
Customer Relationship Quotes

There are 130 quotes

"As we manage customer data and as we develop our company's brand, remember we're working to strengthen and grow a relationship."
"Team of experts isn't about not believing in tech; it's about using technology to bring us closer to our customers."
"The best businesses never just sell products, they sell a brand."
"It's not about price because it's about trust. You speak their language, you know their hopes, fears, and dreams, and you're working with them to protect them."
"Thank you to every Amazon employee and every Amazon customer because you guys paid for all of this."
"Creating a story around that brand... storytelling plays such a vital part in creating an identity as well as an authentic relationship with the buyer."
"Companies like Netflix and Spotify are showing us that having a direct relationship with your customer is probably the best long-term business model."
"CFD brokers often don't have aligned goals with customers. They act as the house and play against you."
"The benefit of building an email list is I can communicate and build a long-term relationship with them."
"Your game is what customers buy from you, but time is what you buy from them."
"One of the most sacred things is the relationship between the creator and the customer."
"Your ability to at scale, change perception to create more percentage of wallet and better LTV is far greater than I think most people realize."
"Customers lost confidence and faith in those institutions."
"You want repeat business that's the best way to to build a sustainable career."
"We're going to do our best to earn back the trust and love."
"I really do believe that all of the things that I've mentioned are really wearable really versatile aren't you in your face and are things that you could probably invest in and really will stick around."
"People like to spend money with people they like, know, and trust."
"The most mom and pop feeling store is Sweetwater. They come across as the most mom and pop."
"Every customer has such a special connection and relationship with the brand and the handcrafted pieces."
"If people trust you, they're more likely to buy from you."
"We want to do better. You deserve better from us."
"Sales is the process of getting someone to accept help."
"You have to love your customer so much that you're willing to go wherever they are to meet them."
"A world where you actually have to earn the money from your customers is a world where you get quality products."
"We want you guys to feel like you're our family."
"Your goal running any business is to be with the customers, learn from them, make them feel valued because they are valued."
"We wouldn't be anywhere without you guys. This is all possible because of you guys."
"If you're selling something, your opinion of like your perception of value, the customer is not entitled to share your perception of value."
"Congratulations on 18 years! I believe my mom was purchasing things from you back in the beginning days."
"By confronting the criticism head-on and being transparent, Domino's began to win customers back."
"Earning trust with customers is a valuable business asset."
"Building rapport is crucial. People buy from people they know, they like, and they trust."
"We don't want you to be a customer; we want you to be family."
"We've had people that bought our products with seven dollars and then pay us 10 grand for mentorship."
"We are at the dawn of a new era where data, AI, CRM, and Trust help you connect with customers in a whole new way."
"Your long-term relationship with a customer, even if they tell you no, is going to dictate the success of your business."
"Brands can build engagement and really deepen their relationship with customers."
"You're the ultimate owner of the customer relationship."
"Selling your own products means you keep all the profit and that you own the relationship with the customer."
"When we talk about loyalty, we're actually talking about something that looks like loyalty, which is that customers keep shopping, they keep spending money."
"Don't always be closing, be consulting."
"...what we mean by that is we own the customer data."
"Our vision at Salesforce is that A.I. plus data, plus CRM will help you connect with your customers in a whole new way."
"The customers that have used me and that know me, they don't think about it, they don't worry about it."
"We always have the continual feedback and continual ownership of the accounts and the engagements."
"Use events to keep track of both online and offline meetings with your customers."
"When you go against who your brand is, that's like betraying your customer."
"Brands last longer than customers."
"The brand commitment matrix is like a contract between you and your customers."
"Trust is more important than price."
"We genuinely appreciate your trust."
"Opportunities are the initial opportunity and also subsequent opportunities that relate to either a new lead or prospect or an existing customer."
"You can see a list of the items that the customer has purchased, any qualification information you may have on this customer, and upsell details."
"Customers know that you are a business they can trust."
"Apple has a relationship with its customers, and it's a relationship that most of their customers want."
"You can build a relationship with the customer in a way that it's smooth, and you can do more business with that particular customer going forward."
"Every single business is the same: traffic, nurturing, building trust, making people actually like you and wanting to buy from you."
"People buy you first, the product second."
"There's a certain equity and faith and confidence that your customers have with you."
