
Blindness Quotes

There are 409 quotes

"The German staff officers could see the danger, but the Führer was blind to it."
"My brother's been blind since birth... this dude is literally changing the remote and watching TV blind."
"I'm legally blind... teaching me how to live life with really poor or no vision."
"Let them alone, they be blind leaders of the Blind, and if the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch."
"If they want to make this work, David will have to blind himself too."
"A general of the Hussites, who led for five years, about half of which he spent entirely blind."
"Love can blind us to certain things that other people can see that we can't."
"There's so many beautiful things in life which you cannot see if you are blind."
"Well sometimes we just fall in love with the wrong person love is weird sometimes it's blind."
"Lust makes you blind, lust divides the will and it darkens the intellect, it makes you blind."
"Curing a thousand people of their blindness is a wonderful thing."
"Love is blinding you to the cold hard reality of what's really going on."
"Going blind would be a nightmare, but Jewel suffers from a rare condition called body Integrity identity disorder which led her to deliberately take her own sight."
"When a blind man cries... something's wrong."
"Your blindness to see the goodness and the wonder of the gospel and the truth of God is related to a rejection of God and an embracing of sin and pride."
"My mother's unconditional love that she showed her daughter was remarkable but also blinded her to the danger."
"Losing her baby sister is described as beyond trauma, and that Rita's love was so unconditional that it blinded her to what her daughter was capable of."
"Sin will make you only see and feel the pleasures and blind you of all the potential consequences."
"Individuals who are either born blind or blind at a very early age do in fact seem to hear better than a sighted person."
"I know it's weird. And it's something that a lot of sighted people won't understand but my other blind peeps will definitely get me on this."
"That's what blind people see. It's an absence. It just doesn't exist. Pow, mind blowing."
"Yes, absolutely. In fact, it's believed that blind people have more vivid dreams."
"Ben Underwood: The blind American youth who taught himself echolocation."
"I peer inside for a clue. No, I can't see. I reel blind, like a film left out in the Sun. But it's too late, my retinas..."
"You were blind to the darkness in your myths."
"Justice is blind, right? Now we're telling it's not even good enough to be actually blind, like not to have eyesight, you're still racist."
"Love is blind and a lot of times you allow yourself to be blind when the truth is right there."
"I'm always going and doing fun stuff with Arabella and showing the world how someone who is completely blind can still live a very fun, full, independent, joyful life."
"He's driven by love... he can't see the truth in front of him because he's blinded by hate, blinded by love."
"I realized that blindness began to impact me in a positive way when I discovered that I could play instruments by ear."
"What we see is someone who can see nothing, feel nothing but his own pain."
"It's easy to feel alone in a world without sight, but... there are people willing to stand up for me when I need it."
"What do you want me to do for you? And the blind man said to him, 'Rabbi, let me recover my sight.'"
"We believe no one should go blind from glaucoma."
"Glaucoma is the leading cause of irreversible blindness, affecting some 4 million Americans and more than 60 million people around the world."
"Blindness lies in not recognizing the love and care of those who genuinely care for you."
"Blinded by love, she by ambition."
"He has to be blind in the beginning in order for him to become awakened towards the end."
"If we gather and study our Bibles without awareness of the world around us, we are exactly what Jesus accused the leaders of his day of being: we're blind guides."
"There's nothing so blinding as a heart full of hatred."
"Eye disease is a situation where the eyes become cloudy and white and before long the person affected would go blind."
"We all already know that love is blind."
"Fujitora made the decision to physically blind himself so that he could avoid ever seeing it again."
"The blindness of sight prevents people from seeing what will change them."
"How could this have gone wrong, and why were people so blind not to be able to see it?"
"Looking at the sun our whole lives we were Blinded By the Light."
"...blindness in the Bible, especially spiritual blindness, is an epidemic."
"Fun fact you guys I'm blind if you didn't know like I can't even see myself in the camera right now I look like a potato head I look like a [ __ ] Potato Head"
"Terence has been suffering from retinitis pigmentosa for nearly 30 years, a condition that's now left him virtually blind."
"Blind yet he built a looking glass for the Stars."
"You know, someone who's completely blind like me, we really have a different advantage or less advantage, and um, but it can still be done, just has with focus, a lot more, and we're like on my eyes, which are my ears."
"To be able to cure blindness would be a remarkable achievement in science."
"I wouldn't let not being able to see stop me from getting what I want."
"I may not have my eyes, but I have my heart. That's all I need."
"...if you were blindfolded I would not know the difference."
"Miracles will not change them because they are so blinded."
"The blind guy, this is the courage moment."
"She was at his beck and call and thought he could do no wrong."
"At the beginning, it's out of love. You spend all the time with her, you don't hang out with Amanda, you don't do, you know why? Because it's the love that's blinded you."
"Blessed are the pure in heart. Sin blinds, and it is a mercy that it does, for if the sinner looked at God and could see God, he'd shrivel up."
"If you don't know the truth, you're blind."
