
Father Quotes

There are 210 quotes

"Oh my dad is so cool, my superhero. Oh my dad is so strong, he will protect me. Oh, I love my daddy, my superhero."
"My dad and I have had a great relationship pretty much from day one."
"Father, I come to you in the name of Jesus."
"I've seen my dad cry twice, and those were both at funerals, and this is the third and the last time I ever saw my dad cry."
"My father was a computer programmer, a writer, and a gaming enthusiast."
"Whoever that man was on that day is not my father. He is still my hero."
"Yiro, you're a good husband and try to be a good father."
"Life has been tough, but being picked up by her father made her fortunate."
"I loved him and I loved his lap, and he was just a cuddly nice guy. And he was funny. And I think that funniness, you know, really gave me a look at life that everything wasn't so serious, everything didn't need to be taken with a heaviness."
"Howard has always had a need to impress his father, in turn doing whatever his father wants him to do, even if it's not initially what Howard wanted with his life."
"Did you know that your father appointed me to be your godfather?"
"I'm a caretaker to my father who has Parkinson's."
"Father, forgive them. They do not know what they do."
"The voice, it's sad, the way it ended with his dad."
"God's word speaks directly from the Father's Heart to his son's."
"Every little girl wants her daddy."
"I have. Yeah, you know, my dad was like he was such a disciplinarian as a child and I always saw him as this authority figure and to have our relationship now where we're friends is very special."
"I lost my dad when I was seven, and I would bet my dad would pay $13 million to have me for just another year."
"I just couldn't believe that my father was actually capable of committing a fraud to fake his own death for life insurance payouts."
"Your father was a good man. Keep making him proud by the way you live your life and do your job."
"He howls well done, monkey scum! He killed his father!"
"True, he isn't father of the year but he's still a great character."
"This is somebody he always listened to and I guess it just got in my head, just working with my dad and hanging with my dad when I was a kid."
"Just beautiful moments with my dad, you know."
"No, you can't fail your dad like you can't fail them."
"That's a dab right there that is a father"
"Father and son's relationship coming full circle."
"Wrath seemed to be my father’s only emotion. I never saw him smile, laugh or anything."
"That looks like a nice microphone. I use it to talk when I'm playing games like Fortnite. This was for you, Dad."
"Every time I read that phrase it provokes something so deep in my heart of what's available in our relationship with the father."
"I had forgotten, for a moment I had forgotten that my father was dead."
"Learning from your Father's word, you'll learn how to deal with tribulations."
"The spirit is not going to speak on his own, Jesus said he's only going to speak what the father says."
"Your father still talks to me, even now."
"My dad really was one of the finest human beings I ever knew in my life."
"I still never met the man that was my biological father."
"Pluto in the tenth house is likely to be some intense experience with the person's father."
"If any man loveth the world, the love of the father is nothing."
"It's hard for me to talk about my dad because we had a very bittersweet relationship."
"I have to see my father. He has to know I'm not a monster."
"There is no greater blessing than the father's blessing."
"She can't explain it, but she can feel her father. He is still alive."
"Daddy got us Taco Bell, you have a pretty cool father."
"My father was my cause. Whatever he was is what I wanted to be."
"Britney Spears apparently has been under this for like a decade, 10 years, and her father has been, you know, the person over it."
"Vegeta, from arrogant prince to a better father figure than Goku could ever be."
"Frederick II on his father: 'Although terrible, everything he achieved rested on the foundation of his father's tireless efforts."
"This is the doctrine of Christ and the only and true doctrine of the Father."
"I'd like to be remembered as a good father and a good husband, and the rest of it is whatever it is."
"Many people say who's my hero it's a great question well I think my dad is my hero because he's someone that I look up to every day."
"Do not love this world nor the things it offers you, for when you love the world, you do not have the love of the Father in you."
"Her father was right outside waiting for her."
"I could hear that beauty that was in my father, and is there, that beauty is there in every single being."
"It is the name Father that Jesus came to reveal, and the Jewish people in Jesus day already knew the names, Yahweh, Yahweh Shalom, Elohim, they know all these names, amen, but to know the name Father is something that Jesus came to reveal, amen."
"'He drives to the mansion where his father worked and jumps the fence as usual.'"
"Bob's own military service drew him back to his father's trunk."
"My first memory of being in a movie theater is seeing Dumb and Dumber with my dad."
