
Ordinariness Quotes

There are 174 quotes

"Celestia's worst fear was being like a normal ordinary person."
"You are special because you are average and ordinary and you've done something extraordinary with your life."
"Celebrities who needs them we all have them they're just like us."
"He is a normal man who did something extraordinary."
"What could be more common, more humble, more ordinary?"
"The sheer ordinariness and the mundanity of this book is what makes the ending of the book and the development of this book so much harder hitting."
"If you're not willing to risk the unusual, you'll have to settle for the ordinary."
"I'm just trying to show people I'm kind of an ordinary guy." - John Hinckley
"An unlikely hero, an ordinary man who simply took a stand."
"For most of us, he was a sweet but unremarkable guy."
"The strange thing about Dogmeat is that there's nothing strange about Dogmeat."
"I'm up here today not because I'm extraordinary, but because I've survived so many temporary difficulties."
"He is just a regular guy... his early characterization is in fact fundamentally unheroic."
"There's nothing particularly special about me or the others that stood with me. We are Ordinary People."
"Everybody loves a hero story, but people love hero stories even more when the hero in question was just your average everyday walking Joe who was thrust into greatness."
"God will use common situations to invite you into extraordinary callings."
"Cesaro is just an ordinary guy who excels at his craft that's better than everybody else."
"I did BBC Breakfast, which might seem just you know pretty mundane."
"As crazy as things get, that's terrible and tragic and just plain stupid, there's nothing more wonderfully ordinary as two kids falling for each other."
"I'm nobody special, but that's part of the reason why I think I resonate with a lot of people."
"I'm just an ordinary guy... nothing especially special about me."
"It was supposed to reinforce that image of him just being this average guy who found himself in a really serious and deadly situation."
"You can be an ordinary human being and an extraordinary intellectual all rolled into one."
"I say all this to you so you have some idea that I have a good but pretty ordinary life."
"A lot of season three or you know uh at one point in season three you know there is a moment that aaron realizes that he's not some chosen one he's not special."
"It's just utterly completely ordinary and simple, there are no levels, there's nothing but what is right."
"There is nothing special about Pascal Crites. I'm as ordinary as your yesterday's work boots."
"...he's just a typical Average Joe."
"Henry of Scarlets is the most interesting character I've ever played as, and it is precisely his ordinariness that makes him so likeable, so relatable."
"God uses incredibly ordinary people."
"It's just like one of those weeks you know what I mean where it's like not anything crazy is happening."
"She wore a burgundy polo and her hair was blonde... Her nose wasn't big or small, and neither were her lips. She was remarkably unremarkable."
"God chooses ordinary people to do His extraordinary work."
"Man size, it's like such a mundane story compared to like probably any of those other 300 random reports around the area."
"The book of Ruth invites us to consider how God might be at work in the very ordinary, mundane details of our lives as well."
"Somehow for all her ordinariness, there was something striking about her."
"We're very ordinary people doing an amazing job out there in life."
"It's about an ordinary woman grieving for her ordinary son."
"He had that capacity to make you feel that he was just a really ordinary person doing extraordinary things."
"I know this is going to disappoint you, but I think it should be in an ordinary sort of house in a street like the one we used to live in."
"Guys will be like, 'There he is, the man, the myth, the legend,' and it's just some dude named Greg."
"He reduced himself down and he came as an ordinary humble man."
"Saitama represents the regular guy to a lot of these people."
"Racism isn't exclusive to hooded torch-bearing mobs, but is often ordinary people who are perfectly decent until confronted by something outside their comfort zone."
"The process is in fact mysterious, but the nuts and bolts of it are hopelessly everyday."
"The ordinary suffused with the divine."
"This is Idaho Sagebrush country, very ordinary to the eye, yet a land of exotic names."
"In those ordinary moments when you put them together over time, God does extraordinary things."
"You are just a very ordinary man, and that very ordinary man comes into a very extraordinary situation."
"There's nothing that special about myself or Sarah and some of the things that we've been able to accomplish; it's just hard work."
"He's an ordinary bloke but he's doing an extraordinary job."
"God can use ordinary people to do extraordinary things."
"Most people in the world are ordinary people."
"If you want to help them, you must be willing to be an ordinary person."
"After all, we're only ordinary men, me and you."
"These are regular people, these are ordinary people as part of an extraordinary seismic change in American history."
"God uses ordinary people to do extraordinary things."
"The world is full of pretty ordinary people. It's not hard to be different."
"Do the extra things that ordinary people don't do."
"God can use the most unlikely of heroes and the most ordinary tools to accomplish great things."
"He was a normal kid, a normal 16-year-old. Nothing out of the ordinary."
"It's so simple and completely ordinary."
"Our self is very ordinary, the most ordinary element of experience."
"Most people are normal, most people are just normal people."
"The movement of transformation is towards an ever more ordinary kind of life, which can almost completely conceal the enormous work of grace that is going on in that place."
"We're ordinary men in an extraordinary situation; we did the best we could."
"People like me don't do things like that... there's nothing extraordinary or special about any of us, we're just people who have given it a go."
"I'm an ordinary bloke, but ah, now the big but, Keith, you do extraordinary things."
"Everything around me and you, everything that was built around us, was built by ordinary people who are no different than you and me."
"We were both ordinary men, he and I; yet he, from the ordinary, created legends."
