
Business Understanding Quotes

There are 66 quotes

"You're buying part of a business, and if you buy intelligently into a business, you're gonna make money."
"I'm just trying to be the better me... I'm growing up and I wanted to get my business in order and understand the business."
"Once you understand these mental models, the whole world of business kind of opens up."
"View stocks with the business owner mindset."
"Entrepreneurs understand the struggles of other entrepreneurs... So they gave him time."
"Understanding the business...you really are a part business owner."
"If you fully understand a business... that is perfectly fair game."
"When you invest in a coin, you need to have the mindset as if you are now a part owner of that project. Would you own a company you have no idea what they do?"
"Understanding the business is pretty important when it comes to investing. You don't want to invest in something that you don't completely understand."
"Business is not 'I'm going to start selling clothes,' business is understanding people's needs."
"Never invest in a business you cannot understand."
"The blame for this mess is three-fold: young creative executives with no understanding of the business or what audiences want gained too much influence during the streaming wars."
"At the end of the day, it's an organization."
"People are pissed because they said it's a cash grab right which is nuts at the end of the day you have to be stupid not to understand that if you're starting a business of any kind it's for profit in some capacity or another."
"If you are overly focused on gap net income then you're going to consistently under appreciate Tesla's true underlying operating profitability."
"You're not buying a stock, you're buying a business."
"When you buy a stock, you are buying a business."
"These kids don't understand ownership, the independent artist is starting to understand ownership."
"Never invest in a business you don't understand."
"Recession is just a phase in the business cycle."
"I don't doubt one bit that somebody in her company or multiple people in her company understand how this works it does not seem like she does."
"I'm genuinely shocked to see a mainstream media outlet actually get it when it comes to any aspect of Tesla's business."
"I forced myself to learn the nuts and bolts of the business and not solely on the creative side."
"You need to understand that business on the highest level possible."
"What differentiates a good data scientist from a great data scientist is having a solid business understanding and product understanding."
"There's just an understanding of business that I gained from being in that space, thinking about businesses all the time, thinking through revenue models, how do companies make money, how can we think about cost structure, and does it make sense for a business or not."
"Understanding the business. Do you know why people purchase art? If you can answer that question, then you've eliminated 90% of your obstacles."
"The problem with unrealistic financial expectations or financial projections is that basically it shows that you don't really understand your business."
"It's really important that you clearly understand their business use case and their technical requirements because it does help you a lot."
"I think copywriting is a universal skill because it's going to teach you more about how businesses work, it's going to improve your network."
"You're an amazing talent, but what you're not exactly good at, what you're still a novice at, is understanding how this business works."
"A lot of people get into the whole passive income business without truly understanding what's really involved."
"Once you understand the business, it makes it a lot easier to understand the talent needs of the organization or adjust HR strategies to meet business needs."
"It's really important to understand the business that you are supporting."
"Economics will give you a really great theoretical understanding on business."
"That end is to help business leaders and planners get a better understanding of what the business actually does."
"My goodness, this is the first time I've ever truly grasped the scope of what my business does."
"You've got to know their business model because that's going to fuel your arguments for around greed or why they want to buy you."
"A good modeler truly understands all aspects of the business or the project."
"Most investors are better off with businesses that they understand well."
"You've got to understand everything that's happening in the business."
"Understanding the business and the industry in which it operates comes in real handy."
"If you understand the business behind any product, you can transform yourself into a brand."
"Find a business you like... stocks are just little parts of a business."
"We understand how this global community comes together and really nourishes and informs our understanding of business around the world."
"Once you have a good understanding of the business layer, then you will be able to model and develop more solutions that are fit for the organization's needs."
"Gathering an understanding of the client's business and industry is one of our most important steps."
"The only reason one should buy stocks is if you understand the underlying business."
"It's really a process of understanding the client, understanding the controls, understanding the business."
"It's critical that you understand the business need."
"For a proper investor who wants to participate in India's growth story, who wants to understand businesses like how they work, it's a gold mine."
"Understand the business, understand the business objective, understand what stakeholders actually need done."
"What we do in petroleum economics that's different from any other economics is the understanding of the petroleum business."
"It helps you to understand the nature of competition within a market and from this you can understand how profitable the market is."
"You need to spend time with the client to understand their needs and desires."
"I want to learn the intricacies of the business."
"It captures the fact that you understand the business domain."