
Global Collaboration Quotes

There are 67 quotes

"We're partnering with educators all across the globe, wealth builders across the planet; the Black Business School is in full effect."
"What we need is the world to come together at this moment, not to talk about our national programs, but how do we, as a world, pool our best science, our best resources."
"I think that we as a whole world population have the capacity to do amazing things and reverse it."
"Africa's growth story becomes a case study for forging global collaborations, prioritizing shared growth over historical power dynamics."
"It's been brought to the global forefront, and with this attention, some solutions and endeavors to work together could help curb this recurrent crisis."
"Shondren 3 is not just a mission for India; it's a mission for humans."
"Collaboration is key for a worldwide space economy."
"We have to mobilize all constituents of our global society to work together. We must not miss this unique window of opportunity."
"We're thoughtfully integrating the best of Google, and working with developer and partners all around the world to bring Voice and Visuals together in a completely new way for the home."
"Let's take all the tech available in the world, let's take all the power available in the world and make it a reality."
"At NASA, we are so fortunate to have all of these friends and colleagues around the globe."
"The real politic of it is that we need collaboration for things like climate change."
"Scientists worldwide are striving... the secrets of water."
"Imagine getting everyone in the world helping do this research."
"I invite any government, all governments on the face of the earth, to put their greatest social ecologists and economists and philosophers and politicians and diplomats together and let's have a meeting."
"It has enabled me to work with companies in India, in the UK, and in the US. This is my Flutter story."
"We should treasure these differences, these initiatives, and efforts and learn from each other."
"Italy sets the stage for a future where international collaboration is at the forefront."
"Italy's commitment to fostering collaboration, innovation, and solutions transcends geographical boundaries."
"A global effort that unites municipal, regional, and national governments, private sector partners, and cities residents."
"Let's resist any temptation to bemoan the changes around us. Let's build a coalition for openness and innovation reaching beyond established alliances and the confines of geography."
"We need to mobilize our shared experience to create an early warning system for the next pathogen."
"We need only look to the United Nations Secretary General, to the IMF, the EU, as Petersburg climate dialogue, the Canadian government, the COP 26, universities Network, and Business Leaders around the world to see this."
"This is not just a NASA thing; this is a collaboration, this is a humankind thing."
"This mission is a shining Testament to human Ingenuity and transformative power of global collaboration."
"Software development is actually a global team sport."
"I've made it a mission this year and in the coming years to really do some serious outreach with UFO researchers from around the world."
"2022 will be a very fundamentally important year for a lot of countries coming together."
"Now's the time to avoid the tower, fortify democracy, and work collectively as a world."
"We had a really wonderful time at our booth. We had over 25 different developers from all over the world hanging out with us, and it was just incredible."
"It doesn't matter what country you're from... as long as you've got the right mindset, the right work ethic, the right resources, you can make this work."
"Rebuilding trust: This is not a time for conflicts or polarization. This is a time to build trust. This is a time to drive global collaboration more than ever before."
"Now even though there's only a few of us in this video I'd like to extend a big thank you to all our staff around the globe who've been putting their heart and soul into bringing Squadron 42 to life."
"The world needs China and the United States to work together for a better future."
"We have three billion new minds coming online to work with us to solve the Grand Challenges."
"I love seeing the world come together and unite behind something like this."
"...you can see people forming collectives from all different parts of the world and having like a way stronger legal system, judicial system, arbitration system, fund management system, governance system than they ever would in any of their respective jurisdictions."
"The power of innovation: creative minds from across the globe developed hundreds of new and exciting ideas for how to design toilets."
"We are ready to undertake new projects to strengthen a free world."
"The biggest virtue of this program is its link to a biorepository... that tissue can be discovered through the registry and then sent to investigators anywhere in the world who want to work on human lymphatic problems."
"At the turn of the century, the $200 billion semiconductor manufacturing industry across the globe joined hands and underwent a massive transition, maybe the last of its kind."
"We need broad international and multi-professional representation from not only critical care but also parents and families, anthropologists, and psychologists."
"I'm gonna spin this globe and wherever my finger lands, I'm gonna find an artist from that country to collaborate with me on a song and see what happens."
"The best talent around the world... enables countries and companies to collaborate across the globe."
"Everyone in the world could post a single pixel and update it every few minutes, building this collective collaborative artwork across the globe."
"We are going to be in this more collaborative part of the world."
"Thank you so much for coming halfway around the world to make this happen."
"That's really cool that we can do it on a global level."
"We're very fortunate that we get to work with each and every one of you across the world."
"This should serve as a warning. Law enforcement worldwide can and does work together to combat crime across the international borders that impact our citizens worldwide."
"It incorporates all the best that is available in modern aviation science both in Russia and in the world."
"We believe that the human element across our global teams is what allows us to continually evolve."
"Strong attention to detail and the flexibility to work with global teams."
"Truly you need a global team, and what I like to say about this is that it focuses only on what brings us together."
"We have German speakers here, Italian speakers, Chinese speakers, French speakers, and we work in close relation with our distributors in many countries around the world."
"We are working with AI ecosystems across the world to deliver these emerging AI technologies."
"We have to work on having a global regulatory environment."
"Increased global participation in multi-regional clinical trials provides a framework to establish regulatory experience for countries around the world."
"It's good to see people from all over the world come together for these and learn to automate things together."
"Altering the systems involved in fast fashion which operate on a global scale will require massive human collaboration."
"She'll be crewed by supporters from around the world."
"We're excited for a platform that makes it possible to really rapidly share data around the world with everybody."
"It fosters a global group of creators building ambitious software solutions that will shape the technological landscape of future generations."
"With binder, anyone in the world can run that code."