"Probably my clearest memory from childhood is my dad sitting in his overalls having a cup of tea with a newspaper under his ass to protect the chair."
"This guilt trip being sent by his own father, something that he has been dealing with for over a year now."
"My dad was full of laughter. He was full of joy and full of, you know, full of spirit."
"My dad was, and still is today, my hero."
"Jesus Christ revealed the Father."
"The father treats us and sees us exactly like he does Jesus."
"I just want to say, 'Dad, I love you.'"
"I lost my best friend, my protector, my compass, but more importantly my dad."
"There is a context in which the Father has domiciled you to manage you. The Father has placed you in Christ Jesus under the administration that is managed by the Christ. That's where he puts you."
"My dad started showing interest in my experiments and asking questions about what I was doing."
"My father...they were not godly men as we are. The Warrior defends us, and help is always near if some dread foe should threaten."
"Super dad is also here today because he's off today from work and he has no idea, but he's going to be part of this channel."
"I truley believe I watched my Dad cross over"
"Even if we have a bad father, he nevertheless remains our Father."
"You see me, you've seen the Father. What's the Father doing? If you do these things, you will be like your Father in heaven."
"We were made to mirror our father, like father like son."
"It's the number of a man, the same man that everybody around here is running around calling father."
"My father died the fall after I graduated high school back in 2003, so I will never get to meet him."
"I feel like my father, who he really was, he was always like a loving person."
"The point I'm trying to make though is that now my dad is pretty chill about most things which is why I'm with him most of the time."
"I think that the dream restaurant gives person dream where he is walking with his father through town"
"'My dad, he was a ladies' man, but it never rubbed off on me.'"
"It was one of the last movies I ever saw with my father before he passed away."
"For everyone who said that I had a good dad, trust me, I know, and I am so lucky."
"I love you, Dad, you're the perfect person."
"I wanted to go through all these steps of being set free from rage, from addiction, but the one thing that I couldn't let go, or the one person where I couldn't forgive, is my dad."
"If I should return, think better of me, Father."
"I'm trying to be the man my father was secretly. I didn't find out that he really did care until after he was gone."
"The more accomplishments that I have, is really when I feel the void of not having my dad."
"The most interesting character I have ever known is my father."
"Happy birthday, Dad. You are the best dad in the entire world."
"I don't know if I can emulate you, Dad, but I'll strive to uphold your legacy."
"That alone makes you a better man than your father ever was."
"It's good to have a dad like that; she's very lucky."
"Losing your father at such a young age, it's definitely..."
"I'd do anything to look at a video back in the day now with my dad who taught me how to weld at a very young age."
"Jimmy, you're a lot of things: a good breadwinner, a loyal husband, a totally half-assed father, but you'll never be a schnook."
"I am here to showcase 10 movies that either your father already loves and will definitely want to watch again or movies that your father might come to love."
"Father's words, if you love your father, it can mean a lot, man."
"Through Christ we have access by one Spirit unto the Father."
"He came to show us what the Father is like."
"The son can do nothing by himself; he can only do what he sees his father doing."
"I want to be in the great graces of my father."
"You're my hero too, dad, not just because you saved the world, but because I know how hard you're trying."
"This story centers more around the relationship between the protagonist and her father."
"Your father will find another man for you, a better man than Rhaegar."
"Happy birthday, Dad. Hope this is your best year ever."
"Thank you for always being there for me when I needed you. Have a great birthday, Dad."
"I like to thank my dad, big influence in my life."
"In the name of the Father, I charge you to be just."
"I couldn't think of anyone else in the world who I'd rather be my father."
"I always had the most incredible relationship with Dad since I was a kid."
"What if I called my father more, probably got more knowledge."
"I wanted to follow my dad everywhere, and I did not care what people thought."
"I waited my whole life for this, and I swore that when I got married, I wanted my dad to walk me down the aisle."
"I went to visit my father for the first time. He'd been writing me letters, and I guess I finally felt ready to try and forgive him."
"My dad had this conversation with me which I will never forget."
"Nothing is more important than Dad right now."
"He played a big part in our life, so that connection was there whether he was physically or, you know, going away."
"I hope that I have been a more loving husband and father."
"A father is somebody who's there for you at all times."
"In those memories, he's always going to be my dad, the hero."
"He says that he has come to accept that he most likely will never know the whereabouts of his father."
"Jesus is the image of the Father."
