
Regionalism Quotes

There are 81 quotes

"We need to respect our regional differences but remember that we're all Canadian."
"It is good for regions to form such communities, but we should not be exclusive. We should try and work with each other; all the regions should work with each other because in the so-called globalized world, you can't ever separate yourself into distinct communities which are not in confrontation with other communities."
"Hollywood does not represent middle America."
"Let's not cheapen ourselves by dividing along Western and Eastern lines. We are Africans."
"We need a more regional, diverse food system."
"Cybertruck is going to be an American-only vehicle."
"The South has by far the highest Church attendance rate of any region in the US."
"I forget which region it is in America where they call all soda Coke."
"Thank goodness we live in the State of Jefferson."
"Don't call the people liverpoolers; you have liverpudlians, but also you have what I prefer to call the people here scousers."
"Jackie, I just want to let y'all know there's something that exists in Virginia and I think they eat it in DC, but mainly Virginia, it's called 'Pork Yacht.' It is spaghetti noodles, with soy sauce and ketchup, and pork and chicken, and onions, boiled eggs."
"I feel like there's a lot of pressure on me because I'm from the south."
"Everybody was Ow something in Massachusetts."
"He said, 'You politic the way you politick on the East Coast because that's the way it was set in place. Our politic out here the way I do because that's the way it's set in place.'"
"The reality is that this idea of self for the Western Cape to become independent is going to grow."
"That was a little taste of English, the version of English that they would speak in North Carolina."
"They always have way bigger menus... way more regional menus."
"I love the architecture by region, the fact that you have these different architectural vernaculars."
"I mean from Wisconsin uh you know nothing can compete with uh cheese curds I was gonna say the corn the corn fields you know in the middle of the summer right you're flying over all the fields the trees fall colors but having some like real terrain."
"I'm a Wisconsin guy, I feel like there's something I'm very Wisconsin adjacent."
"He is Wisconsin's most important writer of place, writer about Wisconsin."
"They wanted to attack you because you were Northern, because you were working class, blah, blah, blah."
"All the beef [ __ ] [ __ ] the beef. Y'all beef is like some Memphis [ __ ] that don't nobody give a [ __ ] about but [ __ ] in Memphis. The world way bigger [ __ ] than the M. Like [ __ ] beef, Memphis beef, bro."
"You think Houston got the baddest women, you know? Definitely got the... in the US, yeah. They up there. City of Houston, for sure. They just built different. They built different down south, man."
"Tim hot and it must be like open up in like the dirty south."
"Every province really has its own personality which is a lot like what Americans would say about our states so that's pretty cool."
"Do you ever find it odd how people around the US say different words for soda?"
"People do realize a California person when you keep it California, you feel me? From anywhere, you could tell a California dude from anywhere, you feel me?"
"California is really four separate states."
"West Coast streetwear is better than New York streetwear."
"I think LA is more influential than New York in the last five years."
"Hey y'all! All the Cowboys in Texas gotta say y'all."
"I wonder what the locality differences are between people saying 'Mario' and 'Mario'."
"It would be much better for countries in Africa south of the Sahara to cooperate among each other than to look too far away from their countries for cooperation."
"We North Carolinians say we live in the valley of humility surrounded by two mountains of conceit."
"We're just north of you, I think we're a little bit friendlier, and we say 'eh' at the end of everything."
"We're starting to see African countries come together regionally, and we're starting to see these groups form, and it's a beautiful thing to watch."
"Canada is incredibly diverse, with tons of territories and provinces, each with their own individual cultures and identities that are very different."
"You're from the South if you know where over yonder is."
"This individualism distinguishes the South from the North."
"I'm Julius Pepperwood... I'm from Chicago. Thin-crust pizza? No thank you, I'm from Chicago."
"We're not about the city of Fresno, we're about the whole San Joaquin Valley."
"Every region and sub-region in the U.S has cultural differences and quirks that might be considered odd in other regions."
"Hip hop is very regional and so is country."
"Germany really is a country built on its regions."
"British cows moo in regional accents."
"I am fully in favor of the idea of regional trade blocks."
"Labour can't get back into number 10 unless they win back a good chunk of the Red Wall."
"Regionalism as a first hesitant political step to break the hold of nation-states."
"We don't say 'aboot'; we say 'about'."
"All us hosers are proud to be Canadian, especially if you're an Easterner."
"What do you call this fizzy drink? If you're from the North, you might say pop."
"American history through southern eyes: examining our nation's past from a regional perspective."
"The people are very proud not just of being French but proud of their regions, proud of their cities."
"Everything is better in Texas, and it's bigger."
"Brazil's massive size is not just the context for understanding its history of regionalism and a weak central state; it's a driver of those things."
"Brazil's long nineteenth century was a period of weak national integration and extreme regionalism."
"Brazil stands out as the one that eschewed such integration."
"The absence of similar patterns deepened Brazilian regionalism both during Empire and Republic."
"I'm feeling like a champion in my side of the country right now."
"There is something so charming about regional accents; it just lowers your guard and makes you feel like what they're saying is so off the cuff and truthful."
"The government of the Eastern Jin Dynasty acted more like an oligarchy that balanced various regional interests rather than a centralized state with the emperor in the capital holding near absolute power."
"Some people say pecan, I grew up saying pecan."
"Show solidarity and mutual support towards regional fellow citizens."
"Western Australians have always been an independent bunch."
"Native plants give us a sense of where we are in this great land of ours. I want Texas to look like Texas and Vermont to look like Vermont."
"This ain't Kansas, this ain't Oklahoma, this is Alabama."
"It means something different to everybody in Tennessee."
"We cannot afford to lose Northern California. We won't."
"I think there's a prejudice against the south in Hollywood."