"The story of the next decade is going to be much more about front-end user value and owning that customer relationship."
"You need to be able to build trust with your potential target customer."
"A key account is a customer who has such a big impact on the market position of the organization that the gain or loss of the customer would cause considerable effects."
"If you're a small or growing business looking to improve your relationship with your customers, you're going to want to check out Salesforce."
"Customers buy from particular people, not just by searching."
"Once you already have a good trust relationship with a customer then it's much more easier to showcase the value you can provide."
"If you don't have goals established with your customers, you're never gonna know where you need to go with them."
"It's not keeping a logo as a customer, it's the people."
"If you go in there with that mindset, thinking 'Where can I find coverage?' and you build a rapport with the customer, they're going to love you."
"The goal of a service delivery manager is to have a longer-term relationship with the customer and be more proactive."
"Creating a product that adds a clear value to your customers' lives can't be just a nice to have; ideally, it should be an 'I can't live without it' type of relationship."
"Once you have that new contact in your system, you want to follow up with them through all of those channels, continue to build that customer relationship."
"It's much cheaper to sell to your existing customer base than to keep going out and acquiring new customers."
"That is what you are trying to build with potential customers, you want them to trust your site so that they finalize the purchase."
"We want to nurture our relationship with customers to ensure they're loyal."
"If you can create a service model, this is different because what you do is you create an ongoing relationship with your customers."
"Not only are you educating your customers, but you're also building that relationship with them and you're building a trust."
"We have to somehow earn the trust of customers that they're not going to misuse that information."
"Can you deliver on the promise that you are making? Can you sustain those customer relationships? Because if then, I believe hands down you can create a six-figure revenue stream."
"Building trust with your customers sounds expensive, but it doesn't have to be."
"Ask for the sale... in order to build that relationship with our audience and nurture them into becoming actual clients."
"Access to customers because I've always been a huge advocate for building your own website not only to save money on fees but also because you want to own your customer's information."
"To build an enduring, sustainable, long-term business and consumer brand, it's not about fancy marketing, it's about establishing a very powerful and unusual emotional relationship with the customer."
"The great thing about this product is it's not just telling us what's going on in the system, it's giving us as plumbers a closer relationship with our customers."
"You want a business where the customer is like a subscriber."
"The customer is completely yours and this is a huge advantage not many people know about."
"You're not just another number... they end up being a friend, a regular customer, and they feel comfortable in here."
"My father's been a customer of Anderson Shepard since 1954."
"We grew with our customers and so back in the early days, those companies were pretty small, but some of them started to become pretty big."
"We have to connect with our customers in a way that removes the sales barrier."
"After they sign up... how else can they work with you? How do you continue the relationship?"
"I connected very well with this particular customer and I felt like I really wanted to be a part of it and help them out."
"The qualities that I believe make me a good pharmacist are the ability to break the boundary that most people have between each other and actually build something with the customer, with the patient."
"Once you've built up that list, that's where true affiliate marketing comes in."
"Now suddenly there's a seal of trust."
"CRM is one of the most critical tools that you can use as a new travel business owner or as a new travel agent."
"Let's nurture him and turn him into an advocate—he likes us, but let's make him a super fan."
"Lightspeed collects customer information to create profiles so you can track their preferences and the history of their purchases which builds loyalty."
"We're trying to build up a long-term relationship, not just with a customer but with their garments."
"Allows you to build a full 360-degree picture of your customer activities."
"If you're able to diagnose their problem deeper than anyone else they've ever talked to, who are they going to trust more?"
"The biggest relationship is with the end customer."
"Sales and Distribution module manages customer relationships from quotation to billing."
"Create your own website... they can never kick you off and you'll get all that customer information."
"Service design is the kind of intangible aspects of how an organization seeks to build a relationship over time with its customers."
"When they trust you, they will be more willing to buy from you."
"It's not about asking, it's about building an actual relationship with a subscriber."
"Sharing progress with your list keeps your list engaged and keeps them excited about the product."
"What you have on that moment is the user's trust."
"The true appreciation of mobile as a way to change the relationships we have with our customers."
"We really stand by everything we do; we're really committed to the relationship with the people who are getting into this."
"We don't want to trick you into buying here; we want to educate you and we want to earn your business."