
Ripple Effect Quotes

There are 123 quotes

"It doesn't have to be massive... it could just be a small change that has a ripple effect."
"Because it's media, it can have a profound ripple effect."
"The failure of one part of it can ripple into seemingly unrelated areas."
"The things you do... are like dropping a stone in a pond."
"Sometimes the right choice is just a step beyond that to a single event and the ripple effect it has on a life."
"If I could help one or two people out there... it's just going to snowball."
"Amy's life scarcely left any impact on history, but her death ricocheted down the centuries."
"It's kind of like when something drops in a pond, what the ripple effect will really lump be, you know, what is the design that will come out of it?"
"A Sinatra with a cold can, in a small way, send vibrations through the entertainment industry and beyond."
"The bigger the stone, the larger and further outward these ripples expand, each crest higher than before."
"One small change can be a ripple effect and set a bunch of other things into motion."
"Our choices are like ripples on water; they seem tiny and insignificant at the beginning but they can become devastating tidal waves by the time they run their course."
"Every good deed generates another good deed... never let you down."
"Try anyway, you might not make a difference that seems earth-shattering but you will be creating a ripple effect."
"The ripple effect of some of the stuff we do affects people so drastically and positively."
"There's a concentric effect that happens from inner to outer."
"Don't be a horrible person because you have no idea how that ripple can change the course of you and everyone else's life around you."
"Even the smallest little change has a ripple effect; it changes everything."
"The choices we make to shift ourselves energetically internally Ripple outward in a very powerful way."
"You go into this fantastic slipstream that affects other areas."
"That choice you made echoes through millions of lives."
"It's chained through and through."
"Acts of kindness stimulate acts of kindness."
"The concept of the ripple effect of quantum awareness embodies the transformative potential that individual shifts in Consciousness can have on the collective Human Experience."
"The consequences of our actions ripple far beyond what we anticipate."
"Fewer ripples will make the world better, and when there are no ripples, the world will be in peace."
"Love wins. The echoes of love rippled through creation."
"You help somebody else, they go on to help thousands of people."
"Those small ripples generated will swell into massive waves of love and respect for ourselves and others."
"...it's about what we do in our own individual spheres that has a huge ripple effect."
"You inspired me, inspired 10 other people, and then they inspired 10 other people."
"I feel like the church doesn't understand properly the ripple effect of something."
"Every little action every little thing what you're doing in life has a ripple effect so make sure that you choose love and you choose kindness."
"It's like dropping a pebble in the water; the leads go outward."
"Every move you take creates this ripple effect across the world. You're understanding that you're connected to all things."
"Sleep problems have this ripple effect that not only affect the individual who's struggling with them, but also their families."
"It's like a constellation, your change to one person changes two people in their life which changes four people."
"Through their ability to understand that their actual actions that they take now in that moment, the moment of now, will create a ripple in SpaceTime that will go out."
"A true selfless act always sparks another."
"Small actions create ripples, and those ripples create more ripples. Eventually, the ripples can become a wave, resulting in a massive overhaul of the world, in turning a negative flow into a positive one."
"I just pray that concept of one person can change the world that goes into that next person and that person changes a whole other section of the community, it is stepping stones to a bigger picture."
"When God has chosen you for greatness, your words, actions, and examples start to have a ripple effect that extends far beyond your immediate circle."
"A one inch domino can knock down another domino that's one and a half times bigger."
"Small gestures of kindness can have a ripple effect."
"You brighten someone else's day, they may go on and brighten someone else's day."
"One good act of kindness sparks another."
"One good act of kindness sparks another, why hold on to hate?"
"Because when they spend more time with you, the world will shift even more, and then you get to have this ripple effect of an impact in the world. It's pretty cool."
"Every action has a reverberating effect upon every single one of us on the face of this planet."
"Every piece of kindness, every time you go out of your way to care about somebody and show how much you care through your actions, it spreads."
"Inner work creates a ripple effect in all areas of your life."
"One mistake causes a big ripple effect."
"...every little decision that you made today could have like one other one in another universe could ripple it."
"Inner work of embracing what we have, the unlived life, naturally ripples out."
"I think it's gonna have a knock-on effect for so many other things not just how we view ourselves in the mirror."
"You convey a strong message when you provide kindness freely without anticipating anything in return. It inspires others to show compassion and generosity, starting a positive chain reaction long after the initial deed."
"We are magnifying that effect out into the world."
"May one act of kindness lead to kinder Souls down the road."
"It's like a ripple, you know, the body was struck with the right arm on."