"I feel like I'm a professional gamer part-time movie director. I don't rap no more bro. I just make movies now, straight up. Yeah, so you're just kind of it is what it is. Yeah, I'm making a move, I'm into the movie thing now."
"The God of this world has blinded their mind because of their unbelief."
"In the Darkness all men are blind, that is the point."
"Love looks not with the eyes but with the mind and therefore is winged Cupid painted blind."
"The only thing that is worse than being blind is having sight without vision."
"Pride and hubris have a way of blinding people."
"I'm blind. Love is blind. I'm blind."
"One thing about love, they say it's blind."
"Now that she is blind, she can finally truly see." - Narrator
"If he can't see me, then he's blind and that's his problem."
"10 to 15 percent of patients with glaucoma are going to go blind despite adequate treatment."
"Being blind has been a real eye-opener for me."
"The Pharisees had the word of God but were completely blinded to it."
"Satan blinds the eyes of those who say they could see"
"His racism in his mind is so overwhelming, is so dominant, is so at the forefront of his mind, he cannot see anything else about this character."
"It was strange how her beauty blinded him."
"That was pretty incredible when you think about someone who's completely blind at the ocean catching waves."
"Helen devoted the rest of her life to helping the blind."
"The greatest gift given to mankind is its inability to see him. When I lost sight, I thought blindness was a blessing in disguise, but one does not require eyes to see The Wanderer. What eyes cannot see, ears can hear, and skin can feel."
"It's being blind going into this, it's been an amazing surprise."
"He somehow identified himself with the eyeless people."
"Blind people, blind from birth, have a near-death experience, they see the same things."
"Love is blind and the minute you fall in love with someone and you fully give yourself to someone else you completely trust this person."
"For all of the people who are walking with Jesus, they're blind to who he truly is."
"Nobody looks blind. There's no such thing as looking blind."
"Only God can open people's eyes and also blind them."
"Leadership without data is like driving with your eyes closed."
"We actually cured blindness in those mice."
"We still need to figure out how to get the sight back."
"Love is Blind, you don't know who you're gonna fall in love with."
"You can't be afraid of what you can't see. That's why blind people are [ __ ] fearless!"
"Yo, are you blind? No. Why can't you see that I'm in love with you then?"
"The safest group I've ridden with those that can't see."
"Blinded by love so I'd say yes I love you because I love you."
"I can only imagine how that made her feel. Your love blinds you."
"Are we too blind to see, and do we simply turn our heads and look the other way?"
"These people went from being blind to being able to see, and from deaf to being able to hear."
"Love is love content to be blind."
"A lot of film and TV trains actors to play blind as a skill when in fact it's actually a culture."
"Congenitally blind children became gifted in auditory world."
"Spiritual blindness can lead to dangerous companionships."
"An eye for an eye leaves us all blind."
"You're paranoid, and your accusations are more blinding than my actual blindness."
"Though convinced of their actions and right to carry out his will, their arrogance would blind them to their own failures and vices."
"they will grow up into lead Dean Christians that don't even know they're blind and miserable and naked and poor and don't know the Lord at all and don't know Doctrine and they're swayed and blown around with every wind of Doctrine and they're just smashed here and there"
"When we have hard hearts, it blinds us to what God is doing and saying."
"I said he except her eyes be blinded by the god of this world, who is Satan."
"When you can't see, your mind just starts playing tricks on you."
"Selfishness will blind you from the truth."
"A man that has a prayerless life is as good as a blind man."
"The vast majority of guys...turn a completely blind eye to Purity."
"The presence of God was in that Temple but when God came on Earth they didn't see him. Wow, spiritual blindness."
"I think these biblical authors and Jesus have a way of viewing the world that they can see something that I guess I can't see. There's something I'm blind to."
"Jesus is the one who opens the eyes of the blind."
"All I know is that I was born blind and now I can see."
"You claim to know me, you claim to know God. So because you claim that you can see, the reality is that you're blind because you don't know me because you have rejected me, you don't accept me."
"There are none so blind as cannot see. You are at a Crossroads in your life."
"Justice has always been blind, not blinded by the sunlight but blind to prevent bias."
"Your passion can sometimes blind you to change or blind you in a way where you're not successful because you're just passionate about solving a thing a certain way and it will never work."
"Proof in the freaking pudding that love is obviously not blind."
"We are miserable, poor, blind, and naked."
"That's like Stevie W's not actually blind."
"A detached retina can cause permanent blindness if not fixed in time."
"Blindness is a spectrum, blindness does not mean zero vision."
"My education had blinded me to what's actually right in front of my face."
"Poverty is a form of Hell caused by man's blindness to God's good."
"You're a sensei, it's who you are. If you can't see that, you're blind."
"The god of this world will now step in and blind their minds."
"Eyes are useless when the mind is blind."
"People would describe as blindness they woke up in pain and blind which is not a good combination."
"I don't know why they don't say that. I think maybe because they don't want to admit that love isn't always blind."