"Life without my father and Father's Day is the hardest for me. We really miss him."
"Almost everything I know today, I learned from my dad."
"I liked it; it reminded me of the late-night drives my dad used to take me on when I was a kid."
"I have a deep gratitude to my father for everything that I've done in my life."
"Meeting my dad was my favorite memory."
"No one has ever loved me the way my dad loves me."
"The memory of your dear father, instead of an agony, will yet be a sad sweet feeling in your heart, of a purer and holier sort than you have known before."
"My father was a very avid outdoorsman."
"Every boy views his father as some larger-than-life superhero, and I was no exception."
"When I'm missing my father, I come here. It's where I feel closest to him."
"This man before you has always been my dad."
"They mean more to me as a momento of my father and it makes me very proud."
"My dad was just such a wonderful, wonderful man and as I looked back, a genius human being."
"I love my dad more than anything in this world."
"Listen to me, boy. You have to find your father."
"This is for you, Dad. This is all for you."
"The value that the Father placed on you is the same value that He had for His Son."
"Happy birthday to you, Daddy. Happy birthday to you, Dad."
"I'm just happy today, you know, today I'm just taking time out, happy celebrating my dad."
"I was a daddy's girl... I was always with my dad every day."
"One of my fondest memories with my dad is probably the first time we went to Iowa, racing go-karts."
"Behold what quality of love the Father has for us."
"I really love you Daddy, I love you so much."
"He was more than just a cop, my dad was a great man."
"My dad is sometimes scary and nice and funny all at the same time; he's a big goofball."
"I never wanted him to feel about me the way I felt about my father."
"On October 9th this year, my father would have been 80 years old."
"I've got a terrific dad. You'd like him."
"I am sorry, father, but if I can't give you something to be proud of, I would rather give you nothing."
"I promise you that I will be the best husband and the best father."
"You'll always be a rock star to me, Dad."
"Your father... it's hard for me to believe he'd be the type to do true evil. He must have his reasons."
"Your dad was a great Storyteller."
"I need to tell you about your father," Amaya looked at him, eyes calm but hands trembling.
"Dad, why are you here?" "Why, it's my little girl's birthday. Of course, I am here. Happy birthday, honey."
"My dad taught me a lot of stuff growing up."
"I want all of you to understand how important my dad is to me."
"I always looked up to my pops when I was little; he was like my favorite person."
"I viewed him as like a superhero."
"My father is the greatest man of God that I know... he's also the most ordinary person I've ever known."
"I remember spending so much time with my dad... it brings back great, great memories."
"I honestly had my father to thank for a lot of the most valuable lessons because he is the man I never want to be."
"A good son becomes a blessing to his father."
"We moved into this house to get closer to my father's job; he wanted to reduce his commute so he could spend more time together as a family."
"It's never too late to idolize your own father."
"I've realized I don't know anything about my father. Beyond that he's a total mystery to me."
"Hey Dad, I'm so proud of you. Had a great career, finish it off with a W."
"My father was a mountain; he was just bigger than life."
"Shout out to the daddy for being a father to his child."
"I'm so grateful to have a loving father who would go to the ends of the Earth to protect me."
"I want my beloved father to stay healthy and live a long life. That's my one and only wish."
"My daddy taught me; he's the best skateboarder in the world."
"I'm unbelievably proud to call you my father."
"I loved my father more than anything, and he had always doted on me."
"It seems my father is indeed an extraordinary man."
"Daddy, I love you, you mean so much to me."
"I wanted to dedicate the layout to my dad in loving memory of my dad because he was an integral part of this layout."
"My dad was... probably the most honest man I've ever known."
"Dad was the best; he was my most trusted Guardian Angel."
"Thank you, Dad, thank you, Dad, for everything."
"A very very long story cut to a very very short story is that I have done a collection in memory of Dad."
"The funny thing is that my dad is the greatest person ever."
"He just cries in his father's arms, and that, ladies and gentlemen, is how Season 1 ends."
"Thank you for being the best dad ever and being there always."
"I just want him to know who his father is."
"I loved my dad so much and I miss him beyond words."
"He was everything you could've wanted in a father. He was warm, compassionate, someone you could really trust."
"The thing that makes me the happiest and most excited is my dad."
"I had a good childhood, with my dad, my dad was my hero."
"Oh my dad is so cool, he does everything, my superhero."
"Seeing you two like this makes Dad really happy."