny, but we're not all going to receive the same crowns."
"A Sadiq already achieves the reward of the Shaheed and everything else because that's already their quality."
"Every secret deed of kindness in Christ's name is collected."
"The reward is the truth, God, immortality, and infinite love."
"You will have good karma that is coming in towards you here, okay, Cancer, because of the good energy that you put out towards others."
"We want to have those crowns that we can throw at the feet of our king."
"Give as the Lord has blessed you, and watch what God will do in your life."
"God doesn't give you houses for houses, He gives you houses for cities."
"Spirit will reward you for being disciplined and putting yourself forward."
"It's like a gift... a reward for keeping the faith."
"Your courage to stand up for what you believe in will bring great blessings into your life."
"If anyone's work endures, he will receive a reward."
"Sisters, Ramadan is the month of taqwa. Fast to attain taqwa, and Allah will provide for you, including a spouse."
"When we obey the Lord, all these things will be added unto you."
"Faith is to believe what you do not see, and the reward of this faith is to see what you do not believe."
"Nothing you give up for God will he not be able to replace with something better and more joyful."
"An unrecognized advantage is an unclaimed reward."
"All these blessings shall come upon thee and overtake thee."
"When God rewards our merits, he's crowning his own gifts."
"Judgment by the Bema Seat is for rewards, not punishment."
"The judgment seat of Christ is not designed to punish believers but rather to reward them for their faithful service."
"It is the principle of generosity it is the sowing of seed the tithe in the offering that unlocks and unleashes God's abundance in that area of our life."
"Those that press in are going to have two things: favor and fruit."
"Sharing your faith is something that we should be doing, and I believe it can contribute to the rewards and treasures that we have in the kingdom."
"It is not fasting that releases rewards from God, but seeking the Lord."
"The rewards of faithfulness is what I call living life in its fullness, amen."
"Bhakti janani, no vrata can give you Krishna bhakti, that comes only by doing ekadashi."
"Faithfulness produces benefits that money can never buy."
"You really shouldn't expect the material rewards of success to come along with the spiritual rewards of telling the truth."
"The reward of humility and the fear of the Lord are riches, honor, and life."
"Rewards are about Jesus expressing how he feels about the way we loved him in this life."
"Obedience to God's commandments leads to strength against sin, blessings at Christ's coming, greater knowledge, and everlasting life."