"Small acts of kindness can turn into big ripples of well-being."
"Act of kindness inspires an act of kindness."
"Anyone that dies, there's probably a thousand people that are affected."
"One act of obedience has rippling effects."
"One act of good inspires everything is fine."
"All it takes is one person and then another and another and another."
"Your ripple effect causes others to grow too."
"Even a small impact can ripple out in ways we can't even imagine."
"A man who sends ripples through an entire society."
"One diversion, one dissolution brings another one. Innovation brings other Innovations."
"Our choices play a significant role in this process; each decision is like tossing a pebble into a pond, creating ripples that may not always be immediately evident."
"...if every single one of you did something nice to somebody else tomorrow big or small whatever it is you ask them to do something nice to somebody else the following day that will be 1 million people spreading positivity."
"A series where I make a change somewhere in the breaking bad or better call all timeline and see how that one change ripples through out the entire universe."
"When we're kind to someone, it doesn't just affect them; they are more likely to be kind to others too."
"Your joy, your abundance, and your love have a ripple effect on the world."
"It's funny how butterfly effect that real actually made a huge difference in many people's lives."
"Your simple act of adopting a homeless P from Lifeline Animal Project has had a butterfly effect."
"Our lives are intertwined and what we do where we devote our energy to matters because it will ripple out."
"Each one of those ripples is a community, is a family member, is a friend, is a law enforcement officer that worked on the case and so on and so on."
"The tiniest effect can lead to surprising changes."
"A small change in behavior can create a positive ripple effect in your life."
"Change anywhere requires change everywhere."
"I feel motivated and then it has such like a ripple effect."
"Consciousness is like a lake, you throw in a stone, the ripples spread out."
"You never know how your one good deed can turn into another good one."
"It was truly so cool to see the ripple effect that it had on conversations in the anime community."
"Impacting one person impacts a family, impacting a family impacts a community, and impacting a community impacts the world."
"We can start to heal ourselves, we give others permission to heal too. One person gave themselves permission to feel again or to feel in the first place and is therefore capable or more capable or at the moment capable of affording that to another individual."
"Be kind to someone each day and that will ripple out. That is something we can all do."
"The ripple factor can be explained as the ratio of the RMS value of the ripples to the DC value."
"Every single time I've done it, every single time I've tweaked one of these dials, oh my God, it expanded everything else with me. Like, it wasn't just that thing, it took everything else up with it."
"These actions create ripples of positivity."
"Look at the ripple child, see how small it starts out at first, but as it grows it grows bigger and bigger."
"One person may start out small but if you do something that little touch there may cause these incredible ripples."
"Every action that you make has consequences which ripple outward eternally."
"...one small change that will Ripple throughout the entire universe."
"Innovation changes everything in a kind of ripple effect spreading out from a new invention or a new idea."
"Every action we take creates a ripple effect that can have consequences for us and for those around us."
"When God changes one person, there are ripples that go out like dropping a pebble in a stream."
"I believe in that ripple effect, the creative ripple effect."
"How your love, your time, your effort, your energy, your kindness has a ripple effect."
"It was like someone threw a rock in a pond and it just rippled out forever."
"Everything that emanates from us, is a stone that drops into the pond of life."
"When you take action, you create ripples in the world."
"Think of it as a pebble in a pond effect; you throw a pebble in the pond and the ripples go out."
"They also changed the course of English history and sent a ripple effect through all of Europe and beyond."
"One action will have multiple effects."
"Markets are linked... what happens in one market causes other changes in other markets that will ripple through the economy."
"It's very, very profound and it has the ripple effect."
"When you drop a single petal into a body of water, it is going to ripple and ripple and ripple."
"Even a small thing can cause many ripples, like a stone dropped in a pond."
"A start line of poverty is a stone once cast that ripples throughout the rest of your life."
"The first ripple doesn't get smaller; the first ripple gets thinner."
"Selfless acts of kindness generate more selfless acts of kindness."
"I learned about the ripple effect that it caused not only the victim but their family and the community."
"You drop a stone in the water, and there's this ripple effect that goes out to other people."
"One act of kindness inspires three more."
"Maybe what I do will help one person, and that person can help one more person. That ripple effect is what I'm hoping for."
"Whenever you hurt an individual, you don't hurt just that one; it ripples out. It hurts their family and your own family also."
"Creating a positive ripple effect that takes your whole life in an entirely new direction."
"It's easy to forget that when you start to make small little changes, those little small positive moves have a positive ripple effect."
"This ripple effect gives us this really nice wave effect on the button which comes from material design."