"We only see the achievements of successful people, but in reality, 99% of people are just like you and me, ordinary people."
"I'm just an ordinary employee like that; an ordinary way of working, an ordinary life, not making big waves."
"Jesus chose 12 men; they weren't kings, they weren't priests, they were ordinary average men."
"Our God gives us love for these ordinary things in the monastic life."
"The very ordinariness of our last interchange was quite comforting."
"The whole world is a series of miracles, but we're so used to them we call them ordinary things." - Hans Christian Andersen
"We all have a mundane life pretty much."
"He was a young man so apparently ordinary that for five years he was able to elude the biggest manhunt in British criminal history."
"Twelve Ordinary Men has been a well-received book and encouraging to see how the story of how the Lord uses very, very ordinary people."
"They are not other worldly, they are not nearly divine, they are not the cream of the crop among men."
"They are the foundation of the church and it all depends on twelve men whose most notable characteristic is that they were just plain ordinary men."
"As ordinary as they were, they were given the highest calling, the highest commission ever held by any human being."
"He doesn't need perfect people; he just wants to use average, ordinary, broken people like us."
"God does some uncommon things through common people in common places."
"Be an ordinary person, one of the human race."
"Being awakened to your real nature, be absolutely like the ordinary."
"It's one of those sad, silly, ordinary explanations which lie behind most criminal acts," he went on at last.
"We're just like any other ordinary American family with lots of activities."
"We need to protect ourselves from thinking that we are ordinary."
"Some of them has he made high days, and hallowed them, and some of them has he made ordinary days."
"She's ordinary, she's brilliant, she's got this beautiful daughter, she's happy."
"Is not life in the midst of ordinary things filled with the most extraordinary things?"
"Everydayness highlights the fact that what we see here is nothing exceptional and doesn't serve a higher purpose."
"You feel the nobility of this regular guy because he's just living his ordinary life."
"They were ordinary people who were trusting in an extraordinary savior."
"Ordinariness is the enemy of miracles."
"He's this man with extraordinary skills but he's just a dude."
"It's amazing how God just takes us by surprise and he does amazing things, and he uses ordinary people to do incredible things."
"He's an extraordinary combination of being an ordinary guy, but having a big talent."
"What is ordinary for others can be special for me."
"God has always delighted in using ordinary people to accomplish the most extraordinary things."
"The fact that you do something ordinary and God makes it impact people's lives in a way that they will not recover from, positively, is amazing."
"There's nothing special about me... if I can do this, it's a motivation to somebody."
"The individual who has any essential superiority of the true kind within himself is the first to recognize that he is ordinary."
"He's our most ordinary person but also our most extraordinary person."
"They were the most extraordinary ordinary men I've ever known."
"He was a man like other men; he removed fleas from his garment and milked his sheep."
"Everything is so ordinary, in a sense, things lose their color, and in a sense, things become more precious."
"It's like they're just this weird part of people's lives; it can be a hundred percent ordinary and average in every other way."
"But an ordinary person is all I want to be."
"Basil was just detail-oriented, methodical, and didn't really have any particular talent; he just worked really hard."
"The most remarkable things seem commonplace."
"Active focus isn't actually that big of a deal. It's actually really ordinary, really mundane; it's really not that special, but it is that important."
"God uses ordinary people to do extraordinary things so God Himself can get the glory from it."
"The extraordinary blessing of God on the ordinary means of grace."
"We humans are pretty ordinary, we're no superheroes with superpowers."
"The people that you use are ordinary people, real people, people that by your grace alone were chosen, enabled, and used for your glory."
"But being ordinary doesn't have to mean bland or ineffectual or forgettable."
"I'm just a regular, ordinary girl just like you."
"I kind of love the fact that she's just an average little bastard girl."
"I was just an ordinary girl with an ordinary job and an ordinary life."
"I actually don't see myself as being special, because I'm not. Not really."
"I like Ordinary People who carry the supernatural; I love them, it's a better packaging, that's how Jesus was."
"Always aim to die an ordinary person."
"I'm just an ordinary guy, ordinary user, just like everyone else."
"It becomes the ordinary, it becomes the norm."
"Scenes of ordinary everyday life could be great art."
"The ordinary man has always been sane because the ordinary man has always been a mystic."
"Deep down, I'm just an ordinary guy doing ordinary things."
"The most terribly important things must be left to ordinary men themselves."
"You don't need to be an extraordinary person to create this wonderful conversation and this spectacular relationship."
"This is the story of the seemingly ordinary man."
"Do ordinary things with extraordinary love."
"Look at what Christ has done with somebody so ordinary and now look at what he's doing through somebody so ordinary."
"Heroes are usually ordinary people; it's their actions that are extraordinary."
"...the most fully-developed, deeply motivated characters are always the most compelling, no matter how ordinary they might be."
"Everyone is wonderfully ordinary."
"When everything is supposed to be extraordinary, everything is ordinary."
"I think Andor is going to be that normal person who gets swept up into the larger rebellion."
"We are all ordinary people. We just want to live the life of ordinary people."
"We need to humanize these people and recognize for the most part they are remarkably ordinary people."
"Welcome to the Ordinary Guy Garage, I'm Scott, just an ordinary guy."
"We are just ordinary people; what makes us extraordinary is what is added on us."