
Anti-imperialism Quotes

There are 52 quotes

"North Koreans are constantly inundated with anti-imperialist propaganda especially against America."
"It's possible to oppose Russian imperialism and U.S. imperialism at the same time."
"If you're an Anti-Imperialist, you're an Anti-Imperialist... It's not a unipolar world anymore."
"So right now they're trying to keep Tulsi out of the debate stage... because she's the one who speaks the strongest against our imperialism and she speaks up the strongest against the military-industrial complex."
"The goal is to overturn this system of imperialism and build a society where the needs of people come first."
"Putin, you are leading the fight against imperialism... you are leading our fight."
"A victory for Lula is another hit to the US's Monroe Doctrine and its imperialist subversion and domination."
"The heads of African States should not behave like puppets in the hands of the imperialists."
"This is like the definition of self-determination, the definition of anti-imperialism."
"Beyond the label of communism or anti-communism Vietnam at its core simply wanted to break free from the domination of larger powers."
"Now is the time for a new generation of Americans to revive the legacy of FDR and Lincoln and rise up to relegate the British Empire to the trash bin of history once and for all."
"They are playing up U.S. foreign policy goals and trying to stigmatize and isolate those who oppose U.S. imperialism legitimate anti-imperialist anti-war voices mainly by trying to equate them with the far right."
"The task of the left in the imperialist countries is to support third-world revolutionary and liberation struggles materially."
"Support for Russia, China, and anti-imperialist countries and opposition to Wall Street walk hand in hand."
"I really hope Ukraine manages to defend itself against Putin's imperialist fucking aggression."
"Many African nations are supportive of Russia they're kind of anti-imperialism European imperialism you know kind of Western European imperialism and so they've turned towards like China and Russia for support."
"Let the people of the region decide what they want. Don't dictate on them based on foreign recipes and interests."
"America has to stop this Empire building these regime change wars has to stop violating international law this the world is an arts to go and conquer and to kill whoever we want."
"The true anti-imperialism all along came from capitalism."
"The power of friendship really is inherently Anti-Imperialist."
"Judaism was born as a protest movement, a protest against empires and imperialism."
"If you oppose Ukraine defending itself, you're pro-imperialism, not anti-war."
"You can't be a socialist unless you're an anti-imperialist." - Chris Hedges
"Palestinians are committed to Liberation, anti-imperialism, and anti-colonialism."
"There has been an attempt by right-wing elements including far-right fascistic elements to co-opt anti-war rhetoric and even Anti-Imperialist rhetoric."
"We need to reject the idea of ruling the world."
"I think it's important to condemn imperialism."
"We should be opposed to all imperialism, overthrowing governments, and aggression and violence."
"All that talk about inter-imperialism, but who are till now this great Anti-Imperialist friends of Russia? It is Iran, sorry. It's tremendously important what is happening there. It's an incredible thing how women are on the top of an authentic Revolution."
"If we are really sincere in our desire to see the end of imperialism in Africa."
"The lesson is don't do imperialism, don't do it, don't f***ing do it."
"Acts of terror like the destruction of Alderaan only served to radicalize rebel groups while also driving sympathy for anti-imperial causes."
"It united people to fight against imperialism."
"One has to be always resolutely opposed to all forms of colonialism, imperialism, and oppression."
"...practiced solidarity with other socialist states countries and Liberation movements fighting for independence from colonialism."
"...how did social Estates like the gdr organize their Anti-Imperialist solidarity during the 20th century."
"Herder was a staunch pluralist and saw pluralism and imperialism as antagonistic to one another."
"The true antithesis to imperialism is the destruction of the very structures which produce empires and the only entity which can achieve such an affair, is a stateless and direct control by the masses."
"I believe that my writing in Gikuyu language, a Kenyan language, an African language, is part and parcel of the anti-imperialist struggles of Kenyan and African peoples."
"The city-state represents the people that are part of the city rather than trying to be an oppressive dominating empire."