
CO2 Reduction Quotes

There are 51 quotes

"Our super plant is going to bury that CO2 in the ground in a stable polymer."
"One of the biggest selling points... is that regenerative farming produces far less CO2 and in fact can kind of act as a carbon sink."
"Nuclear power simply replaces CO2 emitting energy, which is why nuclear has saved more CO2 than any other technology."
"Making this green plastic produces 70% less CO2 and consumes 70% less energy than the production of fossil plastics."
"The world’s largest green hydrogen and green ammonia facility will save over 3 million tons of CO2 per year."
"We need to remove 10 billion tons of CO2 from the atmosphere every year by 2050."
"CO2 emissions from the power sector in particular are at the lowest level since 1978."
"Trees can help by trapping carbon dioxide, one of the most damaging greenhouse gases, from the atmosphere, replacing it with the oxygen we all need."
"Direct air and direct water capture where you literally pull the CO2 directly out of the air or water."
"If we have the ability to pull CO2 out of the air and regulate it, maybe even get some good out of it, isn't the argument not to do it just sort of pointless moralizing?"
"To solve climate we kind of need all the above permitting plans gas is the best and cleanest way to reduce coal which is the best way to reduce CO2."
"In 2063, celebrations erupted around the world as CO2 concentrations began to slowly fall."
"Additionally, there are zero emissions so you aren't directly contributing to CO2 emissions."
"We cannot reach the fleet emission targets regarding CO2 by improving technique on the combustion engines. It was not sufficient, so we thought about how can we reduce the CO2 footprint."
"Renewable clean energy and the reduction in the use of fossil fuels to reduce CO2 emissions."
"Mass timber could save 106 billion tons of CO2."
"Eliminate 1 million metric tons of CO2... making a big impact on the environment."
"Making biochar and putting it in the soil is actually not good for the environment. It is not going to reduce the CO2 in the air and therefore it's not going to help global warming."
"Farmers are increasing organic matter, potentially reducing CO2 levels significantly."
"A ton of CO2 reduced now is much more impactful than a ton of CO2 reducing 30 years since the sooner we can achieve Net Zero the lower the damage."
"...if every nation achieves its ambitious targets on increasing electric car ownership, it will reduce CO2 emissions in this decade by 235 million tons."
"My primary reason for getting an HRV was CO2 reduction."
"An electric car saves eighteen point seven tons of CO2 versus a new internal combustion engine car."
"It is here in Britain that we are leading the world in battery technology that will help cut CO2 and tackle climate change."
"Through the support that Biomason has had through the Department of Defense, through DARPA, for being able to make underwater living marine cement that continues to repair itself and grows and it pulls CO2 out of the water—those are the types of innovations that our future needs."
"The way to actually reduce CO2 is by this sustainable fuel."
"The overriding transformation, almost disruption of the auto industry, is going CO2 free."
"The production of which has 80% less CO2 than traditional materials."
"Most climate scientists agree that atmospheric CO2 levels must decrease to 350 parts per million for our continued survival."
"This first stage is designed to deliver a 31% reduction in CO2."
"The less we poke, the less CO2 we put into the atmosphere, the better."
"Investing in plant-based meat has by far the biggest impact on CO2 saved of any investment they can make."
"For every ton of CO2 that you don't emit, you also don't emit those dangerous pollutants, so that the health benefit for every ton of CO2 that you avoid emitting is $200."
"The basic premise that we need to move from CO2 emitting vehicles to much cleaner vehicles really warrants that we adapt these changes."
"You want to build power plants to earn points and to decrease the amount of CO2 in the air."
"COP26 made progress; it will reduce the total amount of CO2 we emit into the atmosphere."
"If you can cut down the CO2 emissions from the making of concrete by 30 percent, that's a big deal."
"Each Tesla car cuts an estimated 500 pounds of CO2 a year while reducing the need for gas."
"Motorbikes are half the average CO2 of a car and spend less time on the road."
"By using renewable energy, you reduce CO2 levels which are bad for the environment."
"Reducing CO2 footprint in any produced piece out of the car is one of the biggest engineering tasks for the next 10 years."
"The largest direct air capture plant will suck CO2 out of the atmosphere."
"In one week you prevented fifty kilograms of CO2 going into the atmosphere."
"It's thanks to plants that we've got a prayer; they pull CO2 from the air."
"About 220,000 grams of CO2 reduction would allow the users to plant one tree at a desert in Mongolia."
"We have to design a system that makes it incentive compatible to strive for reducing CO2 emissions."
"The trend toward clean energy is increasingly encouraged worldwide to minimize CO2 emissions."