"So, is love truly blind? Yeah, I would say, yeah."
"Ask anyone who is blind how they feel. You cannot even imagine how they feel."
"It just goes to show that love is truly blind."
"What causes blindness, what causes somebody to be six foot three? We eventually, we're going to be able to translate that hopefully in our lifetime."
"Action without sight: Macbeth pursues his future blindly."
"By preventing blindness or slowing down its progression, we can improve quality of life and save on medical costs."
"For all the wrongs that the Joker has done, he could never do wrong in her eyes, even when he's wronging her right to her face."
"Darkness was all she would ever see again."
"When you're in love, I mean, you and when you're crazy in love, you don't want to see the faults in somebody and you tend to make mistakes because you don't want to look at reality and you want to, you want to see what you want to see."
"The god of this world has blinded the minds of unbelievers to keep them from seeing the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ."
"I was blinded... as if I just stared at the sun itself."
"People who were blind from birth describing with incredible precision."
"But in one respect, they are all absolutely alike. They are all utterly blind to the glory of Christ."
"His hatred blinded him to the extent that he lost all humanity and compassion."
"Just because you lack sight does it mean you can't move, but the other thing that is clear about blind people is that because of their blindness they have movement but not direction."
"There are some folk who can see but they're still blind, they can move but have no sense of direction."
"If you put a stumbling block before a blind person, you don't fear God."
"People are often blinded by Allegiance and cannot even see morality if their allegiance is tied to something else."
"Even if she wasn't blind, she would definitely still fall in love with him."
"I've been walking through a world gone blind."
"Even though my dog is blind, he still loves to watch the birds outside the window sometimes."
"My eyes are sealed, and I remain blinded, my Lord."
"Evolution doesn't just morph our species into the optimal form for its environment; evolution is blind."
"Love is blind, it may sound cliche, but I love her and want to help her work through her problems."
"Blind from birth, never knowing the sensation of being able to see, not even in dreams, changed the night of her NDE."
"Sometimes love is right in front of you, but you're too blind to see it."
"When you fall in love, that person, they light up the room. They shine so bright that you're blinded, you can't see their flaws."
"Sound in the absence of sight can be seriously alarming."
"If I made you feel second best, I'm so sorry I was blind."
"Sometimes when emotion gets the best of us, it can create blind spots in our life."
"People who are congenitally blind... they can see when their Consciousness [is separated from their body]."
"I was blinded by love not just for my wife but for her family."
"For he who lacks these qualities is blind or short sighted, having forgotten his purification from his former sins."
"The Allure of a quick win or life-changing opportunity blinds even the savviest among us."
"I mean, it's love, everything but love may be blind when it comes to immigration law."
"Blindness can take away parts of your life, and you know, I want to drive."
"Their problem is that they're blind to glory; they can't see what is supremely beautiful and glorious and valuable and precious."
"God's prescription for such a hopeless prognosis as man's spiritual blindness is His sovereign work of regeneration."
"In the land of the blind, the one-eyed leads."
"I guess it's true that in the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king."
"Diabetic retinopathy is the leading cause of blindness in the United States."
"Love is blind, but love is not stupid, or at least it's not supposed to be."
"I stand here before you today as a woman who, I guess you could say, is blinded by love."
"Oncocerciasis is also known as river blindness."
"Love is blind, and lovers cannot see."
"The spectacle was so dazzling that for many moments I stood blinded on the bridge."
"What do you fear most? Blindness."
"Orbital cellulitis can be life-threatening and can cause blindness."
"The same way a man blind from birth cannot mourn the memory of color."
"...if retinal detachment is not treated as soon as possible, it can lead to blindness."
"I'm blind, and this is how I wrote and illustrated my new book."
"We often hear people thinking that blindness means black, blindness means you see nothing, and for 90% of us, that's just not the case."
"It's not these eyes which are blind. What is blind is the heart which is inside the chest."
"Blindness of the spiritual eye is far worse because if someone is blind spiritually, they cannot see the truth."
"If I didn't learn anything else, it's to try not to allow the ones you love to blind you from what real love looks like."
"The head of the varroa mite doesn't have any eyes on it, they're completely blind."
"One of the good things about being blind is that I don't have to waste my time worrying about appearances. I don't care what I look like. I'm not looking for anyone's approval. I know who I am."
"My idea of blindness came from the movies. In the movies, the blind moved slowly and never laughed."
"I'm comfortable," the blind man said. "I want you to feel comfortable in this house."
"I often feel like I live with an invisible disability because nine times out of ten people interacting with me genuinely have no idea that I am blind."
"Nova Scotia was a leader in care for the blind."
"The fact that Nova Scotia was a leader in looking after blind people meant that the help was right here."
"I love the way we are together, I think we always stood this way and I want to you and make and will be night, let me try, I give you what you want taking when you go blind."
"Fear can blind even the wisest of men."
"I'm blind... I remember your eyes before I went blind."
"People have been known to find love in strange places, and no matter what people say, love is well and truly blind."